Trump proves he invested 6 mill in veterans organizations.

Poor, demented, vagisil.... reduced to posting other peoples' retarded opinions to back his own retarded opinion.

Meanwhile, every penny that goes in and out of the Clinton Foundation is made available for public review. Had the Clinton's been sheltering money in their own foundation, it would make yuge headline news so that you wouldn't have to rely on peoples' opinions to back your idiocy.

But being the ever useless tool you are :suck:, you just can't help yourself.

Poor demented, queer, Pawned again..... The MSM would NEVER do ANYTHING to Hurt the Clinton's....Look to Bill's RAPE and Sexual abuse charges where he was CONVICTED of lying and only had his Law Lisc. taken away!

YOU are always THE SHEEP....... NEVER the FUCKER!
MSM isn't the only news source, ya flamin' imbecile.

Seriously, vagisil -- what the fuck is wrong with you? Exactly how much lead paint did you eat as a kid?

Yes, OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE shows that you are a SHEEP..

I do enjoy your absolute devotion to a bunch of LYING, CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, MURDERING, bastards that everyone has known about for 40 years!.... You truly are a Clintonbot! BUT keep posting, this is the most entertainmentI'llprobably have for today!
You posted opinions, not overwhelming evidence. :eusa_doh:

Check this out ... it's an opinion which refutes the opinions you posted...

How to Understand the Clinton Foundation
Although it has "foundation" in its name, the Clinton Foundation is actually a public charity. In practical terms, this means both that it relies heavily on donations from the public and that it achieves its mission primarily by using those donations to conduct direct charitable activities, as opposed to providing grants from an endowment.

Failure to understand the difference led to the widespread claim (covered by the New York Post, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, and others) that only a small portion of Clinton Foundation spending goes toward charity. While measuring charitable endeavors by the amount of grants awarded may be appropriate for many private foundations, it is not for an organization that acts as a direct service provider like the Clinton Foundation.​
So the opinions you posted were based on the "failure to understand."


Yes, your ONE left wing opinion is BULLSHIT compared to the MULTIPLE Opinions and FACTS showing the Clinton Crime Family Foundation was, and IS a SLUSH FUND, and TAX SHELTER for the corrupt, lying, criminal, MURDEROUS bitch, her BLOW JOB husband, and Hubble's daughter, Chelsea....And I have the failure to understand, you LOW 2 digit IQ'd moron!

Keep getting fucked, you sheep! ....
Oh my, poor, rightarded vagisil steps in it again.

I knew you would, vagi, when I posted that article. That's why I posted it. Guess where I got that article from?

Now here comes the fun part....

That's not my "ONE left wing opinion." It's yours.


YOU posted a link to that article.

Yes, ya moronic dildo, you really did post pieces about Limbaugh's opinion, the NY Post, etc... and then in your same post, YOU linked the article you now call a "left wing opinion," which dismissed all of your other links by pointing out their "failure to understand" the Clinton Foundation.

Do you realize what a fucking imbecile that makes you? First, you destroy your own evidence by posting a link that dismissed them;

Then you claim the link I gave, which is really the link YOU gave, is worthless -- only it came from you.

Poor demented, queer, Pawned again..... The MSM would NEVER do ANYTHING to Hurt the Clinton's....Look to Bill's RAPE and Sexual abuse charges where he was CONVICTED of lying and only had his Law Lisc. taken away!

YOU are always THE SHEEP....... NEVER the FUCKER!
MSM isn't the only news source, ya flamin' imbecile.

Seriously, vagisil -- what the fuck is wrong with you? Exactly how much lead paint did you eat as a kid?

Yes, OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE shows that you are a SHEEP..

I do enjoy your absolute devotion to a bunch of LYING, CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, MURDERING, bastards that everyone has known about for 40 years!.... You truly are a Clintonbot! BUT keep posting, this is the most entertainmentI'llprobably have for today!
You posted opinions, not overwhelming evidence. :eusa_doh:

Check this out ... it's an opinion which refutes the opinions you posted...

How to Understand the Clinton Foundation
Although it has "foundation" in its name, the Clinton Foundation is actually a public charity. In practical terms, this means both that it relies heavily on donations from the public and that it achieves its mission primarily by using those donations to conduct direct charitable activities, as opposed to providing grants from an endowment.

Failure to understand the difference led to the widespread claim (covered by the New York Post, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, and others) that only a small portion of Clinton Foundation spending goes toward charity. While measuring charitable endeavors by the amount of grants awarded may be appropriate for many private foundations, it is not for an organization that acts as a direct service provider like the Clinton Foundation.​
So the opinions you posted were based on the "failure to understand."


Yes, your ONE left wing opinion is BULLSHIT compared to the MULTIPLE Opinions and FACTS showing the Clinton Crime Family Foundation was, and IS a SLUSH FUND, and TAX SHELTER for the corrupt, lying, criminal, MURDEROUS bitch, her BLOW JOB husband, and Hubble's daughter, Chelsea....And I have the failure to understand, you LOW 2 digit IQ'd moron!

Keep getting fucked, you sheep! ....
Oh my, poor, rightarded vagisil steps in it again.

I knew you would, vagi, when I posted that article. That's why I posted it. Guess where I got that article from?

Now here comes the fun part....

That's not my "ONE left wing opinion." It's yours.


YOU posted a link to that article.

Yes, ya moronic dildo, you really did post pieces about Limbaugh's opinion, the NY Post, etc... and then in your same post, YOU linked the article you now call a "left wing opinion," which dismissed all of your other links by pointing out their "failure to understand" the Clinton Foundation.

Do you realize what a fucking imbecile that makes you? First, you destroy your own evidence by posting a link that dismissed them;

Then you claim the link I gave, which is really the link YOU gave, is worthless -- only it came from you.


I didn't read it, why would I when I've been proved to be right, and you wrong...again! You sure can't admit it when you have been bitched slapped!

BUT we do have THIS NEW scandal from the Clinton's.... makes anything regarding Trump insignificant!...

  • WND ^ | 06/03/2016 | Jerome R. Corsi
    Bill and Hillary Clinton’s attack on Donald Trump over Trump University could invite increased scrutiny of the Clintons’ involvement in a for-profit education scandal in which a company that runs shell colleges paid Bill Clinton $16.5 million to be its pitchman. While the Clintons were collecting millions, Hillary Clinton’s State Department funneled at least $55 million to a group run by the college company, Laureate Education Inc., according to Peter Schweizer’s book “Clinton Cash” as Breitbart reported. Clinton abruptly resigned from his post as “honorary chancellor” in April 2015 when the disclosure was publicized. Documents uncovered by Washington-based watchdog Judicial...
Care to handle a REAL scandal? Fucking moron, you are too easy! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

  1. Latest Clinton Scandal Involves Bill Stepping Down...
    Latest Clinton Scandal Involves Bill Stepping Down From Laureate International Universities. ... part of Laureate Education Inc., on Friday.

  2. For-Profit Higher Education Scandals in the United...
    For-Profit Higher Education Scandals in the United States: ... the University of Liverpool in the UK is the partner of Laureate Education, a large US for-profit, ...

  3. Trump U Is Nothing Compared To Laureate Education...
    Jun 01, 2016 · Hillary Clinton is excoriating Donald Trump over Trump University? The Clinton scandal at Laureate Education, a for- profit education chain of schools and ...

  4. Author Alleges Bill Clinton Just Quit Education...
    Author Alleges Bill Clinton Just Quit Education Company ... down from his position at Laureate International Universities, part of Laureate Education Inc ...

  5. Clinton for-profit education scandal dwarfs Trump...
    ELECTION 2016 Clinton for-profit education scandal dwarfs Trump U Bill and Hillary made millions while students racked up debt Published: 5 mins ago
I didn't read it, why would I when I've been proved to be right, and you wrong...again!
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

This is yet another reason you're one of the dumbest posters on these fora ... you don't even read your own links. You admit you have no fucking clue what you're posting. <smh>

You sure can't admit it when you have been bitched slapped!
Poor, deranged, vagisil... sorry, dildo, you don't actually bitchslap people when you post links to articles that prove the rest of your post is bullshit.

That would be a severe case of self-ownage on your part.
In other words, you bitchslapped yourself. :lmao:

I didn't read it, why would I when I've been proved to be right, and you wrong...again!
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

This is yet another reason you're one of the dumbest posters on these fora ... you don't even read your own links. You admit you have no fucking clue what you're posting. <smh>

You sure can't admit it when you have been bitched slapped!
Poor, deranged, vagisil... sorry, dildo, you don't actually bitchslap people when you post links to articles that prove the rest of your post is bullshit.

That would be a severe case of self-ownage on your part.
In other words, you bitchslapped yourself. :lmao:

Since when is not reading what you post, bitch slapping myself, you deranged bastard....You STILL can't get over the FACT that Trump has DONATED MORE in one year than the Clintons have since 2009, a total of $70.000! You can play it anyway you want, BUT you still got your ass kicked with the donations, AND NOW Blow Job'S $16.5 MILLION SCANDAL, which I'm sure the Trumpster will drop on the wicked witch!


You are STILL the dumbest liberal on USMB, proving it with every post!
I didn't read it, why would I when I've been proved to be right, and you wrong...again!
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

This is yet another reason you're one of the dumbest posters on these fora ... you don't even read your own links. You admit you have no fucking clue what you're posting. <smh>

You sure can't admit it when you have been bitched slapped!
Poor, deranged, vagisil... sorry, dildo, you don't actually bitchslap people when you post links to articles that prove the rest of your post is bullshit.

That would be a severe case of self-ownage on your part.
In other words, you bitchslapped yourself. :lmao:

Since when is not reading what you post, bitch slapping myself, you deranged bastard....You STILL can't get over the FACT that Trump has DONATED MORE in one year than the Clintons have since 2009, a total of $70.000! You can play it anyway you want, BUT you still got your ass kicked with the donations, AND NOW Blow Job'S $16.5 MILLION SCANDAL, which I'm sure the Trumpster will drop on the wicked witch!


You are STILL the dumbest liberal on USMB, proving it with every post!
Too stupid, even for you. You proved you don't know what you're posting. As far as this "new scandal." It's neither new nor a scandal. Of course, to rightards like you, Hillary breathing is a scandal. At any rate, this happened more than a year ago and nothing came of it.
I didn't read it, why would I when I've been proved to be right, and you wrong...again!
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

This is yet another reason you're one of the dumbest posters on these fora ... you don't even read your own links. You admit you have no fucking clue what you're posting. <smh>

You sure can't admit it when you have been bitched slapped!
Poor, deranged, vagisil... sorry, dildo, you don't actually bitchslap people when you post links to articles that prove the rest of your post is bullshit.

That would be a severe case of self-ownage on your part.
In other words, you bitchslapped yourself. :lmao:

Since when is not reading what you post, bitch slapping myself, you deranged bastard....You STILL can't get over the FACT that Trump has DONATED MORE in one year than the Clintons have since 2009, a total of $70.000! You can play it anyway you want, BUT you still got your ass kicked with the donations, AND NOW Blow Job'S $16.5 MILLION SCANDAL, which I'm sure the Trumpster will drop on the wicked witch!


You are STILL the dumbest liberal on USMB, proving it with every post!
Too stupid, even for you. You proved you don't know what you're posting. As far as this "new scandal." It's neither new nor a scandal. Of course, to rightards like you, Hillary breathing is a scandal. At any rate, this happened more than a year ago and nothing came of it.

Because I refused to read what links you post in your warped mind that means something....Of course nothing came of it a year, it being brought up to show the HYPOCRISY of you dullards! But even a dimwit, like you, knew that!
I think he's suggesting that Trump was running a fraud because he desperately needed to polish his image and gull people into voting for him.

And apparently, he DIDN'T get "caught", because his useful idiots are still defending him even when it was disclosed. So obviously, it was a successful fraud.

So successful that he gave 1 million of his own money on top of it all...

You people are just too retarded to even exist. How is this even physically possible? This level of business understanding... just shows what the public schools do.
It's cute how you defend the guy, insinuating he's too rich to commit fraud.

You know -- the very guy who's currently being sued in court for committing fraud.

He's too intelligent (the opposite of yourself) to attempt charity fraud under everyone's eyes, taking money that's not even his! Not even a regressive retard would attempt something like that (perhaps you would). You have ZERO proof of it...

First of all, LOTS of people commit fraud in front of public scrutiny. Con men tend toward arrogance, and the belief that they're too smart to get caught.

Second of all, Donald Trump has been "under everyone's eyes", by his own choice, since forever. Hasn't stopped him from shady dealings in the past, so why would you think it would now? What, because he's exhibited such a strong sense of humility, self-restraint, and prudence?

I'd say the fact that he took months to disburse the funds, and THEN miraculously completed "vetting the charities" at the same time that he was being hammered on the subject, constitutes some rather strong circumstantial evidence.

I'd also say that if the Clintons were in the exact same circumstances, you'd be screaming like a scalded dog, rather than defending them because "they wouldn't be stupid enough to commit fraud under everyone's eyes". In actual fact, I believe you ARE insisting that the Clintons have done exactly that (not that I think you're wrong; I just think you're a hypocrite). Am I incorrect?

So you are saying Trump tried to scam 4.8 millions of money that was not his? Because apparently, he had a damn good plan. Too bad he didn't factor in the press, the great crime investigators that they are.... who didn't catch Trump of... anything illegal.

You are retarded, that is all. Taking your time is not a crime.

I never said he did anything illegal, hon. Conclusions, like antique beds, should not be jumped upon.

What I did say, and continue to say, is that the entire exercise was a publicity stunt, for the sole purpose of aggrandizing Donald Trump, and immediately dropped off his radar the instant that was achieved, most likely to be resurrected (through a splashy announcement of the designated charities) if and when his campaign needed another boost in attention. If that never happened, then the funds would most likely have been disbursed to charities of his Foundation's choice, maybe veteran-related and maybe not.

Insofar as I think Donald Trump thinks about and plans anything, I believe he simply didn't expect the media, which has not especially held his feet to any fires before, to pursue the issue so doggedly. And noticeably, it didn't get nearly as much attention prior to him becoming the official Republican nominee.
I think he's suggesting that Trump was running a fraud because he desperately needed to polish his image and gull people into voting for him.

And apparently, he DIDN'T get "caught", because his useful idiots are still defending him even when it was disclosed. So obviously, it was a successful fraud.

So successful that he gave 1 million of his own money on top of it all...

You people are just too retarded to even exist. How is this even physically possible? This level of business understanding... just shows what the public schools do.
It's cute how you defend the guy, insinuating he's too rich to commit fraud.

You know -- the very guy who's currently being sued in court for committing fraud.

Am I the only one who thinks it's odd that Norman sounds like he's saying that Trump donating his own money to charity is a bad thing?
Sounds to me like he's using that as an example of why Trump wouldn't be defrauded folks. How could it be fraud if he's using his own money. Of course, Norman clearly didn't think that one all the way through; since had Trump been looking to pocket the funds but used his own money as to cast doubt it was fraud, spending 1 million to get back several million is still a win for Trump.

But I have been ridiculed for daring to point out that Obama gave Vets $1.4 billion in 2009. Apparently, funding Veterans with tax dollars is a bad thing to some on the right. Those would be the ones who have never heard of the U.S. Constitution.

If his plan was to scam massive amounts of money, why would he unnecessarily spend one million of his? If the money was so important, why spend all of yours?

That was my point. Anyway, it's clear you don't understand a first thing about business, and have NO PROOF of any attempted fraud happening. Since you got nothing at all... laters.

Noticeably - well, to people whose eyes aren't dazzled by all the gilt - he didn't donate that 1 million until he was called on not fulfilling his promises regarding the veteran donations.

No one has ever said the money itself was what was important here, nor has anyone said that he intended to personally pocket it. Again, you are jumping to conclusions. Or setting up straw men, one of the two.

Anyway, it's clear your "understanding of business" is limited to "anything Donald Trump does is business, and BRILLIANT business at that!"

Since you got nothing, you have my leave to run away. Shoo.
Vigi stopped being able to grasp any point other than, "Donald Trump is WONDERFUL! Everything he does is automatically right! But HILLARY!!" about two months ago.

Those who knew and respected him as the intelligent human being he used to be will be holding memorial services for his brain at some point.

It's a shame when YOU have become so JILTED that even when the TRUTH is presented to you, you STILL reject it....when did you say the services for your brain were?

I haven't "become" anything. I am what I have always been: a staunch, proud conservative who refuses to make excuses for ANYONE who is not, no matter what I might think I have to gain by doing so.

The truth is that the followers of the Orange Jesus are indistinguishable in their behavior and tactics from the followers of Obama. It wasn't acceptable when they did it in service of the Democrat Party, and it's not acceptable when you do it in service of the Republican Party.

Let me be serious with you for a moment....SINCE your choice for president is Trump, or a Commie/Socialist, since you already have 10 or more SCOTUS PICKS from Trump, with ALL of them acceptable to LEADERS of the Conservative movement, and since Trump is now expecting an ENDORSEMENT from Ted Cruz, according to Ryan yesterday, when he endorsed Trump, what is your problem, except YOU are a spoiled child, and will stamp her feet, yell and scream because your candidate lost!!!

SINCE my choice for President will come from a list of candidates (believe it or not, there ARE more than two); SINCE I have a list of "possible Justice candidates, but Trump himself said he wouldn't necessarily nominate from that list; SINCE I don't trust him as far as I could throw him; and SINCE Ted Cruz doesn't cast my vote, I do, my problem is what it always has been: I do not believe Donald Trump would be a good President, and I will not vote for someone who doesn't meet that criterion.

Your belief that this is a matter of anything other than serious conscience tells us everything about YOUR mindset, and nothing at all about mine.

Did you vote for McRomney?

Would it shock you to know that this question is not only irrelevant, it's also none of your damned business?
I didn't read it, why would I when I've been proved to be right, and you wrong...again!
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

This is yet another reason you're one of the dumbest posters on these fora ... you don't even read your own links. You admit you have no fucking clue what you're posting. <smh>

You sure can't admit it when you have been bitched slapped!
Poor, deranged, vagisil... sorry, dildo, you don't actually bitchslap people when you post links to articles that prove the rest of your post is bullshit.

That would be a severe case of self-ownage on your part.
In other words, you bitchslapped yourself. :lmao:

Since when is not reading what you post, bitch slapping myself, you deranged bastard....You STILL can't get over the FACT that Trump has DONATED MORE in one year than the Clintons have since 2009, a total of $70.000! You can play it anyway you want, BUT you still got your ass kicked with the donations, AND NOW Blow Job'S $16.5 MILLION SCANDAL, which I'm sure the Trumpster will drop on the wicked witch!


You are STILL the dumbest liberal on USMB, proving it with every post!
Too stupid, even for you. You proved you don't know what you're posting. As far as this "new scandal." It's neither new nor a scandal. Of course, to rightards like you, Hillary breathing is a scandal. At any rate, this happened more than a year ago and nothing came of it.

Because I refused to read what links you post in your warped mind that means something....Of course nothing came of it a year, it being brought up to show the HYPOCRISY of you dullards! But even a dimwit, like you, knew that!
Again, ya brain addled nut ... it was your link. You posted it. You didn't even read your own link.

Even worse for you -- that link of yours proved all your other links were wrong and it explained why.

You basically bitchslapped yourself. Who the fuck is dumb enough to do that?

Oh, wait .... you.

I didn't read it, why would I when I've been proved to be right, and you wrong...again!
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

This is yet another reason you're one of the dumbest posters on these fora ... you don't even read your own links. You admit you have no fucking clue what you're posting. <smh>

You sure can't admit it when you have been bitched slapped!
Poor, deranged, vagisil... sorry, dildo, you don't actually bitchslap people when you post links to articles that prove the rest of your post is bullshit.

That would be a severe case of self-ownage on your part.
In other words, you bitchslapped yourself. :lmao:

Since when is not reading what you post, bitch slapping myself, you deranged bastard....You STILL can't get over the FACT that Trump has DONATED MORE in one year than the Clintons have since 2009, a total of $70.000! You can play it anyway you want, BUT you still got your ass kicked with the donations, AND NOW Blow Job'S $16.5 MILLION SCANDAL, which I'm sure the Trumpster will drop on the wicked witch!


You are STILL the dumbest liberal on USMB, proving it with every post!
Too stupid, even for you. You proved you don't know what you're posting. As far as this "new scandal." It's neither new nor a scandal. Of course, to rightards like you, Hillary breathing is a scandal. At any rate, this happened more than a year ago and nothing came of it.

Because I refused to read what links you post in your warped mind that means something....Of course nothing came of it a year, it being brought up to show the HYPOCRISY of you dullards! But even a dimwit, like you, knew that!
Again, ya brain addled nut ... it was your link. You posted it. You didn't even read your own link.

Even worse for you -- that link of yours proved all your other links were wrong and it explained why.

You basically bitchslapped yourself. Who the fuck is dumb enough to do that?

Oh, wait .... you.


Well just look at this!!!...MORE CLINTON CORRUPTION, AND A HUGE SCANDAL!!!! Besides them being shits for NOT donating much of ANYTHING of their $2 BILLION fromthe Clinton Crime Familt Foundation SLUSH FUND to Veterans organizations.... You can run, spin, and shit in your pants, Pawned AGAIN, and you're still a fucking :ahole-1:

"Oops! Bill Clinton Says He ACCIDENTALLY Took $500,000 From Algeria During Key Arms Negotiation With State Department" Oops!!....OOPS< MY ASS!!!

Bill Clinton is claiming his foundation “accidentally” accepted money from foreign governments who were negotiating with his wife while she was Secretary of State – a definite no-no.

The Clinton Foundation received $500,000 from Algeria in 2010 while the country was lobbying the State Department for an increase in weapons export authorization.

The International Business Times says that “some of those export authorizations were for weapons classified as “toxicological agents, including chemical agents [and] biological agents.”  “[Critics] said, ‘Oh you got $500,000 from Algeria at very same time they were lobbying the State Department,’” Clinton said. “Those two facts are accurate but if you put them back-to-back they are incredibly misleading. Here’s why: I never considered that the Algerians gave me the money.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

This is yet another reason you're one of the dumbest posters on these fora ... you don't even read your own links. You admit you have no fucking clue what you're posting. <smh>

Poor, deranged, vagisil... sorry, dildo, you don't actually bitchslap people when you post links to articles that prove the rest of your post is bullshit.

That would be a severe case of self-ownage on your part.
In other words, you bitchslapped yourself. :lmao:

Since when is not reading what you post, bitch slapping myself, you deranged bastard....You STILL can't get over the FACT that Trump has DONATED MORE in one year than the Clintons have since 2009, a total of $70.000! You can play it anyway you want, BUT you still got your ass kicked with the donations, AND NOW Blow Job'S $16.5 MILLION SCANDAL, which I'm sure the Trumpster will drop on the wicked witch!


You are STILL the dumbest liberal on USMB, proving it with every post!
Too stupid, even for you. You proved you don't know what you're posting. As far as this "new scandal." It's neither new nor a scandal. Of course, to rightards like you, Hillary breathing is a scandal. At any rate, this happened more than a year ago and nothing came of it.

Because I refused to read what links you post in your warped mind that means something....Of course nothing came of it a year, it being brought up to show the HYPOCRISY of you dullards! But even a dimwit, like you, knew that!
Again, ya brain addled nut ... it was your link. You posted it. You didn't even read your own link.

Even worse for you -- that link of yours proved all your other links were wrong and it explained why.

You basically bitchslapped yourself. Who the fuck is dumb enough to do that?

Oh, wait .... you.


Well just look at this!!!...MORE CLINTON CORRUPTION, AND A HUGE SCANDAL!!!! Besides them being shits for NOT donating much of ANYTHING of their $2 BILLION fromthe Clinton Crime Familt Foundation SLUSH FUND to Veterans organizations.... You can run, spin, and shit in your pants, Pawned AGAIN, and you're still a fucking :ahole-1:

"Oops! Bill Clinton Says He ACCIDENTALLY Took $500,000 From Algeria During Key Arms Negotiation With State Department" Oops!!....OOPS< MY ASS!!!

Bill Clinton is claiming his foundation “accidentally” accepted money from foreign governments who were negotiating with his wife while she was Secretary of State – a definite no-no.

The Clinton Foundation received $500,000 from Algeria in 2010 while the country was lobbying the State Department for an increase in weapons export authorization.

The International Business Times says that “some of those export authorizations were for weapons classified as “toxicological agents, including chemical agents [and] biological agents.”  “[Critics] said, ‘Oh you got $500,000 from Algeria at very same time they were lobbying the State Department,’” Clinton said. “Those two facts are accurate but if you put them back-to-back they are incredibly misleading. Here’s why: I never considered that the Algerians gave me the money.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Oh, nooo... an obscure website claims Clinton committed a "no-no," and that's literally all it takes for vagisil's panties to get twisted into knots.

So Vagisil... that was 6 years ago. Clinton went to jail for that, right?

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