Trump Presidency - Failure

bear513, post: 22512259
The recession ended in 2009, that's the biggest bullshit thing I ever heard from l economic dumbasses.

That’s when it ended dumbass.

View attachment 264195 Great Recession - HISTORY
Dec 4, 2017 · The Great Recession was a global economic downturn that ... By the end of 2008, the Fed had reduced the target .... “Recession officially ended in June 2009.

Once again they sure didn't tell the man on the street or the economy.

Trump's long list of presidency fails:
Trade with China: FAIL
Build Wall at Mexico border: FAIL
Mexico to pay for that wall: FAIL
Repeal Obamacare: FAIL
Peace with N. Korea: FAIL
What did Trump do then? He decreased taxes for the rich to the point that now 60 supersize corporations pay ZERO TAXES, including Amazon, IBM, GE, and Netflix by ballooning Federal Debt to bankruptcy levels. Well, Trump did bankrupt a $3 billion dollar casino, so I guess bankrupting America is next.
Such a failure and his gang of people are still supporting him? Why? Because he's racist?
Again I welcome you and remind you that you have the right to make a raging fool of yourself here but you will find absolutely no one who doesn't understand why you feel compelled to do it: haters gotta hate.

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

Both started under Pres Obama, now give us something he is responsible for doing.

How did obama do it?

Auto bailout: copied off Bush Jr

Tax cuts: copied off Bush Jr.

Stimulus: copied off Bush Jr.

Tarp : Bush Jr.

Quantitative easing: Janet

Jobs: Red state governors

Obama was against fracking, oil pipelines, drilling, jobs (see when he fought 1000s of jobs in South Carolina)

And on and on and on on ..

Pssst this country was in a deep recession when Obama became President and when he handed it off to Trump 8yrs later this country was in great shape in spite of dealing with a hostile Republican Congress.
SAYIT, post: 22510987
I'm saying anyone who believes Trump's presidency is a failure is a fool, a liar, a bitterly petulant crybaby, or all 3. I assure you no rational Democrat Socialist wants to have to run against this next year which may well explain their current crop of nimnils, numbnuts, and nobodies:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

TrumpO has been President for 24 months. The link you posted correctly reports the economy has grown “100 months in a row”.
  • Employment has grown for more than 100 months in a row, and the economy has created more than 20 million jobs since the Great Recession ended in 2009. Much of that upturn occurred before President Trump was elected,
Why are you listing a “nicely and sustainably expanding” economy as if it were uniquely the result of TrumpO being president. As if that negates all his other failures.

Explain your message.

TrumpO has accomplished nothing more than what you would call a “Democratic Socialist” has done with the economy during the 76 months before the pussy grabber took over our White House.

TrumpO said he would replace the ACA with beautiful health care for everybody’s at less cost.

He is a failure on that - right?

Or you don’t want to discuss that? You want to give TrumpO fake credit for the economy.

The recession ended in 2009, that's the biggest bullshit thing I ever heard from l economic dumbasses. They sure didn't tell the bullshit economy.

It didn't end till around 2014 and started in 1999.


It ended around 2010, maybe 2011.
SAYIT, post: 22510987
I'm saying anyone who believes Trump's presidency is a failure is a fool, a liar, a bitterly petulant crybaby, or all 3. I assure you no rational Democrat Socialist wants to have to run against this next year which may well explain their current crop of nimnils, numbnuts, and nobodies:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

TrumpO has been President for 24 months. The link you posted correctly reports the economy has grown “100 months in a row”.
  • Employment has grown for more than 100 months in a row, and the economy has created more than 20 million jobs since the Great Recession ended in 2009. Much of that upturn occurred before President Trump was elected,
Why are you listing a “nicely and sustainably expanding” economy as if it were uniquely the result of TrumpO being president. As if that negates all his other failures.

Explain your message.

TrumpO has accomplished nothing more than what you would call a “Democratic Socialist” has done with the economy during the 76 months before the pussy grabber took over our White House.

TrumpO said he would replace the ACA with beautiful health care for everybody’s at less cost.

He is a failure on that - right?

Or you don’t want to discuss that? You want to give TrumpO fake credit for the economy.

The recession ended in 2009, that's the biggest bullshit thing I ever heard from l economic dumbasses. They sure didn't tell the bullshit economy.

It didn't end till around 2014 and started in 1999.

bear513, post: 22512259
The recession ended in 2009, that's the biggest bullshit thing I ever heard from l economic dumbasses.

That’s when it ended dumbass.

View attachment 264195 Great Recession - HISTORY
Dec 4, 2017 · The Great Recession was a global economic downturn that ... By the end of 2008, the Fed had reduced the target .... “Recession officially ended in June 2009.

Once again they sure didn't tell the man on the street or the economy.


Tell the NBER they got it wrong. :lmao:
SAYIT, post: 22510987
I'm saying anyone who believes Trump's presidency is a failure is a fool, a liar, a bitterly petulant crybaby, or all 3. I assure you no rational Democrat Socialist wants to have to run against this next year which may well explain their current crop of nimnils, numbnuts, and nobodies:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

TrumpO has been President for 24 months. The link you posted correctly reports the economy has grown “100 months in a row”.
  • Employment has grown for more than 100 months in a row, and the economy has created more than 20 million jobs since the Great Recession ended in 2009. Much of that upturn occurred before President Trump was elected,
Why are you listing a “nicely and sustainably expanding” economy as if it were uniquely the result of TrumpO being president. As if that negates all his other failures.

Explain your message.

TrumpO has accomplished nothing more than what you would call a “Democratic Socialist” has done with the economy during the 76 months before the pussy grabber took over our White House.

TrumpO said he would replace the ACA with beautiful health care for everybody’s at less cost.

He is a failure on that - right?

Or you don’t want to discuss that? You want to give TrumpO fake credit for the economy.

The recession ended in 2009, that's the biggest bullshit thing I ever heard from l economic dumbasses. They sure didn't tell the bullshit economy.

It didn't end till around 2014 and started in 1999.


Once again tell the economy or the man on the street it ended in 2009 faggot.

Trump's long list of presidency fails:
Trade with China: FAIL
Build Wall at Mexico border: FAIL
Mexico to pay for that wall: FAIL
Repeal Obamacare: FAIL
Peace with N. Korea: FAIL
What did Trump do then? He decreased taxes for the rich to the point that now 60 supersize corporations pay ZERO TAXES, including Amazon, IBM, GE, and Netflix by ballooning Federal Debt to bankruptcy levels. Well, Trump did bankrupt a $3 billion dollar casino, so I guess bankrupting America is next.
Such a failure and his gang of people are still supporting him? Why? Because he's racist?
Again I welcome you and remind you that you have the right to make a raging fool of yourself here but you will find absolutely no one who doesn't understand why you feel compelled to do it: haters gotta hate.

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

Both started under Pres Obama, now give us something he is responsible for doing.

How did obama do it?

Auto bailout: copied off Bush Jr

Tax cuts: copied off Bush Jr.

Stimulus: copied off Bush Jr.

Tarp : Bush Jr.

Quantitative easing: Janet

Jobs: Red state governors

Obama was against fracking, oil pipelines, drilling, jobs (see when he fought 1000s of jobs in South Carolina)

And on and on and on on ..

Pssst this country was in a deep recession when Obama became President and when he handed it off to Trump 8yrs later this country was in great shape in spite of dealing with a hostile Republican Congress.

After all that I posted, what did Obama do twitch is nose?

SAYIT, post: 22510987
I'm saying anyone who believes Trump's presidency is a failure is a fool, a liar, a bitterly petulant crybaby, or all 3. I assure you no rational Democrat Socialist wants to have to run against this next year which may well explain their current crop of nimnils, numbnuts, and nobodies:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

TrumpO has been President for 24 months. The link you posted correctly reports the economy has grown “100 months in a row”.
  • Employment has grown for more than 100 months in a row, and the economy has created more than 20 million jobs since the Great Recession ended in 2009. Much of that upturn occurred before President Trump was elected,
Why are you listing a “nicely and sustainably expanding” economy as if it were uniquely the result of TrumpO being president. As if that negates all his other failures.

Explain your message.

TrumpO has accomplished nothing more than what you would call a “Democratic Socialist” has done with the economy during the 76 months before the pussy grabber took over our White House.

TrumpO said he would replace the ACA with beautiful health care for everybody’s at less cost.

He is a failure on that - right?

Or you don’t want to discuss that? You want to give TrumpO fake credit for the economy.

The recession ended in 2009, that's the biggest bullshit thing I ever heard from l economic dumbasses. They sure didn't tell the bullshit economy.

It didn't end till around 2014 and started in 1999.


Once again tell the economy or the man on the street it ended in 2009 faggot.


You poor thing. Still fantasizing about straight men having gay sex. <smh>

That aside, the recession ended in June, 2009, I don't care what delusions you suffer from. After that, GDP was growing. Shortly after that, we entered what is now the longest streak of job growth of 123 consecutive months (including today's job numbers) in the private sector.

You know, what you idiotically call a "recession."

Trump's long list of presidency fails:
Trade with China: FAIL
Build Wall at Mexico border: FAIL
Mexico to pay for that wall: FAIL
Repeal Obamacare: FAIL
Peace with N. Korea: FAIL
What did Trump do then? He decreased taxes for the rich to the point that now 60 supersize corporations pay ZERO TAXES, including Amazon, IBM, GE, and Netflix by ballooning Federal Debt to bankruptcy levels. Well, Trump did bankrupt a $3 billion dollar casino, so I guess bankrupting America is next.
Such a failure and his gang of people are still supporting him? Why? Because he's racist?
I got more money in MY pocket and my friends got jobs-the rest? Who cares?
Trump's long list of presidency fails:
Trade with China: FAIL
Build Wall at Mexico border: FAIL
Mexico to pay for that wall: FAIL
Repeal Obamacare: FAIL
Peace with N. Korea: FAIL
What did Trump do then? He decreased taxes for the rich to the point that now 60 supersize corporations pay ZERO TAXES, including Amazon, IBM, GE, and Netflix by ballooning Federal Debt to bankruptcy levels. Well, Trump did bankrupt a $3 billion dollar casino, so I guess bankrupting America is next.
Such a failure and his gang of people are still supporting him? Why? Because he's racist?
Again I welcome you and remind you that you have the right to make a raging fool of yourself here but you will find absolutely no one who doesn't understand why you feel compelled to do it: haters gotta hate.

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

Both started under Pres Obama, now give us something he is responsible for doing.

How did obama do it?

Auto bailout: copied off Bush Jr

Tax cuts: copied off Bush Jr.

Stimulus: copied off Bush Jr.

Tarp : Bush Jr.

Quantitative easing: Janet

Jobs: Red state governors

Obama was against fracking, oil pipelines, drilling, jobs (see when he fought 1000s of jobs in South Carolina)

And on and on and on on ..

Pssst this country was in a deep recession when Obama became President and when he handed it off to Trump 8yrs later this country was in great shape in spite of dealing with a hostile Republican Congress.

After all that I posted, what did Obama do twitch is nose?


Actually be a President.
No one hardly mentions his greatest accomplishment.
and soon Barrett

Also the dozens upon dozens of other fed judges.
You poor thing. Still fantasizing about straight men having gay sex. <smh>
Straight men don't have gay sex. That's what makes them straight. Or maybe you're trying to convince us or yourself you're not a fag?
I didn't say straight men have gay sex. Your reading comprehension issues are of no concern to me.
Nor is you sexual identity to me. Be a "straight" fag for all I care. I'm sure there's weirder stuff out there ... someplace.
Nor am I interested in sharing my sexual identity but some here like fanWhat the hell is a "straight fag?" For the record, I am straight and have a wife.
No one hardly mentions his greatest accomplishment.
and soon Barrett

Also the dozens upon dozens of other fed judges.

Could it be because only the racist Trump Humpers see those as accomplishments.
So once again, trump has accomplished no more than Obama.

Let's talk again in 2025.
Trump's long list of presidency fails:
Trade with China: FAIL
Build Wall at Mexico border: FAIL
Mexico to pay for that wall: FAIL
Repeal Obamacare: FAIL
Peace with N. Korea: FAIL
What did Trump do then? He decreased taxes for the rich to the point that now 60 supersize corporations pay ZERO TAXES, including Amazon, IBM, GE, and Netflix by ballooning Federal Debt to bankruptcy levels. Well, Trump did bankrupt a $3 billion dollar casino, so I guess bankrupting America is next.
Such a failure and his gang of people are still supporting him? Why? Because he's racist?
Again I welcome you and remind you that you have the right to make a raging fool of yourself here but you will find absolutely no one who doesn't understand why you feel compelled to do it: haters gotta hate.

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

Cracks me up how you boast about the unemployment rate without giving Obama any credit.



The bush boy left Obama 10% unemployment.

Obama left trump 4.7% unemployment.

When trump lowers unemployment by 5.3% I'll be impressed.

The bush boy left Obama the stock market in free fall and at 7949.

Obama left trump a recovered and robust stock market at 19732.

When trump stops a stock market free fall and increases the stock market by 11,783 I'll be impressed.

Obama prevented another republican Great Depression and took us out of the Great Recession the bush boy forced on us.

When trump saves us from another republican Great Depression and pulls us out of another Great Recession, I'll be impressed.

You spew pablum.....
It's relative drop you are after.
10% to 5% is 50% drop over 8 years.
5% to 3.5% would be 33% drop in 2.5 years.

On Election night DOW gains after that point due to Obie.

You are headed fir the list....I watch you people
Trump's long list of presidency fails:
Trade with China: FAIL
Build Wall at Mexico border: FAIL
Mexico to pay for that wall: FAIL
Repeal Obamacare: FAIL
Peace with N. Korea: FAIL
What did Trump do then? He decreased taxes for the rich to the point that now 60 supersize corporations pay ZERO TAXES, including Amazon, IBM, GE, and Netflix by ballooning Federal Debt to bankruptcy levels. Well, Trump did bankrupt a $3 billion dollar casino, so I guess bankrupting America is next.
Such a failure and his gang of people are still supporting him? Why? Because he's racist?
Again I welcome you and remind you that you have the right to make a raging fool of yourself here but you will find absolutely no one who doesn't understand why you feel compelled to do it: haters gotta hate.

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

Cracks me up how you boast about the unemployment rate without giving Obama any credit.



The bush boy left Obama 10% unemployment.

Obama left trump 4.7% unemployment.

When trump lowers unemployment by 5.3% I'll be impressed.

The bush boy left Obama the stock market in free fall and at 7949.

Obama left trump a recovered and robust stock market at 19732.

When trump stops a stock market free fall and increases the stock market by 11,783 I'll be impressed.

Obama prevented another republican Great Depression and took us out of the Great Recession the bush boy forced on us.

When trump saves us from another republican Great Depression and pulls us out of another Great Recession, I'll be impressed.

You spew pablum.....
It's relative drop you are after.
10% to 5% is 50% drop over 8 years.
5% to 3.5% would be 33% drop in 2.5 years.

On Election night DOW gains after that point due to Obie.

You are headed fir the list....I watch you people

So give us something that Trump is actually responsible for and not a trend that started before he took office.
Trump's long list of presidency fails... Such a failure and his gang of people are still supporting him? Why? Because he's racist?
Again I welcome you and remind you that you have the right to make a raging fool of yourself here but you will find absolutely no one who doesn't understand why you feel compelled to do it: haters gotta hate.

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
Seriously. The bush boy left Obama 10% unemployment. Obama left trump 4.7% unemployment. When trump lowers unemployment by 5.3% I'll be impressed. The bush boy left Obama the stock market in free fall and at 7949. Obama left trump a recovered and robust stock market at 19732. When trump stops a stock market free fall and increases the stock market by 11,783 I'll be impressed. Obama prevented another republican Great Depression and took us out of the Great Recession the bush boy forced on us. When trump saves us from another republican Great Depression and pulls us out of another Great Recession, I'll be impressed.
You spew pablum… It's relative drop you are after. 10% to 5% is 50% drop over 8 years. 5% to 3.5% would be 33% drop in 2.5 years. On Election night DOW gains after that point due to Obie.
You are headed for the list....I watch you people
In fact I would argue that the Dow is not a valid indicator of our present economy but rather just of investor confidence in our future prosperity and while presidents can screw things up it really is us who powers this economy.

I use that list of our accomplishments the last 31 months to counter the bitter clowns who post "the worst POTUS of all time" here but the economy in 2009 had bottomed and had no where to go but up. Obama had the good sense to get out of our way and allow Americans to do what we do best - prosper - and for that I give him props & thanks but those who claim we are still enjoying "Obama's economy" or ever did are simply bitter 'tards who may be understandably panicked about the future:

3 forecast modelers predict Trump will win in 2020
Last edited:
You spew pablum… It's relative drop you are after. 10% to 5% is 50% drop over 8 years.
5% to 3.5% would be 33% drop in 2.5 years. On Election night DOW gains after that point due to Obie...
So give us something that Trump is actually responsible for and not a trend that started before he took office.
How about reloading our courts with constitutional judges rather than the activists who made law from their benches? How about providing a level opportunity playfield that has resulted in historically low minority unemployment and not by new laws and gov't programs.

The fact is if you are gonna trash the POTUS just because 31 months ago he defeated "the most qualified candidate evah" at least have something more significant than "Trump is a poopy-head … IMPEACH."

Trump's long list of presidency fails:
Trade with China: FAIL
Build Wall at Mexico border: FAIL
Mexico to pay for that wall: FAIL
Repeal Obamacare: FAIL
Peace with N. Korea: FAIL
What did Trump do then? He decreased taxes for the rich to the point that now 60 supersize corporations pay ZERO TAXES, including Amazon, IBM, GE, and Netflix by ballooning Federal Debt to bankruptcy levels. Well, Trump did bankrupt a $3 billion dollar casino, so I guess bankrupting America is next.
Such a failure and his gang of people are still supporting him? Why? Because he's racist?
Again I welcome you and remind you that you have the right to make a raging fool of yourself here but you will find absolutely no one who doesn't understand why you feel compelled to do it: haters gotta hate.

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

Cracks me up how you boast about the unemployment rate without giving Obama any credit.



The bush boy left Obama 10% unemployment.

Obama left trump 4.7% unemployment.

When trump lowers unemployment by 5.3% I'll be impressed.

The bush boy left Obama the stock market in free fall and at 7949.

Obama left trump a recovered and robust stock market at 19732.

When trump stops a stock market free fall and increases the stock market by 11,783 I'll be impressed.

Obama prevented another republican Great Depression and took us out of the Great Recession the bush boy forced on us.

When trump saves us from another republican Great Depression and pulls us out of another Great Recession, I'll be impressed.

You spew pablum.....
It's relative drop you are after.
10% to 5% is 50% drop over 8 years.
5% to 3.5% would be 33% drop in 2.5 years.

On Election night DOW gains after that point due to Obie.

You are headed fir the list....I watch you people

So give us something that Trump is actually responsible for and not a trend that started before he took office.

Massive De-Regulations too numerous to list.
The new Tax plan got the costal elites to pay more tax instead of you and I paying part of their mansions. Cap SALT and motgage deduction!
The new Tax leveled the field for renters vs. homeowners. It is a good start!
Trump got som NATO to pay fair share and deadbeat countries to pay for our Military protection. On an time for this. Must work now.


  • upload_2019-6-7_10-23-35.png
    145 bytes · Views: 11
You spew pablum… It's relative drop you are after. 10% to 5% is 50% drop over 8 years.
5% to 3.5% would be 33% drop in 2.5 years. On Election night DOW gains after that point due to Obie...
So give us something that Trump is actually responsible for and not a trend that started before he took office.
How about reloading our courts with constitutional judges rather than the activists who made law from their benches? How about providing a level opportunity playfield that has resulted in historically low minority unemployment and not by new laws and gov't programs.

Hate to tell you this, but if right wing judges that Trump is appointing had of been on the bench during the 50s and 60s we would probably still be fighting Jim Crow.

The fact is if you are gonna trash the POTUS just because 31 months ago he defeated "the most qualified candidate evah" at least have something more significant than "

I am criticizing him because he doesn't conduct himself as a president, he lies on a daily basis, he takes credit for things he is not responsible for, he is decisive as hell, should I go on?

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