Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has voted by mail 11 times in 10 years

I sure it wouldn't kill fat ass Dems to ferry themselves to the polls to vote.
Republicans don't vote absentee? Kellyanne Conway did.

"Absentee voting now is EXACTLY THE SAME as everyone in the country voting . . . because I'm too piss-stupid to understand differences!"

Republicans vote absentee WHEN THEY'RE ACTUALLY ABSENT. They don't advocate that the entire country vote that way because they want the government goodies without inconvenience.
"Absentee voting now is EXACTLY THE SAME as everyone in the country voting . . . because I'm too piss-stupid to understand differences!"

NEWS FLASH: I can tell you from actually doing it, it always was the same

Republicans vote absentee WHEN THEY'RE ACTUALLY ABSENT. They don't advocate that the entire country vote that way because they want the government goodies without inconvenience.

You're taking out your ass. You have no way of knowing that.

Fact: More "government goodies" are given to corporations than American Workers. Do corporations vote absentee?

Newsflash: I wouldn't trust YOUR perceptions if you told me, "I can tell you from looking at the sky that it is blue."

I have no way of knowing that Republicans aren't advocating for widespread mail-in voting? I have one very good way: if there were even one Republican pushing for that, it'd be all over the so-called "media" like a bad rash.

If you have to qualify your post with the word "fact", it isn't a fact. Also, I have no interest whatsoever in your desperate need to shoehorn your favorite hate-filled, obsessive rant into every conversation. You want to rail about corporations, go find a thread that's even remotely related to that subject.
Republicans vote absentee WHEN THEY'RE ACTUALLY ABSENT. They don't advocate that the entire country vote that way because they want the government goodies without inconvenience.

So why can’t everyone vote absentee whether they’re actually absent or not?

Who cares? It’s no skin off your back.
Far less (if any) Republicans would be elected. Based on economic performance of Republicans, that may be a blessing.

So I hear you saying, "I know it would rig the elections, that's why I like it."

And frankly, since it requires a global pandemic and a forcible economic shutdown for Republicans to have worse economies than Democrats, I wouldn't be peacocking around about it if I were you.
And frankly, since it requires a global pandemic and a forcible economic shutdown for Republicans to have worse economies than Democrats, I wouldn't be peacocking around about it if I were you.
Before the pandemic, we were really loving that sub 3% economic growth. What a rocket ship that was!

Still I’d like to know why you care so much if people vote by mail when they’re not absent?
I sure it wouldn't kill fat ass Dems to ferry themselves to the polls to vote.
Republicans don't vote absentee? Kellyanne Conway did.

"Absentee voting now is EXACTLY THE SAME as everyone in the country voting . . . because I'm too piss-stupid to understand differences!"

Republicans vote absentee WHEN THEY'RE ACTUALLY ABSENT. They don't advocate that the entire country vote that way because they want the government goodies without inconvenience.
"Absentee voting now is EXACTLY THE SAME as everyone in the country voting . . . because I'm too piss-stupid to understand differences!"

NEWS FLASH: I can tell you from actually doing it, it always was the same

Republicans vote absentee WHEN THEY'RE ACTUALLY ABSENT. They don't advocate that the entire country vote that way because they want the government goodies without inconvenience.

You're taking out your ass. You have no way of knowing that.

Fact: More "government goodies" are given to corporations than American Workers. Do corporations vote absentee?

Newsflash: I wouldn't trust YOUR perceptions if you told me, "I can tell you from looking at the sky that it is blue."

I have no way of knowing that Republicans aren't advocating for widespread mail-in voting? I have one very good way: if there were even one Republican pushing for that, it'd be all over the so-called "media" like a bad rash.

If you have to qualify your post with the word "fact", it isn't a fact. Also, I have no interest whatsoever in your desperate need to shoehorn your favorite hate-filled, obsessive rant into every conversation. You want to rail about corporations, go find a thread that's even remotely related to that subject.
-I predicted that your skidmark was going to be a very bad President. I was right.
-I told you guys right here on the USMB to get out of the market when it was 29. I was right.
-I was asked last March right here on the USMB which stocks to buy, I stated home delivery. I was right.
-I stated the worst economic times for the middle class, now poor with credit was during Republican administrations. I was right.

I've now proven that my "obsessive rant" hasn't been a rant, but fact.
Looks like voting by mail is awesome and convenient for Donald Trump and his press secretary, who says not everyone should have access to mail voting.
Where did they get this Brainless Barbie?
They don't work where they live, moron. That's the only way they can vote.
Are you sure??
Trump's home is in Florida. Many people who work in Washington live somewhere else, like almost every member of Congress.

So the press secretary was away from home for 10 years.

That was before tramp was the Potus, I really don't care what he does , just know he doesnt' need to stand in line, and he did before.
You support voter fraud. That's the long and the short of it.
So does Impeached Trump and his press secretary, since they both vote by mail but Impeached Trump says that's fraudulent.
If you vote by mail when you're home on election day, the only justification is voter fraud.
Uh, no, it's not, ya fucking moron. :cuckoo:

There are many reasons to vote by mail which are not fraudulent. For myself, it's because I don't trust the electronic voting machines which have no paper trail. To circumvent that problem, I vote by mail.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?


This is the most breathtakingly stupid and insane thing I have seen anyone post in . . . at least a week.
Ohh, nooooo's .... a shitstain finds sensible voting "stupid and insane." How will I ever survive that?? :lol:

The same way you deal with people realizing that your "sensible" is stupid and insane in all aspects of your life, I would imagine.
Dumbfuck, you're calling the interest to vote on something not connected to the Internet, and which leaves a paper trail, "stupid and insane."

That reveals far more about you than it does me.

Dumbfuck, you are calling people "dumbfuck" for not agreeing that your paranoid technophobia is actually the height of "security measures".

That reveals that I could not possibly care less what an ignorant twink like you thinks of me.
Dumbfuck, it's not paranoia when it's real. You're a moronconservative if you think electronic voting machines can't be hacked. :cuckoo:

You're a dumbfuck if you think you get to define what I'm saying by your simpleminded binary worldview. I don't even need to waste time arguing the notion of "Voting machines aren't perfect, so that means they're totally bad and the BEST method is by mail!" Anyone intelligent can already see why that's ridiculous, and anyone who is you is too far gone with the senility to understand.
Looks like voting by mail is awesome and convenient for Donald Trump and his press secretary, who says not everyone should have access to mail voting.
Where did they get this Brainless Barbie?
They don't work where they live, moron. That's the only way they can vote.
Are you sure??
Trump's home is in Florida. Many people who work in Washington live somewhere else, like almost every member of Congress.

So the press secretary was away from home for 10 years.

That was before tramp was the Potus, I really don't care what he does , just know he doesnt' need to stand in line, and he did before.
You support voter fraud. That's the long and the short of it.
So does Impeached Trump and his press secretary, since they both vote by mail but Impeached Trump says that's fraudulent.
If you vote by mail when you're home on election day, the only justification is voter fraud.
Uh, no, it's not, ya fucking moron. :cuckoo:

There are many reasons to vote by mail which are not fraudulent. For myself, it's because I don't trust the electronic voting machines which have no paper trail. To circumvent that problem, I vote by mail.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?


This is the most breathtakingly stupid and insane thing I have seen anyone post in . . . at least a week.
Ohh, nooooo's .... a shitstain finds sensible voting "stupid and insane." How will I ever survive that?? :lol:

The same way you deal with people realizing that your "sensible" is stupid and insane in all aspects of your life, I would imagine.
Dumbfuck, you're calling the interest to vote on something not connected to the Internet, and which leaves a paper trail, "stupid and insane."

That reveals far more about you than it does me.

Dumbfuck, you are calling people "dumbfuck" for not agreeing that your paranoid technophobia is actually the height of "security measures".

That reveals that I could not possibly care less what an ignorant twink like you thinks of me.
Dumbfuck, it's not paranoia when it's real. You're a moronconservative if you think electronic voting machines can't be hacked. :cuckoo:

You're a dumbfuck if you think you get to define what I'm saying by your simpleminded binary worldview. I don't even need to waste time arguing the notion of "Voting machines aren't perfect, so that means they're totally bad and the BEST method is by mail!" Anyone intelligent can already see why that's ridiculous, and anyone who is you is too far gone with the senility to understand.

Dumbfuck, electronic machines can be hacked. Despite claims they're not on the Internet, they can be and have been, as I demonstrated in the article I posted where it happened in Alaska on election day in 2016.

Sadly, you're nothing but a low-brow, knuckle-dragging Neanderthal who's too stupid to see what's right in front of your face and your programming doesn't allow for reality to seep in past your impenetrable armor of ignorance.

Sucks to be you.
How about making those arguments in your own words right here, right now?

If you can.
And who the fuck are you?
I already detailed my problem with the current state of affairs.
PURGE the voter roles.
Ballots MUST be requested in person with an ID or by mail with signatures being compared.
Once ballots are submitted further signature checks must be done and the name crossed off as having voted.

And even with all these safeguards I am still 100% against mass mail in voting. Period
FIrst, i'm the one you're trying to convince (unless you forgot)

And purging the voting rolls is the easiest way to disenfranchise older voters. The current rolls have the voting history of people going back decades, if you purge that information, you suddenly have to re-register every voter.

We saw how states handled unemployment claims, what would happen when many times that many people apply for voter registration?
I recall Florida creating a bullshit felons list which excluded almost all Hispanics. Another time they tried that, their list was so flawed because it included non-felons, that many counties ignored the list entirely.
That was the leftwing propaganda, not fact.
Are you ever not a fucking moron?


Everyone on the list is given an opportunity to demonstrate otherwise. You have to prove that the method used to produce the list is intentionally biased, and you haven't done that.
Fucking moron, the list excluded almost every Hispanic felon in the state. Why would someone wrongly not on that list have to demonstrate anything?

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Apparently you believe "fucking moron" is a greeting.

I was living in Florida at the time. I recall the controversy over the lists. As I recall, the state revised the lists several times because of complaints, so this one single list is meaningless.

The courts require states to purge ineligible voters from their voter roles. They require some means of identifying voters who aren't eligible. No method is going to be perfect, which makes the process subject to demagoging by douchebags like you.
Fucking moron, this shows how easily a state disenfranchises legitimate voters. And the only reason they were forced to scrap that list, after paying millions of dollars for it -- is because they were caught. And they tried the same shit on 2000 when nearly a third of the counties refused to use the state's list because it was so fraught with errors.
See, you do use "fucking moron" as a greeting.

How do you propose they purge their voter roles?
By SS#
How do they determine someone is a felon purely by SSN?
Fucking moron, felons have a SS#


Fucking moron, that's not what he asked.
Dumbfuck, it's was a fucking moronic question in response to what I said. He asked me how I propose they purge their voter roles [of felons]. I suggested they use SS# (as opposed to race and ethnicity as they have done). Somehow, his deformed brain translated that into using SS# to identify they're felons, which was never proposed; as opposed to using their SS# to identify who they are. The state already knows who their felons are. The state just needs to correctly identify them canvassing boards to have them removed from their rolls.

His brain works backwards -- so of course, his question was ass backwards. :cuckoo:


"I answered a question he didn't ask because his question was stupid! How DARE you think it was because I didn't understand the question?!"

If Bri didn't already ask this question, I will: what's your evidence for your assertion that "they have purged them by race and ethnicity"? Because I KNOW even your undeserved ego realizes that the fact that you say something makes us LESS likely to believe it, not more.

Let's review the conversation that you say demonstrates that Bri's brain is "deformed" because it came up with a question that you, in your infinitesimal wisdom, could not POSSIBLY understand him asking, shall we? (And I'm cutting and pasting from your own post.)

He asked me how I propose they purge their voter roles [of felons].

I suggested they use SS#

If you can't see how that would lead to him asking how they use SS#s to identify felons, then YOUR brain is the one that's deformed (not that we didn't already know that). And then you followed that up by "helpfully" explaining that felons have Social Security numbers. Bri isn't a leftist, so he doesn't require explanations of painfully obvious things.

Oh, and you'll need to be orders of magnitude cooler than you are on your best day to pull off quoting Jack Sparrow, so give it up.
How about making those arguments in your own words right here, right now?

If you can.
And who the fuck are you?
I already detailed my problem with the current state of affairs.
PURGE the voter roles.
Ballots MUST be requested in person with an ID or by mail with signatures being compared.
Once ballots are submitted further signature checks must be done and the name crossed off as having voted.

And even with all these safeguards I am still 100% against mass mail in voting. Period
FIrst, i'm the one you're trying to convince (unless you forgot)

And purging the voting rolls is the easiest way to disenfranchise older voters. The current rolls have the voting history of people going back decades, if you purge that information, you suddenly have to re-register every voter.

We saw how states handled unemployment claims, what would happen when many times that many people apply for voter registration?
I recall Florida creating a bullshit felons list which excluded almost all Hispanics. Another time they tried that, their list was so flawed because it included non-felons, that many counties ignored the list entirely.
That was the leftwing propaganda, not fact.
Are you ever not a fucking moron?


Everyone on the list is given an opportunity to demonstrate otherwise. You have to prove that the method used to produce the list is intentionally biased, and you haven't done that.
Fucking moron, the list excluded almost every Hispanic felon in the state. Why would someone wrongly not on that list have to demonstrate anything?

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Apparently you believe "fucking moron" is a greeting.

I was living in Florida at the time. I recall the controversy over the lists. As I recall, the state revised the lists several times because of complaints, so this one single list is meaningless.

The courts require states to purge ineligible voters from their voter roles. They require some means of identifying voters who aren't eligible. No method is going to be perfect, which makes the process subject to demagoging by douchebags like you.
Fucking moron, this shows how easily a state disenfranchises legitimate voters. And the only reason they were forced to scrap that list, after paying millions of dollars for it -- is because they were caught. And they tried the same shit on 2000 when nearly a third of the counties refused to use the state's list because it was so fraught with errors.
See, you do use "fucking moron" as a greeting.

How do you propose they purge their voter roles?

As if leftists EVER propose purging voter rolls of anyone except Republicans.
Try backing that up with a link....

You want a link "backing up" the assertion that leftists never propose purging of voter rolls?

No, ya raging dumbfuck. I want you to post a link to prove your claim that leftists only propose purging voter rolls of only Republicans...

Oh, so you were going for a hyper-literal word-parsing, because pretending to be too obtuse to recognize a joke and demanding "proof" of it is absolutely the way to make a brilliant debate point.

You just made an even bigger joke, by presuming that YOU can call anyone else a "raging dumbfuck".
Don’t be lazy go vote

As one person pointed out. It can take an hour of standing on line in order to vote. People may do that for other reasons, but voting shouldn't be one of them. Especially when the alternative is to vote from the safety of their own home.

It also raises an interesting constitutional question. Can they place a "poll tax" in the form of a "mask" mandate for people voting.
Why not open more voting locations? Fight for that ,, but mail in is not a options democrats will be sending out millions of ballots to dead ppl and they will be stolen.

Because you're not American, you don't understand mail-in ballots are an option in every state.
They are called absentee ballots, dumbass! Only a few state send ballots to every eligible voter. Voting by mail invites fraud.
Impeached Trump and his press secretary vote by mail. They're committing fraud, aren't they?

Yes, if voting by mail invites fraud, that OBVIOUSLY means that all voting by mail is therefore fraud . . . if you're a fucking conspiracy theorist technophobe lunatic.

You're doing wonders for your argument by showing us that you have the logic skills of a 6-year-old with a concussion. Do keep talking.
Shitstain, it's the president who's insisting mail-in ballots are "substantially fraudulent."

Why would his be exempt from that?

Illiterate shitstain, that's not only not the same thing as the idiotic conclusion you leapt to of "that means ANY voting by mail is automatically a fraud!", that's also not what he said. Specifically, he said, "NO WAY (ZERO!) that Mail-In Ballots will be anything less than substantially fraudulent". I have helpfully highlighted the pertinent words for you, since you've demonstrated that your comprehension levels are somewhere around that of a wad of mucus. He was very clearly talking about the insane scheme to have all voting by mail; he was very clearly NOT saying that ALL mail-in ballots NOW are voter fraud.
Dumbfuck, I didn't say Impeached Trump said all mail-in ballots would be fraudulent. I said he claimed mail-in ballots are "substantially fraudulent."

"Substantially" ≠ "all"

Then I asked, based on that, how do we know he hasn't committed voter fraud since he too votes by mail.

Next time, if you don't want to make a complete ass of yourself like ya just did, I highly recommend you take more care on calling others "Illiterate" when you're the one with reading comprehension issues.


Dumbfuck, don't waste my time demanding that everyone remember only as far back as the very last post, simply because YOUR senile dementia makes you that way.

Next time, if you don't want to make a complete ass of yourself like you have every single time you've spoken where other people can hear you, I suggest you don't speak.
I sure it wouldn't kill fat ass Dems to ferry themselves to the polls to vote.
Republicans don't vote absentee? Kellyanne Conway did.

"Absentee voting now is EXACTLY THE SAME as everyone in the country voting . . . because I'm too piss-stupid to understand differences!"

Republicans vote absentee WHEN THEY'RE ACTUALLY ABSENT. They don't advocate that the entire country vote that way because they want the government goodies without inconvenience.
"Absentee voting now is EXACTLY THE SAME as everyone in the country voting . . . because I'm too piss-stupid to understand differences!"

NEWS FLASH: I can tell you from actually doing it, it always was the same

Republicans vote absentee WHEN THEY'RE ACTUALLY ABSENT. They don't advocate that the entire country vote that way because they want the government goodies without inconvenience.

You're taking out your ass. You have no way of knowing that.

Fact: More "government goodies" are given to corporations than American Workers. Do corporations vote absentee?

Newsflash: I wouldn't trust YOUR perceptions if you told me, "I can tell you from looking at the sky that it is blue."

I have no way of knowing that Republicans aren't advocating for widespread mail-in voting? I have one very good way: if there were even one Republican pushing for that, it'd be all over the so-called "media" like a bad rash.

If you have to qualify your post with the word "fact", it isn't a fact. Also, I have no interest whatsoever in your desperate need to shoehorn your favorite hate-filled, obsessive rant into every conversation. You want to rail about corporations, go find a thread that's even remotely related to that subject.
-I predicted that your skidmark was going to be a very bad President. I was right.
-I told you guys right here on the USMB to get out of the market when it was 29. I was right.
-I was asked last March right here on the USMB which stocks to buy, I stated home delivery. I was right.
-I stated the worst economic times for the middle class, now poor with credit was during Republican administrations. I was right.

I've now proven that my "obsessive rant" hasn't been a rant, but fact.

I predicted that you'd be an embarrassment to the human race. I was right.

Look up "proof", Short Bus, because declaring that you were right doesn't qualify.
She is telling people to not be lazy, and go stand on line to vote.
I've voted absentee for 41 years. No issues.
The potential for the abuse of the mail in vote that is the issue. In many ways.
How about making those arguments in your own words right here, right now?

If you can.
And who the fuck are you?
I already detailed my problem with the current state of affairs.
PURGE the voter roles.
Ballots MUST be requested in person with an ID or by mail with signatures being compared.
Once ballots are submitted further signature checks must be done and the name crossed off as having voted.

And even with all these safeguards I am still 100% against mass mail in voting. Period
FIrst, i'm the one you're trying to convince (unless you forgot)

And purging the voting rolls is the easiest way to disenfranchise older voters. The current rolls have the voting history of people going back decades, if you purge that information, you suddenly have to re-register every voter.

We saw how states handled unemployment claims, what would happen when many times that many people apply for voter registration?
I recall Florida creating a bullshit felons list which excluded almost all Hispanics. Another time they tried that, their list was so flawed because it included non-felons, that many counties ignored the list entirely.
That was the leftwing propaganda, not fact.
Are you ever not a fucking moron?


Everyone on the list is given an opportunity to demonstrate otherwise. You have to prove that the method used to produce the list is intentionally biased, and you haven't done that.
Fucking moron, the list excluded almost every Hispanic felon in the state. Why would someone wrongly not on that list have to demonstrate anything?

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Apparently you believe "fucking moron" is a greeting.

I was living in Florida at the time. I recall the controversy over the lists. As I recall, the state revised the lists several times because of complaints, so this one single list is meaningless.

The courts require states to purge ineligible voters from their voter roles. They require some means of identifying voters who aren't eligible. No method is going to be perfect, which makes the process subject to demagoging by douchebags like you.
Fucking moron, this shows how easily a state disenfranchises legitimate voters. And the only reason they were forced to scrap that list, after paying millions of dollars for it -- is because they were caught. And they tried the same shit on 2000 when nearly a third of the counties refused to use the state's list because it was so fraught with errors.
See, you do use "fucking moron" as a greeting.

How do you propose they purge their voter roles?
By SS#
How do they determine someone is a felon purely by SSN?
Fucking moron, felons have a SS#


Fucking moron, that's not what he asked.
Dumbfuck, it's was a fucking moronic question in response to what I said. He asked me how I propose they purge their voter roles [of felons]. I suggested they use SS# (as opposed to race and ethnicity as they have done). Somehow, his deformed brain translated that into using SS# to identify they're felons, which was never proposed; as opposed to using their SS# to identify who they are. The state already knows who their felons are. The state just needs to correctly identify them canvassing boards to have them removed from their rolls.

His brain works backwards -- so of course, his question was ass backwards. :cuckoo:


"I answered a question he didn't ask because his question was stupid! How DARE you think it was because I didn't understand the question?!"

If Bri didn't already ask this question, I will: what's your evidence for your assertion that "they have purged them by race and ethnicity"? Because I KNOW even your undeserved ego realizes that the fact that you say something makes us LESS likely to believe it, not more.

Let's review the conversation that you say demonstrates that Bri's brain is "deformed" because it came up with a question that you, in your infinitesimal wisdom, could not POSSIBLY understand him asking, shall we? (And I'm cutting and pasting from your own post.)

He asked me how I propose they purge their voter roles [of felons].

I suggested they use SS#

If you can't see how that would lead to him asking how they use SS#s to identify felons, then YOUR brain is the one that's deformed (not that we didn't already know that). And then you followed that up by "helpfully" explaining that felons have Social Security numbers. Bri isn't a leftist, so he doesn't require explanations of painfully obvious things.

Oh, and you'll need to be orders of magnitude cooler than you are on your best day to pull off quoting Jack Sparrow, so give it up.
"what's your evidence for your assertion that "they have purged them by race and ethnicity"


Dumbfucking cuckquean, the evidence of that is in the link I posted which is in this quote thread. Can't you pay attention for more than a nanosecond??

"If you can't see how that would lead to him asking how they use SS#s to identify felons, then YOUR brain is the one that's deformed"

No, I can't... see if you can follow a bouncing ball...

He didn't ask me how to identify felons, ya moron; he asked, "how do you propose they purge their voter roles?"

The answer to that was "SS#." That's not to identify felons, again, the state already knows who the felons are, they don't need to identify them. :cuckoo: They need to inform canvassing boards who they are and what more accurate method than by SS#? Which is why his question in response to that was as fucking moronic as he is and as retarded as you prove to be for not being able to figure that out on your own without help from me.

And I never quoted Jack Sparrow.
How about making those arguments in your own words right here, right now?

If you can.
And who the fuck are you?
I already detailed my problem with the current state of affairs.
PURGE the voter roles.
Ballots MUST be requested in person with an ID or by mail with signatures being compared.
Once ballots are submitted further signature checks must be done and the name crossed off as having voted.

And even with all these safeguards I am still 100% against mass mail in voting. Period
FIrst, i'm the one you're trying to convince (unless you forgot)

And purging the voting rolls is the easiest way to disenfranchise older voters. The current rolls have the voting history of people going back decades, if you purge that information, you suddenly have to re-register every voter.

We saw how states handled unemployment claims, what would happen when many times that many people apply for voter registration?
I recall Florida creating a bullshit felons list which excluded almost all Hispanics. Another time they tried that, their list was so flawed because it included non-felons, that many counties ignored the list entirely.
That was the leftwing propaganda, not fact.
Are you ever not a fucking moron?


Everyone on the list is given an opportunity to demonstrate otherwise. You have to prove that the method used to produce the list is intentionally biased, and you haven't done that.
Fucking moron, the list excluded almost every Hispanic felon in the state. Why would someone wrongly not on that list have to demonstrate anything?

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Apparently you believe "fucking moron" is a greeting.

I was living in Florida at the time. I recall the controversy over the lists. As I recall, the state revised the lists several times because of complaints, so this one single list is meaningless.

The courts require states to purge ineligible voters from their voter roles. They require some means of identifying voters who aren't eligible. No method is going to be perfect, which makes the process subject to demagoging by douchebags like you.
Fucking moron, this shows how easily a state disenfranchises legitimate voters. And the only reason they were forced to scrap that list, after paying millions of dollars for it -- is because they were caught. And they tried the same shit on 2000 when nearly a third of the counties refused to use the state's list because it was so fraught with errors.
See, you do use "fucking moron" as a greeting.

How do you propose they purge their voter roles?
By SS#
How do they determine someone is a felon purely by SSN?
Fucking moron, felons have a SS#


Fucking moron, that's not what he asked.
Dumbfuck, it's was a fucking moronic question in response to what I said. He asked me how I propose they purge their voter roles [of felons]. I suggested they use SS# (as opposed to race and ethnicity as they have done). Somehow, his deformed brain translated that into using SS# to identify they're felons, which was never proposed; as opposed to using their SS# to identify who they are. The state already knows who their felons are. The state just needs to correctly identify them canvassing boards to have them removed from their rolls.

His brain works backwards -- so of course, his question was ass backwards. :cuckoo:


"I answered a question he didn't ask because his question was stupid! How DARE you think it was because I didn't understand the question?!"

If Bri didn't already ask this question, I will: what's your evidence for your assertion that "they have purged them by race and ethnicity"? Because I KNOW even your undeserved ego realizes that the fact that you say something makes us LESS likely to believe it, not more.

Let's review the conversation that you say demonstrates that Bri's brain is "deformed" because it came up with a question that you, in your infinitesimal wisdom, could not POSSIBLY understand him asking, shall we? (And I'm cutting and pasting from your own post.)

He asked me how I propose they purge their voter roles [of felons].

I suggested they use SS#

If you can't see how that would lead to him asking how they use SS#s to identify felons, then YOUR brain is the one that's deformed (not that we didn't already know that). And then you followed that up by "helpfully" explaining that felons have Social Security numbers. Bri isn't a leftist, so he doesn't require explanations of painfully obvious things.

Oh, and you'll need to be orders of magnitude cooler than you are on your best day to pull off quoting Jack Sparrow, so give it up.
"what's your evidence for your assertion that "they have purged them by race and ethnicity"


Dumbfucking cuckquean, the evidence of that is in the link I posted which is in this quote thread. Can't you pay attention for more than a nanosecond??

"If you can't see how that would lead to him asking how they use SS#s to identify felons, then YOUR brain is the one that's deformed"

No, I can't... see if you can follow a bouncing ball...

He didn't ask me how to identify felons, ya moron; he asked, "how do you propose they purge their voter roles?"

The answer to that was "SS#." That's not to identify felons, again, the state already knows who the felons are, they don't need to identify them. :cuckoo: They need to inform canvassing boards who they are and what more accurate method than by SS#? Which is why his question in response to that was as fucking moronic as he is and as retarded as you prove to be for not being able to figure that out on your own without help from me.

And I never quoted Jack Sparrow.
The state knows who the felons are, but it doesn't know which ones are on the voter roles, you fucking moron. To purge the felons from the voter roles, you have to identify the ones on the voter roles. Unless the voter roles include their SSN, it's of no use in purging them.

Are you following this, numskull?
Don’t be lazy go vote

As one person pointed out. It can take an hour of standing on line in order to vote. People may do that for other reasons, but voting shouldn't be one of them. Especially when the alternative is to vote from the safety of their own home.

It also raises an interesting constitutional question. Can they place a "poll tax" in the form of a "mask" mandate for people voting.
Why not open more voting locations? Fight for that ,, but mail in is not a options democrats will be sending out millions of ballots to dead ppl and they will be stolen.

Because you're not American, you don't understand mail-in ballots are an option in every state.
They are called absentee ballots, dumbass! Only a few state send ballots to every eligible voter. Voting by mail invites fraud.
Impeached Trump and his press secretary vote by mail. They're committing fraud, aren't they?

Yes, if voting by mail invites fraud, that OBVIOUSLY means that all voting by mail is therefore fraud . . . if you're a fucking conspiracy theorist technophobe lunatic.

You're doing wonders for your argument by showing us that you have the logic skills of a 6-year-old with a concussion. Do keep talking.
Shitstain, it's the president who's insisting mail-in ballots are "substantially fraudulent."

Why would his be exempt from that?
His very well could be fraudulent. That isn't an argument in favor of mail-in ballots.
How about making those arguments in your own words right here, right now?

If you can.
And who the fuck are you?
I already detailed my problem with the current state of affairs.
PURGE the voter roles.
Ballots MUST be requested in person with an ID or by mail with signatures being compared.
Once ballots are submitted further signature checks must be done and the name crossed off as having voted.

And even with all these safeguards I am still 100% against mass mail in voting. Period
FIrst, i'm the one you're trying to convince (unless you forgot)

And purging the voting rolls is the easiest way to disenfranchise older voters. The current rolls have the voting history of people going back decades, if you purge that information, you suddenly have to re-register every voter.

We saw how states handled unemployment claims, what would happen when many times that many people apply for voter registration?
I recall Florida creating a bullshit felons list which excluded almost all Hispanics. Another time they tried that, their list was so flawed because it included non-felons, that many counties ignored the list entirely.
That was the leftwing propaganda, not fact.
Are you ever not a fucking moron?


Everyone on the list is given an opportunity to demonstrate otherwise. You have to prove that the method used to produce the list is intentionally biased, and you haven't done that.
Fucking moron, the list excluded almost every Hispanic felon in the state. Why would someone wrongly not on that list have to demonstrate anything?

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Apparently you believe "fucking moron" is a greeting.

I was living in Florida at the time. I recall the controversy over the lists. As I recall, the state revised the lists several times because of complaints, so this one single list is meaningless.

The courts require states to purge ineligible voters from their voter roles. They require some means of identifying voters who aren't eligible. No method is going to be perfect, which makes the process subject to demagoging by douchebags like you.
Fucking moron, this shows how easily a state disenfranchises legitimate voters. And the only reason they were forced to scrap that list, after paying millions of dollars for it -- is because they were caught. And they tried the same shit on 2000 when nearly a third of the counties refused to use the state's list because it was so fraught with errors.
See, you do use "fucking moron" as a greeting.

How do you propose they purge their voter roles?
By SS#
How do they determine someone is a felon purely by SSN?
Fucking moron, felons have a SS#


Fucking moron, that's not what he asked.
Dumbfuck, it's was a fucking moronic question in response to what I said. He asked me how I propose they purge their voter roles [of felons]. I suggested they use SS# (as opposed to race and ethnicity as they have done). Somehow, his deformed brain translated that into using SS# to identify they're felons, which was never proposed; as opposed to using their SS# to identify who they are. The state already knows who their felons are. The state just needs to correctly identify them canvassing boards to have them removed from their rolls.

His brain works backwards -- so of course, his question was ass backwards. :cuckoo:


"I answered a question he didn't ask because his question was stupid! How DARE you think it was because I didn't understand the question?!"

If Bri didn't already ask this question, I will: what's your evidence for your assertion that "they have purged them by race and ethnicity"? Because I KNOW even your undeserved ego realizes that the fact that you say something makes us LESS likely to believe it, not more.

Let's review the conversation that you say demonstrates that Bri's brain is "deformed" because it came up with a question that you, in your infinitesimal wisdom, could not POSSIBLY understand him asking, shall we? (And I'm cutting and pasting from your own post.)

He asked me how I propose they purge their voter roles [of felons].

I suggested they use SS#

If you can't see how that would lead to him asking how they use SS#s to identify felons, then YOUR brain is the one that's deformed (not that we didn't already know that). And then you followed that up by "helpfully" explaining that felons have Social Security numbers. Bri isn't a leftist, so he doesn't require explanations of painfully obvious things.

Oh, and you'll need to be orders of magnitude cooler than you are on your best day to pull off quoting Jack Sparrow, so give it up.
"what's your evidence for your assertion that "they have purged them by race and ethnicity"


Dumbfucking cuckquean, the evidence of that is in the link I posted which is in this quote thread. Can't you pay attention for more than a nanosecond??

"If you can't see how that would lead to him asking how they use SS#s to identify felons, then YOUR brain is the one that's deformed"

No, I can't... see if you can follow a bouncing ball...

He didn't ask me how to identify felons, ya moron; he asked, "how do you propose they purge their voter roles?"

The answer to that was "SS#." That's not to identify felons, again, the state already knows who the felons are, they don't need to identify them. :cuckoo: They need to inform canvassing boards who they are and what more accurate method than by SS#? Which is why his question in response to that was as fucking moronic as he is and as retarded as you prove to be for not being able to figure that out on your own without help from me.

And I never quoted Jack Sparrow.
The state knows who the felons are, but it doesn't know which ones are on the voter roles, you fucking moron. To purge the felons from the voter roles, you have to identify the ones on the voter roles. Unless the voter roles include their SSN, it's of no use in purging them.

Are you following this, numskull?
Fucking moron, that's why the state sends a list of ALL felons ineligible to vote to the counties. It's up to the canvassing boards to manage that.

How the fuck did you manage to get this retarded?? :cuckoo:
How about making those arguments in your own words right here, right now?

If you can.
And who the fuck are you?
I already detailed my problem with the current state of affairs.
PURGE the voter roles.
Ballots MUST be requested in person with an ID or by mail with signatures being compared.
Once ballots are submitted further signature checks must be done and the name crossed off as having voted.

And even with all these safeguards I am still 100% against mass mail in voting. Period
FIrst, i'm the one you're trying to convince (unless you forgot)

And purging the voting rolls is the easiest way to disenfranchise older voters. The current rolls have the voting history of people going back decades, if you purge that information, you suddenly have to re-register every voter.

We saw how states handled unemployment claims, what would happen when many times that many people apply for voter registration?
I recall Florida creating a bullshit felons list which excluded almost all Hispanics. Another time they tried that, their list was so flawed because it included non-felons, that many counties ignored the list entirely.
That was the leftwing propaganda, not fact.
Are you ever not a fucking moron?


Everyone on the list is given an opportunity to demonstrate otherwise. You have to prove that the method used to produce the list is intentionally biased, and you haven't done that.
Fucking moron, the list excluded almost every Hispanic felon in the state. Why would someone wrongly not on that list have to demonstrate anything?

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Apparently you believe "fucking moron" is a greeting.

I was living in Florida at the time. I recall the controversy over the lists. As I recall, the state revised the lists several times because of complaints, so this one single list is meaningless.

The courts require states to purge ineligible voters from their voter roles. They require some means of identifying voters who aren't eligible. No method is going to be perfect, which makes the process subject to demagoging by douchebags like you.
Fucking moron, this shows how easily a state disenfranchises legitimate voters. And the only reason they were forced to scrap that list, after paying millions of dollars for it -- is because they were caught. And they tried the same shit on 2000 when nearly a third of the counties refused to use the state's list because it was so fraught with errors.
See, you do use "fucking moron" as a greeting.

How do you propose they purge their voter roles?

As if leftists EVER propose purging voter rolls of anyone except Republicans.
Try backing that up with a link....

You want a link "backing up" the assertion that leftists never propose purging of voter rolls?

No, ya raging dumbfuck. I want you to post a link to prove your claim that leftists only propose purging voter rolls of only Republicans...

Oh, so you were going for a hyper-literal word-parsing, because pretending to be too obtuse to recognize a joke and demanding "proof" of it is absolutely the way to make a brilliant debate point.

You just made an even bigger joke, by presuming that YOU can call anyone else a "raging dumbfuck".

Yeah, imagine that -- I went by what you said. No worries, I knew you were full of shit when you said. I just wanted to watch you run from answering what you couldn't answer.

The state knows who the felons are, but it doesn't know which ones are on the voter roles, you fucking moron. To purge the felons from the voter roles, you have to identify the ones on the voter roles. Unless the voter roles include their SSN, it's of no use in purging them.

Are you following this, numskull?
Fucking moron, that's why the state sends a list of ALL felons ineligible to vote to the counties. It's up to the canvassing boards to manage that.

How the fuck did you manage to get this retarded?? :cuckoo:

The state may have a list of felons, but the canvasing boards don't have their SSNs. They only have names of voters.

It isn't just felons who are ineligable to vote, moron. Illegal aliens are also not elligable to vote, as are people who have moved away, as are people who have died.
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