Trump right again? Crime soars and cops under attack


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
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As part of his campaign “law and order” message, Donald Trump repeatedly claimed crime was rising nationwide.

“Fact checkers” disputed his assertions, with Politifact notably declaring Trump’s declaration “Pants on fire!” when it released a scathing rebuttal.

But as the year comes to a close and new data becomes available, it appears once again Donald Trump was right.

If all this racial accusing keeps happening, soon the cops are going to not show up. They will say deal with it yourself. Which is slightly happening in Chicago. Who would want to serve and protect when everytime they turn around they are accused of things they might not have done.

The bad part is back in the day the black community was being targeted by idiot cops who have ruined it for the good cops, and ruined it for todays' generations. When looking at this die of it who can blame them having this cop bs.

Now back over to the other side, We've all heard about the BLM, and a few the few murders that happened at the hands of cops those popular stories, which Obama helped to provoke he screwed the cops by doing so and fueled the black communities into their reactions. That's indoctrination but you can't tell them to stop biting that bullet because they are the indoctrinated crowd who keeps giving the pos Government just what they want.

As they do so it helps the Government to step in and look like heroes when really they aren't
They are the ones who created the " PROBLEM" the BLM has given them the reactions' Now the Gov. will look like they have a solution.

the solution won't be liked either because eventually if t his does not stop the Cops will be FEDERALIZED and the last thing this Nation needs is FEDERALIZED COPS. bank on it.

Because when society falls this is what happens

and society is falling.........................rapidly.

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