Trump: "Repeal and replace"

WITH WHAT? None of the Republicans have a plan. NONE. (Not that Trump is a Republican)
Well if more people were working and not sucking from the government teat, then those working US citizens can get health coverage, not some broken liberal piece of crap that made a lot of liberal elites very wealthy. You really are a very stupid person, and need to go to Cuba, and see what a true Socialist Country looks like. The Fidel brothers will take you in(and your money) with open arms.

I've lived in Canada, Mexico, Peru and Chile so please don't tell me about a place you've never been to as YOUR stupid advice.

The liberal elites who are getting wealthy from the ACA law are the same insurance companies that fucked us before Obamacare.

If you can't answer the question, and have nothing to add but your whining, then move on to the next thread and STFU.
Why didn't you keep your sorry ass in those Socialist Utopia's? Huh dumbass? Why did you come back to this country that is fucking the middle class? Please explain what made you decide to return to this capitalist country? Only person whining is you, because you are going to lose your healthcare, because Obama, Pelosi and Reid fucked you over good. Jonathan Gruber said it best about you lidiots.

Obamacare: Voters, are you stupid? -
Obamacare: Liberal voters, are you stupid?
YES YOU ARE... Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat...

Health care may pinch a little more out of your wallet in 2017- but it likely won't be a problem for the majority of Americans.

Obamacare health plan premiums are expected to increase by 22 percent on average, according a U.S. Department of Human Health and Services (HHS) report released Monday.

The report also found a decrease in insurance issuers from 298 in 2016, to 228 in 2017, making it a less competitive market.

But for many, the price hikes will be relieved by federal subsidies, since 84 percent of Obamacare purchases receive financial aid, according to the report.

The marketplace also offers tax credits for majority of people who enroll in Obamacare, which also helps cover premium costs so many under the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) will see minimal rate increases.

Most Americans won't be affected by Obamacare premium increase
The left swooned all over obiecare as the greatest thing ever. A few years later they are asking what Republicans are going to do to fix their mess. It's typical left wing mentality. Run in and totally fuck something up then look around for someone else to save them from their stupidity.

You want to fix obiecare? You trash the entire fiasco and go back to market based solutions. The price will go down, the benefits will go up and you don't need 30 thousand IRS agents on the payroll screwing with people that didn't buy a shit product at a ridiculous price just because you told them to buy it.
Here is the deal Republicans

1. Come up with a plan that is superior to Obamacare and is capable of being passed

2. Develop a transition plan from Obamacare to the great new Republican plan so that 15 million people don't get dumped out of the market

In the absence of the above, you need to quit complaining
WITH WHAT? None of the Republicans have a plan. NONE. (Not that Trump is a Republican)

Yes they do. They've already written up replacement legislation, that removes the contested mandates:

House Republicans Unveil Obamacare Replacement | RealClearPolitics

At this point, if both major parties have their own platforms and plans,
then all that is missing is to write up tax alternative legislation,
where taxpayers can CHOOSE whether to be taxed and under
the original ACA with mandates and other restrictions to comply with,
or they opt out and accept financial responsibility for health care
under either the Revised Republican alternative, or they want to
pay for their health care directly and not be under either plan.

You can't force taxpayers to pay into a religious order that mandates how to handle health care.
Why shouldn't taxpayers remain free to choose according to their beliefs
about right to life, right to health care, and other personal beliefs and decisions that isn't for govt to dictate, much less penalize or tax!
Back before the liberals enacted a income tax on working people to fund the war, people would at the end of the year pay their share of taxes. But then the war was on and those liberals decided to punish the working class, so in their crooked way say that the income tax would only last as long as the war was on. Well the war ended and the liberals as usual saw a revenue source that could last a long time. Now companies saw that if they wanted really good people to come to work for them, if they increased their wages, then the income tax on those good people would go up and not much difference would be seen. So companies provided free healthcare and the incentive to work for those companies flourished. This pissed off the liberals(who are always pissed off anyway) didn't see this as fair as those that didn't work , couldn't get that good healthcare , but only MEDICAID, which was a sorry excuse since the government owned it. So the liberals cam along took away everyone who worked healthcare and replaced it with a country wide MEDICAID system called Unaffordable Healthcare and now everyone is equal, equally poor and equally miserable, except Obama, Pelosi, Reid and other liberal elites who wrote themselves out of the law. Such stupid people who continually vote for Dumbcrats...
knee jerk RW's love to bitch about ACA even though they have no idea what they're bitching about ... other than Obama did it.

same shit, different day ..
Here is the deal Republicans

1. Come up with a plan that is superior to Obamacare and is capable of being passed

2. Develop a transition plan from Obamacare to the great new Republican plan so that 15 million people don't get dumped out of the market

In the absence of the above, you need to quit complaining
Or bring Treason Charges against all liberals, give them a CHOICE to leave for Cuba, and if they stay face a firing squad, as that is how you treat traitors to the country. Liberal Dumbfucks screwed up the US now they have to pay for it.
Health care may pinch a little more out of your wallet in 2017- but it likely won't be a problem for the majority of Americans.

Obamacare health plan premiums are expected to increase by 22 percent on average, according a U.S. Department of Human Health and Services (HHS) report released Monday.

The report also found a decrease in insurance issuers from 298 in 2016, to 228 in 2017, making it a less competitive market.

But for many, the price hikes will be relieved by federal subsidies, since 84 percent of Obamacare purchases receive financial aid, according to the report.

The marketplace also offers tax credits for majority of people who enroll in Obamacare, which also helps cover premium costs so many under the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) will see minimal rate increases.

Most Americans won't be affected by Obamacare premium increase
Since you have your head way up Uranus, or you are sitting in your parents basement smoking dope, eating government cheese, watching Netflix and getting health insurance on your parents accounts, of course you don't give a rats ass when other people are going to pay through the roof when Obamafuckedupcare starts imploding. Who cares about other people as long as the miserable liberals get their FREE stuff. Democrats are the stupidest people in the universe.

Obamacare Failing as Co-Ops Fold, Premiums Skyrocket and Illegal Immigrants Qualify for Coverage - AMAC, Inc.
Obamacare Failing as Co-Ops Fold, Premiums Skyrocket and Illegal Immigrants Qualify for Coverage

Health care may pinch a little more out of your wallet in 2017- but it likely won't be a problem for the majority of Americans.

Obamacare health plan premiums are expected to increase by 22 percent on average, according a U.S. Department of Human Health and Services (HHS) report released Monday.

The report also found a decrease in insurance issuers from 298 in 2016, to 228 in 2017, making it a less competitive market.

But for many, the price hikes will be relieved by federal subsidies, since 84 percent of Obamacare purchases receive financial aid, according to the report.

The marketplace also offers tax credits for majority of people who enroll in Obamacare, which also helps cover premium costs so many under the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) will see minimal rate increases.

Most Americans won't be affected by Obamacare premium increase
Since you have your head way up Uranus, or you are sitting in your parents basement smoking dope, eating government cheese, watching Netflix and getting health insurance on your parents accounts, of course you don't give a rats ass when other people are going to pay through the roof when Obamafuckedupcare starts imploding. Who cares about other people as long as the miserable liberals get their FREE stuff. Democrats are the stupidest people in the universe.

Obamacare Failing as Co-Ops Fold, Premiums Skyrocket and Illegal Immigrants Qualify for Coverage - AMAC, Inc.
Obamacare Failing as Co-Ops Fold, Premiums Skyrocket and Illegal Immigrants Qualify for Coverage

and since you're a partisan troll who obviously can't read or refuses to, KMA.
"ObamaCare" was their plan, right outta the Heritage Foundation.

You beat me to it by a minute.

Exactly. Obama wanted universal healthcare but the pharmaceutical and insurance giant lobbyists were all over this before the music started and anybody could sit down.

Lobbying Spending Database | OpenSecrets

Then why sign something into law that would hurt the average American!?!

President Obama seem pussy whopped by those lobbyists!

Congress is pussy whopped by the lobbyists and they wimped out and wouldn't back Obama, if you recall. He is not and never has been a dictator, as much as some would think.

He could have vetoed it, so yes he is pussy whopped too!

Also feel free to show where I implied he was some type of dictator but when you claim his own political party did not do as he wanted, well that tell me either he is a weak leader or you're just making excuses for President Obama failure, as usual!

I said some people think Obama is a dictator. Where did you get that Thin Skin? Trump's online store? You are implying that he had ultimate power to enforce universal health care if he wanted.

He didn't veto it because the new law at the very least forbade the insurance companies from denying policies based on pre-existing conditions, for starters.
Health care may pinch a little more out of your wallet in 2017- but it likely won't be a problem for the majority of Americans.

Obamacare health plan premiums are expected to increase by 22 percent on average, according a U.S. Department of Human Health and Services (HHS) report released Monday.

The report also found a decrease in insurance issuers from 298 in 2016, to 228 in 2017, making it a less competitive market.

But for many, the price hikes will be relieved by federal subsidies, since 84 percent of Obamacare purchases receive financial aid, according to the report.

The marketplace also offers tax credits for majority of people who enroll in Obamacare, which also helps cover premium costs so many under the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) will see minimal rate increases.

Most Americans won't be affected by Obamacare premium increase
Since you have your head way up Uranus, or you are sitting in your parents basement smoking dope, eating government cheese, watching Netflix and getting health insurance on your parents accounts, of course you don't give a rats ass when other people are going to pay through the roof when Obamafuckedupcare starts imploding. Who cares about other people as long as the miserable liberals get their FREE stuff. Democrats are the stupidest people in the universe.

Obamacare Failing as Co-Ops Fold, Premiums Skyrocket and Illegal Immigrants Qualify for Coverage - AMAC, Inc.
Obamacare Failing as Co-Ops Fold, Premiums Skyrocket and Illegal Immigrants Qualify for Coverage

Wow, you melt down quickly.
WITH WHAT? None of the Republicans have a plan. NONE. (Not that Trump is a Republican)
Well if more people were working and not sucking from the government teat, then those working US citizens can get health coverage, not some broken liberal piece of crap that made a lot of liberal elites very wealthy. You really are a very stupid person, and need to go to Cuba, and see what a true Socialist Country looks like. The Fidel brothers will take you in(and your money) with open arms.

I've lived in Canada, Mexico, Peru and Chile so please don't tell me about a place you've never been to as YOUR stupid advice.

The liberal elites who are getting wealthy from the ACA law are the same insurance companies that fucked us before Obamacare.

If you can't answer the question, and have nothing to add but your whining, then move on to the next thread and STFU.
Why didn't you keep your sorry ass in those Socialist Utopia's? Huh dumbass? Why did you come back to this country that is fucking the middle class? Please explain what made you decide to return to this capitalist country? Only person whining is you, because you are going to lose your healthcare, because Obama, Pelosi and Reid fucked you over good. Jonathan Gruber said it best about you lidiots.

Obamacare: Voters, are you stupid? -
Obamacare: Liberal voters, are you stupid?
YES YOU ARE... Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat...

Melt down continued.

I didn't say I left this country, dear fucking idiot. I worked in different countries for 12 years. I learned about how ignorant and arrogant Americans can be in what they think they know about the rest of the world. And you're a prime example, the poster boy.
WITH WHAT? None of the Republicans have a plan. NONE. (Not that Trump is a Republican)

Of course they have no ideas. The best healthcare idea Republicans could ever come up with is what we have now. Obamacare is just a rehash of Romneycare. Republicans hate their own idea. Go figure.
Because Republicans are part of one party rule, the progressive party in Washington.
Romneycare was/is an absolute utter failure...
Replace it with what Canada has! Nearly every single first world nation also has....And it is cheaper!

Conservatives are so stupid when they attempt to argue for a system that mistreats people and is more expensive.
That's why the well to do from Canada come down here to get their medical treatment, because the treatment up there is,shit… LOL
Health care may pinch a little more out of your wallet in 2017- but it likely won't be a problem for the majority of Americans.

Obamacare health plan premiums are expected to increase by 22 percent on average, according a U.S. Department of Human Health and Services (HHS) report released Monday.

The report also found a decrease in insurance issuers from 298 in 2016, to 228 in 2017, making it a less competitive market.

But for many, the price hikes will be relieved by federal subsidies, since 84 percent of Obamacare purchases receive financial aid, according to the report.

The marketplace also offers tax credits for majority of people who enroll in Obamacare, which also helps cover premium costs so many under the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) will see minimal rate increases.

Most Americans won't be affected by Obamacare premium increase
Since you have your head way up Uranus, or you are sitting in your parents basement smoking dope, eating government cheese, watching Netflix and getting health insurance on your parents accounts, of course you don't give a rats ass when other people are going to pay through the roof when Obamafuckedupcare starts imploding. Who cares about other people as long as the miserable liberals get their FREE stuff. Democrats are the stupidest people in the universe.

Obamacare Failing as Co-Ops Fold, Premiums Skyrocket and Illegal Immigrants Qualify for Coverage - AMAC, Inc.
Obamacare Failing as Co-Ops Fold, Premiums Skyrocket and Illegal Immigrants Qualify for Coverage

and since you're a partisan troll who obviously can't read or refuses to, KMA.

Nice come back when your own argument starts to fail. I am not surprise.

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