Trump Re-election Getting Better by the Day. Idiots Just Keep Helping.

Trump is ready to hit the campaign trail with his law and order platform amidst the Democrats call for anarchy and civil disorder. It can't get this good!

Proving once again that the right truly does live in their own little talk radio/Internet media bubbled world. I've never seen reality bent this far for a group of people. Especially over a worthless, lying, incompetent boob. They have so many more bright and younger minds to pick from, but they pick the former reality TV show wonders why?...constantly. :) I can't wait till he holds one of his pep rallies again. You're gonna see his numbers dive even further south.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - Ohio: Trump vs. Biden
Younger minds are polluted by leftist rhetoric. They are crybabies triggered by every thing Trump does. It is they who live in a leftist media bubble.
So say you but I have not seen anything that shows this is helping Trump's reelection. You may think it SHOULD, that does not have any bearing on it actually happening though.
So say you but I have not seen anything that shows this is helping Trump's reelection. You may think it SHOULD, that does not have any bearing on it actually happening though.
Americans will not side with the sub-humans in the 2020 elections.
Again, so you say. Thais based on nothing more than what your desires.

This is even more pronounced in the word choice you use. It is exactly the same thing Hillary supporters thought in 2016. That did not work well for them.
“If Trump wins, the world is in peril. Not just the United States of America. The world.” - Spike Lee
If this stuff is supposed to make Trump’s re-election easier, why does his approval ratings keep going down?


Trump needs to get more "presidential" and less petty to win over more women voters.
If the economy recovers by November Trump should win easily, especially if Biden looks senile.


The women voters rights will be taken away by the men

No question

This has to stop now not delayed until the next election

This brings the nation down and weaker to get best by enemies

No the women had the chance to show they had the ability to vote ... they don’t

Now there will be a logic test for voters which will stop 10 times more women voters than men


Half of democrat congress and supremes will be going to prison

There will be a logic test for voters to start the next election and to go with the founders intent for only the wise gets to vote

This experiment in letting the unwise adults to vote IS OVER
Total lies by the deep state in a panic

All of the polls

They are over sampling the women to make it a fraud set up ..

But the men knows and that is the real power

The women will lose their voting rights as well as the unwise men with a logic test for voting

No election until

A logic test for voters is set up
Trump needs to get more "presidential" and less petty to win over more women voters.
If the economy recovers by November Trump should win easily, especially if Biden looks senile.

Not gonna happen. He is who he is. If he hasn't done it up till now and it's largely worked for him (up until about 4 months ago), why would he change? There's no upside for him.
Right now, it's looking like he's toast no matter what the markets and economy looks like. Still a long way till November.
A difference of opinion is what makes a horse race.
The democrats have many problems to deal with:
1. Joe Biden
2. Democrat policies
3. Defund the police radicals
4. Rioters looting and burning down businesses
5. Nancy, AOC, and House democrats
I hope the revolution eats it's own. They should occupy Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden's home(s).
They want to refund them, but I bet there is a patrolman watching their houses 24/.
Trump needs to get more "presidential" and less petty to win over more women voters.
If the economy recovers by November Trump should win easily, especially if Biden looks senile.

Not gonna happen. He is who he is. If he hasn't done it up till now and it's largely worked for him (up until about 4 months ago), why would he change? There's no upside for him.
Right now, it's looking like he's toast no matter what the markets and economy looks like. Still a long way till November.
People do not like this shit bag insurrectionists. Floyd dead. Got more accolades than heroes that die in the line of duty or combat. Floyd was a piece of shit criminal. Americans are angry over the media glorification of a common criminal. You don't get it do you? Law abiding citizens are sick of this shit.

Or maybe it's because black people have seen one too many white cops get away with brutal treatment. And this was just the straw that broke their back. The video of a man being slowly strangled to death by having a knee placed on his neck for 8 minutes was a breaking point. It's been going on for years. George Floyd was just the tipping point. And maybe another reason for the anger is that "law abiding citizens", stood by and did nothing or said nothing..even when the evidence was right in front of them.
Not defending the cop, but it is in their handbook to do that. There were almost forty cases of the police using this tactic before Floyd was killed. If you're really pissed. Go after the leaders that approved it, oh nevermind they're all democrats.
Trump is ready to hit the campaign trail with his law and order platform amidst the Democrats call for anarchy and civil disorder. It can't get this good!

You keep telling that lie over and over. Mussolini would be proud of you.
It's true dipshit, you people are eating your own. The funny part is Trump didn't send in the troops as they were hoping. Now you can deal with your idiots! Lol
So say you but I have not seen anything that shows this is helping Trump's reelection. You may think it SHOULD, that does not have any bearing on it actually happening though.
All the violence going on in liberal cities and the leaders do nothing. Biden is going to defund police rallies. I think instead of Trump debating Biden.
No election in November 2020

A logic test for voting comes before the next election

The men will enforce this with trump as the crooks are being locked up in nov
Trump is ready to hit the campaign trail with his law and order platform amidst the Democrats call for anarchy and civil disorder. It can't get this good!

Keep dreaming.

Trump is ready to hit the campaign trail with his law and order platform amidst the Democrats call for anarchy and civil disorder. It can't get this good!

Keep dreaming.

It's not a dream. What makes you think the average citizen is going to vote for chaos and anarchy vs. law, order, and stability?
So say you but I have not seen anything that shows this is helping Trump's reelection. You may think it SHOULD, that does not have any bearing on it actually happening though.
All the violence going on in liberal cities and the leaders do nothing. Biden is going to defund police rallies. I think instead of Trump debating Biden.
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And defeat him in every debate. Barron is a big kid. Work's out with weights. Had a student I know met him at a Notre Dame soccer game. Said he's a "big boy!"
Trump is ready to hit the campaign trail with his law and order platform amidst the Democrats call for anarchy and civil disorder. It can't get this good!
Lol @ "law and order".

Law and order involves more than bullying, kid.

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