Trump: people who say "freedom of speech!" are "foolish people"

Trump: people who say "freedom of speech!" are "foolish people"

Donald Trump Suggests 'Freedom Of Expression' Is Hurting Fight Against Terrorism | Huffington Post

These are NEW comments:
“Somebody will say, ‘Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech,’” Trump said. “These are foolish people. We have a lot of foolish people.”

“We should arrest the people that do that because they’re participating in crime,” Trump continued. “We should arrest them. Instead they say, ‘Oh no, you can’t do anything, that’s freedom of expression.’”

He also said in the past:
Trump voiced concerns in the past about free expression, including calling in December for “closing” up parts of the internet.

Ben franklin once said, that if we choose security over freedom. Well, we wouldn't have either. If you're truly a constitutional conservative how the hell can you vote for this man? Have some self respect on election day.
You don't have to be conservator to agree with this. Trump has never shown he has any faith in the democratic process. He's an autocratic who believes a leader rules by power, not by consent of the people.
Cherry picking out of context quotes, how regressive of you. It's really sad you have sold yourself for a few pieces of silver.
What? Is he joking again and does not actually think people who believe in freedom of expression are foolish? Explain your candidate since you feel compelled to defend him.

Try looking up the speeches those quotes came from and get the full context, you're the one so eager the eat matt's shit, do your own damn homework. It might do wonders for the bad taste in your mouth.

Anytime they crack down on printed material, any printed material, no matter what it is, that is patently unAmerican. I don't give a damn what Trump said. Context be damned.

There are college kids in this nation that, short of being able to obtain enriched uranium, have the knowledge and materials to build a nuke. Does that mean we should shut down JSTOR?

Trump is often times a know nothing ass that doesn't understand what America is, and what it means. . . .

In that regard, we might as well keep the idiot we have or take Hillary. In the famous immortal words, "what difference does it make?"


Funny, I didn't see anything in the provided quotes related to printed material, where did you come up with that, they were very just generalized out of context sentences?

I know the whole conversation was very generalized, just a laid back morning chat among friends, and he didn't have the advice and consent of a constitutional lawyer present, but starting at minute 21:00, he just sounded like a complete out of touch idiot. Yeah, sure, I get it, he is talking like a knee jerk liberal, motivated by emotions rather than logic. But sorry, I don't buy that shit from SJW's as a reason for trashing the constitution, so I certainly don't think emotions like hysterical fear should be used to trash the constitution either.

Here's the source material for the HuffPo article. Skip to minute 21:00 for the controversial bit.

Instructing folks how to make bombs, or how to gunsmith IS NOT inciting violence. When I was a teenager I was fascinated with how those huge fireworks you watch every forth of July are constructed, does that make me a terrorist? Guess what, the construction isn't that dissimilar. Are you telling me the search for knowledge in a free nation should be made a crime? Really?

Folks that believe this should look into the steps that lead from an open society to a closed society.
Cherry picking out of context quotes, how regressive of you. It's really sad you have sold yourself for a few pieces of silver.
What? Is he joking again and does not actually think people who believe in freedom of expression are foolish? Explain your candidate since you feel compelled to defend him.

Try looking up the speeches those quotes came from and get the full context, you're the one so eager the eat matt's shit, do your own damn homework. It might do wonders for the bad taste in your mouth.
I did look them up. He thinks he can do something about bomb making instructions online in other countries. He's the fool for even suggesting such an improbable thing. I was hoping you would actually tell me how you felt about letting the government try to censor things it thinks are dangerous.

Actually I would have no problem with them blocking Jihadist sites that are used to radicalize people here. If they are in foreign countries they have no constitutional rights.

But take a look at what your dear leader is trying to do.

A major change to Rule 41 could be passed that allows for the FBI to use malware as a “search” tool…

Malware, a malicious software, could be placed on thousands of computers with a single warrant, if Congress does not block the changes made to Rule 41 by December 1, 2016.

Changes to Rule 41 Could Allow FBI to Hack Anyone
Our government does not have the means (that I know of) to block Americans from accessing anything from foreign servers. Only countries where the government owns all servers can even hope to censor anything and even then are still ways to pass information.

As to the FBI using malware to invade computers the NSA can snoop anything already, not sure what there is to be alarmed about, the privacy ship sailed long ago.
Trump: people who say "freedom of speech!" are "foolish people"

Donald Trump Suggests 'Freedom Of Expression' Is Hurting Fight Against Terrorism | Huffington Post

These are NEW comments:
“Somebody will say, ‘Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech,’” Trump said. “These are foolish people. We have a lot of foolish people.”

“We should arrest the people that do that because they’re participating in crime,” Trump continued. “We should arrest them. Instead they say, ‘Oh no, you can’t do anything, that’s freedom of expression.’”

He also said in the past:
Trump voiced concerns in the past about free expression, including calling in December for “closing” up parts of the internet.

Ben franklin once said, that if we choose security over freedom. Well, we wouldn't have either. If you're truly a constitutional conservative how the hell can you vote for this man? Have some self respect on election day.
You don't have to be conservator to agree with this. Trump has never shown he has any faith in the democratic process. He's an autocratic who believes a leader rules by power, not by consent of the people.

I think your exaggerating a bit there.

He does no such thing. Your hyperbola is a bit hysterical.

If that were indeed the case, he would have used his money to buy lots of arms and training to create his own para-military group to block any protestors of his rallies. Apparently, according to Hillary, his supporters are more than deplorable enough? :lmao: Likewise, he would have used such a black bloc to clandestinely intimidate his political rivals or media scabs that comment or report poorly on him. Yet, he hasn't done any such thing. Generally, the only time he is nasty, is when folks are nasty to him. Even kids can see that.

Really, isn't he just a typical low class American? Spend some time on any social network or forum, and you'll see, he isn't a lot different than your average netizen.

The only crime he is really guilty of is not being diplomatic, not knowing shit about political science or political philosophy and having the class of a 23 yr. old fraternity kid.
Cherry picking out of context quotes, how regressive of you. It's really sad you have sold yourself for a few pieces of silver.
What? Is he joking again and does not actually think people who believe in freedom of expression are foolish? Explain your candidate since you feel compelled to defend him.

Try looking up the speeches those quotes came from and get the full context, you're the one so eager the eat matt's shit, do your own damn homework. It might do wonders for the bad taste in your mouth.

Anytime they crack down on printed material, any printed material, no matter what it is, that is patently unAmerican. I don't give a damn what Trump said. Context be damned.

There are college kids in this nation that, short of being able to obtain enriched uranium, have the knowledge and materials to build a nuke. Does that mean we should shut down JSTOR?

Trump is often times a know nothing ass that doesn't understand what America is, and what it means. . . .

In that regard, we might as well keep the idiot we have or take Hillary. In the famous immortal words, "what difference does it make?"


Funny, I didn't see anything in the provided quotes related to printed material, where did you come up with that, they were very just generalized out of context sentences?

I know the whole conversation was very generalized, just a laid back morning chat among friends, and he didn't have the advice and consent of a constitutional lawyer present, but starting at minute 21:00, he just sounded like a complete out of touch idiot. Yeah, sure, I get it, he is talking like a knee jerk liberal, motivated by emotions rather than logic. But sorry, I don't buy that shit from SJW's as a reason for trashing the constitution, so I certainly don't think emotions like hysterical fear should be used to trash the constitution either.

Here's the source material for the HuffPo article. Skip to minute 21:00 for the controversial bit.

Instructing folks how to make bombs, or how to gunsmith IS NOT inciting violence. When I was a teenager I was fascinated with how those huge fireworks you watch every forth of July are constructed, does that make me a terrorist? Guess what, the construction isn't that dissimilar. Are you telling me the search for knowledge in a free nation should be made a crime? Really?

Folks that believe this should look into the steps that lead from an open society to a closed society.

You know what he sounded like to me, the average non politician, which he is. But the difference between him and most people is he knows how to hire the right people to build an effective team. You can't run an organization the size of his without that ability. And like I told another poster, I have no problem with the government blocking foreign Jihadist web sites that are being used to radicalize people here. Foreigners have no constitutional right to have their sites available here, and Americans have no right to view subversive materials produced overseas. BTW, building bombs is an illegal activity. I've taught people on the process of assembling explosives in the military, but if I put explosives together as a civilian without the proper licensing and permits I can be arrested. Honestly Trump worries me not, he would be the easiest president ever to be impeached and removed from office if he gets stupid, neither party establishment likes him. The hildabitch on the other hand would be protected to the death by the dem establishment, making it impossible to remove her.
Trump: people who say "freedom of speech!" are "foolish people"

Donald Trump Suggests 'Freedom Of Expression' Is Hurting Fight Against Terrorism | Huffington Post

These are NEW comments:
“Somebody will say, ‘Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech,’” Trump said. “These are foolish people. We have a lot of foolish people.”

“We should arrest the people that do that because they’re participating in crime,” Trump continued. “We should arrest them. Instead they say, ‘Oh no, you can’t do anything, that’s freedom of expression.’”

He also said in the past:
Trump voiced concerns in the past about free expression, including calling in December for “closing” up parts of the internet.

Ben franklin once said, that if we choose security over freedom. Well, we wouldn't have either. If you're truly a constitutional conservative how the hell can you vote for this man? Have some self respect on election day.
You don't have to be conservator to agree with this. Trump has never shown he has any faith in the democratic process. He's an autocratic who believes a leader rules by power, not by consent of the people.

I think your exaggerating a bit there.

He does no such thing. Your hyperbola is a bit hysterical.

If that were indeed the case, he would have used his money to buy lots of arms and training to create his own para-military group to block any protestors of his rallies. Apparently, according to Hillary, his supporters are more than deplorable enough? :lmao: Likewise, he would have used such a black bloc to clandestinely intimidate his political rivals or media scabs that comment or report poorly on him. Yet, he hasn't done any such thing. Generally, the only time he is nasty, is when folks are nasty to him. Even kids can see that.

Really, isn't he just a typical low class American? Spend some time on any social network or forum, and you'll see, he isn't a lot different than your average netizen.

The only crime he is really guilty of is not being diplomatic, not knowing shit about political science or political philosophy and having the class of a 23 yr. old fraternity kid.
Ok, I got carried away a bit but I do believe he's is an autocrat.
Cherry picking out of context quotes, how regressive of you. It's really sad you have sold yourself for a few pieces of silver.
What? Is he joking again and does not actually think people who believe in freedom of expression are foolish? Explain your candidate since you feel compelled to defend him.

Try looking up the speeches those quotes came from and get the full context, you're the one so eager the eat matt's shit, do your own damn homework. It might do wonders for the bad taste in your mouth.
I did look them up. He thinks he can do something about bomb making instructions online in other countries. He's the fool for even suggesting such an improbable thing. I was hoping you would actually tell me how you felt about letting the government try to censor things it thinks are dangerous.

Actually I would have no problem with them blocking Jihadist sites that are used to radicalize people here. If they are in foreign countries they have no constitutional rights.

But take a look at what your dear leader is trying to do.

A major change to Rule 41 could be passed that allows for the FBI to use malware as a “search” tool…

Malware, a malicious software, could be placed on thousands of computers with a single warrant, if Congress does not block the changes made to Rule 41 by December 1, 2016.

Changes to Rule 41 Could Allow FBI to Hack Anyone
Our government does not have the means (that I know of) to block Americans from accessing anything from foreign servers. Only countries where the government owns all servers can even hope to censor anything and even then are still ways to pass information.

As to the FBI using malware to invade computers the NSA can snoop anything already, not sure what there is to be alarmed about, the privacy ship sailed long ago.

Yep, that's why the government is working with all the tech companies, all it takes is their cooperation.
Trump: people who say "freedom of speech!" are "foolish people"

Donald Trump Suggests 'Freedom Of Expression' Is Hurting Fight Against Terrorism | Huffington Post

These are NEW comments:
“Somebody will say, ‘Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech,’” Trump said. “These are foolish people. We have a lot of foolish people.”

“We should arrest the people that do that because they’re participating in crime,” Trump continued. “We should arrest them. Instead they say, ‘Oh no, you can’t do anything, that’s freedom of expression.’”

He also said in the past:
Trump voiced concerns in the past about free expression, including calling in December for “closing” up parts of the internet.

Ben franklin once said, that if we choose security over freedom. Well, we wouldn't have either. If you're truly a constitutional conservative how the hell can you vote for this man? Have some self respect on election day.

I like how you completely left the context out. He is referring to Al Qaeda English language publications that are for terror recruiting. Of course it should be shut down, and of course Jihadist websites should be cyber attacked and shut down. This is war. Freedom of speech doesn't pardon treason or terrorist activities.

Not surprised that progressive turds like you are taking the side of Al Qaeda's "freedom of speech". I've always said lefties will back Islam no matter what.
What? Is he joking again and does not actually think people who believe in freedom of expression are foolish? Explain your candidate since you feel compelled to defend him.

Try looking up the speeches those quotes came from and get the full context, you're the one so eager the eat matt's shit, do your own damn homework. It might do wonders for the bad taste in your mouth.

Anytime they crack down on printed material, any printed material, no matter what it is, that is patently unAmerican. I don't give a damn what Trump said. Context be damned.

There are college kids in this nation that, short of being able to obtain enriched uranium, have the knowledge and materials to build a nuke. Does that mean we should shut down JSTOR?

Trump is often times a know nothing ass that doesn't understand what America is, and what it means. . . .

In that regard, we might as well keep the idiot we have or take Hillary. In the famous immortal words, "what difference does it make?"


Funny, I didn't see anything in the provided quotes related to printed material, where did you come up with that, they were very just generalized out of context sentences?

I know the whole conversation was very generalized, just a laid back morning chat among friends, and he didn't have the advice and consent of a constitutional lawyer present, but starting at minute 21:00, he just sounded like a complete out of touch idiot. Yeah, sure, I get it, he is talking like a knee jerk liberal, motivated by emotions rather than logic. But sorry, I don't buy that shit from SJW's as a reason for trashing the constitution, so I certainly don't think emotions like hysterical fear should be used to trash the constitution either.

Here's the source material for the HuffPo article. Skip to minute 21:00 for the controversial bit.

Instructing folks how to make bombs, or how to gunsmith IS NOT inciting violence. When I was a teenager I was fascinated with how those huge fireworks you watch every forth of July are constructed, does that make me a terrorist? Guess what, the construction isn't that dissimilar. Are you telling me the search for knowledge in a free nation should be made a crime? Really?

Folks that believe this should look into the steps that lead from an open society to a closed society.

You know what he sounded like to me, the average non politician, which he is. But the difference between him and most people is he knows how to hire the right people to build an effective team. You can't run an organization the size of his without that ability. And like I told another poster, I have no problem with the government blocking foreign Jihadist web sites that are being used to radicalize people here. Foreigners have no constitutional right to have their sites available here, and Americans have no right to view subversive materials produced overseas. BTW, building bombs is an illegal activity. I've taught people on the process of assembling explosives in the military, but if I put explosives together as a civilian without the proper licensing and permits I can be arrested. Honestly Trump worries me not, he would be the easiest president ever to be impeached and removed from office if he gets stupid, neither party establishment likes him. The hildabitch on the other hand would be protected to the death by the dem establishment, making it impossible to remove her.

Trump is certainly a great salesman and he knows real estate. However, outside of real estate development and management his successes have been rather meager. Trump is brilliant about turning himself into a walking brand and he uses the brand very effectively in promoting his ventures. His financial success has been grossly exaggerated when you consider the family business he took over in the 70's had an estimated worth of 200 million and his net worth today has been estimated at 2.1 billion by Bloomberg and 4.5 billion by Forbes.

I have serious doubts about Trump's ability to transfer his skills in developing and managing real estate into the highest political office in the country. Politics is about relationships and trust, not deals and not money, consistency and predictability, and never erratic and unpredictable behavior.

Trump's best chance of accomplishing anything in Washington is to become independent of both parties and play one against the other. His support among Republicans is really no better than Democrats.
Try looking up the speeches those quotes came from and get the full context, you're the one so eager the eat matt's shit, do your own damn homework. It might do wonders for the bad taste in your mouth.

Anytime they crack down on printed material, any printed material, no matter what it is, that is patently unAmerican. I don't give a damn what Trump said. Context be damned.

There are college kids in this nation that, short of being able to obtain enriched uranium, have the knowledge and materials to build a nuke. Does that mean we should shut down JSTOR?

Trump is often times a know nothing ass that doesn't understand what America is, and what it means. . . .

In that regard, we might as well keep the idiot we have or take Hillary. In the famous immortal words, "what difference does it make?"


Funny, I didn't see anything in the provided quotes related to printed material, where did you come up with that, they were very just generalized out of context sentences?

I know the whole conversation was very generalized, just a laid back morning chat among friends, and he didn't have the advice and consent of a constitutional lawyer present, but starting at minute 21:00, he just sounded like a complete out of touch idiot. Yeah, sure, I get it, he is talking like a knee jerk liberal, motivated by emotions rather than logic. But sorry, I don't buy that shit from SJW's as a reason for trashing the constitution, so I certainly don't think emotions like hysterical fear should be used to trash the constitution either.

Here's the source material for the HuffPo article. Skip to minute 21:00 for the controversial bit.

Instructing folks how to make bombs, or how to gunsmith IS NOT inciting violence. When I was a teenager I was fascinated with how those huge fireworks you watch every forth of July are constructed, does that make me a terrorist? Guess what, the construction isn't that dissimilar. Are you telling me the search for knowledge in a free nation should be made a crime? Really?

Folks that believe this should look into the steps that lead from an open society to a closed society.

You know what he sounded like to me, the average non politician, which he is. But the difference between him and most people is he knows how to hire the right people to build an effective team. You can't run an organization the size of his without that ability. And like I told another poster, I have no problem with the government blocking foreign Jihadist web sites that are being used to radicalize people here. Foreigners have no constitutional right to have their sites available here, and Americans have no right to view subversive materials produced overseas. BTW, building bombs is an illegal activity. I've taught people on the process of assembling explosives in the military, but if I put explosives together as a civilian without the proper licensing and permits I can be arrested. Honestly Trump worries me not, he would be the easiest president ever to be impeached and removed from office if he gets stupid, neither party establishment likes him. The hildabitch on the other hand would be protected to the death by the dem establishment, making it impossible to remove her.

Trump is certainly a great salesman and he knows real estate. However, outside of real estate development and management his successes have been rather meager. Trump is brilliant about turning himself into a walking brand and he uses the brand very effectively in promoting his ventures. His financial success has been grossly exaggerated when you consider the family business he took over in the 70's had an estimated worth of 200 million and his net worth today has been estimated at 2.1 billion by Bloomberg and 4.5 billion by Forbes.

I have serious doubts about Trump's ability to transfer his skills in developing and managing real estate into the highest political office in the country. Politics is about relationships and trust, not deals and not money, consistency and predictability, and never erratic and unpredictable behavior.

Trump's best chance of accomplishing anything in Washington is to become independent of both parties and play one against the other. His support among Republicans is really no better than Democrats.

You'll never know for sure if he can translate his skills until he starts picking a transition team. I'm sure that has already been addressed to a point. And you might want to tell the clintons that politics isn't about deals and money, oh and about 2/3rds of the politicians holding office right now. Many have become millionaires performing "public service". Bills speaking fees went up by as much as 500% after the hildabitch became Sec. of State. Coincidence, I don't think so. Also as I've already said, if Trump really steps on it, he'd be the easiest ever to remove from office, because neither party establishment folks likes him.
Anytime they crack down on printed material, any printed material, no matter what it is, that is patently unAmerican. I don't give a damn what Trump said. Context be damned.

There are college kids in this nation that, short of being able to obtain enriched uranium, have the knowledge and materials to build a nuke. Does that mean we should shut down JSTOR?

Trump is often times a know nothing ass that doesn't understand what America is, and what it means. . . .

In that regard, we might as well keep the idiot we have or take Hillary. In the famous immortal words, "what difference does it make?"


Funny, I didn't see anything in the provided quotes related to printed material, where did you come up with that, they were very just generalized out of context sentences?

I know the whole conversation was very generalized, just a laid back morning chat among friends, and he didn't have the advice and consent of a constitutional lawyer present, but starting at minute 21:00, he just sounded like a complete out of touch idiot. Yeah, sure, I get it, he is talking like a knee jerk liberal, motivated by emotions rather than logic. But sorry, I don't buy that shit from SJW's as a reason for trashing the constitution, so I certainly don't think emotions like hysterical fear should be used to trash the constitution either.

Here's the source material for the HuffPo article. Skip to minute 21:00 for the controversial bit.

Instructing folks how to make bombs, or how to gunsmith IS NOT inciting violence. When I was a teenager I was fascinated with how those huge fireworks you watch every forth of July are constructed, does that make me a terrorist? Guess what, the construction isn't that dissimilar. Are you telling me the search for knowledge in a free nation should be made a crime? Really?

Folks that believe this should look into the steps that lead from an open society to a closed society.

You know what he sounded like to me, the average non politician, which he is. But the difference between him and most people is he knows how to hire the right people to build an effective team. You can't run an organization the size of his without that ability. And like I told another poster, I have no problem with the government blocking foreign Jihadist web sites that are being used to radicalize people here. Foreigners have no constitutional right to have their sites available here, and Americans have no right to view subversive materials produced overseas. BTW, building bombs is an illegal activity. I've taught people on the process of assembling explosives in the military, but if I put explosives together as a civilian without the proper licensing and permits I can be arrested. Honestly Trump worries me not, he would be the easiest president ever to be impeached and removed from office if he gets stupid, neither party establishment likes him. The hildabitch on the other hand would be protected to the death by the dem establishment, making it impossible to remove her.

Trump is certainly a great salesman and he knows real estate. However, outside of real estate development and management his successes have been rather meager. Trump is brilliant about turning himself into a walking brand and he uses the brand very effectively in promoting his ventures. His financial success has been grossly exaggerated when you consider the family business he took over in the 70's had an estimated worth of 200 million and his net worth today has been estimated at 2.1 billion by Bloomberg and 4.5 billion by Forbes.

I have serious doubts about Trump's ability to transfer his skills in developing and managing real estate into the highest political office in the country. Politics is about relationships and trust, not deals and not money, consistency and predictability, and never erratic and unpredictable behavior.

Trump's best chance of accomplishing anything in Washington is to become independent of both parties and play one against the other. His support among Republicans is really no better than Democrats.

You'll never know for sure if he can translate his skills until he starts picking a transition team. I'm sure that has already been addressed to a point. And you might want to tell the clintons that politics isn't about deals and money, oh and about 2/3rds of the politicians holding office right now. Many have become millionaires performing "public service". Bills speaking fees went up by as much as 500% after the hildabitch became Sec. of State. Coincidence, I don't think so. Also as I've already said, if Trump really steps on it, he'd be the easiest ever to remove from office, because neither party establishment folks likes him.

He's going to shake it up to be sure. And his transition team will go in guns a blazing. I hope the feud between the Cruz crowd and Trumpsters can simmer down and Trump let the Cruz and Gowdy people rule the roost and all of us will be cheering the day when we finally see these crooks in this Obama administration wear orange.
Anytime they crack down on printed material, any printed material, no matter what it is, that is patently unAmerican. I don't give a damn what Trump said. Context be damned.

There are college kids in this nation that, short of being able to obtain enriched uranium, have the knowledge and materials to build a nuke. Does that mean we should shut down JSTOR?

Trump is often times a know nothing ass that doesn't understand what America is, and what it means. . . .

In that regard, we might as well keep the idiot we have or take Hillary. In the famous immortal words, "what difference does it make?"


Funny, I didn't see anything in the provided quotes related to printed material, where did you come up with that, they were very just generalized out of context sentences?

I know the whole conversation was very generalized, just a laid back morning chat among friends, and he didn't have the advice and consent of a constitutional lawyer present, but starting at minute 21:00, he just sounded like a complete out of touch idiot. Yeah, sure, I get it, he is talking like a knee jerk liberal, motivated by emotions rather than logic. But sorry, I don't buy that shit from SJW's as a reason for trashing the constitution, so I certainly don't think emotions like hysterical fear should be used to trash the constitution either.

Here's the source material for the HuffPo article. Skip to minute 21:00 for the controversial bit.

Instructing folks how to make bombs, or how to gunsmith IS NOT inciting violence. When I was a teenager I was fascinated with how those huge fireworks you watch every forth of July are constructed, does that make me a terrorist? Guess what, the construction isn't that dissimilar. Are you telling me the search for knowledge in a free nation should be made a crime? Really?

Folks that believe this should look into the steps that lead from an open society to a closed society.

You know what he sounded like to me, the average non politician, which he is. But the difference between him and most people is he knows how to hire the right people to build an effective team. You can't run an organization the size of his without that ability. And like I told another poster, I have no problem with the government blocking foreign Jihadist web sites that are being used to radicalize people here. Foreigners have no constitutional right to have their sites available here, and Americans have no right to view subversive materials produced overseas. BTW, building bombs is an illegal activity. I've taught people on the process of assembling explosives in the military, but if I put explosives together as a civilian without the proper licensing and permits I can be arrested. Honestly Trump worries me not, he would be the easiest president ever to be impeached and removed from office if he gets stupid, neither party establishment likes him. The hildabitch on the other hand would be protected to the death by the dem establishment, making it impossible to remove her.

Trump is certainly a great salesman and he knows real estate. However, outside of real estate development and management his successes have been rather meager. Trump is brilliant about turning himself into a walking brand and he uses the brand very effectively in promoting his ventures. His financial success has been grossly exaggerated when you consider the family business he took over in the 70's had an estimated worth of 200 million and his net worth today has been estimated at 2.1 billion by Bloomberg and 4.5 billion by Forbes.

I have serious doubts about Trump's ability to transfer his skills in developing and managing real estate into the highest political office in the country. Politics is about relationships and trust, not deals and not money, consistency and predictability, and never erratic and unpredictable behavior.

Trump's best chance of accomplishing anything in Washington is to become independent of both parties and play one against the other. His support among Republicans is really no better than Democrats.

You'll never know for sure if he can translate his skills until he starts picking a transition team. I'm sure that has already been addressed to a point. And you might want to tell the clintons that politics isn't about deals and money, oh and about 2/3rds of the politicians holding office right now. Many have become millionaires performing "public service". Bills speaking fees went up by as much as 500% after the hildabitch became Sec. of State. Coincidence, I don't think so. Also as I've already said, if Trump really steps on it, he'd be the easiest ever to remove from office, because neither party establishment folks likes him.

Yay the unisom so I'm almost out of it so bear with me. Christie. Now the left went after him like crazy but he's solid.

And the way the are still going after him means he is the real deal. Could you imagine him AND Cruz AND Gowdy tag teaming to clean house?

This is a legal dream team to me. I could see Trump actually asking them to work together.
Anytime they crack down on printed material, any printed material, no matter what it is, that is patently unAmerican. I don't give a damn what Trump said. Context be damned.

There are college kids in this nation that, short of being able to obtain enriched uranium, have the knowledge and materials to build a nuke. Does that mean we should shut down JSTOR?

Trump is often times a know nothing ass that doesn't understand what America is, and what it means. . . .

In that regard, we might as well keep the idiot we have or take Hillary. In the famous immortal words, "what difference does it make?"


Funny, I didn't see anything in the provided quotes related to printed material, where did you come up with that, they were very just generalized out of context sentences?

I know the whole conversation was very generalized, just a laid back morning chat among friends, and he didn't have the advice and consent of a constitutional lawyer present, but starting at minute 21:00, he just sounded like a complete out of touch idiot. Yeah, sure, I get it, he is talking like a knee jerk liberal, motivated by emotions rather than logic. But sorry, I don't buy that shit from SJW's as a reason for trashing the constitution, so I certainly don't think emotions like hysterical fear should be used to trash the constitution either.

Here's the source material for the HuffPo article. Skip to minute 21:00 for the controversial bit.

Instructing folks how to make bombs, or how to gunsmith IS NOT inciting violence. When I was a teenager I was fascinated with how those huge fireworks you watch every forth of July are constructed, does that make me a terrorist? Guess what, the construction isn't that dissimilar. Are you telling me the search for knowledge in a free nation should be made a crime? Really?

Folks that believe this should look into the steps that lead from an open society to a closed society.

You know what he sounded like to me, the average non politician, which he is. But the difference between him and most people is he knows how to hire the right people to build an effective team. You can't run an organization the size of his without that ability. And like I told another poster, I have no problem with the government blocking foreign Jihadist web sites that are being used to radicalize people here. Foreigners have no constitutional right to have their sites available here, and Americans have no right to view subversive materials produced overseas. BTW, building bombs is an illegal activity. I've taught people on the process of assembling explosives in the military, but if I put explosives together as a civilian without the proper licensing and permits I can be arrested. Honestly Trump worries me not, he would be the easiest president ever to be impeached and removed from office if he gets stupid, neither party establishment likes him. The hildabitch on the other hand would be protected to the death by the dem establishment, making it impossible to remove her.

Trump is certainly a great salesman and he knows real estate. However, outside of real estate development and management his successes have been rather meager. Trump is brilliant about turning himself into a walking brand and he uses the brand very effectively in promoting his ventures. His financial success has been grossly exaggerated when you consider the family business he took over in the 70's had an estimated worth of 200 million and his net worth today has been estimated at 2.1 billion by Bloomberg and 4.5 billion by Forbes.

I have serious doubts about Trump's ability to transfer his skills in developing and managing real estate into the highest political office in the country. Politics is about relationships and trust, not deals and not money, consistency and predictability, and never erratic and unpredictable behavior.

Trump's best chance of accomplishing anything in Washington is to become independent of both parties and play one against the other. His support among Republicans is really no better than Democrats.

You'll never know for sure if he can translate his skills until he starts picking a transition team. I'm sure that has already been addressed to a point. And you might want to tell the clintons that politics isn't about deals and money, oh and about 2/3rds of the politicians holding office right now. Many have become millionaires performing "public service". Bills speaking fees went up by as much as 500% after the hildabitch became Sec. of State. Coincidence, I don't think so. Also as I've already said, if Trump really steps on it, he'd be the easiest ever to remove from office, because neither party establishment folks likes him.

No, I don't believe politics is really just about money. It's power, influence, and position. I'm of course in the minority but I believe most people go into politics because they really want to make a difference. For a lot of them, it just becomes about winning, winning the race, passing the bill, getting re-elected, getting nominated, being appointed to this that or the other. The money is just icing on the cake.
Funny, I didn't see anything in the provided quotes related to printed material, where did you come up with that, they were very just generalized out of context sentences?

I know the whole conversation was very generalized, just a laid back morning chat among friends, and he didn't have the advice and consent of a constitutional lawyer present, but starting at minute 21:00, he just sounded like a complete out of touch idiot. Yeah, sure, I get it, he is talking like a knee jerk liberal, motivated by emotions rather than logic. But sorry, I don't buy that shit from SJW's as a reason for trashing the constitution, so I certainly don't think emotions like hysterical fear should be used to trash the constitution either.

Here's the source material for the HuffPo article. Skip to minute 21:00 for the controversial bit.

Instructing folks how to make bombs, or how to gunsmith IS NOT inciting violence. When I was a teenager I was fascinated with how those huge fireworks you watch every forth of July are constructed, does that make me a terrorist? Guess what, the construction isn't that dissimilar. Are you telling me the search for knowledge in a free nation should be made a crime? Really?

Folks that believe this should look into the steps that lead from an open society to a closed society.

You know what he sounded like to me, the average non politician, which he is. But the difference between him and most people is he knows how to hire the right people to build an effective team. You can't run an organization the size of his without that ability. And like I told another poster, I have no problem with the government blocking foreign Jihadist web sites that are being used to radicalize people here. Foreigners have no constitutional right to have their sites available here, and Americans have no right to view subversive materials produced overseas. BTW, building bombs is an illegal activity. I've taught people on the process of assembling explosives in the military, but if I put explosives together as a civilian without the proper licensing and permits I can be arrested. Honestly Trump worries me not, he would be the easiest president ever to be impeached and removed from office if he gets stupid, neither party establishment likes him. The hildabitch on the other hand would be protected to the death by the dem establishment, making it impossible to remove her.

Trump is certainly a great salesman and he knows real estate. However, outside of real estate development and management his successes have been rather meager. Trump is brilliant about turning himself into a walking brand and he uses the brand very effectively in promoting his ventures. His financial success has been grossly exaggerated when you consider the family business he took over in the 70's had an estimated worth of 200 million and his net worth today has been estimated at 2.1 billion by Bloomberg and 4.5 billion by Forbes.

I have serious doubts about Trump's ability to transfer his skills in developing and managing real estate into the highest political office in the country. Politics is about relationships and trust, not deals and not money, consistency and predictability, and never erratic and unpredictable behavior.

Trump's best chance of accomplishing anything in Washington is to become independent of both parties and play one against the other. His support among Republicans is really no better than Democrats.

You'll never know for sure if he can translate his skills until he starts picking a transition team. I'm sure that has already been addressed to a point. And you might want to tell the clintons that politics isn't about deals and money, oh and about 2/3rds of the politicians holding office right now. Many have become millionaires performing "public service". Bills speaking fees went up by as much as 500% after the hildabitch became Sec. of State. Coincidence, I don't think so. Also as I've already said, if Trump really steps on it, he'd be the easiest ever to remove from office, because neither party establishment folks likes him.

No, I don't believe politics is really just about money. It's power, influence, and position. I'm of course in the minority but I believe most people go into politics because they really want to make a difference. For a lot of them, it just becomes about winning, winning the race, passing the bill, getting re-elected, getting nominated, being appointed to this that or the other. The money is just icing on the cake.

You're both right.

It's all about knowing which interests, both public, and non-official, that are backing each candidate. It has to do with which powerful people, organizations, and networks support different actors push for power and their ability to wield it.

It can be about money, but sometimes it is about power, security, influence, or a vision.

. . . . If nothing else, watching Trump’s bombast single-handedly stymie a potential continuation of the Bush Crime Family Dynasty (to the ire of Neocons everywhere) has made for fantastic entertainment. Watching as a similar fate befalls the Clinton Syndicate, whose war crimes, Nation-State destroying “charitable” frauds, drug and arms-running accolades and ever-increasing body count deserve open scrutiny, has also made for a good bit of fun.

Perhaps the most satisfying aspect of this public airing of Bush/Clinton dirty laundry is that, in many cases, the two share more than a few articles of clothing. Both, through the Clinton Foundation, are complicit in looting the nation of Haiti and “disappearing” millions in charitable donations for earthquake relief – a fraud that preceded the United Nations’ introduction of a deadly outbreak of cholera on the island. Both, too, gained a significant amount of (deep) political prestige and economic clout from the CIA drug trade – as Vice President during the cocaine-fueled 1980s, Bush the Elder is as complicit in the Iran-Contra drug trade as anyone alive. And as then-Governor of Arkansas, home of the Agency’s infamous Mena, AK “drug drop” operation, Bill Clinton may as well have been a Regional Director of Cocaine, Inc.. . . . .

Given the sheer nature and scope of the Deep State drug and arms trade, perhaps it is not surprising to find that Mr. Trump has his fair share of connections to its players – and not insignificant ones, at that. A great deal of work in unearthing these relationships has been done by investigative journalist Daniel Hopsicker, best known for his documentaries and books on the CIA drug trade as well as the 9/11 Venice, Florida coverup. A seasoned sleuth in his own right, Hopsicker has recently documented a longstanding relationship between Donald Trump and a number of Deep State actors, like CIA asset Meyer Lansky’s partner, Louis Lesser, who Trump purchased the Taj Mahal Casino and Hotel from in Atlantic City.

Another of these characters is known CIA asset and Saudi arms dealer, Adnan Khashoggi, a man whose connections to the Iran-Contra affair and the Deep State at large are far beyond the scope of this article.

In his post entitled, “Donald Trump and the Palm Beach Homies,” it is alleged that Trump purchased Adnan Khashoggi’s yacht, at the time the longest in the world, in the mid-’90s from the cash-strapped, scandal-ridden Saudi “Man of Mystery.” Khashoggi is also said to have attended The Donald’s most recent wedding, neither of which are damning connections in and of themselves; they do, however, demonstrate a friendly relationship.

The most concrete evidence escalating their relationship from casual acquaintances to potential partners in crime, however, comes from a local Palm Beach source. Hopsicker says in a recent interview:

“I have information from a source over in Palm Beach that when Adnan Khashoggi was under indictment for ripping off the second largest bank in Thailand, and INTERPOL was searching for him, he was hiding out in a bungalow at Mar-a-Lago.” (One of Donald Trump’s real estate developments in Palm Beach.)

-Daniel Hopsicker

Being friends with a spook is one thing – helping said spook to avoid detection in the wake of yet another “Too Big to Jail” bankster looting of the developing world is something else entirely. . .
The Donald and The Deep State
Outside of my love for science, I'd have to say that freedom of speech is very close tie in importance to me. This man is dangerous to everything I believe.
I know the whole conversation was very generalized, just a laid back morning chat among friends, and he didn't have the advice and consent of a constitutional lawyer present, but starting at minute 21:00, he just sounded like a complete out of touch idiot. Yeah, sure, I get it, he is talking like a knee jerk liberal, motivated by emotions rather than logic. But sorry, I don't buy that shit from SJW's as a reason for trashing the constitution, so I certainly don't think emotions like hysterical fear should be used to trash the constitution either.

Here's the source material for the HuffPo article. Skip to minute 21:00 for the controversial bit.

Instructing folks how to make bombs, or how to gunsmith IS NOT inciting violence. When I was a teenager I was fascinated with how those huge fireworks you watch every forth of July are constructed, does that make me a terrorist? Guess what, the construction isn't that dissimilar. Are you telling me the search for knowledge in a free nation should be made a crime? Really?

Folks that believe this should look into the steps that lead from an open society to a closed society.

You know what he sounded like to me, the average non politician, which he is. But the difference between him and most people is he knows how to hire the right people to build an effective team. You can't run an organization the size of his without that ability. And like I told another poster, I have no problem with the government blocking foreign Jihadist web sites that are being used to radicalize people here. Foreigners have no constitutional right to have their sites available here, and Americans have no right to view subversive materials produced overseas. BTW, building bombs is an illegal activity. I've taught people on the process of assembling explosives in the military, but if I put explosives together as a civilian without the proper licensing and permits I can be arrested. Honestly Trump worries me not, he would be the easiest president ever to be impeached and removed from office if he gets stupid, neither party establishment likes him. The hildabitch on the other hand would be protected to the death by the dem establishment, making it impossible to remove her.

Trump is certainly a great salesman and he knows real estate. However, outside of real estate development and management his successes have been rather meager. Trump is brilliant about turning himself into a walking brand and he uses the brand very effectively in promoting his ventures. His financial success has been grossly exaggerated when you consider the family business he took over in the 70's had an estimated worth of 200 million and his net worth today has been estimated at 2.1 billion by Bloomberg and 4.5 billion by Forbes.

I have serious doubts about Trump's ability to transfer his skills in developing and managing real estate into the highest political office in the country. Politics is about relationships and trust, not deals and not money, consistency and predictability, and never erratic and unpredictable behavior.

Trump's best chance of accomplishing anything in Washington is to become independent of both parties and play one against the other. His support among Republicans is really no better than Democrats.

You'll never know for sure if he can translate his skills until he starts picking a transition team. I'm sure that has already been addressed to a point. And you might want to tell the clintons that politics isn't about deals and money, oh and about 2/3rds of the politicians holding office right now. Many have become millionaires performing "public service". Bills speaking fees went up by as much as 500% after the hildabitch became Sec. of State. Coincidence, I don't think so. Also as I've already said, if Trump really steps on it, he'd be the easiest ever to remove from office, because neither party establishment folks likes him.

No, I don't believe politics is really just about money. It's power, influence, and position. I'm of course in the minority but I believe most people go into politics because they really want to make a difference. For a lot of them, it just becomes about winning, winning the race, passing the bill, getting re-elected, getting nominated, being appointed to this that or the other. The money is just icing on the cake.

You're both right.

It's all about knowing which interests, both public, and non-official, that are backing each candidate. It has to do with which powerful people, organizations, and networks support different actors push for power and their ability to wield it.

It can be about money, but sometimes it is about power, security, influence, or a vision.

. . . . If nothing else, watching Trump’s bombast single-handedly stymie a potential continuation of the Bush Crime Family Dynasty (to the ire of Neocons everywhere) has made for fantastic entertainment. Watching as a similar fate befalls the Clinton Syndicate, whose war crimes, Nation-State destroying “charitable” frauds, drug and arms-running accolades and ever-increasing body count deserve open scrutiny, has also made for a good bit of fun.

Perhaps the most satisfying aspect of this public airing of Bush/Clinton dirty laundry is that, in many cases, the two share more than a few articles of clothing. Both, through the Clinton Foundation, are complicit in looting the nation of Haiti and “disappearing” millions in charitable donations for earthquake relief – a fraud that preceded the United Nations’ introduction of a deadly outbreak of cholera on the island. Both, too, gained a significant amount of (deep) political prestige and economic clout from the CIA drug trade – as Vice President during the cocaine-fueled 1980s, Bush the Elder is as complicit in the Iran-Contra drug trade as anyone alive. And as then-Governor of Arkansas, home of the Agency’s infamous Mena, AK “drug drop” operation, Bill Clinton may as well have been a Regional Director of Cocaine, Inc.. . . . .

Given the sheer nature and scope of the Deep State drug and arms trade, perhaps it is not surprising to find that Mr. Trump has his fair share of connections to its players – and not insignificant ones, at that. A great deal of work in unearthing these relationships has been done by investigative journalist Daniel Hopsicker, best known for his documentaries and books on the CIA drug trade as well as the 9/11 Venice, Florida coverup. A seasoned sleuth in his own right, Hopsicker has recently documented a longstanding relationship between Donald Trump and a number of Deep State actors, like CIA asset Meyer Lansky’s partner, Louis Lesser, who Trump purchased the Taj Mahal Casino and Hotel from in Atlantic City.

Another of these characters is known CIA asset and Saudi arms dealer, Adnan Khashoggi, a man whose connections to the Iran-Contra affair and the Deep State at large are far beyond the scope of this article.

In his post entitled, “Donald Trump and the Palm Beach Homies,” it is alleged that Trump purchased Adnan Khashoggi’s yacht, at the time the longest in the world, in the mid-’90s from the cash-strapped, scandal-ridden Saudi “Man of Mystery.” Khashoggi is also said to have attended The Donald’s most recent wedding, neither of which are damning connections in and of themselves; they do, however, demonstrate a friendly relationship.

The most concrete evidence escalating their relationship from casual acquaintances to potential partners in crime, however, comes from a local Palm Beach source. Hopsicker says in a recent interview:

“I have information from a source over in Palm Beach that when Adnan Khashoggi was under indictment for ripping off the second largest bank in Thailand, and INTERPOL was searching for him, he was hiding out in a bungalow at Mar-a-Lago.” (One of Donald Trump’s real estate developments in Palm Beach.)

-Daniel Hopsicker

Being friends with a spook is one thing – helping said spook to avoid detection in the wake of yet another “Too Big to Jail” bankster looting of the developing world is something else entirely. . .
The Donald and The Deep State

I agree with some of your post but I think the two candidates negative campaigning with the assistance of the media has blown the faults of the candidates to a point of absurdity.

Trump speaks off the cuff, kind of like my next door neighbor. He get's his facts wrong, exaggerates, and is constantly proving his politically incorrectness but he does make his point. He speaks to peoples emotions and not their intellect which provides plenty of material for the media. Hillary is a gifted politician with a ton of baggage due the fact that she has 45 years in politics and a 20 year running battle with republicans. Unlike Trump, her life is a pretty open book and that book has provided plenty of material for the media to create a lot accusations but not much proof.

IMHO, Hillary is by far the best qualified candidate, however I think her health is an issue. Trump's presidency would likely be a continuation of his campaign attacking congressman, media personalities, foreign head's of state, and accomplishing little because he has no support from either party.

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