It Appears That Biden Voters Are A Bigger Threat Than MAGA

Campus after campus has been inundated with pro-Hamas anti-Israel protesters. Last night UCLA was a war zone. As we speak cops are clearing the campus of protesters because they failed to disperse and became extremely hostile, choosing to fight with police instead of closing up shop and going to their homes.

Where's all of the MAGA hat wearing thugs you people keep whining about?

What a bunch of idiots.
Nobody likes Biden. We can agree on that.
That didn't stop him from somehow getting 81 million votes.:muahaha:
We live for the destruction of the United States of America. There are so many people who really have no voices from the abuses from authoritarians who from within those organizations screwed with others and continue to do so. No matter what the men of civility do, they cannot remove that stain wiping their hands of it from those who have done the deed. Only justice applied removing those who have done it parts of or all of their pensions and benefits from the past will make healing possible. And that will make many homes more available also. The corruption of our election system is made possible due to this.
We need to vote out these Dem insurrectionists in Nov to protect democracy. No Dem should get even 1 vote.
Understand this -- dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. Not just the politicians, not just the scumbags laying siege to our Universties, not just the scumbag persecutors who won't bring charges, not just the Judges who will dismiss charges if any are brought --

All of them. EVERY.Last.One.One.Of.Them.

Our dimocrap neighbors, our dimocrap relatives, the dimocraps working at the DMV, in the Federal Building, the ones infesting our schools.......

All of them.

Biden isn't doing this. Any of it. He doesn't even know what time it is. It is the DNC, through and through and out -- scum. Scum. All of them.

And they got there by scum voting them into Office. They didn't show up in DC on top of Panzers, they got voted in. Not just this last sham of an election. Been going on for decades.

And it's ground-up

Until you realize that, nothing else matters. Nothing
We live for the destruction of the United States of America. There are so many people who really have no voices from the abuses from authoritarians who from within those organizations screwed with others and continue to do so. No matter what the men of civility do, they cannot remove that stain wiping their hands of it from those who have done the deed. Only justice applied removing those who have done it parts of or all of their pensions and benefits from the past will make healing possible. And that will make many homes more available also. The corruption of our election system is made possible due to this.
To simplify it, "EAT THE RICH".

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