Trump Pentagon official under investigation...............


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Today, it came out that Trump's Pentagon spokeswoman is under investigation. She has been tasking her staff with running personal errands for her like picking up her dry cleaning.

And, she has been doing this with military personnel. She apparently doesn't realize what an unlawful order is, and she is abusing her position something fierce. If a person is appointed in a position of authority over military personnel, they can have them do things that are part of their normal duties, but are NEVER authorized to have them do crap like mow the lawn and run errands. Those are what is called unlawful orders.

I wonder how Mad Dog Mattis (the one who appointed her), is gonna handle this? Personally? I think she should be fired, because she apparently doesn't know what she can and can't do when it comes to military personnel.

Someone on her staff should school her about the UCMJ and what she can and can't do with military.

Investigators are eyeballing one of the Defense Department’s top civilian advisers for allegedly retaliating against staffers who complained after she ordered them to run personal errands for her on the taxpayers’ dime.

The department’s Inspector General is investigating Dana White, a Trump administration political appointee who works as the Pentagon’s chief spokeswoman, CNN reported.

White had staffers pick up her drycleaning, hit the pharmacy for snacks and pantyhose and work on her personal mortgage paperwork among other tasks, the network reported, citing a quartet of sources.

Her staffers also charged that she had them transferred against their will after they lodged complaints about the way she treated them.
Today, it came out that Trump's Pentagon spokeswoman is under investigation. She has been tasking her staff with running personal errands for her like picking up her dry cleaning.

And, she has been doing this with military personnel. She apparently doesn't realize what an unlawful order is, and she is abusing her position something fierce. If a person is appointed in a position of authority over military personnel, they can have them do things that are part of their normal duties, but are NEVER authorized to have them do crap like mow the lawn and run errands. Those are what is called unlawful orders.

I wonder how Mad Dog Mattis (the one who appointed her), is gonna handle this? Personally? I think she should be fired, because she apparently doesn't know what she can and can't do when it comes to military personnel.

Someone on her staff should school her about the UCMJ and what she can and can't do with military.

Investigators are eyeballing one of the Defense Department’s top civilian advisers for allegedly retaliating against staffers who complained after she ordered them to run personal errands for her on the taxpayers’ dime.

The department’s Inspector General is investigating Dana White, a Trump administration political appointee who works as the Pentagon’s chief spokeswoman, CNN reported.

White had staffers pick up her drycleaning, hit the pharmacy for snacks and pantyhose and work on her personal mortgage paperwork among other tasks, the network reported, citing a quartet of sources.

Her staffers also charged that she had them transferred against their will after they lodged complaints about the way she treated them.

More swamp gas infects the White House.
Did the Russians make her do it? ..... :dunno:

What kind of a question is that? She decided that since she was a top official, she should be able to have her staff do errands for her.

Good thing that I don't work for her. First time she told me to do something like that, I would inform her that her order is unlawful according to the UCMJ, and I have no obligation to carry out said order, so I refuse, but if she wanted me to do something that is in line with my official duties, I'd be more than happy to oblige.

Second time? I'd end up at Captain's Mast for telling her "Fuck off ya idiot civilian, I'm not following unlawful orders".
Today, it came out that Trump's Pentagon spokeswoman is under investigation. She has been tasking her staff with running personal errands for her like picking up her dry cleaning.

And, she has been doing this with military personnel. She apparently doesn't realize what an unlawful order is, and she is abusing her position something fierce. If a person is appointed in a position of authority over military personnel, they can have them do things that are part of their normal duties, but are NEVER authorized to have them do crap like mow the lawn and run errands. Those are what is called unlawful orders.

I wonder how Mad Dog Mattis (the one who appointed her), is gonna handle this? Personally? I think she should be fired, because she apparently doesn't know what she can and can't do when it comes to military personnel.

Someone on her staff should school her about the UCMJ and what she can and can't do with military.

Investigators are eyeballing one of the Defense Department’s top civilian advisers for allegedly retaliating against staffers who complained after she ordered them to run personal errands for her on the taxpayers’ dime.

The department’s Inspector General is investigating Dana White, a Trump administration political appointee who works as the Pentagon’s chief spokeswoman, CNN reported.

White had staffers pick up her drycleaning, hit the pharmacy for snacks and pantyhose and work on her personal mortgage paperwork among other tasks, the network reported, citing a quartet of sources.

Her staffers also charged that she had them transferred against their will after they lodged complaints about the way she treated them.

More swamp gas infects the White House.

Nope, that wasn't swamp gas, that was a critter brought in special by Mattis to be the Pentagon spokesperson. And, considering how much respect Mattis has for the rules and the military, I wonder how he feels about his appointee abusing the military she has assigned to her?

Like I said, first time she told me to do something like that, I would politely refuse and inform her that unlawful orders aren't allowed under the UCMJ, as well as would inform her as to what a lawful and unlawful order was.

Second time? I'd go to mast for telling the bitch to fuck off.
Ticky fucking tac....just think if Obama's butt was sniffed as much as Trump's by the fake news media.....
from her bio-

Prior to this role, Ms. White was the founder and CEO of 1055 Grady LLC, a leadership and strategic communications consultancy firm in Washington, D.C. that specialized in developing the talents and skills of senior leaders, including executives, political appointees, candidates and elected officials. From September 2012 through September 2015, she was the Director of Policy and Strategic Communications for the Renault-Nissan Alliance in Paris, France. She also served as a Professional Staff Member on the Armed Services Committee of the U.S. Senate. Her responsibilities included oversight of U.S Pacific Command, U.S. Africa Command, U.S. Southern Command, U.S. European Command, and the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, counter-narcotics and nonproliferation. Ms. White was also a foreign policy adviser on the 2008 presidential campaign of Senator John McCain (R-AZ). Prior to joining the Senate Armed Services Committee, she was an editorial writer for the Wall Street Journal based in Hong Kong and the Taiwan Country Director in the Office of the Secretary of Defense.


Amazing no one had a problem with her until now...
Today, it came out that Trump's Pentagon spokeswoman is under investigation. She has been tasking her staff with running personal errands for her like picking up her dry cleaning.

And, she has been doing this with military personnel. She apparently doesn't realize what an unlawful order is, and she is abusing her position something fierce. If a person is appointed in a position of authority over military personnel, they can have them do things that are part of their normal duties, but are NEVER authorized to have them do crap like mow the lawn and run errands. Those are what is called unlawful orders.

I wonder how Mad Dog Mattis (the one who appointed her), is gonna handle this? Personally? I think she should be fired, because she apparently doesn't know what she can and can't do when it comes to military personnel.

Someone on her staff should school her about the UCMJ and what she can and can't do with military.

Investigators are eyeballing one of the Defense Department’s top civilian advisers for allegedly retaliating against staffers who complained after she ordered them to run personal errands for her on the taxpayers’ dime.

The department’s Inspector General is investigating Dana White, a Trump administration political appointee who works as the Pentagon’s chief spokeswoman, CNN reported.

White had staffers pick up her drycleaning, hit the pharmacy for snacks and pantyhose and work on her personal mortgage paperwork among other tasks, the network reported, citing a quartet of sources.

Her staffers also charged that she had them transferred against their will after they lodged complaints about the way she treated them.
Like I said, first time she told me to do something like that, I would politely refuse and inform her that unlawful orders aren't allowed under the UCMJ, as well as would inform her as to what a lawful and unlawful order was.

No, I would have done it and fucked it up so badly that she’d never ask (or order) me to do anything like that again.
In 2003, she was appointed country director for Taiwan in the US Department of Defense and was awarded the Medal of Exceptional Service.

I suspect is has something to do with this, they probably haven’t been able to break her-

Committee aides said the closed hearing allows members to discuss classified information and make the best possible funding decisions. And Mattis and Dunford have already testified in an open hearing with the House Armed Services Committee this year; they’ll do so again with its Senate counterpart on Thursday.

But the appropriations committee’s decision to keep their public oversight private comes at a time when the Pentagon has been clamping down on media engagement and becoming less transparent with data and information. Mattis and service leaders have repeatedly told their people to be more circumspect in their public communications.

“What I don’t want is pre-decisional information, or classified information or any information about upcoming military movements or operations, which is the normal loose lips sink ships kind of restriction,” the defense secretary said when asked about it in the HASC hearing earlier this month. “Otherwise I want more engagement with the military and I don’t want to see an increased opaqueness about what we are doing.”

That guidance, and similar statements last year, have chilled communications between the military and the public, whether leaders meant it to or not. When questioned, Pentagon leaders have repeatedly said that they are willing to be candid with lawmakers — and the American public should trust in their representatives and military even if all the details don’t make it into the open.

“We’ve been very clear with the Congress, behind closed doors, about what we need,” Pentagon spokesperson Dana White said in January. “And we will continue to be very candid with them. But the American people need to be confident that we’re ready to fight tonight.”
Top DOD Spokeswoman Asked Staff to Grab Her Laundry and Pick Up Snacks


Just looking at the picture, this doesn’t surprise me. You?

Okay! Okay! I’m being racists. Stereotyping an individual.

A Trump appointee working close to Secretary Mattis.

Does the Secretary know about this? I bet he’s not going to be happy if he hears of this.

Now, the Department of Defense Office of the Inspector General is reportedly investigating White for potential ethics violations, as the Pentagon's ethics standards clearly state that "a DoD official may not direct or request subordinates to use official time to perform any activities other than official activities."

However, when asked, the IG wouldn’t comment.

More @ The top DoD spokeswoman is allegedly under investigation for asking her staff to grab her laundry and pick up snacks

Oh, and her official bio is @ Dana W. White > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Biography View

Ms. White has a Bachelor of Arts in East Asian Languages and Civilization from the University of Chicago. She studied at Capital University of Economics and Business in Beijing and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul. She speaks Mandarin Chinese and French.

This qualified her for the job?
Today, it came out that Trump's Pentagon spokeswoman is under investigation. She has been tasking her staff with running personal errands for her like picking up her dry cleaning.

And, she has been doing this with military personnel. She apparently doesn't realize what an unlawful order is, and she is abusing her position something fierce. If a person is appointed in a position of authority over military personnel, they can have them do things that are part of their normal duties, but are NEVER authorized to have them do crap like mow the lawn and run errands. Those are what is called unlawful orders.

I wonder how Mad Dog Mattis (the one who appointed her), is gonna handle this? Personally? I think she should be fired, because she apparently doesn't know what she can and can't do when it comes to military personnel.

Someone on her staff should school her about the UCMJ and what she can and can't do with military.

Investigators are eyeballing one of the Defense Department’s top civilian advisers for allegedly retaliating against staffers who complained after she ordered them to run personal errands for her on the taxpayers’ dime.

The department’s Inspector General is investigating Dana White, a Trump administration political appointee who works as the Pentagon’s chief spokeswoman, CNN reported.

White had staffers pick up her drycleaning, hit the pharmacy for snacks and pantyhose and work on her personal mortgage paperwork among other tasks, the network reported, citing a quartet of sources.

Her staffers also charged that she had them transferred against their will after they lodged complaints about the way she treated them.
not a lot there, but if true, full reason to remove her.

would not fetch and carry for a civilian, never fucking ever.

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