Trump rebuked for sharing video showing Biden hog-tied on pickup truck

That was punky blacks rioting after black charges of police brutality were proven by smartphones. They and antifa are not Dems, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool conspiracy nut job.
That was leftists doing violent things and the democrat leaders allowing it.
Get over it, especially liberal Brits who used to celebrate real beheadings and fake ones courtesy of B Hollywood actresses.
I'll show you scary, 22,000 Biden CHINESE illegals have crossed our border in just the past 6 months. That's 3,600 a month vs only 36 a month in 2021. :oops:
I'll show you scary, 22,000 Biden CHINESE illegals have crossed our border in just the past 6 months. That's 3,600 a month vs only 36 a month in 2021. :oops:

One would think those are the immigrants Republicans would want here seeing how they've actually lived under a Communist regime.
One would think those are the immigrants Republicans would want here seeing how they've actually lived under a Communist regime.
Unvetted Chinese illegals with no background checks is what Democrats want, obviously. One was just arrested after blowing past a gate and entering a Marine base, then refused to leave. :oops:
Unvetted Chinese illegals with no background checks is what Democrats want, obviously. One was just arrested after blowing past a gate and entering a Marine base, then refused to leave. :oops:

I agree that we need to be guarded against the possibility that some of these people were purposely sent here by their government, but the vast majority are risking their lives to escape a totalitarian and oppressive regime, especially since the COVID epidemic arrived.
but the vast majority are risking their lives to escape a totalitarian and oppressive regime, especially since the COVID epidemic arrived.
The facts say your theory is wrong. 200,000 dead Americans killed by Mexico's Fentanyl trafficking says your theory is wrong. 1/3 of all illegals scamming the IRS out of billions of dollars of illegal child tax credit refunds each year says your theory is wrong. Data gathered just in Texas showing over 600,000 crimes committed by illegals says your theory is wrong.

Now, if you have facts, data that counter this I'm all ears.

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