Trump rebuked for sharing video showing Biden hog-tied on pickup truck

Trump is as crude, loud, crass as a Jerry Springer show. Look at how people behave at his rallies.
Trump even encouraged that behavior. Saying he would pay their legal bills if they got into trouble for their rowdy behavior.
when did he say that? before or after?

Published Feb. 01, 2016

Donald Trump encouraged supporters to rough up potential protesters Monday at his final pre-Iowa caucus rally. "If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them," Trump said after warning of possible rabble-rousers. "I'll pay the legal fees," he added.
Mar.13, 2016

Donald J. Trump said on Sunday that he would look into paying the legal fees of a man who was accused of sucker-punching a protester at one of Mr. Trump’s rallies last week

Mr. Trump has regularly said at his rallies that his supporters should actively silence protesters, and he has promised to pay their legal fees if they become too aggressive. Asked if he planned to keep that promise for Mr. McGraw, Mr. Trump said that he did.
In these times, if one claims to be a democrat, they are at the very least, pedo tolerate.
It doesn't matter what the topic is. Trump cultists will always want to change the topic to pedo stuff.

We tell them that makes them look like scary pervs. They don't care. They clearly get off on it.

And to think Trump cultists wonder why children and small animals instinctively run from them. They can tell.
They also die when BLM rampages through cities, but the left seems to be okay with those deaths
You were doing so well, until you made up that stupid shit.

Saying "both sides to it" makes you look gutless and dishonest when both sides don't do it.
It doesn't matter what the topic is. Trump cultists will always want to change the topic to pedo stuff.

We tell them that makes them look like scary pervs. They don't care. They clearly get off on it.

And to think Trump cultists wonder why children and small animals instinctively run from them. They can tell.
^^^ supports drag shows for children
You were doing so well, until you made up that stupid shit.

Saying "both sides to it" makes you look gutless and dishonest when both sides don't do it.

Both sides do do it. You're just a partisan hack.
Summer of love 2020 no wait that was docrat violence
That was punky blacks rioting after black charges of police brutality were proven by smartphones. They and antifa are not Dems, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool conspiracy nut job.

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