Trump proves he invested 6 mill in veterans organizations.

Umm... in order to give monetary charity -- you have to actually give the money.

Yeah, and if you claim that you are a charity, you actually have to give out the money, or it will be forcefully removed from you. I am sure a businessman would know that, unlike a loser regressive USMB poster. He perfectly explained why the process took the time, did you watch the video? I bet... no.

Trump did nothing wrong. Instead he heroically raised 4.6 millions to the vets, donating 1 million himself. How much have you donated or raised? Which charities did your run? Indeed, so time to shut up then! You are clueless...

Trump needed time .... but managed to get most of the money out in a day when the media shamed him into dispersing it.

What are you implying?

That Trump was running a charity fraud?... because he so desperately needed those 5 millions that he decided to voluntarily give the charity one of his. That he decided to run a charity fraud under EVERYONE's noses so there would be absolutely no chance of getting caught.

Do you realize, how retarded that sounds (IQ 40>). It's ok, we realize that after the Marxisst indoctrination you have no idea how business or charities run but... damn.
The guy was just shamed into turning the funds over to those charities and here you are, suckling even harder for him.

How sad.


Only thing that is sad is your lack of understand of how charities operates, and especially your exceptional lack of IQ.
Yeah, sure... that must explain why Trump wouldn't release the funds until the media shamed him into doing so. And then he did it in a day. Because time was the sticking point.

Records: Hillary Clinton Has Donated $70,000 To Veterans

Breitbart ^ | 6/1/2016 | Charlie Spiering
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill Clinton have donated $70,000 to veterans and military groups from their personal Clinton Family Foundation in recent years, according to public records. The list of donations from the Clintons is not comprehensive, but is dwarfed by Donald Trump’s release of a list of 41 groups that identified donations of $5.6 million to veterans groups.“Find out how much Hillary Clinton’s given to the veterans,” Trump dared reporters gathered at Trump Tower yesterday. “Nothing.”According to recent public records of the Clinton Family Foundation, the family donated $25,000 in 2009, $20,000 in 2010,...

Oh, look. A post in a thread discussing Trump that says not one fucking word about Trump.

Irrelevant. Thanks for wasting time and space. Move along.

Proving, ONCE AGAIN, that you are a shithook... the OP title says Veterans, and since Trump's lowest competition is the Corrupt, lying, Criminal, murderous bitch, Hillary, it is only FAIR to mention that the scumbags that have over $1 BILLION dollars in the Clinton Crime Family Foundation, could only manage $70,000 in donations to our veterans over a SIX YEAR period, last years Trump's Foundation donated over $250,000! You DemoRAT are cheap and greedy bastards. No lying, just fact which scum like you can't refute!

Ohmigod, you actually bored me to death there for a moment. Fair enough, I guess, since you flatlined at the point you decided, "The most conservative person on the message board MUST BE A DEMOCRAT!"

Since there really isn't enough caffeine in the world to get me through your attempts to make Donald Trump a viable human being, let alone political candidate, why don't you just run along and get back to polishing his knob?
I can't believe I just 'thanked' one of your posts. What the fuck is this election coming to?

I know, right? Just be glad you're not in my position, having to fight a two-front war.
Records: Hillary Clinton Has Donated $70,000 To Veterans

Breitbart ^ | 6/1/2016 | Charlie Spiering
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill Clinton have donated $70,000 to veterans and military groups from their personal Clinton Family Foundation in recent years, according to public records. The list of donations from the Clintons is not comprehensive, but is dwarfed by Donald Trump’s release of a list of 41 groups that identified donations of $5.6 million to veterans groups.“Find out how much Hillary Clinton’s given to the veterans,” Trump dared reporters gathered at Trump Tower yesterday. “Nothing.”According to recent public records of the Clinton Family Foundation, the family donated $25,000 in 2009, $20,000 in 2010,...

Oh, look. A post in a thread discussing Trump that says not one fucking word about Trump.

Irrelevant. Thanks for wasting time and space. Move along.

Proving, ONCE AGAIN, that you are a shithook... the OP title says Veterans, and since Trump's lowest competition is the Corrupt, lying, Criminal, murderous bitch, Hillary, it is only FAIR to mention that the scumbags that have over $1 BILLION dollars in the Clinton Crime Family Foundation, could only manage $70,000 in donations to our veterans over a SIX YEAR period, last years Trump's Foundation donated over $250,000! You DemoRAT are cheap and greedy bastards. No lying, just fact which scum like you can't refute!

You miss the point . Don ran around bragging about his donation . And used the vets as an excuse to bail on the debate .

He lied .

Vigi stopped being able to grasp any point other than, "Donald Trump is WONDERFUL! Everything he does is automatically right! But HILLARY!!" about two months ago.

Those who knew and respected him as the intelligent human being he used to be will be holding memorial services for his brain at some point.

It's a shame when YOU have become so JILTED that even when the TRUTH is presented to you, you STILL reject it....when did you say the services for your brain were?

I haven't "become" anything. I am what I have always been: a staunch, proud conservative who refuses to make excuses for ANYONE who is not, no matter what I might think I have to gain by doing so.

The truth is that the followers of the Orange Jesus are indistinguishable in their behavior and tactics from the followers of Obama. It wasn't acceptable when they did it in service of the Democrat Party, and it's not acceptable when you do it in service of the Republican Party.
You do know, that you continue to make yourself look like a bigger asshole, than everyone already believes you are! But to play your game, Trump donated $1 million to Veterans in much has either the Hildebeast, Blow Job, Hubble's spawn Chelsea, or the Foundation donated so far this year which is almost half over....OR to make it easier on you,since you have such a low IQ, want to add all those entities together?.... You still don't know when to CUT your losses! :321::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Gurgles the forum retard who thinks the Clintons' non-profit foundation earned them a billion dollars.


Look at how you had to change the parameters of your idiotic claim to limit it to just this week. :lmao:

Hell, until last week, Trump had personally donated nothing this year until the media publicly shamed him into it.

But g'head, vagisil -- tell the forum again how many billions the non-profit Clinton Foundation profited.
So, in other words, you continue to look like the JackASS you are, and will keep this up until I no longer respond to you, so as most fucking stupid liberals do, will claim HE WON by my disgust for his dishonesty.... Let's try it Pawned again, I'll visit this everyday UNTIL you die!

Who wouldn't laugh their ass off at you after you moronically claimed the Clintons' made a billion dollars from the Clinton Foundation and then to back your claim up, post an article which points out the Clinton Foundation is non-profit?


It's bad enough you made an idiot of yourself claiming their net worth is a billion dollars despite a Google search being just a few clicks away -- but then you moronically posted an article which highlighted what a dumb fucking retard you are.

Your own link!!


Well IF you have complete control over $2 BILLION as the links provided states, and we know that 15% or LESS is donated to charity every year, YES shit for brains, they KNOW how to protect THEIR WEALTH with a NON-PROFIT FOUNDATION......

I DO own this look of satisfaction!

Poor, vagisil -- do you really need me to explain to you what non-profit means??


NON PROFIT, you stupid bastard, it's a fucking TAX SHELTER....You WIN, you are officially the lowest scum, and dumbest liberal on the board!

  1. Patterico's Pontifications » Hillary Clinton...
    ... part of it was the Clinton Foundation. It notes that tax records for the ... who basically put ... to their own tax shelter foundation, “Clinton ...


You Liberals are full of shit.


And only after being called out.

And only 1.5 million has been distributed.

Begs the question, was he just going to keep it?

Fucking scumbag thief.

He could give a shit about Vets.


You Commie/socialist scum are truly grabbing at straws....where's CLINTON'S DONATIONS????
Oh, look. A post in a thread discussing Trump that says not one fucking word about Trump.

Irrelevant. Thanks for wasting time and space. Move along.

Proving, ONCE AGAIN, that you are a shithook... the OP title says Veterans, and since Trump's lowest competition is the Corrupt, lying, Criminal, murderous bitch, Hillary, it is only FAIR to mention that the scumbags that have over $1 BILLION dollars in the Clinton Crime Family Foundation, could only manage $70,000 in donations to our veterans over a SIX YEAR period, last years Trump's Foundation donated over $250,000! You DemoRAT are cheap and greedy bastards. No lying, just fact which scum like you can't refute!

You miss the point . Don ran around bragging about his donation . And used the vets as an excuse to bail on the debate .

He lied .

Vigi stopped being able to grasp any point other than, "Donald Trump is WONDERFUL! Everything he does is automatically right! But HILLARY!!" about two months ago.

Those who knew and respected him as the intelligent human being he used to be will be holding memorial services for his brain at some point.

It's a shame when YOU have become so JILTED that even when the TRUTH is presented to you, you STILL reject it....when did you say the services for your brain were?

I haven't "become" anything. I am what I have always been: a staunch, proud conservative who refuses to make excuses for ANYONE who is not, no matter what I might think I have to gain by doing so.

The truth is that the followers of the Orange Jesus are indistinguishable in their behavior and tactics from the followers of Obama. It wasn't acceptable when they did it in service of the Democrat Party, and it's not acceptable when you do it in service of the Republican Party.

Let me be serious with you for a moment....SINCE your choice for president is Trump, or a Commie/Socialist, since you already have 10 or more SCOTUS PICKS from Trump, with ALL of them acceptable to LEADERS of the Conservative movement, and since Trump is now expecting an ENDORSEMENT from Ted Cruz, according to Ryan yesterday, when he endorsed Trump, what is your problem, except YOU are a spoiled child, and will stamp her feet, yell and scream because your candidate lost!!!
Gurgles the forum retard who thinks the Clintons' non-profit foundation earned them a billion dollars.


Look at how you had to change the parameters of your idiotic claim to limit it to just this week. :lmao:

Hell, until last week, Trump had personally donated nothing this year until the media publicly shamed him into it.

But g'head, vagisil -- tell the forum again how many billions the non-profit Clinton Foundation profited.
So, in other words, you continue to look like the JackASS you are, and will keep this up until I no longer respond to you, so as most fucking stupid liberals do, will claim HE WON by my disgust for his dishonesty.... Let's try it Pawned again, I'll visit this everyday UNTIL you die!

Who wouldn't laugh their ass off at you after you moronically claimed the Clintons' made a billion dollars from the Clinton Foundation and then to back your claim up, post an article which points out the Clinton Foundation is non-profit?


It's bad enough you made an idiot of yourself claiming their net worth is a billion dollars despite a Google search being just a few clicks away -- but then you moronically posted an article which highlighted what a dumb fucking retard you are.

Your own link!!


Well IF you have complete control over $2 BILLION as the links provided states, and we know that 15% or LESS is donated to charity every year, YES shit for brains, they KNOW how to protect THEIR WEALTH with a NON-PROFIT FOUNDATION......

I DO own this look of satisfaction!

Poor, vagisil -- do you really need me to explain to you what non-profit means??


NON PROFIT, you stupid bastard, it's a fucking TAX SHELTER....You WIN, you are officially the lowest scum, and dumbest liberal on the board!

  1. Patterico's Pontifications » Hillary Clinton...
    ... part of it was the Clinton Foundation. It notes that tax records for the ... who basically put ... to their own tax shelter foundation, “Clinton ...

As usual, poor, rejected, vagisil makes a complete fool of himself....

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go?

We looked at the consolidated financial statements (see page 4) and calculated that in 2013, 88.3 percent of spending was designated as going toward program services — $196.6 million out of $222.6 million in reported expenses.
So, in other words, you continue to look like the JackASS you are, and will keep this up until I no longer respond to you, so as most fucking stupid liberals do, will claim HE WON by my disgust for his dishonesty.... Let's try it Pawned again, I'll visit this everyday UNTIL you die!

Who wouldn't laugh their ass off at you after you moronically claimed the Clintons' made a billion dollars from the Clinton Foundation and then to back your claim up, post an article which points out the Clinton Foundation is non-profit?


It's bad enough you made an idiot of yourself claiming their net worth is a billion dollars despite a Google search being just a few clicks away -- but then you moronically posted an article which highlighted what a dumb fucking retard you are.

Your own link!!


Well IF you have complete control over $2 BILLION as the links provided states, and we know that 15% or LESS is donated to charity every year, YES shit for brains, they KNOW how to protect THEIR WEALTH with a NON-PROFIT FOUNDATION......

I DO own this look of satisfaction!

Poor, vagisil -- do you really need me to explain to you what non-profit means??


NON PROFIT, you stupid bastard, it's a fucking TAX SHELTER....You WIN, you are officially the lowest scum, and dumbest liberal on the board!

  1. Patterico's Pontifications » Hillary Clinton...
    ... part of it was the Clinton Foundation. It notes that tax records for the ... who basically put ... to their own tax shelter foundation, “Clinton ...

As usual, poor, rejected, vagisil makes a complete fool of himself....

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go?

We looked at the consolidated financial statements (see page 4) and calculated that in 2013, 88.3 percent of spending was designated as going toward program services — $196.6 million out of $222.6 million in reported expenses.

As with everything Clinton does, that's MANIPULATED finances, if you are stupid enough to believe that!

  1. The Clinton Foundation Only Spent 10 Percent On ...
    The Clinton Foundation Only Spent 10 Percent On Charity In 2013clinton-foun...
    Apr 27, 2015 ... More than 88% of our expenditures go directly to our life-changing work: ... The internet connection for the group's headquarters does not directly change lives. ... The amount it spent on charitable grants–$8.8 million–was dwarfed by ... While some may claim that the Clinton Foundation does its charity by ...

  1. Is the Clinton Foundation Really a Charity? -...
    The Clinton Global Initiative is also not a charity. ... Those who attend it may do charitable work. ... What makes this relevant to the Clinton Cash allegations is that most of the money spent by the foundation is geared toward providing access for ...

  1. Opinion: How to Understand the Clinton Foundation...
    Jun 8, 2015 ... Do not expect the Clinton Foundation to behave like a private foundation. ... others) that only a small portion of Clinton Foundation spending goes toward charity. ... Since the Clinton Health Access Initiative is the source of most such ... The Carter Center to my knowledge has not received funds that created ...

  1. Charity watchdog: Clinton Foundation a 'slush fund...
    26 | April | 2015 |charity-watchdog-clinton-founda...
    Apr 26, 2015 ... The Clinton family's mega-charity took in more than $140 million in grants ... travel, and salaries and bonuses, with the fattest payouts going to family friends. ... None of the Clintons is on the payroll, but they do enjoy first-class flights ... An accountant for the Clinton Foundation did not return The Post's calls ...

Clinton Foundation spends just...
Apr 29, 2015 ... The bulk of the money donated to the Clinton Family Foundation went to ... The Clinton foundation, on the other hand, gets to its 88 percent going to .... says it does most of its charitable work in-house, and it's not credible to ...

Need more cock sucking Clinton butt fucker?:fu::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Who wouldn't laugh their ass off at you after you moronically claimed the Clintons' made a billion dollars from the Clinton Foundation and then to back your claim up, post an article which points out the Clinton Foundation is non-profit?


It's bad enough you made an idiot of yourself claiming their net worth is a billion dollars despite a Google search being just a few clicks away -- but then you moronically posted an article which highlighted what a dumb fucking retard you are.

Your own link!!


Well IF you have complete control over $2 BILLION as the links provided states, and we know that 15% or LESS is donated to charity every year, YES shit for brains, they KNOW how to protect THEIR WEALTH with a NON-PROFIT FOUNDATION......

I DO own this look of satisfaction!

Poor, vagisil -- do you really need me to explain to you what non-profit means??


NON PROFIT, you stupid bastard, it's a fucking TAX SHELTER....You WIN, you are officially the lowest scum, and dumbest liberal on the board!

  1. Patterico's Pontifications » Hillary Clinton...
    ... part of it was the Clinton Foundation. It notes that tax records for the ... who basically put ... to their own tax shelter foundation, “Clinton ...

As usual, poor, rejected, vagisil makes a complete fool of himself....

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go?

We looked at the consolidated financial statements (see page 4) and calculated that in 2013, 88.3 percent of spending was designated as going toward program services — $196.6 million out of $222.6 million in reported expenses.

As with everything Clinton does, that's MANIPULATED finances, if you are stupid enough to believe that!

  1. The Clinton Foundation Only Spent 10 Percent On ...
    The Clinton Foundation Only Spent 10 Percent On Charity In 2013clinton-foun...
    Apr 27, 2015 ... More than 88% of our expenditures go directly to our life-changing work: ... The internet connection for the group's headquarters does not directly change lives. ... The amount it spent on charitable grants–$8.8 million–was dwarfed by ... While some may claim that the Clinton Foundation does its charity by ...

  1. Is the Clinton Foundation Really a Charity? -...
    The Clinton Global Initiative is also not a charity. ... Those who attend it may do charitable work. ... What makes this relevant to the Clinton Cash allegations is that most of the money spent by the foundation is geared toward providing access for ...

  1. Opinion: How to Understand the Clinton Foundation...
    Jun 8, 2015 ... Do not expect the Clinton Foundation to behave like a private foundation. ... others) that only a small portion of Clinton Foundation spending goes toward charity. ... Since the Clinton Health Access Initiative is the source of most such ... The Carter Center to my knowledge has not received funds that created ...
  1. Charity watchdog: Clinton Foundation a 'slush fund...
    26 | April | 2015 |charity-watchdog-clinton-founda...
    Apr 26, 2015 ... The Clinton family's mega-charity took in more than $140 million in grants ... travel, and salaries and bonuses, with the fattest payouts going to family friends. ... None of the Clintons is on the payroll, but they do enjoy first-class flights ... An accountant for the Clinton Foundation did not return The Post's calls ...

Clinton Foundation spends just...
Apr 29, 2015 ... The bulk of the money donated to the Clinton Family Foundation went to ... The Clinton foundation, on the other hand, gets to its 88 percent going to .... says it does most of its charitable work in-house, and it's not credible to ...

Need more cock sucking Clinton butt fucker?:fu::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Poor, demented, vagisil.... reduced to posting other peoples' retarded opinions to back his own retarded opinion.

Meanwhile, every penny that goes in and out of the Clinton Foundation is made available for public review. Had the Clinton's been sheltering money in their own foundation, it would make yuge headline news so that you wouldn't have to rely on peoples' opinions to back your idiocy.

But being the ever useless tool you are :suck:, you just can't help yourself.
Well IF you have complete control over $2 BILLION as the links provided states, and we know that 15% or LESS is donated to charity every year, YES shit for brains, they KNOW how to protect THEIR WEALTH with a NON-PROFIT FOUNDATION......

I DO own this look of satisfaction!

Poor, vagisil -- do you really need me to explain to you what non-profit means??


NON PROFIT, you stupid bastard, it's a fucking TAX SHELTER....You WIN, you are officially the lowest scum, and dumbest liberal on the board!

  1. Patterico's Pontifications » Hillary Clinton...
    ... part of it was the Clinton Foundation. It notes that tax records for the ... who basically put ... to their own tax shelter foundation, “Clinton ...

As usual, poor, rejected, vagisil makes a complete fool of himself....

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go?

We looked at the consolidated financial statements (see page 4) and calculated that in 2013, 88.3 percent of spending was designated as going toward program services — $196.6 million out of $222.6 million in reported expenses.

As with everything Clinton does, that's MANIPULATED finances, if you are stupid enough to believe that!

  1. The Clinton Foundation Only Spent 10 Percent On ...
    The Clinton Foundation Only Spent 10 Percent On Charity In 2013clinton-foun...
    Apr 27, 2015 ... More than 88% of our expenditures go directly to our life-changing work: ... The internet connection for the group's headquarters does not directly change lives. ... The amount it spent on charitable grants–$8.8 million–was dwarfed by ... While some may claim that the Clinton Foundation does its charity by ...
  1. Is the Clinton Foundation Really a Charity? -...
    The Clinton Global Initiative is also not a charity. ... Those who attend it may do charitable work. ... What makes this relevant to the Clinton Cash allegations is that most of the money spent by the foundation is geared toward providing access for ...
  1. Opinion: How to Understand the Clinton Foundation...
    Jun 8, 2015 ... Do not expect the Clinton Foundation to behave like a private foundation. ... others) that only a small portion of Clinton Foundation spending goes toward charity. ... Since the Clinton Health Access Initiative is the source of most such ... The Carter Center to my knowledge has not received funds that created ...
  1. Charity watchdog: Clinton Foundation a 'slush fund...
    26 | April | 2015 |charity-watchdog-clinton-founda...
    Apr 26, 2015 ... The Clinton family's mega-charity took in more than $140 million in grants ... travel, and salaries and bonuses, with the fattest payouts going to family friends. ... None of the Clintons is on the payroll, but they do enjoy first-class flights ... An accountant for the Clinton Foundation did not return The Post's calls ...
Clinton Foundation spends just...
Apr 29, 2015 ... The bulk of the money donated to the Clinton Family Foundation went to ... The Clinton foundation, on the other hand, gets to its 88 percent going to .... says it does most of its charitable work in-house, and it's not credible to ...

Need more cock sucking Clinton butt fucker?:fu::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Poor, demented, vagisil.... reduced to posting other peoples' retarded opinions to back his own retarded opinion.

Meanwhile, every penny that goes in and out of the Clinton Foundation is made available for public review. Had the Clinton's been sheltering money in their own foundation, it would make yuge headline news so that you wouldn't have to rely on peoples' opinions to back your idiocy.

But being the ever useless tool you are :suck:, you just can't help yourself.

Poor demented, queer, Pawned again..... The MSM would NEVER do ANYTHING to Hurt the Clinton's....Look to Bill's RAPE and Sexual abuse charges where he was CONVICTED of lying and only had his Law Lisc. taken away!

YOU are always THE SHEEP....... NEVER the FUCKER!

You Liberals are full of shit.


And only after being called out.

And only 1.5 million has been distributed.

Begs the question, was he just going to keep it?

Fucking scumbag thief.

He could give a shit about Vets.

You really think he was going to keep the money?

You are completely retarded. What else can be said? Some people just have lower IQs than others. Trump having about triple of yours... Clearly you have no idea how the charity operates.

Seems like the vetting process went completely over your head.

Umm... in order to give monetary charity -- you have to actually give the money.

Yeah, and if you claim that you are a charity, you actually have to give out the money, or it will be forcefully removed from you. I am sure a businessman would know that, unlike a loser regressive USMB poster. He perfectly explained why the process took the time, did you watch the video? I bet... no.

Trump did nothing wrong. Instead he heroically raised 4.6 millions to the vets, donating 1 million himself. How much have you donated or raised? Which charities did your run? Indeed, so time to shut up then! You are clueless...


Trump needed time .... but managed to get most of the money out in a day when the media shamed him into dispersing it.

Don't be silly. It was just a coincidence that his "extensive vetting process" HAPPENED to be complete at the same time the media called him out on it. No, really.

And only after being called out.

And only 1.5 million has been distributed.

Begs the question, was he just going to keep it?

Fucking scumbag thief.

He could give a shit about Vets.

You really think he was going to keep the money?

You are completely retarded. What else can be said? Some people just have lower IQs than others. Trump having about triple of yours... Clearly you have no idea how the charity operates.

Seems like the vetting process went completely over your head.
Umm... in order to give monetary charity -- you have to actually give the money.

Yeah, and if you claim that you are a charity, you actually have to give out the money, or it will be forcefully removed from you. I am sure a businessman would know that, unlike a loser regressive USMB poster. He perfectly explained why the process took the time, did you watch the video? I bet... no.

Trump did nothing wrong. Instead he heroically raised 4.6 millions to the vets, donating 1 million himself. How much have you donated or raised? Which charities did your run? Indeed, so time to shut up then! You are clueless...

Trump needed time .... but managed to get most of the money out in a day when the media shamed him into dispersing it.

Don't be silly. It was just a coincidence that his "extensive vetting process" HAPPENED to be complete at the same time the media called him out on it. No, really.

If you honestly think that Trump was going to scam that money, which didn't even belong to him... but was caught by the are a retard. That's all there is to it.

Given that you are liberals... that's not very surprising.

And only after being called out.

And only 1.5 million has been distributed.

Begs the question, was he just going to keep it?

Fucking scumbag thief.

He could give a shit about Vets.

You really think he was going to keep the money?

You are completely retarded. What else can be said? Some people just have lower IQs than others. Trump having about triple of yours... Clearly you have no idea how the charity operates.

Seems like the vetting process went completely over your head.
Umm... in order to give monetary charity -- you have to actually give the money.

Yeah, and if you claim that you are a charity, you actually have to give out the money, or it will be forcefully removed from you. I am sure a businessman would know that, unlike a loser regressive USMB poster. He perfectly explained why the process took the time, did you watch the video? I bet... no.

Trump did nothing wrong. Instead he heroically raised 4.6 millions to the vets, donating 1 million himself. How much have you donated or raised? Which charities did your run? Indeed, so time to shut up then! You are clueless...

Trump needed time .... but managed to get most of the money out in a day when the media shamed him into dispersing it.

What are you implying?

That Trump was running a charity fraud?... because he so desperately needed those 5 millions that he decided to voluntarily give the charity one of his. That he decided to run a charity fraud under EVERYONE's noses so there would be absolutely no chance of getting caught.

Do you realize, how retarded that sounds (IQ 40>). It's ok, we realize that after the Marxisst indoctrination you have no idea how business or charities run but... damn.

I think he's suggesting that Trump was running a fraud because he desperately needed to polish his image and gull people into voting for him.

And apparently, he DIDN'T get "caught", because his useful idiots are still defending him even when it was disclosed. So obviously, it was a successful fraud.
Umm... in order to give monetary charity -- you have to actually give the money.

Yeah, and if you claim that you are a charity, you actually have to give out the money, or it will be forcefully removed from you. I am sure a businessman would know that, unlike a loser regressive USMB poster. He perfectly explained why the process took the time, did you watch the video? I bet... no.

Trump did nothing wrong. Instead he heroically raised 4.6 millions to the vets, donating 1 million himself. How much have you donated or raised? Which charities did your run? Indeed, so time to shut up then! You are clueless...

Trump needed time .... but managed to get most of the money out in a day when the media shamed him into dispersing it.

What are you implying?

That Trump was running a charity fraud?... because he so desperately needed those 5 millions that he decided to voluntarily give the charity one of his. That he decided to run a charity fraud under EVERYONE's noses so there would be absolutely no chance of getting caught.

Do you realize, how retarded that sounds (IQ 40>). It's ok, we realize that after the Marxisst indoctrination you have no idea how business or charities run but... damn.
The guy was just shamed into turning the funds over to those charities and here you are, suckling even harder for him.

How sad.


Only thing that is sad is your lack of understand of how charities operates, and especially your exceptional lack of IQ.

Yes, well, I DO understand how charities work, and this whole "I have to spend months vetting charities" line is bullshit. One, there's no reason on Earth it should have taken that long, and two, why in the Hell did he have to go out and find acceptable veterans' charities to donate the money to in the first place? If he is such a longtime, staunch supporter of veterans, why didn't he already have suitable charities on his roster, fully vetted because he had already donated to them before?
Just a quick note showing the Hildebeast LOSING another KEY demographic...women ARE NOT STUPID!!!! ^ | June 3, 2016
Which demographic? The answer will stun you. A new poll by Quinnipiac University has Donald Trump beating Hillary Clinton in her own demographic — namely, Caucasian women. According to ABC News, the poll released Wednesday showed Hillary Clinton with a slight lead over Donald Trump nationally. However, when looking at white women, Trump had a 41 to 40 percent lead over Clinton. So much for all that war on women rhetoric. Trump had a bigger lead among white males, with a whopping 60 to 26 percent lead in the polls. Needless to say, ABC News thought it was about time...
You really think he was going to keep the money?

You are completely retarded. What else can be said? Some people just have lower IQs than others. Trump having about triple of yours... Clearly you have no idea how the charity operates.

Seems like the vetting process went completely over your head.
Umm... in order to give monetary charity -- you have to actually give the money.

Yeah, and if you claim that you are a charity, you actually have to give out the money, or it will be forcefully removed from you. I am sure a businessman would know that, unlike a loser regressive USMB poster. He perfectly explained why the process took the time, did you watch the video? I bet... no.

Trump did nothing wrong. Instead he heroically raised 4.6 millions to the vets, donating 1 million himself. How much have you donated or raised? Which charities did your run? Indeed, so time to shut up then! You are clueless...

Trump needed time .... but managed to get most of the money out in a day when the media shamed him into dispersing it.

What are you implying?

That Trump was running a charity fraud?... because he so desperately needed those 5 millions that he decided to voluntarily give the charity one of his. That he decided to run a charity fraud under EVERYONE's noses so there would be absolutely no chance of getting caught.

Do you realize, how retarded that sounds (IQ 40>). It's ok, we realize that after the Marxisst indoctrination you have no idea how business or charities run but... damn.

I think he's suggesting that Trump was running a fraud because he desperately needed to polish his image and gull people into voting for him.

And apparently, he DIDN'T get "caught", because his useful idiots are still defending him even when it was disclosed. So obviously, it was a successful fraud.

So successful that he gave 1 million of his own money on top of it all...

You people are just too retarded to even exist. How is this even physically possible? This level of business understanding... just shows what the public schools do.
Poor, vagisil -- do you really need me to explain to you what non-profit means??


NON PROFIT, you stupid bastard, it's a fucking TAX SHELTER....You WIN, you are officially the lowest scum, and dumbest liberal on the board!

  1. Patterico's Pontifications » Hillary Clinton...
    ... part of it was the Clinton Foundation. It notes that tax records for the ... who basically put ... to their own tax shelter foundation, “Clinton ...

As usual, poor, rejected, vagisil makes a complete fool of himself....

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go?

We looked at the consolidated financial statements (see page 4) and calculated that in 2013, 88.3 percent of spending was designated as going toward program services — $196.6 million out of $222.6 million in reported expenses.

As with everything Clinton does, that's MANIPULATED finances, if you are stupid enough to believe that!

  1. The Clinton Foundation Only Spent 10 Percent On ...
    The Clinton Foundation Only Spent 10 Percent On Charity In 2013clinton-foun...
    Apr 27, 2015 ... More than 88% of our expenditures go directly to our life-changing work: ... The internet connection for the group's headquarters does not directly change lives. ... The amount it spent on charitable grants–$8.8 million–was dwarfed by ... While some may claim that the Clinton Foundation does its charity by ...
  1. Is the Clinton Foundation Really a Charity? -...
    The Clinton Global Initiative is also not a charity. ... Those who attend it may do charitable work. ... What makes this relevant to the Clinton Cash allegations is that most of the money spent by the foundation is geared toward providing access for ...
  1. Opinion: How to Understand the Clinton Foundation...
    Jun 8, 2015 ... Do not expect the Clinton Foundation to behave like a private foundation. ... others) that only a small portion of Clinton Foundation spending goes toward charity. ... Since the Clinton Health Access Initiative is the source of most such ... The Carter Center to my knowledge has not received funds that created ...
  1. Charity watchdog: Clinton Foundation a 'slush fund...
    26 | April | 2015 |charity-watchdog-clinton-founda...
    Apr 26, 2015 ... The Clinton family's mega-charity took in more than $140 million in grants ... travel, and salaries and bonuses, with the fattest payouts going to family friends. ... None of the Clintons is on the payroll, but they do enjoy first-class flights ... An accountant for the Clinton Foundation did not return The Post's calls ...
Clinton Foundation spends just...
Apr 29, 2015 ... The bulk of the money donated to the Clinton Family Foundation went to ... The Clinton foundation, on the other hand, gets to its 88 percent going to .... says it does most of its charitable work in-house, and it's not credible to ...

Need more cock sucking Clinton butt fucker?:fu::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Poor, demented, vagisil.... reduced to posting other peoples' retarded opinions to back his own retarded opinion.

Meanwhile, every penny that goes in and out of the Clinton Foundation is made available for public review. Had the Clinton's been sheltering money in their own foundation, it would make yuge headline news so that you wouldn't have to rely on peoples' opinions to back your idiocy.

But being the ever useless tool you are :suck:, you just can't help yourself.

Poor demented, queer, Pawned again..... The MSM would NEVER do ANYTHING to Hurt the Clinton's....Look to Bill's RAPE and Sexual abuse charges where he was CONVICTED of lying and only had his Law Lisc. taken away!

YOU are always THE SHEEP....... NEVER the FUCKER!
MSM isn't the only news source, ya flamin' imbecile.

Seriously, vagisil -- what the fuck is wrong with you? Exactly how much lead paint did you eat as a kid?
NON PROFIT, you stupid bastard, it's a fucking TAX SHELTER....You WIN, you are officially the lowest scum, and dumbest liberal on the board!

  1. Patterico's Pontifications » Hillary Clinton...
    ... part of it was the Clinton Foundation. It notes that tax records for the ... who basically put ... to their own tax shelter foundation, “Clinton ...

As usual, poor, rejected, vagisil makes a complete fool of himself....

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go?

We looked at the consolidated financial statements (see page 4) and calculated that in 2013, 88.3 percent of spending was designated as going toward program services — $196.6 million out of $222.6 million in reported expenses.

As with everything Clinton does, that's MANIPULATED finances, if you are stupid enough to believe that!

  1. The Clinton Foundation Only Spent 10 Percent On ...
    The Clinton Foundation Only Spent 10 Percent On Charity In 2013clinton-foun...
    Apr 27, 2015 ... More than 88% of our expenditures go directly to our life-changing work: ... The internet connection for the group's headquarters does not directly change lives. ... The amount it spent on charitable grants–$8.8 million–was dwarfed by ... While some may claim that the Clinton Foundation does its charity by ...
  1. Is the Clinton Foundation Really a Charity? -...
    The Clinton Global Initiative is also not a charity. ... Those who attend it may do charitable work. ... What makes this relevant to the Clinton Cash allegations is that most of the money spent by the foundation is geared toward providing access for ...
  1. Opinion: How to Understand the Clinton Foundation...
    Jun 8, 2015 ... Do not expect the Clinton Foundation to behave like a private foundation. ... others) that only a small portion of Clinton Foundation spending goes toward charity. ... Since the Clinton Health Access Initiative is the source of most such ... The Carter Center to my knowledge has not received funds that created ...
  1. Charity watchdog: Clinton Foundation a 'slush fund...
    26 | April | 2015 |charity-watchdog-clinton-founda...
    Apr 26, 2015 ... The Clinton family's mega-charity took in more than $140 million in grants ... travel, and salaries and bonuses, with the fattest payouts going to family friends. ... None of the Clintons is on the payroll, but they do enjoy first-class flights ... An accountant for the Clinton Foundation did not return The Post's calls ...
Clinton Foundation spends just...
Apr 29, 2015 ... The bulk of the money donated to the Clinton Family Foundation went to ... The Clinton foundation, on the other hand, gets to its 88 percent going to .... says it does most of its charitable work in-house, and it's not credible to ...

Need more cock sucking Clinton butt fucker?:fu::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Poor, demented, vagisil.... reduced to posting other peoples' retarded opinions to back his own retarded opinion.

Meanwhile, every penny that goes in and out of the Clinton Foundation is made available for public review. Had the Clinton's been sheltering money in their own foundation, it would make yuge headline news so that you wouldn't have to rely on peoples' opinions to back your idiocy.

But being the ever useless tool you are :suck:, you just can't help yourself.

Poor demented, queer, Pawned again..... The MSM would NEVER do ANYTHING to Hurt the Clinton's....Look to Bill's RAPE and Sexual abuse charges where he was CONVICTED of lying and only had his Law Lisc. taken away!

YOU are always THE SHEEP....... NEVER the FUCKER!
MSM isn't the only news source, ya flamin' imbecile.

Seriously, vagisil -- what the fuck is wrong with you? Exactly how much lead paint did you eat as a kid?

Yes, OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE shows that you are a SHEEP..

I do enjoy your absolute devotion to a bunch of LYING, CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, MURDERING, bastards that everyone has known about for 40 years!.... You truly are a Clintonbot! BUT keep posting, this is the most entertainmentI'llprobably have for today!
Proving, ONCE AGAIN, that you are a shithook... the OP title says Veterans, and since Trump's lowest competition is the Corrupt, lying, Criminal, murderous bitch, Hillary, it is only FAIR to mention that the scumbags that have over $1 BILLION dollars in the Clinton Crime Family Foundation, could only manage $70,000 in donations to our veterans over a SIX YEAR period, last years Trump's Foundation donated over $250,000! You DemoRAT are cheap and greedy bastards. No lying, just fact which scum like you can't refute!

You miss the point . Don ran around bragging about his donation . And used the vets as an excuse to bail on the debate .

He lied .

Vigi stopped being able to grasp any point other than, "Donald Trump is WONDERFUL! Everything he does is automatically right! But HILLARY!!" about two months ago.

Those who knew and respected him as the intelligent human being he used to be will be holding memorial services for his brain at some point.

It's a shame when YOU have become so JILTED that even when the TRUTH is presented to you, you STILL reject it....when did you say the services for your brain were?

I haven't "become" anything. I am what I have always been: a staunch, proud conservative who refuses to make excuses for ANYONE who is not, no matter what I might think I have to gain by doing so.

The truth is that the followers of the Orange Jesus are indistinguishable in their behavior and tactics from the followers of Obama. It wasn't acceptable when they did it in service of the Democrat Party, and it's not acceptable when you do it in service of the Republican Party.

Let me be serious with you for a moment....SINCE your choice for president is Trump, or a Commie/Socialist, since you already have 10 or more SCOTUS PICKS from Trump, with ALL of them acceptable to LEADERS of the Conservative movement, and since Trump is now expecting an ENDORSEMENT from Ted Cruz, according to Ryan yesterday, when he endorsed Trump, what is your problem, except YOU are a spoiled child, and will stamp her feet, yell and scream because your candidate lost!!!

SINCE my choice for President will come from a list of candidates (believe it or not, there ARE more than two); SINCE I have a list of "possible Justice candidates, but Trump himself said he wouldn't necessarily nominate from that list; SINCE I don't trust him as far as I could throw him; and SINCE Ted Cruz doesn't cast my vote, I do, my problem is what it always has been: I do not believe Donald Trump would be a good President, and I will not vote for someone who doesn't meet that criterion.

Your belief that this is a matter of anything other than serious conscience tells us everything about YOUR mindset, and nothing at all about mine.
You really think he was going to keep the money?

You are completely retarded. What else can be said? Some people just have lower IQs than others. Trump having about triple of yours... Clearly you have no idea how the charity operates.

Seems like the vetting process went completely over your head.
Umm... in order to give monetary charity -- you have to actually give the money.

Yeah, and if you claim that you are a charity, you actually have to give out the money, or it will be forcefully removed from you. I am sure a businessman would know that, unlike a loser regressive USMB poster. He perfectly explained why the process took the time, did you watch the video? I bet... no.

Trump did nothing wrong. Instead he heroically raised 4.6 millions to the vets, donating 1 million himself. How much have you donated or raised? Which charities did your run? Indeed, so time to shut up then! You are clueless...

Trump needed time .... but managed to get most of the money out in a day when the media shamed him into dispersing it.

Don't be silly. It was just a coincidence that his "extensive vetting process" HAPPENED to be complete at the same time the media called him out on it. No, really.

If you honestly think that Trump was going to scam that money, which didn't even belong to him... but was caught by the are a retard. That's all there is to it.

Given that you are liberals... that's not very surprising.

Why wouldn't I think that? Because no charity has ever done that before? This would have been the first time?

Given that you kneejerk dismiss anyone who disagrees with you as "liberal", your opinion and intelligence are both invalidated.

I don't oppose you because I'm not a conservative; I oppose you because YOU aren't one.

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