Trump replaces Mary Trump with KayLeigh McEnany as "niece" !!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In the latest shakeup in his inner circle, Donald Trump has named the White House press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, to the position of niece, replacing Mary Trump, effective immediately.​
With only three and a half months to go until the election, replacing family members could be seen as a sign of desperation, political insiders said.​
But, according to a White House source, the decision to replace Mary Trump with McEnany was a “no-brainer.”​
“The President wanted a niece who could rewrite history, and Kayleigh has proven every day that she can do that,” the source said.​
McEnany will continue in her role as press secretary in addition to niece, and will refer to Trump as “Uncle President.”​
As for Mary Trump, she will remain a member of the Trump family, but has been demoted from niece to third cousin.​


WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In the latest shakeup in his inner circle, Donald Trump has named the White House press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, to the position of niece, replacing Mary Trump, effective immediately.​
With only three and a half months to go until the election, replacing family members could be seen as a sign of desperation, political insiders said.​
But, according to a White House source, the decision to replace Mary Trump with McEnany was a “no-brainer.”​
“The President wanted a niece who could rewrite history, and Kayleigh has proven every day that she can do that,” the source said.​
McEnany will continue in her role as press secretary in addition to niece, and will refer to Trump as “Uncle President.”​
As for Mary Trump, she will remain a member of the Trump family, but has been demoted from niece to third cousin.​

TDS, but excellent choice regardless.
well you know how donny likes blonde ' relatives'.

Why yes - Yes I do!


The TDS has no boundaries
Read the rest of the REAL story brought to you by Sheldon Roth, M.D., a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, is the author of recently published Psychologically Sound: The Mind of Donald J. Trump.


Ingratitude and Entitlement

Although Mary Trump spent years attending family functions, playing at the Trump "house" as a young child; was sent to private boarding schools and high-end summer camps; and was included in endless special family celebrations dinners, there is rarely a hint of gratitude, pleasure, or enjoyment. These occasions have become her bêtes noires, choice opportunities to demonstrate Trump family dysfunction and personal slights. Yet she continued to participate as a teenager and young adult, when, if she was so displeased, she could have stopped. Repeatedly she complains of not receiving the financial bounty of the Trumps. She even bemoaned the absence of her father's Jaguar, Mustang, fishing boats, and airplanes. For a woman purportedly writing a book devoid of financial considerations, she has penned a book riddled with them.

When she was a young adult, fresh from college, her uncle Donald offered Mary a job writing a book for him — The Art of the Comeback. He provided her with an office in Trump Tower and names of significant and prominent people who would meet with her, and they did. When Random House ultimately fired her, Mary's explanation is that Donald was at fault since he did not sit for an interview. During that period, she was with him many times, flew with him in his private jet to Mar-a-Largo, and was a guest there. Personal responsibility is absent from her considerations throughout the book except for the Trumps — they are responsible for everything.

Poor sad Mary. She has a victim mentality, is in this for more money. She is just another put upon leftist according to her Twitter account in which she hints at her political views. In her bio, she writes "Black Lives Matter," and has an emoji of the LGBTQ rainbow flag. A poor revengeful 55-year-old woman who lives with her daughter in NY. :boohoo:
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