Trump: Saudis' new claim that Khashoggi was killed due to a fistfight is "credible"

this is not surprising coming from a person (Trump) that is completely amoral

Khashoggi was a Saudi citizen, self exiled & residing in the DC area, employed by the Washington Post.

Trump hates the WaPo.

Trump hates the free press & has made it HIS JOB to let his CULT know that the press is the enemy of the people.

They fall for it.

Why would anyone in Trump's cult care about journalists & reporters being murdered?

Trump has great personal financial interest with the Saudis.

Money talks; bullshit walks.

NO MORALS required here; right Trumpians?
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and we thought he was just putin's bitch! but no he is sucking arab prince dick now

He has been doing that since they bailed him out in a couple of his bankruptcies.

you got some evidence that Trump was bailed out of bankruptcy by
arabs? Please provide the link. As to his response to the death of
of "what's his name"---------please try to be patient
and the trump defenders run in to make sure we all know this has nothing to do with trump ...
Who cares how the arab reporter was killed?
None of our business, did not involve Americans, did not take place in America.
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of course you will parrot trump and the party line to defend anything......including the deficit caused by tax cuts
"These actions no longer carry the consequence of a backlash from the international community. Instead, these actions may trigger condemnation quickly followed by silence," Khashoggi wrote
Every president has kissed the Saudi asses.

This painting of Trump as the sole benefactor of the Saudis is pathetic.
But, since the whole Russian collusion fell apart, apparently it's time to push Saudi collusion.

Really trying to care about a killing in a pisshole middle east country.
Not quite there yet.
and we thought he was just putin's bitch! but no he is sucking arab prince dick now

He has been doing that since they bailed him out in a couple of his bankruptcies.

you got some evidence that Trump was bailed out of bankruptcy by
arabs? Please provide the link. As to his response to the death of
of "what's his name"---------please try to be patient
Nah, he just sold them a yacht and a floor of one of his buildings in Manhattan--helped with the cash flow. I agree that's a "stretch" to say they "bailed him out of bankruptcy"
Trump was asked Friday at an event in Arizona whether he found the Saudi explanation credible and he responded "I do,"
Saudi Arabia acknowledges Jamal Khashoggi died in consulate, says 18 detained

Because of Trump’s financial interest with the Saudis, he is expected to agree with absolutely any explanation issued by the prince.

What diff does it really make how Khashoggi met his maker?

It isn't America's business. Maybe he did get into a fistfight. Maybe he got cut up like Mel Gibson in Braveheart.

But the king found out by reading about it in the paper, so how does that make him personally, or his nation international pariahs?

The Spanish conducted an Inquisition, subjecting a lot of their people to enhanced interrogation, yet America did nothing. And why should we? It wasn't our business.

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