Trump President Three Months.Remember The Chant,"No More KKK"?,Return Of Nazism?,Well,Any Signs Yet?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:argue: :bang3: :wtf: For the few months leading into the Trump Landslide, we never went a day without hearing of the threats of the return of the KKK, maybe even the expansion of the KKK if Trump wins. We were so close to going back to the days of Hitler and the days of when "White Men Ruled" and they were going to separate schools and public restrooms for blacks and whites. :confused:
Well, Trump has been President for three months now. Has anyone seen any ads on craigslist for new KKK recruits? Has anyone seen "Blacks Only" signs at restaurants/store check out lines/restrooms/buses, etc? :smoke:
How about Wal-Mart?, have they doubles their "KKK Accessory Sections"? Blue Light Specials On KKK Costumes? :poke:
If so, please let us know. Just to make sure that the MSM has been reporting the news honestly for the last 12 to18 months. :boobies:
well one in three legal american will be shopping at wal mart tonight/this weekend. so when u return, please let us know if you see any sales on KKK accessories. I actually need to go tonight, all my torches have burnt out.
:argue: :bang3: :wtf: For the few months leading into the Trump Landslide, we never went a day without hearing of the threats of the return of the KKK, maybe even the expansion of the KKK if Trump wins. We were so close to going back to the days of Hitler and the days of when "White Men Ruled" and they were going to separate schools and public restrooms for blacks and whites. :confused:
Well, Trump has been President for three months now. Has anyone seen any ads on craigslist for new KKK recruits? Has anyone seen "Blacks Only" signs at restaurants/store check out lines/restrooms/buses, etc? :smoke:
How about Wal-Mart?, have they doubles their "KKK Accessory Sections"? Blue Light Specials On KKK Costumes? :poke:
If so, please let us know. Just to make sure that the MSM has been reporting the news honestly for the last 12 to18 months. :boobies:
Only signs of KKK and Nazis, are being shown from the left.

the Trump Landslide,

Just curious......who won the popular vote in that "landslide"????
Trump did, of course, when he won the majority of votes in the majority of states, that makes him the winner of the Representative Republic of the US of A. Not the whiney crooked vagina candidate who may have more votes from 2 states who are disasters of economic prosperity and rely on the welfare states having billions of dollars in debt. Hey Nitwit49.00, Cuba has been opened where your Socialist Utopian Paradise awaits you. Just leave your passport at the border, for We the People have voted and we don't want your sorry whiney petulant ass here anymore.
Capitalist Cuba..Communist Cuba...
:argue: :bang3: :wtf: For the few months leading into the Trump Landslide, we never went a day without hearing of the threats of the return of the KKK, maybe even the expansion of the KKK if Trump wins. We were so close to going back to the days of Hitler and the days of when "White Men Ruled" and they were going to separate schools and public restrooms for blacks and whites. :confused:
Well, Trump has been President for three months now. Has anyone seen any ads on craigslist for new KKK recruits? Has anyone seen "Blacks Only" signs at restaurants/store check out lines/restrooms/buses, etc? :smoke:
How about Wal-Mart?, have they doubles their "KKK Accessory Sections"? Blue Light Specials On KKK Costumes? :poke:
If so, please let us know. Just to make sure that the MSM has been reporting the news honestly for the last 12 to18 months. :boobies:
Actually, yes, in the questioning of nazi-ism! The discrediting of traditional institutions, such as the judicial and the media among other small things, are the groundwork. The fact that this admin thinks AND ACTS like the judicial is not co-equal and that the president has no limits and is not subject to review is one of the first steps. And it is clear he has plenty of followers. Not even Hitler became the leader we hate without first cutting the ground out from under the country's Constitutional foundation, and by the time all those people at the book burnings and Nuremberg rallies saw the light, it was too late. They had forfeit the power to hold leadership in check. Previous presidents have had setbacks thru the courts and accepted the rulings out of respect.

But there is hope. The Women's march, the Chaffetz townhall, other small and local orgs all point to an awakening that Trump isn't exactly the change they want. Rexx, try this anology...the devil doesn't run around in red underwear with his pointy tail hanging out, carrying a pitchfork and cooking you with his bad breath. Otherwise everyone would see him (it?) clearly, and run the other way. No, he is subtle and charming and beautiful, able to convince, to promise. He knows what you want, and pretends to give it. This is not to compare our current leader to Lucifer, but to identify the Lucifer tactics man has been using for millennia. IN my lifetime by Hitler, Mussolini, et al. Take care, pay attention, think ahead. Knowing that power corrupts and that absolute power corrupts absolutely. We still don't know how this current court case about the ban will end, but those who care about a balance of power from a man who claims he should have no restrictions, no review...using a ploy, ala national security, as a cover for an even greater power ought to give you pause..
:argue: :bang3: :wtf: For the few months leading into the Trump Landslide, we never went a day without hearing of the threats of the return of the KKK, maybe even the expansion of the KKK if Trump wins. We were so close to going back to the days of Hitler and the days of when "White Men Ruled" and they were going to separate schools and public restrooms for blacks and whites. :confused:
Well, Trump has been President for three months now. Has anyone seen any ads on craigslist for new KKK recruits? Has anyone seen "Blacks Only" signs at restaurants/store check out lines/restrooms/buses, etc? :smoke:
How about Wal-Mart?, have they doubles their "KKK Accessory Sections"? Blue Light Specials On KKK Costumes? :poke:
If so, please let us know. Just to make sure that the MSM has been reporting the news honestly for the last 12 to18 months. :boobies:
Actually, yes, in the questioning of nazi-ism! The discrediting of traditional institutions, such as the judicial and the media among other small things, are the groundwork. The fact that this admin thinks AND ACTS like the judicial is not co-equal and that the president has no limits and is not subject to review is one of the first steps. And it is clear he has plenty of followers. Not even Hitler became the leader we hate without first cutting the ground out from under the country's Constitutional foundation, and by the time all those people at the book burnings and Nuremberg rallies saw the light, it was too late. They had forfeit the power to hold leadership in check. Previous presidents have had setbacks thru the courts and accepted the rulings out of respect.

But there is hope. The Women's march, the Chaffetz townhall, other small and local orgs all point to an awakening that Trump isn't exactly the change they want. Rexx, try this anology...the devil doesn't run around in red underwear with his pointy tail hanging out, carrying a pitchfork and cooking you with his bad breath. Otherwise everyone would see him (it?) clearly, and run the other way. No, he is subtle and charming and beautiful, able to convince, to promise. He knows what you want, and pretends to give it. This is not to compare our current leader to Lucifer, but to identify the Lucifer tactics man has been using for millennia. IN my lifetime by Hitler, Mussolini, et al. Take care, pay attention, think ahead. Knowing that power corrupts and that absolute power corrupts absolutely. We still don't know how this current court case about the ban will end, but those who care about a balance of power from a man who claims he should have no restrictions, no review...using a ploy, ala national security, as a cover for an even greater power ought to give you pause..
How come you libidiots didn't mind when Obama went against the people? Did you finally pull your head out of Uranus?
Trumps attempts to villify members of one particular religion, and to ban immigration - such a great moment for Nazis and the KKK. The Courts have stopped him so far.
9th Circuit decisions are OVERTURNED at an over 80% clip.

The ruling is a joke.

When are those Trump brand concentration camps opening? It's been 3 weeks!!
Trumps attempts to villify members of one particular religion, and to ban immigration - such a great moment for Nazis and the KKK. The Courts have stopped him so far.

If it were the Muslim religion he would have banned all Muslim countries.

Of course you're so biased you can't see it and its easy to call someone a racist.

You wouldn't know a real racist if one kicked your ass.

All the 9th did was stop Trump from protecting Americans. The ban would have expired in 90 days and I sure hope they have the vetting beefed the hell up.

And won't you look like a fool if some asshole from one of those countries kills in America.
Nah. Haven't seen nary a one anywhere.

Guess they were full of shit as usual.

So he's a Trump fan. Good for him. So am I.

You were an Obama and Hillary fan and a sore loser.

A sore loser who still can't believe he got slonngged. LOL

Hey, I'm just showing you what you claimed hasn't happened. The OP asked if there were any signs. You said no. I showed you are wrong. Now you want to make the topic who is a fan. That's another thread sweetie.
1.4 billion Muslims unaffected by the EO.

Not a Muslim ban.

This ruling will be overturned by SCOTUS because it's bullshit.

A court that is OVERRULED at a clip of over 80% is an absolute fucking joke.

Imagine if a criminal court had over 80% of their convictions overruled? DO you think people might be critical of that court?
Nah. Haven't seen nary a one anywhere.

Guess they were full of shit as usual.

So he's a Trump fan. Good for him. So am I.

You were an Obama and Hillary fan and a sore loser.

A sore loser who still can't believe he got slonngged. LOL

Hey, I'm just showing you what you claimed hasn't happened. The OP asked if there were any signs. You said no. I showed you are wrong. Now you want to make the topic who is a fan. That's another thread sweetie.

Nah. All you did was pull up a Tweet sent by David Duke. Like you think Trump has any control over those who supports him. Not hardly.

Let me know when the KKK burns some more crosses or the Natzi's set up a concentration camp in America.

Get back to me then.

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