Trump presented with assassination as solution to North Korea nuke threats

But Trump said he was against regime change, and assassination is the most drastic method of regime change.
it's also against our law.
Nope... exigent circumstances... nuclear ICBM's pointed at the US and our allies... Congress will approve a declaration of war in a second. Assassinating a leader would be extremely palatable for all involved including N Korea... perhaps the exception being Kim fat phuck Un...
OH it certainly is EASIER to simply assassinate another nation's leader...But that opens the door to another Nation simply assassinating our leader...and we don't want that....

Congress would not declare War, it takes 2/3's of both houses and I doubt there is enough bipartisanship to declare war....just so we can assassinate another nation's leader...

regardless, talk and strategy on this should be CLASSIFIED and NOT out in the open....
You might want to rethink your certainty on Congress not signing off on a declaration of war.... with Kim's threats / if he does have ICBM's that 'might' be capable of carrying a nuclear payload... There are so many 'war hawks' in the mold of the 'Hildabeast' running around in Congress on both sides of the isle... To put it in other terms... even if it's a remote but credible possibility, and the president does nothing.... THEN 'impeachment' is the least of his punitive worries... Of Course Congress would approve the means to prevent nuclear ICBM's from getting anywhere near US waters... let alone our shores...
But Trump said he was against regime change, and assassination is the most drastic method of regime change.
it's also against our law.
Nope... exigent circumstances... nuclear ICBM's pointed at the US and our allies... Congress will approve a declaration of war in a second. Assassinating a leader would be extremely palatable for all involved including N Korea... perhaps the exception being Kim fat phuck Un...
OH it certainly is EASIER to simply assassinate another nation's leader...But that opens the door to another Nation simply assassinating our leader...and we don't want that....

Congress would not declare War, it takes 2/3's of both houses and I doubt there is enough bipartisanship to declare war....just so we can assassinate another nation's leader...

regardless, talk and strategy on this should be CLASSIFIED and NOT out in the open....
Sounds like you bought right into Obummer ideology... 'be nice to them, placate them & they will do the Christian thing back to you' ... GMAF'nB!
But Trump said he was against regime change, and assassination is the most drastic method of regime change.
it's also against our law.
Nope... exigent circumstances... nuclear ICBM's pointed at the US and our allies... Congress will approve a declaration of war in a second. Assassinating a leader would be extremely palatable for all involved including N Korea... perhaps the exception being Kim fat phuck Un...
OH it certainly is EASIER to simply assassinate another nation's leader...But that opens the door to another Nation simply assassinating our leader...and we don't want that....

Congress would not declare War, it takes 2/3's of both houses and I doubt there is enough bipartisanship to declare war....just so we can assassinate another nation's leader...

regardless, talk and strategy on this should be CLASSIFIED and NOT out in the open....
Sounds like you bought right into Obummer ideology... 'be nice to them, placate them & they will do the Christian thing back to you' ... GMAF'nB!
I don't want our own President being assassinated by some foreign national or country, claiming it's ok for them to assassinate him, since we have nuclear missiles that could nuke their country...and use the same excuse you are using for assassinating Kim.
But Trump said he was against regime change, and assassination is the most drastic method of regime change.
it's also against our law.
Nope... exigent circumstances... nuclear ICBM's pointed at the US and our allies... Congress will approve a declaration of war in a second. Assassinating a leader would be extremely palatable for all involved including N Korea... perhaps the exception being Kim fat phuck Un...
OH it certainly is EASIER to simply assassinate another nation's leader...But that opens the door to another Nation simply assassinating our leader...and we don't want that....

Congress would not declare War, it takes 2/3's of both houses and I doubt there is enough bipartisanship to declare war....just so we can assassinate another nation's leader...

regardless, talk and strategy on this should be CLASSIFIED and NOT out in the open....
Sounds like you bought right into Obummer ideology... 'be nice to them, placate them & they will do the Christian thing back to you' ... GMAF'nB!
I don't want our own President being assassinated by some foreign national or country, claiming it's ok for them to assassinate him, since we have nuclear missiles that could nuke their country...and use the same excuse you are using for assassinating Kim.
If playing nice to others so that they played nice back to us ... had ANY relevance or impact on the safety of the POTUS ... I'll stop there so I don't get myself in trouble here....
Considering that most "progressives" would prefer fatboy as "their" president rather than President Trump......

Yeah, that makes me very much concerned about political assassination attempts.
"Assassinations" (kill/capture with kill preference) are normally saved for people like Bin Laden or Yamamoto.

The USN assassinated them both with carefully planned raids.
While the S.Koreans may be justified for assassinating Kim Jong Oooon, nobody else would.

Kim has killed S.Koreans and should be executed for that.

The USA has no good reason to get involved at that level.

Missile strike sure. Targeted assassination not.
Hopefully one of his own generals will do the world a favor and cap that punk.
What's the difference between ISIS "soldiers" and liberal Democrats?

Tough to tell. They both hate President Trump and seem bent on violence against him.

Anybody have any suggestions?
Assassination wouldn't accomplish anything. The real power in North Korea is held by the generals. Kim is just their puppet.

Even if it could accomplish some strategic objective, it would be almost impossible to get close to him (if you thought Castro was difficult...), and it's not wise to attempt the assassination of someone capable of extinguishing millions of lives in an hour,
Hopefully one of his own generals will do the world a favor and cap that punk.

Why? They live in mansions and drive luxury cars thanks to the Kim regime. They are the real power holders in North Korea, and they will keep him as ruler as long as they keep getting bribes.
The only way to tame North Korea is through China. The DPRK is economically and militarily dependent on the PRC, and no other country has more sway with the generals there.
does trump have a darn death wish? WHY are they even talking about assassinating a foreign leader in public? STUPID STUPID STUPID IDIOTS if this is true.....gawd almighty...

Take a deep breath.

regardless, talk and strategy on this should be CLASSIFIED and NOT out in the open....

Strategy is classified and not talked about in the open. If you hear anything in the open, you can bet the farm it's not part of any ongoing plan.

Easy money we're floating a subtle nudge to the NK generals to stage a coup. The Chicoms would have to be in on it.

Hopefully one of his own generals will do the world a favor and cap that punk.

Once the plan of succession is all wrapped up and everyone knows who's palms will be padded.
The only way to tame North Korea is through China. The DPRK is economically and militarily dependent on the PRC, and no other country has more sway with the generals there.

Then why aren't they "tamed" already?

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