Trump rebuked for sharing video showing Biden hog-tied on pickup truck

What sort of mentality is at work here ? Is this the extent if his policy offer ?

I think Bart Simpson is more of a functioning adult than Donny.

Hell, even Homer is more mature.
While Trump was president democrats saw NOTHING wrong with:
Orange Man Bad/White Man Bad
The Big Orange Monster
Hate Trump Agenda
Big Orange Balloons

All of a sudden Biden is hogtied and democrats are pretending to have some ethical morals. All of sudden it is wrong to make fun of a president... all of a sudden they are sensitive to April Fool's Jokes.

What sort of mentality is at work here ? Is this the extent if his policy offer ?

I think Bart Simpson is more of a functioning adult than Donny.

Hell, even Homer is more mature.
If Trump didn't act like an adult, Biden would try to sniff and grope him

What sort of mentality is at work here ? Is this the extent if his policy offer ?

I think Bart Simpson is more of a functioning adult than Donny.

Hell, even Homer is more mature.
Hey Tammy, no offense, but that image in your avatar looks like a pedo. To me. Dont mind me though, I only worked for the prison system, so what would I know...cough!
Hey Tammy, no offense, but that image in your avatar looks like a pedo. To me. Dont mind me though, I only worked for the prison system, so what would I know...cough!
In these times, if one claims to be a democrat, they are at the very least, pedo tolerate.

Democrats today dress in drag and perform for children. Other democrats are even worse. They dress kids in drag and make them perform for democrats.

Democrats here run cover for them and defend them.

Democrats = party of pedophiles
(1) If (if!) Mr. Trump had any responsibility in the posting of that video, then he was wrong to do so.

(2) This country is already violent enough without a presidential candidate doing something like that.

(3) No matter what one thinks of President Biden, he is the current president and deserves the respect due any president.

(4) When I saw the image, I immediately remembered an infamous photograph of Prime Minister Lumumba of the Congo.

a. There was a military revolt. Some soldiers captured him and threw him hogtied into the back of a pickup, guarded by his smirking captors. He was taken away and murdered.

b. It also reminded me of when the United States told the Vietnamese army it would be OK to overthrow the president of Vietnam. The army captured him and his brother, and murdered them inside of a military vehicle.

(5) I think that many supporters (including me) of Mr. Trump are very disappointed by his alleged role in this matter.
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(1) If (if!) Mr. Trump had any responsibility in the posting of that video, then he was wrong to do so.

(2) This country is already violent enough without a presidential candidate doing something like that.

(3) No matter what one thinks of President Biden, he is the current president and deserves the respect due any president.

(4) When I saw the image, I immediately remembered an infamous photograph of Prime Minister Lumumba of the Congo.

a. There was a military revolt. Some soldiers captured him and threw him hogtied into the back of a pickup, guarded by his smirking captors. He was taken away and murdered.

b. It also reminded me of when the United States told the Vietnamese army it would be OK to overthrow the president of Vietnam. The army captured him and his brother, and murdered them inside of a military vehicle.

(5) I think that many supporters (including me) of Mr. Trump are very disappointed by his alleged role in this matter.
Oh , so it is okay for a sitting President to go after his political opponent with LAWFARE, and when a picture of said worthless president is hogtide, then you whiney bitches lose your mind?
The picture of headless Trump was a death threat, not a joke, and the bitch should of been thrown in jail. Comey failed again on that one.

I agree that the bloody, decapitated Trump head was not appropriate, but that doesn't mean Kathy Griffin belongs in jail. I do believe that the Secret Service spoke to her about it.

What sort of mentality is at work here ? Is this the extent if his policy offer ?

I think Bart Simpson is more of a functioning adult than Donny.

Hell, even Homer is more mature.
A sick, reprehensible mentality; more rhetoric of violence and lawlessness from Trump, more contempt for our democratic institutions from Trump, further proof that Trump is unfit to hold any public office.
In these times, if one claims to be a democrat, they are at the very least, pedo tolerate.

Democrats today dress in drag and perform for children. Other democrats are even worse. They dress kids in drag and make them perform for democrats.

Democrats here run cover for them and defend them.

Democrats = party of pedophiles
Bring it up when Kathie Griffin runs for President

We tend to hold our Presidents to higher standards of conduct than second rate comedians

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