Trump rising to record levels proves people are waking up to the fact that the democrats are corrupt

And this is before the democrats national scandal has broke about congress being part of the human sex trafficing of minors

The deep state is now caught !!!
I hadn't heard anything about the democrats national scandal about Congress being part of the human sex trafficing of minors and I cannot open the article. Tell me more about this scandal...who, when, where, how!

Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein arrested and charged with sex trafficking

It has nothing to do with the Dems in congress...but hey, greenandblue is not known for honesty or accuracy.

Yes it does, he is quite close to your precious Bill and Bitchalry.

Neither Bill nor Hillary are in congress. Do try and keep up with the current events.

(smile) So you are an Epstein acolyte know what you say...."If they're old enough to pee....."

And this is before the democrats national scandal has broke about congress being part of the human sex trafficing of minors

The deep state is now caught !!!
I hadn't heard anything about the democrats national scandal about Congress being part of the human sex trafficing of minors and I cannot open the article. Tell me more about this scandal...who, when, where, how!

Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein arrested and charged with sex trafficking

It has nothing to do with the Dems in congress...but hey, greenandblue is not known for honesty or accuracy.

Yes it does, he is quite close to your precious Bill and Bitchalry.

Neither Bill nor Hillary are in congress. Do try and keep up with the current events.

(smile) So you are an Epstein acolyte know what you say...."If they're old enough to pee....."

Reported. Fuck off and die you piece of shit.
I hadn't heard anything about the democrats national scandal about Congress being part of the human sex trafficing of minors and I cannot open the article. Tell me more about this scandal...who, when, where, how!

Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein arrested and charged with sex trafficking

It has nothing to do with the Dems in congress...but hey, greenandblue is not known for honesty or accuracy.

Yes it does, he is quite close to your precious Bill and Bitchalry.

Neither Bill nor Hillary are in congress. Do try and keep up with the current events.

(smile) So you are an Epstein acolyte know what you say...."If they're old enough to pee....."

Reported. Fuck off and die you piece of shit.

(smile) I've invited you more than run every time.

So you are an Epstein acolyte know what you say...."If they're old enough to pee....."[/
I hadn't heard anything about the democrats national scandal about Congress being part of the human sex trafficing of minors and I cannot open the article. Tell me more about this scandal...who, when, where, how!

Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein arrested and charged with sex trafficking

It has nothing to do with the Dems in congress...but hey, greenandblue is not known for honesty or accuracy.

Yes it does, he is quite close to your precious Bill and Bitchalry.

Neither Bill nor Hillary are in congress. Do try and keep up with the current events.

(smile) So you are an Epstein acolyte know what you say...."If they're old enough to pee....."

Reported. Fuck off and die you piece of shit.

Give us a kiss Jakey….;)
Prove it liar.
Prove it liar.
Stay tuned, Tex

"The billionaire at one point described himself as cultivating a 'collection' of famous friends, and reportedly counted among them Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and Prince Andrew, the Duke of York.

"On Saturday, Trump biographer Tim O’Brian shared a 2002 quote from the president on Twitter. 'I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'

"Trump told a New York Magazine reporter at the time. 'He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.'"

Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein Was Arrested for Alleged Sex Trafficking

Trump's at least as big a whore as Bill and Jeff.

Pretend to be surprised.
Oh, a picture of Trump with a pervert! My God, we've got him now!!!!!!
Oh, a picture of Trump with a pervert! My God, we've got him now!!!!!
When is an admitted pussy grabber NOT a pervert?

List of Trump's accusers and their allegations

You Tards and your Butt Hurt.....

Please do some more.....

Are we having fun or what?
You Tards and your Butt Hurt.....

Please do some more.....

Are we having fun or what?
Not as much fun as when Trump does his pervert perp walk, Turnip

DownWithTyranny!: Acosta, Epstein and Trump A Refresher
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?

You Tards and your fantasy’s.....

How did that Russian Collusion thing turn out for you?
Getting back to the topic of discussion.....Trump's approval ratings are at all time highs, and this is before Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz release their reports proving that the Obama admin spied on Trump and attempted a coup or two. Trump will be re-elected in a landslide.
How many times must you idiots be told that polls are all rigged?

Tell that to your fellow mindless Trump sheep that started the thread.

Hillary by a landslide.


So, in Aug she had +5% lead in the popular vote (which is what those polls ask about) . The poll has a listed margin of error of +/- 3%.

She won the popular vote by 2.1%, so the results were correct within the margin of error.

Also, this poll was not a prediction of the future, it was a snapshot in time of who people would have voted for the day the poll was taken.

Between Aug and Nov Hillary had quit campaigning and had an FBI investigation reopened on her.

Seems that poll did a pretty good job.
No, it does not considering he cited picture of a poll in FLORIDA, not a national poll.

National popularity polling was pretty accurate. Unfortunately for those in the business of predicting the election, national popularity polling is utterly irrelevant and meaningless. What matters are state by state polls and those were absolutely abysmal.

I missed that, thanks for the correction.

Again, it was in August, to say it was wrong misses the fact that a lot happened between Aug 10 and early Nov
Fair enough - there was a LOT of major events happening at the 11th hour that election.

I stand by my point though that the polling done state by state was wildly inaccurate. The only polling that was accurate was national polling which is meant to generate discussion/news more than it is meant to actually predict election outcomes. It is rather clear to me that the pollsters were flatly incorrect in their assumptions.

Declaring 2016 polling accurate is revisionist history. I find it no more or less silly than the wingers here trying to declare current polling as irrelevant (until it says what they want that is).
Getting back to the topic of discussion.....Trump's approval ratings are at all time highs, and this is before Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz release their reports proving that the Obama admin spied on Trump and attempted a coup or two. Trump will be re-elected in a landslide.

and that all time high is less than 45%!

the fact you are cheering for 45% approval rating should tell you something.
Getting back to the topic of discussion.....Trump's approval ratings are at all time highs, and this is before Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz release their reports proving that the Obama admin spied on Trump and attempted a coup or two. Trump will be re-elected in a landslide.
and that all time high is less than 45%!
the fact you are cheering for 45% approval rating should tell you something.

With the MSM propaganda machine pumping out 93% negative "news" on Trump all day every day, its amazing that he's about 50-50 in approval ratings. He has good numbers (51% to 42%) on handling the economy. Please remember that Trump had zero chance of winning in 2016, so the polls are not getting to the Trump supporters. Compare Trump's policies to the dems' and 2020 will be another win for Trump.
Trump's approval rating hits highest point of presidency, but still struggles in match-up against Dems
"The poll, which was released on Sunday, found that 47 percent of registered voters approve of Trump’s work inside the White House – a five point jump since April. Fifty percent of registered voters, however, still disapprove of Trump’s job in office."

And this is before the democrats national scandal has broke about congress being part of the human sex trafficing of minors

The deep state is now caught !!!
I hadn't heard anything about the democrats national scandal about Congress being part of the human sex trafficing of minors and I cannot open the article. Tell me more about this scandal...who, when, where, how!

Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein arrested and charged with sex trafficking

It has nothing to do with the Dems in congress...but hey, greenandblue is not known for honesty or accuracy.

Yes it does, he is quite close to your precious Bill and Bitchalry.

Neither Bill nor Hillary are in congress. Do try and keep up with the current events.

But their powerful friends are

Their powerful friends that covered up for them

All this is gonna destroy this crooked democrat party
Getting back to the topic of discussion.....Trump's approval ratings are at all time highs, and this is before Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz release their reports proving that the Obama admin spied on Trump and attempted a coup or two. Trump will be re-elected in a landslide.
and that all time high is less than 45%!
the fact you are cheering for 45% approval rating should tell you something.

With the MSM propaganda machine pumping out 93% negative "news" on Trump all day every day, its amazing that he's about 50-50 in approval ratings. He has good numbers (51% to 42%) on handling the economy. Please remember that Trump had zero chance of winning in 2016, so the polls are not getting to the Trump supporters. Compare Trump's policies to the dems' and 2020 will be another win for Trump.
Trump's approval rating hits highest point of presidency, but still struggles in match-up against Dems
"The poll, which was released on Sunday, found that 47 percent of registered voters approve of Trump’s work inside the White House – a five point jump since April. Fifty percent of registered voters, however, still disapprove of Trump’s job in office."

And the difference in approval over disapproval jumped 9 %
Getting back to the topic of discussion.....Trump's approval ratings are at all time highs, and this is before Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz release their reports proving that the Obama admin spied on Trump and attempted a coup or two. Trump will be re-elected in a landslide.

and that all time high is less than 45%!

the fact you are cheering for 45% approval rating should tell you something.

Registered voters are the ones that vote and is 47%. And the difference in approval and disapproval is 9 % has jumped 9%

This proves democrats are toast because time helps people learn who the crooks are and this rising direction proves that the democrats are the crooks
Getting back to the topic of discussion.....Trump's approval ratings are at all time highs, and this is before Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz release their reports proving that the Obama admin spied on Trump and attempted a coup or two. Trump will be re-elected in a landslide.


And look at the very latest polls and compare to each ones last poll to see if people are waking up to know who are the crooks

Abc plus 9% for trump
Reuters plus 3% for trump
Politico plus 1% for trump
CNN plus 4% for trump
IBD plus 4% for trump
Emerson plus 1% for trump
Monmouth plus 2% for trump
USA today plus 4 % for trump
Quinipiac plus 8% for trump
Marist plus 6% for trump

For a total of 42 % increase

The others

Economist minus 2%
Harris minus 6%
Gallop minus 1%
Fox minus 1%
NBC minus 4%

For a total of minus 14 %

So trump has increased 42 minus 14 for a total of 28 %

This means it's over for the crooked democrats because of how people wake up when having time to check and all democrats should be running and hiding like rats because the anger will keep increasing until the democrats are chased and stopped
Forget about the polls and look at it logically. There is nobody in the Democratic party that can run this country half as good as Trump does. Actually, there's nobody in the D party that could even come close to doing an acceptable job. The Democratic party has become the party of unsustainable promises. They prey on young, inexperienced and slow fringe groups. That's why they love (need) illegal aliens so much. The truth is, nobody, least of all one of the professional liberal complainers, could replace what Trump does for our country right now. Maybe Jim Jordan will be ready in 2024.
Forget about the polls and look at it logically. There is nobody in the Democratic party that can run this country half as good as Trump does. Actually, there's nobody in the D party that could even come close to doing an acceptable job. The Democratic party has become the party of unsustainable promises. They prey on young, inexperienced and slow fringe groups. That's why they love (need) illegal aliens so much. The truth is, nobody, least of all one of the professional liberal complainers, could replace what Trump does for our country right now. Maybe Jim Jordan will be ready in 2024.
Forget about the polls and look at it logically. There is nobody in the Democratic party that can run this country half as good as Trump does. Actually, there's nobody in the D party that could even come close to doing an acceptable job. The Democratic party has become the party of unsustainable promises. They prey on young, inexperienced and slow fringe groups. That's why they love (need) illegal aliens so much. The truth is, nobody, least of all one of the professional liberal complainers, could replace what Trump does for our country right now. Maybe Jim Jordan will be ready in 2024.

And people who has logic and not a crook knows this
Stay tuned, Tex

"The billionaire at one point described himself as cultivating a 'collection' of famous friends, and reportedly counted among them Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and Prince Andrew, the Duke of York.

"On Saturday, Trump biographer Tim O’Brian shared a 2002 quote from the president on Twitter. 'I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'

"Trump told a New York Magazine reporter at the time. 'He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.'"

Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein Was Arrested for Alleged Sex Trafficking

Trump's at least as big a whore as Bill and Jeff.

Pretend to be surprised.
Oh, a picture of Trump with a pervert! My God, we've got him now!!!!!!
Oh, a picture of Trump with a pervert! My God, we've got him now!!!!!
When is an admitted pussy grabber NOT a pervert?

List of Trump's accusers and their allegations

You Tards and your Butt Hurt.....

Please do some more.....

Are we having fun or what?
You Tards and your Butt Hurt.....

Please do some more.....

Are we having fun or what?
Not as much fun as when Trump does his pervert perp walk, Turnip

DownWithTyranny!: Acosta, Epstein and Trump A Refresher
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?

You Tards and your fantasy’s.....

How did that Russian Collusion thing turn out for you?
You Tards and your fantasy’s.....

How did that Russian Collusion thing turn out for you?
We won't know until the Red Don releases his tax returns

Republicans in the Senate want Trump to release his tax returns
It has something to do with bill clinton doesn't it?

Bill Clinton is not in Congress.

There is no evidence that Clinton was part of what Epstein was arrested for.

Epstein was friends with a lot of people, your god in the White House included.

Try some facts for a change Dumb Ass....

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known


Oh no! He flew on his plane! That is illegal as hell! Shot them all right now!


How many times did your pervert billy boy fly on the plane Dip Shit?

Of course you would come up with some BS to protect him......

I have no idea, and I do not give a shit. There is nothing illegal about flying on a plane.

I know the idea of "innocent till proven guilty" goes against everything you stand for, but some of us old fashioned folks still think it is the right way to go

Cultists: Both Democrats had second cousins in 1957 who owned the same t-shirt, and had been photographed wearing that shirt while at their respective schools a mere 1500 miles apart. This is clear evidence of their participation in a criminal conspiracy.

Also cultists: Emails between Don Jr and foreign individuals with known ties to Russian intelligence requesting a meeting to discuss "The Russian government's support for Mr. Trump and interest in helping him be elected" means exoneration.
Oh, a picture of Trump with a pervert! My God, we've got him now!!!!!!
Oh, a picture of Trump with a pervert! My God, we've got him now!!!!!
When is an admitted pussy grabber NOT a pervert?

List of Trump's accusers and their allegations

You Tards and your Butt Hurt.....

Please do some more.....

Are we having fun or what?
You Tards and your Butt Hurt.....

Please do some more.....

Are we having fun or what?
Not as much fun as when Trump does his pervert perp walk, Turnip

DownWithTyranny!: Acosta, Epstein and Trump A Refresher
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?

You Tards and your fantasy’s.....

How did that Russian Collusion thing turn out for you?
You Tards and your fantasy’s.....

How did that Russian Collusion thing turn out for you?
We won't know until the Red Don releases his tax returns

Republicans in the Senate want Trump to release his tax returns

You Tards and your rino buddies can scream and moan all you want about Trump....

Trump just keeps getting stronger and spanking your asses harder....

Looking forward to 2020....

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