Trump protesters really know the key issues troubling America


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
Some of the comments of protesters here in San Antonio. Peaceful and preposterous.

"This is not what we voted for,” said Kaedee Franco. “This is not what the majority of the country voted for and we're not standing for intolerance, for racism, xenophobia and homophobia."

"If you're a woman. If you're, you know a child. If you're an immigrant, if you're in the lesbian, bisexual, transgender community you're a target right now,” said Francisco Cortes.

Anti-Trump protesters march through downtown San Antonio for second night
God has Twitter? Who woulda thunk it

Some of the comments of protesters here in San Antonio. Peaceful and preposterous.

"This is not what we voted for,” said Kaedee Franco. “This is not what the majority of the country voted for and we're not standing for intolerance, for racism, xenophobia and homophobia."

"If you're a woman. If you're, you know a child. If you're an immigrant, if you're in the lesbian, bisexual, transgender community you're a target right now,” said Francisco Cortes.

Anti-Trump protesters march through downtown San Antonio for second night
Sorry asshole, but your "Drumpf" strawman is being smashed to bits, and now many of the decent Hillary supporters are already being converted to Trump's side.
Some of the comments of protesters here in San Antonio. Peaceful and preposterous.

"This is not what we voted for,” said Kaedee Franco. “This is not what the majority of the country voted for and we're not standing for intolerance, for racism, xenophobia and homophobia."

"If you're a woman. If you're, you know a child. If you're an immigrant, if you're in the lesbian, bisexual, transgender community you're a target right now,” said Francisco Cortes.

Anti-Trump protesters march through downtown San Antonio for second night
Obviously these people are so gullible that they can't tell the difference between campaign rhetoric and reality.
You gotta understand that the "protesters" (anarchists?) only protest in "friendly" localities like the peoples republicks of Oregon (the former center of OWS insanity) and New York and Oakland, Ca. (the other center of OWS insanity) where Hillary received the most votes. They are destroying soft targets and preaching to the choir (is it against the law to say the word "choir"?) It's a sham motivated by the dishonest angry media and the dirty tricks segment of the democrat party.
Some of the comments of protesters here in San Antonio. Peaceful and preposterous.

"This is not what we voted for,” said Kaedee Franco. “This is not what the majority of the country voted for and we're not standing for intolerance, for racism, xenophobia and homophobia."

"If you're a woman. If you're, you know a child. If you're an immigrant, if you're in the lesbian, bisexual, transgender community you're a target right now,” said Francisco Cortes.

Anti-Trump protesters march through downtown San Antonio for second night
A target? Lol. Stupid snowflakes. Using legal means to enter our country, and using the correct bathroom is not that big a deal. These democrat run school districts are turning out some real dumb kids.

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