The Case Against Progressive Utopia


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
Everyone wants to live in a place where all needs are met, where there is no anxiety, discord, or strife. Whether by legislation or brute force, those who call themselves progressives, socialists, the radical left, or simply Democrats intend to achieve such a utopia in the U.S.

All actions are permissible, as the end justifies the means. Right and wrong, morality and ethics take a back seat. Totalitarianism may be required.

Tactics include hypocrisy and double-standards; diversion, distortion, disinformation, and misinformation; logical inconsistency; and rejection of proven science. snip
On January 6, 2021, a crowd of unarmed, nonviolent Trump-supporters entered the Capitol illegally. Videos confirm that they calmly toured the premises, some shepherded by police. The DoJ has charged more than 1,000 Americans over J6, most with insurrection — the “violent attempt to overturn recognized authority or legally constituted government.”

Six months earlier (June 2020) in Seattle, heavily armed individuals took over federal buildings, including the courthouse, and violently ejected “legally constituted government” to establish the CHAZ, or the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. Though this was an insurrection by definition, the socialist perpetrators have not been prosecuted.

For progressives, social justice requires a double-standard rule of law. J6 was called democracy-overthrowing insurrection, while CHAZ was labeled “unlawful occupation protest.”

Diversity, inclusion, equity (DIE) is a hallmark movement for utopians. They advance CRT (Critical Race Theory) in schools and universities to counter systemic racism: whites oppressing blacks and browns in housing, education, business, healthcare, and government. Those who question systemic racism are automatically condemned as “racist.”

Racism can be defined as “prejudice or antagonism against people based solely on their membership is a racial or ethnic group.” CRT embodies the essence of that racism that DIE purports to oppose. The Case Against Progressive Utopia
DSA Democrats must be stopped this election. We are getting to absurd levels in this country....What say you?
DSA Democrats must be stopped this election. We are getting to absurd levels in this country....What say you?
I say have a look at other countries in which those high social standards are being obtained by the people.
DSA Democrats must be stopped this election. We are getting to absurd levels in this country....What say you?
Everyone wants to live in society where you can meet your basic needs without having to mortgage your future..or work six jobs, or borrow a shit ton of money to have just to be able to choose between a roof over your head, healthcare, or keeping food on the table. Kitchen table issues. And you better hope that Democrats don't get any traction with these issues....because Republicans (like they have for the last four decades)...have nothing. :)
Everyone wants to live in society where you can meet your basic needs without having to mortgage your future..or work six jobs, or borrow a shit ton of money to have just to be able to choose between a roof over your head, healthcare, or keeping food on the table. Kitchen table issues. And you better hope that Democrats don't get any traction with these issues....because Republicans (like they have for the last four decades)...have nothing. :)
Traction? They're the ones who actively destroyed these things...Drove inflation up, opened up our borders, and continue, like you here to gaslight the American people....It won't stand....
DSA Democrats must be stopped this election. We are getting to absurd levels in this country....What say you?

You'll believe any bullshit right wingers tell you. When you get your talking points from the American Stinker, you're scraping the bottom of the barrel.

  • Overall, we rate the American Thinker as Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories/pseudoscience, use of poor sources, and several failed fact checks.
You'll believe any bullshit right wingers tell you. When you get your talking points from the American Stinker, you're scraping the bottom of the barrel.

  • Overall, we rate the American Thinker as Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories/pseudoscience, use of poor sources, and several failed fact checks.
This is a perfect example of using a highly biased, fake fact check site to ad hom a thread...

Just tells me that you have nothing.....
Everyone wants to live in society where you can meet your basic needs without having to mortgage your future..or work six jobs, or borrow a shit ton of money to have just to be able to choose between a roof over your head, healthcare, or keeping food on the table. Kitchen table issues. And you better hope that Democrats don't get any traction with these issues....because Republicans (like they have for the last four decades)...have nothing. :)
Brilliant, so Biden turning this country into "having to mortgage your future..or work six jobs, or borrow a shit ton of money to have just to be able to choose between a roof over your head, healthcare, or keeping food on the table" is quite the solution...dumbass.
Traction? They're the ones who actively destroyed these things...Drove inflation up, opened up our borders, and continue, like you here to gaslight the American people....It won't stand....

Inflation was a world wide problem after the pandemic, and it was driven by supply chain shortages.

"Closing borders" means NOBODY gets in or out. No tourism, no visas and Americans cannot leave the country. You cannot welcome tourists, students and people who can afford an airline ticket to the USA, WITHOUT "open borders".

What you need, is immigration reform, which Republicans refuse to consider because they like blaming Democrats for illegal immigration which they refused to do anything about.

The ONLY gaslighting of the American people is being done by right wing billionaire owned media because their owners want the tax cuts and the cheap labour from illegal immigration.
Inflation was a world wide problem after the pandemic, and it was driven by supply chain shortages.

"Closing borders" means NOBODY gets in or out. No tourism, no visas and Americans cannot leave the country. You cannot welcome tourists, students and people who can afford an airline ticket to the USA, WITHOUT "open borders".

What you need, is immigration reform, which Republicans refuse to consider because they like blaming Democrats for illegal immigration which they refused to do anything about.

The ONLY gaslighting of the American people is being done by right wing billionaire owned media because their owners want the tax cuts and the cheap labour from illegal immigration.
So, if it's so easy to do, why didn't Democrats do it when they had the power?
Brilliant, so Biden turning this country into "having to mortgage your future..or work six jobs, or borrow a shit ton of money to have just to be able to choose between a roof over your head, healthcare, or keeping food on the table" is quite the solution...dumbass.
Hey Spidey, got a newsflash for ya, it started happening in the Ronald Reagan years. Where was your outrage then?
So answer the question. What..has..conservatism..given..the..average..voter? (in the last four decades).
Traction? They're the ones who actively destroyed these things...Drove inflation up, opened up our borders, and continue, like you here to gaslight the American people....It won't stand....
Sorry, inflation has been coming for quite a while spanning both parties President's. A bill due for a decade and a half of good times. Did you think it would last? Those of us who know how things work knew the bill would come due at some point.
Again, what has conservatism given the average voter?
Hey Spidey, got a newsflash for ya, it started happening in the Ronald Reagan years. Where was your outrage then?
So answer the question. What..has..conservatism..given..the..average..voter? (in the last four decades).
Choices. Which you twits want to remove.
Choices. Which you twits want to remove.
No one wants to remove any choice. In fact, just the opposite. The ability to be able to MAKE a choice, instead of having to be forced into it by circumstances beyond your control.
You wanna work six jobs? Awesome. Go for it. But you shouldn't have to just keep a roof over your head or food on the table.
Sorry, inflation has been coming for quite a while spanning both parties President's. A bill due for a decade and a half of good times. Did you think it would last? Those of us who know how things work knew the bill would come due at some point.
Again, what has conservatism given the average voter?
Always an excuse when it involves one of your leaders...pathetic.
This is a perfect example of using a highly biased, fake fact check site to ad hom a thread...

Just tells me that you have nothing.....

No it does not. It tells YOU that you'll believe ANYTHING that confirms what you already believe, true or not. And you opening welcome people LYING to you as long as they say what you want to hear.

Furthermore, you'll go to ANY lengths to deny reality and continue to live in your right wing bubble where the left is always wrong.

Lowest inflation in the first world, no recession, lowest unemployment in decades, gas below $3 a gallon in more than 20 US states, no racial unrest, supply chain issues resolved. Wage increases outstripping inflation, infrastructure repairs and improvements underway.

But you cover your eyes and ears and say "Lalalalalalalala I can't hear you." That's today's right wing voter.
No it does not. It tells YOU that you'll believe ANYTHING that confirms what you already believe, true or not. And you opening welcome people LYING to you as long as they say what you want to hear.

Furthermore, you'll go to ANY lengths to deny reality and continue to live in your right wing bubble where the left is always wrong.

Lowest inflation in the first world, no recession, lowest unemployment in decades, gas below $3 a gallon in more than 20 US states, no racial unrest, supply chain issues resolved. Wage increases outstripping inflation, infrastructure repairs and improvements underway.

But you cover your eyes and ears and say "Lalalalalalalala I can't hear you." That's today's right wing voter.
Quite the meltdown, got any more?

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