It Appears That Biden Voters Are A Bigger Threat Than MAGA

Campus after campus has been inundated with pro-Hamas anti-Israel protesters. Last night UCLA was a war zone. As we speak cops are clearing the campus of protesters because they failed to disperse, and instead became extremely hostile, choosing to fight with police instead of closing up shop and going to their homes.

Where's all of the MAGA hat wearing thugs you people keep whining about?

I laugh and laugh and laugh at the campus protests and the manufactured outrage over them. Why?

How many colleges in the USA? What percentage are being "occupied" by the Palestinian student organizers? Are they violent? Are they civil protests or unduly riots like the Jan 6 event?

Baby Boomers comparing this to 1968 campus unrest? :auiqs.jpg:

FOX News going on and on about How "dangerous" breaking up the Colombia occupation of a library building was. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

The whole media blowing it up. Pull the cameras back from what we are seeing and one would see how relatively small these protests actually are.

It's too, too funny if one stops and thinks about it.

My opinion(s).
Campus after campus has been inundated with pro-Hamas anti-Israel protesters. Last night UCLA was a war zone. As we speak cops are clearing the campus of protesters because they failed to disperse, and instead became extremely hostile, choosing to fight with police instead of closing up shop and going to their homes.

Where's all of the MAGA hat wearing thugs you people keep whining about?

Hilariously fucked up fuckup

Is this the new scary thing for you?

Well, let’s discuss J6 boi.
Hilariously fucked up fuckup

Is this the new scary thing for you?

Well, let’s discuss J6 boi.
Hilariously fucked up fuckup.

J6? Well, let’s discuss the months of Antifa/BLM riots, burning, looting, raping, and murdering.
We need to vote out these Dem insurrectionists in Nov to protect democracy. No Dem should get even 1 vote.

Agreed! :up:


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