Trump Responds After Democrat New York Judge Orders His Business Licenses to be Rescinded as Punishment in Letitia James’ Lawsuit

You must not fault them too much... after all, your Orange Baboon-God supplied the ammunition... :abgg2q.jpg:
Fuck off carrion crow!!!!
This MARXIST BULLSHIT has to END!!!!!!
You laugh now, but look how that worked for TROTSKY 🪓
Many people with money are leaving NY for Florida. Why do you think that is?
High taxes and crime... something that people in gold-plated Manhattan penthouses with bodyguards never worry about...
Looks like the Orange Cheeto-Christ can't shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avene and get away with it, after all. :auiqs.jpg:
He could be like your President and send Billions of our taxes to some corrupt foreign country at war and then get a kickback through his son. You prefer that, huh.
Many people with money are leaving NY for Florida. Why do you think that is?

No income tax.

Warmer weather.

Glad to help.

(Although given the frequency of hurricanes, the high property taxes when you are a new property buyer, and the exorbatant home owners insurance (if you can get it), expect that trend to change.)

You tell 'em, Princess...

Nothing Marxist about this... this was a legitimate and righteous sanction attributable to large-scale persistent fraud.

You pu$$ie$ aren't going to do jack-$hit... but you should begin making plans to get your nose out of his backside... :cool:

No income tax.

Warmer weather.

Glad to help.

(Although given the frequency of hurricanes, the high property taxes when you are a new property buyer, and the exorbatant home owners insurance (if you can get it), expect that trend to change.)

Another boom state is South Dakota. Business and low tax friendly. An added bonus is good old fashioned Midwest work ethic. Democrats are losing ground and all they can do is snipe and snort. San Francisco is now a genuine shithole. A once beautiful gem turned into a pile of shit by democrats.
No income tax.

Warmer weather.

Glad to help.

(Although given the frequency of hurricanes, the high property taxes when you are a new property buyer, and the exorbatant home owners insurance (if you can get it), expect that trend to change.)


We'll be retiring in a few years.

My wife suggested we sell our home in Virginia and move to Florida.

I told her she could go, but it would be without me. I don't like tropical weather, I'm more a jeans and flannel shirt guy.

May not have been the smartest move, she said she'd think about it. Ooops.

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Another boom state is South Dakota. Business and low tax friendly. An added bonus is good old fashioned Midwest work ethic. Democrats are losing ground and all they can do is snipe and snort. San Francisco is now a genuine shithole. A once beautiful gem turned into a pile of shit by democrats.
The Dem mob can't stop themselves, they latch on like a vampire and suck cities dry to line their own pockets. Once destroyed they move on to the next.
Rush left NY for Florida and NY still audited him every year trying to squeeze money out of him.

That depends, even though he moved to Florida, if you have earnings in another state those earning are subject to income tax in the state where they are earned.

IIRC - Pretty much every state taxes income derived in that state. So if Rush's business dealings were still based out of New York, those are New York incomes.

This is John Galt level government targeting. A New York State judge has arbitrarily ruled, no trial – no jury, that President Trump overvalued his real estate holdings in New York, which means he paid too much in taxes, in order to secure financing and loans.

The Defiant President Trump Responds

A New York State judge has arbitrarily ruled, no trial
This is a lie.
This is John Galt level government targeting. A New York State judge has arbitrarily ruled, no trial – no jury, that President Trump overvalued his real estate holdings in New York, which means he paid too much in taxes, in order to secure financing and loans.

The Defiant President Trump Responds

these lenders underwrite the shat out of these deals.....then approve them...................god you people are so
You tell 'em, Princess...

Nothing Marxist about this... this was a legitimate and righteous sanction attributable to large-scale persistent fraud.

You pu$$ie$ aren't going to do jack-$hit... but you should begin making plans to get your nose out of his backside... :cool:
These states are booming. Do you have any clue as to why?
  • Florida.
  • Nevada.
  • South Dakota.
  • Texas.
  • Washington.
We'll be retiring in a few years.

My wife suggested we sell our home in Virginia and move to Florida.
Bad move, a lot of things are far more expensive in Florida. Utilities, insurance is many times more expensive. Plus it's hot as fuck most of the year. That said Virginia has a f'ed up 4-5% vampire tax on vehicles so I won't be retiring their.
Bad move, a lot of things are far more expensive in Florida. Utilities, insurance is many times more expensive. Plus it's hot as fuck most of the year. That said Virginia has a f'ed up 4-5% vampire tax on vehicles so I won't be retiring their.
We're going to South Dakota soon. I can tell she's getting fed up with Washington.
That depends, even though he moved to Florida, if you have earnings in another state those earning are subject to income tax in the state where they are earned.
Of course, but doesn't explain being audited each year. He did a few shows from NY for a few years then got completely the hell out of there.
Nobody was financially injured. All loans were paid back. The banks that loaned to Trump had their own appraisers of property value.

This is simply Lawfare in action.

Does anyone think that a Bank loans money on the claims of the borrower without 3rd party appraisal?
Property values go up and down daily, monthly, yearly, it is a moving target.

You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Properties are appraised PERIODICALLY, because appraisers are expensive.

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