Trump Presidency - Failure

SAYIT, post: 22507875
A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Trumpo’s economy is growing/expanding no more, no better than Obama’s economy.

Are you saying we have had a nicely and sustainably expanding economy for the past nine years?
SAYIT, post: 22507875
A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Trumpo’s economy is growing/expanding no more, no better than Obama’s economy.

Are you saying we have had a nicely and sustainably expanding economy for the past nine years?
I'm saying anyone who believes Trump's presidency is a failure is a fool, a liar, a bitterly petulant crybaby, or all 3. I assure you no rational Democrat Socialist wants to have to run against this next year which may well explain their current crop of nimnils, numbnuts, and nobodies:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
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How is stating the truth TDS?
TDS afflicts more on the right.
sorry --WRONG ---the left has been CRYING since election day
they FREAKED out when Trump was elected--and still are
Trump this Trump that 24/7
Trump tied his shoe :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Trump said a bad word :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Trump's long list of presidency fails:
Trade with China: FAIL
Build Wall at Mexico border: FAIL
Mexico to pay for that wall: FAIL
Repeal Obamacare: FAIL
Peace with N. Korea: FAIL
What did Trump do then? He decreased taxes for the rich to the point that now 60 supersize corporations pay ZERO TAXES, including Amazon, IBM, GE, and Netflix by ballooning Federal Debt to bankruptcy levels. Well, Trump did bankrupt a $3 billion dollar casino, so I guess bankrupting America is next.
Such a failure and his gang of people are still supporting him? Why? Because he's racist?
crying STILL???????...the election was 2016 !!!!
Sad that Obama's biggest accomplishments were Obamacare now ruled illegal and the slowest economic recovery in the history of our nation.

Trump's long list of presidency fails:
Trade with China: FAIL
Build Wall at Mexico border: FAIL
Mexico to pay for that wall: FAIL
Repeal Obamacare: FAIL
Peace with N. Korea: FAIL
What did Trump do then? He decreased taxes for the rich to the point that now 60 supersize corporations pay ZERO TAXES, including Amazon, IBM, GE, and Netflix by ballooning Federal Debt to bankruptcy levels. Well, Trump did bankrupt a $3 billion dollar casino, so I guess bankrupting America is next.
Such a failure and his gang of people are still supporting him? Why? Because he's racist?

Hey Tard...

Wish in one hand and Shit in the other....

You are too Stupid to debate....
Issl is gone....the economy is humming along....the wall and a China deal will have to wait for when Trump wins re election....but people are back to work and saving again...stores are buzzing with crowds and restaurants are packed....on line sales are at an all time high....

Trump has cornered the Obama deep state and exposed the corruption from the last administration....bad un elected people will be prosecuted for an attempted coup...

Trump has returned pride in America...he is gaining support not only in America but all around the world....NK and China will be stubborn until he wins again because Pelosi and her gang have given the Chinese hope that Trump will lose...they are making a huge mistake...Mexico and Canada will however sign the new trade deal and Pelosi will be forced before the 2020 election to pass it out of the house.....

And remember all of those home terrorist attacks on our soil under the Magic Kenyan?....he has tapped that shit down as well....and he has proven all of the experts and scared bunnies in the senate wrong on tariffs...

Obama could have done all of this and more....he didn't want to...dems love troubled and down trodden people....
Bravo! I would only add that exposing our Media as the partisan Democrat meat puppets they have become may be the most important thing he has done on the domestic front. Without a free and independent media being a true watchdog for wrongdoing WHOEVER is doing it, we are in big trouble. The leadership of our intelligence agencies is also in the tank for the Democrats which President Trump has now spotlighted. They are all scurrying for cover.
The OP is so stupid to call a president's fails when he has only been in office 2 years. What had Obama accomplished in his first 2 years? Unemployment going up from 8.9 to 10%? Food stamps going up? Passing illegal Obamacare?

If you want to compare Obamas first 2 years to Trumps I'll tear you a new asshole but I'm up for it.
SAYIT, post: 22510987
I'm saying anyone who believes Trump's presidency is a failure is a fool, a liar, a bitterly petulant crybaby, or all 3. I assure you no rational Democrat Socialist wants to have to run against this next year which may well explain their current crop of nimnils, numbnuts, and nobodies:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

TrumpO has been President for 24 months. The link you posted correctly reports the economy has grown “100 months in a row”.
  • Employment has grown for more than 100 months in a row, and the economy has created more than 20 million jobs since the Great Recession ended in 2009. Much of that upturn occurred before President Trump was elected,
Why are you listing a “nicely and sustainably expanding” economy as if it were uniquely the result of TrumpO being president. As if that negates all his other failures.

Explain your message.

TrumpO has accomplished nothing more than what you would call a “Democratic Socialist” has done with the economy during the 76 months before the pussy grabber took over our White House.

TrumpO said he would replace the ACA with beautiful health care for everybody’s at less cost.

He is a failure on that - right?

Or you don’t want to discuss that? You want to give TrumpO fake credit for the economy.
airplanemechanic, post: 22511209
Sad that Obama's biggest accomplishments were Obamacare now ruled illegal and the slowest economic recovery in the history of our nation.

Liar. Obamacare has not been ruled illegal.

Also “slowest economic recovery” compared to what recovery?

Bush’s recession and speed of Americans losing jobs was the worst since the Great Depression.

You have no baseline to measure the pace of the recovery from Bush’s mess.

TrumpO says Obama’s economy was anemic because it never reached a year of GDP growth at 3% or higher. Obama made it to 2.9% in 2015.

TrumpO made it to 2.9 % in 2018.

Never again.

So what sets TrumpO above Obama with regard to economic growth?

TrumpO can’t get a good stable growing economy to do any better than Obama.

Who are you to tag the 2010 recovery as slow?
Trump's long list of presidency fails:
Trade with China: FAIL
Build Wall at Mexico border: FAIL
Mexico to pay for that wall: FAIL
Repeal Obamacare: FAIL
Peace with N. Korea: FAIL
What did Trump do then? He decreased taxes for the rich to the point that now 60 supersize corporations pay ZERO TAXES, including Amazon, IBM, GE, and Netflix by ballooning Federal Debt to bankruptcy levels. Well, Trump did bankrupt a $3 billion dollar casino, so I guess bankrupting America is next.
Such a failure and his gang of people are still supporting him? Why? Because he's racist?
Trump derangement syndrome
Rambunctious, post: 22507902
the economy is humming along.

It has been humming (under 3.0 % GDP) for nine years. There is no measurable change in the growth of the economy just because TrumpO is president.

It’s not going over 3.0% this year or next.

What are TrumpOroids so excited about?
TrumpOtweet; Were @FoxNews weekend anchors, @ArthelNeville and @LelandVittert, trained by CNN prior to their ratings collapse? In any event, that’s where they should be working, along with their lowest rated anchor, Shepard Smith! 2:18 PM - Mar 17, 2019

MarathonMike, post: 22511257
! I would only add that exposing our Media as the partisan Democrat meat puppets they have become may be the most important thing he has done on the domestic front.

That’s funny! The only suckers buying right wing propaganda that the primary US news media outlets (excluding Fox News) (including Shep Smith) have become partisan Democrat meat puppets are Trump’s base. So that’s roughly a third of the US voting age population.

So, TrumpO exposed something to his idiot believe-whatever-he-says base. That’s quite the accomplishment.

But where have you been? Rightwingers have been exposing liberal media bias at lest half a century.
  • The charges of media bias were picked up by the Nixon Administration in 1969, when Spiro Agnew skewered the “closed fraternity of privileged men” who ran television news. In choosing the stories and writing the commentary, he argued, these anchors, producers, and pundits served up not objective analysis but the liberal pap of the New York-Washington echo chamber. And every night, 40 million Americans tuned in, imbibing bias and mistaking it for neutrality. The Conservative War on Liberal Media Has a Long History

You think TrumpO exposed liberal media bias and that’s the most important thing TrumpO has done?

Damn that’s a low bar you’ve set for the clown in the White House.
Trump's long list of presidency fails:
Trade with China: FAIL
Build Wall at Mexico border: FAIL
Mexico to pay for that wall: FAIL
Repeal Obamacare: FAIL
Peace with N. Korea: FAIL
What did Trump do then? He decreased taxes for the rich to the point that now 60 supersize corporations pay ZERO TAXES, including Amazon, IBM, GE, and Netflix by ballooning Federal Debt to bankruptcy levels. Well, Trump did bankrupt a $3 billion dollar casino, so I guess bankrupting America is next.
Such a failure and his gang of people are still supporting him? Why? Because he's racist?
Trump's long list of presidency fails:
Trade with China: FAIL
Build Wall at Mexico border: FAIL
Mexico to pay for that wall: FAIL
Repeal Obamacare: FAIL
Peace with N. Korea: FAIL
What did Trump do then? He decreased taxes for the rich to the point that now 60 supersize corporations pay ZERO TAXES, including Amazon, IBM, GE, and Netflix by ballooning Federal Debt to bankruptcy levels. Well, Trump did bankrupt a $3 billion dollar casino, so I guess bankrupting America is next.
Such a failure and his gang of people are still supporting him? Why? Because he's racist?
Again I welcome you and remind you that you have the right to make a raging fool of yourself here but you will find absolutely no one who doesn't understand why you feel compelled to do it: haters gotta hate.

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

Both started under Pres Obama, now give us something he is responsible for doing.

How did obama do it?

Auto bailout: copied off Bush Jr

Tax cuts: copied off Bush Jr.

Stimulus: copied off Bush Jr.

Tarp : Bush Jr.

Quantitative easing: Janet

Jobs: Red state governors

Obama was against fracking, oil pipelines, drilling, jobs (see when he fought 1000s of jobs in South Carolina)

And on and on and on on ..

SAYIT, post: 22510987
I'm saying anyone who believes Trump's presidency is a failure is a fool, a liar, a bitterly petulant crybaby, or all 3. I assure you no rational Democrat Socialist wants to have to run against this next year which may well explain their current crop of nimnils, numbnuts, and nobodies:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

TrumpO has been President for 24 months. The link you posted correctly reports the economy has grown “100 months in a row”.
  • Employment has grown for more than 100 months in a row, and the economy has created more than 20 million jobs since the Great Recession ended in 2009. Much of that upturn occurred before President Trump was elected,
Why are you listing a “nicely and sustainably expanding” economy as if it were uniquely the result of TrumpO being president. As if that negates all his other failures.

Explain your message.

TrumpO has accomplished nothing more than what you would call a “Democratic Socialist” has done with the economy during the 76 months before the pussy grabber took over our White House.

TrumpO said he would replace the ACA with beautiful health care for everybody’s at less cost.

He is a failure on that - right?

Or you don’t want to discuss that? You want to give TrumpO fake credit for the economy.

The recession ended in 2009, that's the biggest bullshit thing I ever heard from l economic dumbasses. They sure didn't tell the bullshit economy.

It didn't end till around 2014 and started in 1999.

bear513, post: 22512259
The recession ended in 2009, that's the biggest bullshit thing I ever heard from l economic dumbasses.

That’s when it ended dumbass.

upload_2019-6-7_0-35-34.png Great Recession - HISTORY
Dec 4, 2017 · The Great Recession was a global economic downturn that ... By the end of 2008, the Fed had reduced the target .... “Recession officially ended in June 2009.

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