Trump reportedly considering Clare Lopez for top national security post


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Looks like she would be an excellent choice.....

Lopez has claimed that President Obama “switched sides in the war on terror” and warned of the “infiltration” of the Obama administration by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Like many anti-Muslim activists, Lopez sees the fight against radical Islam as an extension of the fight against communism, advocating for broad-based efforts to root out what she sees as the pervasive influence of subversives in government. In a radio interview earlier this year, Lopez said that Sen. Joseph McCarthy was “spot on in just about everything he said about the levels of infiltration” of communists in government, so “we have precedent for this where we were not fully aware of the infiltration occurring at the time.”

Responding to protests against Trump’s candidacy that turned violent this summer, Lopez linked the protests to a “witch’s brew” of Muslim Brotherhood supporters, Black Lives Matter activists and a “conglomeration of anarchists, communists, socialists, progressivists, leftists of all sorts, Occupy, Bill Ayers types,” all seeking to bring down “the American political system.” She also warned of “a coordinated effort to involve Muslims into the electoral process,” an effort that she said was being “directed by the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Khan “stood up there and pretended and fed the American people and everyone else listening a load of hogwash that this is not what Islam is, that Islam is not about jihad and Sharia, and of course, he was lying,” she said, claiming that the twisted theology promoted by ISIS is in fact “the truest expression of Islam in the world today” and that Muslims can’t be both faithful to the U.S. Constitution and “faithful to the doctrine of Islam.”


Trump Reportedly Considering White House Post For Anti-Muslim Activist Who Called Joseph McCarthy ‘Spot On’ | Right Wing Watch
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Oh God. Another conspiracy theorist.
Trump could just pick some ISIS dude instead, he'll be more effective at killing other Muslims.
The misogynists anti Hispanic is going to chose a woman named Lopez you jest.
The misogynists anti Hispanic is going to chose a woman named Lopez you jest.

I mean its hilarious. Next shes a self hating misogynist/racist
The left makes me cry laughing. And then Trump trolls them and I cant breath.
Of course I was joking in my earlier post, but it's pretty disconcerting when there are many people in the Trump campaign who equate moderate Muslims with fundamentalists.

Many Republicans will not agree with this, and neither will most people in the military including, and especially top brass.

Not that I'm saying Trump is Hitler with Muslims instead of Jews, but it is very dangerous to vilify an entire ethnic group, and this shows how undemocratic and potentially criminal the Trump regime is.

I would like to point out that the 1st Amendment allows the freedom of religion, and freedom of speech, which the upcoming dictatorship has shown every sign of wanting to destroy.

The Trump Dynasty is a danger to the whole world.
Of course I was joking in my earlier post, but it's pretty disconcerting when there are many people in the Trump campaign who equate moderate Muslims with fundamentalists.

Many Republicans will not agree with this, and neither will most people in the military including, and especially top brass.

Not that I'm saying Trump is Hitler with Muslims instead of Jews, but it is very dangerous to vilify an entire ethnic group, and this shows how undemocratic and potentially criminal the Trump regime is.

I would like to point out that the 1st Amendment allows the freedom of religion, and freedom of speech, which the upcoming dictatorship has shown every sign of wanting to destroy.

The Trump Dynasty is a danger to the whole world.
so you think the U.S should have no borders? for some reason we should continue having the weakest border security and immigration control of all countries in the world?
Why is that? Why not spend your time protesting the way Mexico treats Americans if they are caught trying to live there illegally, or maybe protest Mexico because they wont let Americans own property in their country.
Or maybe since mexico has an immigration policy you evidently agree with, how about we petition congress to implement the exact same requirements and penalties that an American would have to go through if they wanted to live in Mexico.
Of course I was joking in my earlier post, but it's pretty disconcerting when there are many people in the Trump campaign who equate moderate Muslims with fundamentalists.

Many Republicans will not agree with this, and neither will most people in the military including, and especially top brass.

Not that I'm saying Trump is Hitler with Muslims instead of Jews, but it is very dangerous to vilify an entire ethnic group, and this shows how undemocratic and potentially criminal the Trump regime is.

I would like to point out that the 1st Amendment allows the freedom of religion, and freedom of speech, which the upcoming dictatorship has shown every sign of wanting to destroy.

The Trump Dynasty is a danger to the whole world.
so you think the U.S should have no borders? for some reason we should continue having the weakest border security and immigration control of all countries in the world?
Why is that? Why not spend your time protesting the way Mexico treats Americans if they are caught trying to live there illegally, or maybe protest Mexico because they wont let Americans own property in their country.
Or maybe since mexico has an immigration policy you evidently agree with, how about we petition congress to implement the exact same requirements and penalties that an American would have to go through if they wanted to live in Mexico.
Quit putting words into my mouth and diverting from the issue, in order to get an upcoming dictatorship to power.
Of course I was joking in my earlier post, but it's pretty disconcerting when there are many people in the Trump campaign who equate moderate Muslims with fundamentalists.

Many Republicans will not agree with this, and neither will most people in the military including, and especially top brass.

Not that I'm saying Trump is Hitler with Muslims instead of Jews, but it is very dangerous to vilify an entire ethnic group, and this shows how undemocratic and potentially criminal the Trump regime is.

I would like to point out that the 1st Amendment allows the freedom of religion, and freedom of speech, which the upcoming dictatorship has shown every sign of wanting to destroy.

The Trump Dynasty is a danger to the whole world.
so you think the U.S should have no borders? for some reason we should continue having the weakest border security and immigration control of all countries in the world?
Why is that? Why not spend your time protesting the way Mexico treats Americans if they are caught trying to live there illegally, or maybe protest Mexico because they wont let Americans own property in their country.
Or maybe since mexico has an immigration policy you evidently agree with, how about we petition congress to implement the exact same requirements and penalties that an American would have to go through if they wanted to live in Mexico.
Quit putting words into my mouth and diverting from the issue, in order to get an upcoming dictatorship to power.
so what are you implying? should the U.S keep out those that are very possibly terrorists or not, should the U.S kick the illegals back out or not?
Do we have immigration laws or not?
even the FBI says they cant know for sure if these people are terrorists. Why do we take the chance? what if its your family that gets blown all over a shopping mall by one of them, will you then agree that they brought the animosity toward them on themselves?
Of course I was joking in my earlier post, but it's pretty disconcerting when there are many people in the Trump campaign who equate moderate Muslims with fundamentalists.

Many Republicans will not agree with this, and neither will most people in the military including, and especially top brass.

Not that I'm saying Trump is Hitler with Muslims instead of Jews, but it is very dangerous to vilify an entire ethnic group, and this shows how undemocratic and potentially criminal the Trump regime is.

I would like to point out that the 1st Amendment allows the freedom of religion, and freedom of speech, which the upcoming dictatorship has shown every sign of wanting to destroy.

The Trump Dynasty is a danger to the whole world.
so you think the U.S should have no borders? for some reason we should continue having the weakest border security and immigration control of all countries in the world?
Why is that? Why not spend your time protesting the way Mexico treats Americans if they are caught trying to live there illegally, or maybe protest Mexico because they wont let Americans own property in their country.
Or maybe since mexico has an immigration policy you evidently agree with, how about we petition congress to implement the exact same requirements and penalties that an American would have to go through if they wanted to live in Mexico.
Quit putting words into my mouth and diverting from the issue, in order to get an upcoming dictatorship to power.
so what are you implying? should the U.S keep out those that are very possibly terrorists or not, should the U.S kick the illegals back out or not?
Do we have immigration laws or not?
even the FBI says they cant know for sure if these people are terrorists. Why do we take the chance? what if its your family that gets blown all over a shopping mall by one of them, will you then agree that they brought the animosity toward them on themselves?
If every single Muslim in the US was a terrorist, then the US would hit with suicide attacks on a daily basis like Iraq.

In fact, if every Muslim in the world was a terrorist, that would mean 1.6 billion terrorists, which makes the US population look puny.

You are not even reading the posts and posting bullshit.

I didn't say people shouldn't be vetted, it's just stupid propaganda Trumpets like you who make shit up.
Of course I was joking in my earlier post, but it's pretty disconcerting when there are many people in the Trump campaign who equate moderate Muslims with fundamentalists.

Many Republicans will not agree with this, and neither will most people in the military including, and especially top brass.

Not that I'm saying Trump is Hitler with Muslims instead of Jews, but it is very dangerous to vilify an entire ethnic group, and this shows how undemocratic and potentially criminal the Trump regime is.

I would like to point out that the 1st Amendment allows the freedom of religion, and freedom of speech, which the upcoming dictatorship has shown every sign of wanting to destroy.

The Trump Dynasty is a danger to the whole world.
so you think the U.S should have no borders? for some reason we should continue having the weakest border security and immigration control of all countries in the world?
Why is that? Why not spend your time protesting the way Mexico treats Americans if they are caught trying to live there illegally, or maybe protest Mexico because they wont let Americans own property in their country.
Or maybe since mexico has an immigration policy you evidently agree with, how about we petition congress to implement the exact same requirements and penalties that an American would have to go through if they wanted to live in Mexico.
Quit putting words into my mouth and diverting from the issue, in order to get an upcoming dictatorship to power.
so what are you implying? should the U.S keep out those that are very possibly terrorists or not, should the U.S kick the illegals back out or not?
Do we have immigration laws or not?
even the FBI says they cant know for sure if these people are terrorists. Why do we take the chance? what if its your family that gets blown all over a shopping mall by one of them, will you then agree that they brought the animosity toward them on themselves?
If every single Muslim in the US was a terrorist, then the US would hit with suicide attacks on a daily basis like Iraq.

In fact, if every Muslim in the world was a terrorist, that would mean 1.6 billion terrorists, which makes the US population look puny.

You are not even reading the posts and posting bullshit.

I didn't say people shouldn't be vetted, it's just stupid propaganda Trumpets like you who make shit up.
Its ok if you hate the country, believe it or not, the constitution gives you that right, but its not ok for you to actually want to bring these animals in and set them up for their attacks. Look at Germany and France, I think they learned their lesson too late.
how big of an attack and how many people have to die before you and those like you understand the real threat? you open that door and the terrorists are without doubt going to use it to get in here.
The blood will be on your hands, not mine.
Of course I was joking in my earlier post, but it's pretty disconcerting when there are many people in the Trump campaign who equate moderate Muslims with fundamentalists.

Many Republicans will not agree with this, and neither will most people in the military including, and especially top brass.

Not that I'm saying Trump is Hitler with Muslims instead of Jews, but it is very dangerous to vilify an entire ethnic group, and this shows how undemocratic and potentially criminal the Trump regime is.

I would like to point out that the 1st Amendment allows the freedom of religion, and freedom of speech, which the upcoming dictatorship has shown every sign of wanting to destroy.

The Trump Dynasty is a danger to the whole world.
so you think the U.S should have no borders? for some reason we should continue having the weakest border security and immigration control of all countries in the world?
Why is that? Why not spend your time protesting the way Mexico treats Americans if they are caught trying to live there illegally, or maybe protest Mexico because they wont let Americans own property in their country.
Or maybe since mexico has an immigration policy you evidently agree with, how about we petition congress to implement the exact same requirements and penalties that an American would have to go through if they wanted to live in Mexico.
Quit putting words into my mouth and diverting from the issue, in order to get an upcoming dictatorship to power.
so what are you implying? should the U.S keep out those that are very possibly terrorists or not, should the U.S kick the illegals back out or not?
Do we have immigration laws or not?
even the FBI says they cant know for sure if these people are terrorists. Why do we take the chance? what if its your family that gets blown all over a shopping mall by one of them, will you then agree that they brought the animosity toward them on themselves?
If every single Muslim in the US was a terrorist, then the US would hit with suicide attacks on a daily basis like Iraq.

In fact, if every Muslim in the world was a terrorist, that would mean 1.6 billion terrorists, which makes the US population look puny.

You are not even reading the posts and posting bullshit.

I didn't say people shouldn't be vetted, it's just stupid propaganda Trumpets like you who make shit up.
Its ok if you hate the country, believe it or not, the constitution gives you that right, but its not ok for you to actually want to bring these animals in and set them up for their attacks. Look at Germany and France, I think they learned their lesson too late.
how big of an attack and how many people have to die before you and those like you understand the real threat? you open that door and the terrorists are without doubt going to use it to get in here.
The blood will be on your hands, not mine.
I don't hate the country, I hate stupid bastards that want to destroy the Bill of Rights like you.

How many people will have to die or be put in jail by your Trump regime for this madness to stop? And I don't mean Muslims, but people who are opposed to dictatorship.

I never said I wanted to let terrorists in, you just agree to fomenting terror among the population in order to install an autocratic regime, and making dissent illegal. It's impossible to fight against a propaganda machine when your guys will ban the freedom of the press, then of speech and religion.
so you think the U.S should have no borders? for some reason we should continue having the weakest border security and immigration control of all countries in the world?
Why is that? Why not spend your time protesting the way Mexico treats Americans if they are caught trying to live there illegally, or maybe protest Mexico because they wont let Americans own property in their country.
Or maybe since mexico has an immigration policy you evidently agree with, how about we petition congress to implement the exact same requirements and penalties that an American would have to go through if they wanted to live in Mexico.
Quit putting words into my mouth and diverting from the issue, in order to get an upcoming dictatorship to power.
so what are you implying? should the U.S keep out those that are very possibly terrorists or not, should the U.S kick the illegals back out or not?
Do we have immigration laws or not?
even the FBI says they cant know for sure if these people are terrorists. Why do we take the chance? what if its your family that gets blown all over a shopping mall by one of them, will you then agree that they brought the animosity toward them on themselves?
If every single Muslim in the US was a terrorist, then the US would hit with suicide attacks on a daily basis like Iraq.

In fact, if every Muslim in the world was a terrorist, that would mean 1.6 billion terrorists, which makes the US population look puny.

You are not even reading the posts and posting bullshit.

I didn't say people shouldn't be vetted, it's just stupid propaganda Trumpets like you who make shit up.
Its ok if you hate the country, believe it or not, the constitution gives you that right, but its not ok for you to actually want to bring these animals in and set them up for their attacks. Look at Germany and France, I think they learned their lesson too late.
how big of an attack and how many people have to die before you and those like you understand the real threat? you open that door and the terrorists are without doubt going to use it to get in here.
The blood will be on your hands, not mine.
I don't hate the country, I hate stupid bastards that want to destroy the Bill of Rights like you.

How many people will have to die or be put in jail by your Trump regime for this madness to stop? And I don't mean Muslims, but people who are opposed to dictatorship.

I never said I wanted to let terrorists in, you just agree to fomenting terror among the population in order to install an autocratic regime, and making dissent illegal. It's impossible to fight against a propaganda machine when your guys will ban the freedom of the press, then of speech and religion.
link to people being put in jail for being opposed to sound policy?
how is it you consider his presidency a dictatorship? Did you consider obama a dictator when he was using executive orders to get what he wanted when congress refused to give it to him?
And I believe its obama himself that would be most guilty of banning the freedom of speech.
You should probably do a little research before you regurgitate the liberal talking points you pick up from the huffington post.
Quit putting words into my mouth and diverting from the issue, in order to get an upcoming dictatorship to power.
so what are you implying? should the U.S keep out those that are very possibly terrorists or not, should the U.S kick the illegals back out or not?
Do we have immigration laws or not?
even the FBI says they cant know for sure if these people are terrorists. Why do we take the chance? what if its your family that gets blown all over a shopping mall by one of them, will you then agree that they brought the animosity toward them on themselves?
If every single Muslim in the US was a terrorist, then the US would hit with suicide attacks on a daily basis like Iraq.

In fact, if every Muslim in the world was a terrorist, that would mean 1.6 billion terrorists, which makes the US population look puny.

You are not even reading the posts and posting bullshit.

I didn't say people shouldn't be vetted, it's just stupid propaganda Trumpets like you who make shit up.
Its ok if you hate the country, believe it or not, the constitution gives you that right, but its not ok for you to actually want to bring these animals in and set them up for their attacks. Look at Germany and France, I think they learned their lesson too late.
how big of an attack and how many people have to die before you and those like you understand the real threat? you open that door and the terrorists are without doubt going to use it to get in here.
The blood will be on your hands, not mine.
I don't hate the country, I hate stupid bastards that want to destroy the Bill of Rights like you.

How many people will have to die or be put in jail by your Trump regime for this madness to stop? And I don't mean Muslims, but people who are opposed to dictatorship.

I never said I wanted to let terrorists in, you just agree to fomenting terror among the population in order to install an autocratic regime, and making dissent illegal. It's impossible to fight against a propaganda machine when your guys will ban the freedom of the press, then of speech and religion.
link to people being put in jail for being opposed to sound policy?
how is it you consider his presidency a dictatorship? Did you consider obama a dictator when he was using executive orders to get what he wanted when congress refused to give it to him?
And I believe its obama himself that would be most guilty of banning the freedom of speech.
You should probably do a little research before you regurgitate the liberal talking points you pick up from the huffington post.
There has never been such a propaganda war in the history of the USA, such as the one you and your people are carrying out. And especially one that is helped by a foreign power. But the internet wasn't as important either.

I do not care about the Huffington Post, I get my conclusions by reading up on various things and examining things as they are.
It's not just me saying this, although I didn't see these before I posted earlier:
Japanese internment camps are cited as a precedent to Muslim registry:

Interesting video, lots of information, the last part is especially pertinent, Trump talking about Japanese internment camps:

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