Trump: "Repeal and replace"

Replace it with what Canada has! Nearly every single first world nation also has....And it is cheaper!

Conservatives are so stupid when they attempt to argue for a system that mistreats people and is more expensive.
Yeah and all those wealthy liberal elites end up coming at one time to the US to get the best surgery money could buy.. As for the rest of those liberal poor counties citizens, they had to stay back and end up dead with just a head cold. Such a bunch of idiots you left wing radical nutjobs are.
Replace it with what Canada has! Nearly every single first world nation also has....And it is cheaper!

Conservatives are so stupid when they attempt to argue for a system that mistreats people and is more expensive.

Spot on. I received medical care when I lived there. I know that Canadians do complain about long wait times, but guess what, so did we here too, and before Obamacare.

My H broke his arm while we were in Canada as well, and the care was terrific. When we returned home here in the States it was time to have the stitches taken out and our local doctor had stopped taking our wonderful insurance while we were gone, so he turned us away. This was waaaaay before Obamacare. And it's bullshit.
Health care may pinch a little more out of your wallet in 2017- but it likely won't be a problem for the majority of Americans.

Obamacare health plan premiums are expected to increase by 22 percent on average, according a U.S. Department of Human Health and Services (HHS) report released Monday.

The report also found a decrease in insurance issuers from 298 in 2016, to 228 in 2017, making it a less competitive market.

But for many, the price hikes will be relieved by federal subsidies, since 84 percent of Obamacare purchases receive financial aid, according to the report.

The marketplace also offers tax credits for majority of people who enroll in Obamacare, which also helps cover premium costs so many under the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) will see minimal rate increases.

Most Americans won't be affected by Obamacare premium increase
Since you have your head way up Uranus, or you are sitting in your parents basement smoking dope, eating government cheese, watching Netflix and getting health insurance on your parents accounts, of course you don't give a rats ass when other people are going to pay through the roof when Obamafuckedupcare starts imploding. Who cares about other people as long as the miserable liberals get their FREE stuff. Democrats are the stupidest people in the universe.

Obamacare Failing as Co-Ops Fold, Premiums Skyrocket and Illegal Immigrants Qualify for Coverage - AMAC, Inc.
Obamacare Failing as Co-Ops Fold, Premiums Skyrocket and Illegal Immigrants Qualify for Coverage

and since you're a partisan troll who obviously can't read or refuses to, KMA.

Nice come back when your own argument starts to fail. I am not surprise.

At least he has one.
knee jerk RW's love to bitch about ACA even though they have no idea what they're bitching about ... other than Obama did it.

same shit, different day ..

How's that $2,500 saving?

invested, why?

You saved $2,500 from Switching to ObamaCare?

We saved about $1200 annually.

You must be subsidized and didn't have a plan before. That's not what Obama was describing. He said the people paying for it, would get a reduction
knee jerk RW's love to bitch about ACA even though they have no idea what they're bitching about ... other than Obama did it.

same shit, different day ..

How's that $2,500 saving?

invested, why?

You saved $2,500 from Switching to ObamaCare?

Sorry, Frank, but some people did. Unfortunately, many insurance companies are pulling out of the exchanges because they didn't realize so many people were be sick. Yeah, that's because they couldn't afford to get medical care, so they miss days at work or lose their job entirely. And guess where many end up? On the public dole, moron. We pay now or we pay later. The Europeans and Japan know this as do other industrialized nations.
You beat me to it by a minute.

Exactly. Obama wanted universal healthcare but the pharmaceutical and insurance giant lobbyists were all over this before the music started and anybody could sit down.

Lobbying Spending Database | OpenSecrets

Then why sign something into law that would hurt the average American!?!

President Obama seem pussy whopped by those lobbyists!

Congress is pussy whopped by the lobbyists and they wimped out and wouldn't back Obama, if you recall. He is not and never has been a dictator, as much as some would think.

He could have vetoed it, so yes he is pussy whopped too!

Also feel free to show where I implied he was some type of dictator but when you claim his own political party did not do as he wanted, well that tell me either he is a weak leader or you're just making excuses for President Obama failure, as usual!

I said some people think Obama is a dictator. Where did you get that Thin Skin? Trump's online store? You are implying that he had ultimate power to enforce universal health care if he wanted.

He didn't veto it because the new law at the very least forbade the insurance companies from denying policies based on pre-existing conditions, for starters.

Comparing me to Trump when you're the whiny bitch in this thread?

1. You brought up about people thinking that President Obama is some dictator and not me which mean you were attempting to claim I thought the President is some Dictator but because your bitch ass can not find anywhere where I ever called him one, well fuck off on that comment then because I am not one of those damn Trump voters!

2. President Obama is pussy whopped by the lobbyists and you claimed only Congress was but let be factual if he wanted something else he could have told his political party to offer him something better which he did not!

3. President Obama does not give a damn about the American Public because if he did he would have vetoed that piece of shit that is called ACA ( not Obamacare )!

So as you defend President Obama remember when you are paying through the nose for healthcare it was those like you that elected pieces of shit like Pelosi, Reid and Obama to give the ACA!

Now here is something for you to think about and seeing the House will stay GOP the next four years ( you will not win in 2018 so forget about it ) means the ACA will not be fixed or repealed seeing the House will not work with Clinton and Clinton will not repeal it!

So both sides will screw the American people but you blame the GOP only like the partisan whore you are!
knee jerk RW's love to bitch about ACA even though they have no idea what they're bitching about ... other than Obama did it.

same shit, different day ..

How's that $2,500 saving?

invested, why?

You saved $2,500 from Switching to ObamaCare?

We saved about $1200 annually.
Liar... You will say anything to promote your failed president. Unless you are on welfare, you don't save shit. Are you on welfare?
Horrific Obamacare news is hitting, the law has been effect for years, and the Republicans STILL haven't gotten their shit together enough to come up with a clear, understandable, specific alternate plan and pushed it.

Absolutely fucking incredible. Even though I have little respect for politicians and politicos, I would have assumed that they could have at least done that by now.
knee jerk RW's love to bitch about ACA even though they have no idea what they're bitching about ... other than Obama did it.

same shit, different day ..

How's that $2,500 saving?

invested, why?

You saved $2,500 from Switching to ObamaCare?

Sorry, Frank, but some people did. Unfortunately, many insurance companies are pulling out of the exchanges because they didn't realize so many people were be sick. Yeah, that's because they couldn't afford to get medical care, so they miss days at work or lose their job entirely. And guess where many end up? On the public dole, moron. We pay now or we pay later. The Europeans and Japan know this as do other industrialized nations.
Well the original plan of Obamacare was to get the young and healthy(Forced upon them by a mandate) to pay for the sick and elderly, just like Social Security was supposed to do the same(Ponzi Scheme). Yet there was a caveat, that showed up, but the stupid liberals still pushed Obummercare on the millenials. They stay on their parents Healthcare system. 18 to 26 year olds, just stayed home, getting welfare, smoking dope, and getting Netflix and healthcare from their parents accounts. Such stupid people who vote for people like Bat Shite Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Dirty Harry Reid, and worse the slimy vagina HRC.

Horrific Obamacare news is hitting, the law has been effect for years, and the Republicans STILL haven't gotten their shit together enough to come up with a clear, understandable, specific alternate plan and pushed it.

Absolutely fucking incredible. Even though I have little respect for politicians and politicos, I would have assumed that they could have at least done that by now.
Yeah blame the Republicans for the fucked up shit the liberals FORCED upon you and me. Dumbass, elections have consequences and I am glad you are getting fucked by Obamacare. Maybe now you will wake the fuck up.
Horrific Obamacare news is hitting, the law has been effect for years, and the Republicans STILL haven't gotten their shit together enough to come up with a clear, understandable, specific alternate plan and pushed it.

Absolutely fucking incredible. Even though I have little respect for politicians and politicos, I would have assumed that they could have at least done that by now.
Yeah blame the Republicans for the fucked up shit the liberals FORCED upon you and me. Dumbass, elections have consequences and I am glad you are getting fucked by Obamacare. Maybe now you will wake the fuck up.
Deflection noted.
WITH WHAT? None of the Republicans have a plan. NONE. (Not that Trump is a Republican)
Well if more people were working and not sucking from the government teat, then those working US citizens can get health coverage, not some broken liberal piece of crap that made a lot of liberal elites very wealthy. You really are a very stupid person, and need to go to Cuba, and see what a true Socialist Country looks like. The Fidel brothers will take you in(and your money) with open arms.
many companies do not offer health insurance and not everyone chooses to work, but they still need the insurance.
What makes the ACA a piece of crap? Can you please be specific
The US had the best Hospitalization that money could buy. Those what worked got Cadillac policies, mostly union workers or blue color voters. Medicaid was created for liberal shmuks who sat on their ass, feeling sorry for themselves, and had to use government created clinics, to service those who got sick. Those that didn't do that, just had to walk into a hospital say they don't speak English, and get emergency services for free. Of course after a while, of this bullshit,(thank you Edward Kennedy) hospitals had to either raise rates, or close, like the DC General, and in comes the liberals to save the day again. You can save $2,500 a year, you can keep your doctor if you like your doctor, you can keep your healthplan if you like your healthplan. Now we are all fucked, because liberals believe in "Equality", when everyone is poor and miserable, then everyone is equal. Just look at Venezuela and how well liberalism made that country. Bunch of dumbass liberals who are on this site.

Is it that unreasonable to ask Republicans what they will replace Obamacare with and why it will be better?
WITH WHAT? None of the Republicans have a plan. NONE. (Not that Trump is a Republican)

Bullshit. Repeal and kick HC back to the private sector where it belongs. The Govt. has no business in HC at all.

Open up the country so each insurance company has the right to be in every state. They will have to compete against each other and competition drives prices down.

The ACA was a poorly written and poorly thought out POS that the Govt. has foisted on we the taxpayer. The Dems who passed this POS should have all been booted out of office. Good God. What a POS.

The only winners in the POS are those that the rest of us are being forced to pay for. We pay for our own benefits and every asshole in America who can't afford to pay for his own. Such a fucking deal.
Is it that unreasonable to ask Republicans what they will replace Obamacare with and why it will be better?
Your team fucked it up, why don't we tax only liberals to pay for other peoples healthcare, since that is the liberal compassion they FORCED upon US(ONLY LIBERALS PAY OTHER PEOPLES HEALTHCARE). I am sure 47% would leave this country for Cuba, Venezuela, or Canada, and then the US could get America Great Again.

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