Trump says he confronted Putin over election hacking...also, it wasn't Russia!

2. everything from the server concerning the leaks that the private investigative firm came to their conclusions on...was GIVEN to the FBI to examine.

Everything the DNC ALLOWED to be released went to the FBI. Not a full forensics job. DNC PAID for that report. So the DNC decided how much to release. THEY controlled the story..

NO private company has the abilities of a multi-billion-$$$$ GOVT counter cyber group with intel connections, satellites, covert recording of Russian intelligence, etc... Especially one that just got on it's feet 2 or 3 years before the event took place..
This company is one of the most respected cyber security annalists in the Nation.

What's a full forensic job?

HOW DO YOU KNOW the DNC only allowed the expert cyber security company held back anything at all, on the server breach? reputable LINK?

WHAT ARE YOU IMPLYING? Are you saying the Russians did NOT try to interfere with this election? (And the German elections, and the French elections, and the British elections etc?)

The DNC hack and the PODESTA hack was just a drop in the bucket of what the Russians did to influence this elect... the emails hacked was what they used FOR EVERYTHING else that they did, but the everything else that they did IS WHAT AFFECTED the results of this election....the tens of thousands of trolls they hired and bots they used to spread FAKE STORIES that they made up about the wikileaks emails, like Hillary had Parkinson's and was dying, and Pizzagate, and a thousand other fake analysis stories that they spread to millions through their intricate bot program on facebook and other social media, and their propaganda news outlets like the RT that get picked up by the briebarts and infowars and drudges and even Fox news and ALL right wing media,

and of course picked up by the candidate Trump before the articles and stories even have time to spread with Trump pushing the propaganda through his tweets and at his rallies... the last 30 days before the election Trump made 164 mentions of wikileaks /DNC/Podesta emails. A HUNDRED AND SIXTY FOUR mentions in 30 days....Let alone the hacks of Rubio and Lindsey and other candidates, and the voter registration files, which they are now finding out some of the voters may have been focused on in specific regions with ads and fake stories on their social media accounts, all initiated by the Russians and Russian moles living here...

If not the Russians.... with that kind of huge operation, then who was it? The RNC? The Trump Campaign? The Sanders campaign? Karl Rove or Peter Smith?

(And please don't even think of bringing up Seth Rich bull crap.... First off, the guy was an honest ace and NOT a thief as the right wingers pushing that bull crud by saying he was the one who stole the emails as an inside job, (and how could he have gotten to Podesta's?)and second he could NOT have done all of the things I mentioned above that the investigations are finding alone, as a disgruntled Sanders supporter if you follow the right wing faux STORY on this....)

It ain't no 400lb guy in momma's basement, ONLY A FOOL like Trump, could come up with that bull crap and only Trumbots would buy it!

This post fucking KILLS! They pretend that unless thousands of people come forward saying they were fooled then ALL the things Russia did affected no one no where. Then why did they create fake news? For NO EFFECT?

Whow does anything for no reason? But it's easy to fool people but it's hard as hell to get them to admit they were fooled.

Oh for sure,, MILLIONS have been fooled by Fake News this past year.. But none of any of it I saw was Russian in origin..

Not gonna argue with folks who don't KNOW how things work. Like the people who PAY for the forensic analysis get to control what becomes public. Too many people not thinking for themselves.. Or not LISTENING to people who DO know a bit about how counter espionage and counter-intelligence actually work. BIG waste of time to deprogram the CNN, NYTimes brainwashed. Not something I wanna do.

Y'all will eventually have next to nothing at the end of all this. MAYBE even be put on the defensive. I don't have to do a damn thing to help that process. But WARN you -- to stop making excuses for the failures and incompetency that LED UP to this frakus..
Trump 'pressed' Putin on election meddling but he denied it, Rex Tillerson says

President Donald Trump was the first to raise the topic of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election at his face-to-face meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the G-20 summit meeting on Friday -- which the Russian president denied, according to U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

Tillerson also added that interference in the election was the first subject Trump raised on both leaders’ agenda for the meeting in Hamburg, Germany.

"The president opened the meeting by raising the concerns of the American people regarding Russian interference in 2016 election. Putin denied such involvement, as he has done in the past," Tillerson said during an off-camera briefing today.

"The two leaders agreed this is of substantial hindrance. They agreed to exchange further work regarding commitments of noninterference in the affairs of the U.S. and our democratic process as well as other countries.”

Tillerson also added that both presidents acknowledged the “challenges of cyberthreats and interference in the democratic processes" in the United States and other countries and that they would work together to "create a framework" for dealing with such threats, including terrorism, efforts to hack into the “internal affairs of countries” and any actions against "infrastructure.”
So, Putin says he denied Russia hacked and the Comrade agreed with him. Who is lying; the Russian Liar or the American Liar?

So, Putin says he denied Russia hacked and the Comrade agreed with him. Who is lying; the Russian Liar or the American Liar?

Putin lies to help Russia.

Trump lies to help Putin.

What did Trump tell Putin for over two hours? Who knows. It was secret.

I want to know when Republicans became traitors to America? Has it been for a long time and they are only just now admitting it because there is a Russian Poodle in the White House?
This company is one of the most respected cyber security annalists in the Nation.

I said it in Post 31.. Perhaps you didn't read it or understand it.. So -- let's try this again..

NO private company has the abilities of a multi-billion-$$$$ GOVT counter cyber group with intel connections, satellites, covert recording of Russian intelligence, etc... Especially one that just got on it's feet 2 or 3 years before the event took place..

FIRE --- all these people. They never were alerted to the problem..


And FIRE all THESE FOLKS -- who were never alerted to the problem...


INSTEAD -- never grab the primary evidence of an alleged HOSTILE foreign intrusion into the main servers of a major political party. Allow THEM to hire a group of folks only doing business for 2 or 3 years and without the $TRILL investment in spy satellites, on the ground human spies, MASSIVE historical databases of information on the active players and their whereabouts.

Yeah -- that's the ticket. OBVIOUSLY -- we don't NEED NO stinking 5 or 6 MASSIVE Counter Cyber operations and intel groups. FIRE their asses. Hire a BIG DONOR (anti-Russian, Google created) operation you can trust to write the correct report...
Oh for sure,, MILLIONS have been fooled by Fake News this past year.. But none of any of it I saw was Russian in origin..

But, what you see or pretend not to see isn't the topic. Many people see, saw and know it was.
This company is one of the most respected cyber security annalists in the Nation.

I said it in Post 31.. Perhaps you didn't read it or understand it.. So -- let's try this again..

NO private company has the abilities of a multi-billion-$$$$ GOVT counter cyber group with intel connections, satellites, covert recording of Russian intelligence, etc... Especially one that just got on it's feet 2 or 3 years before the event took place..

FIRE --- all these people. They never were alerted to the problem..


And FIRE all THESE FOLKS -- who were never alerted to the problem...


INSTEAD -- never grab the primary evidence of an alleged HOSTILE foreign intrusion into the main servers of a major political party. Allow THEM to hire a group of folks only doing business for 2 or 3 years and without the $TRILL investment in spy satellites, on the ground human spies, MASSIVE historical databases of information on the active players and their whereabouts.

Yeah -- that's the ticket. OBVIOUSLY -- we don't NEED NO stinking 5 or 6 MASSIVE Counter Cyber operations and intel groups. FIRE their asses. Hire a BIG DONOR (anti-Russian, Google created) operation you can trust to write the correct report...
WHAT do you think they missed? Do You think the Russians did not do the hack even though we have Putin on record ORDERING IT?

Why are YOU and Trump making this an issue?

Spill the beans....comrade.
This company is one of the most respected cyber security annalists in the Nation.

I said it in Post 31.. Perhaps you didn't read it or understand it.. So -- let's try this again..

NO private company has the abilities of a multi-billion-$$$$ GOVT counter cyber group with intel connections, satellites, covert recording of Russian intelligence, etc... Especially one that just got on it's feet 2 or 3 years before the event took place..

FIRE --- all these people. They never were alerted to the problem..


And FIRE all THESE FOLKS -- who were never alerted to the problem...


INSTEAD -- never grab the primary evidence of an alleged HOSTILE foreign intrusion into the main servers of a major political party. Allow THEM to hire a group of folks only doing business for 2 or 3 years and without the $TRILL investment in spy satellites, on the ground human spies, MASSIVE historical databases of information on the active players and their whereabouts.

Yeah -- that's the ticket. OBVIOUSLY -- we don't NEED NO stinking 5 or 6 MASSIVE Counter Cyber operations and intel groups. FIRE their asses. Hire a BIG DONOR (anti-Russian, Google created) operation you can trust to write the correct report...
WHAT do you think they missed? Do You think the Russians did not do the hack even though we have Putin on record ORDERING IT?

Why are YOU and Trump making this an issue?

Spill the beans....comrade.

Putin ORDERED the DNC hack??? Well dayum. Why didn't Trump play the tape of that order back to him in Hamburg??? :banana:

Press is TOTALLY unreliable. Because high level spooks and sources are feeding them shit... And you're had your fill of it. But if you knew a bit about how and WHY national intel groups act the way they do -- you wouldn't be so SURE that "all the evidence is in".. It's more complicated than reading the NY Times..
This is all a very STUPID an moronic public dialogue. Powered by tribal political feuds. Anyone who understand the methods and rational of high level espionage is not amused.

For instance.. If you wanted to DESTROY the total public confidence in Leadership and you HAD the DNC emails. They would be of FAR GREATER VALUE to "sit on" as blackmail when Hillary got inaugurated. That's the PRIMARY MODE of Soviet intelligence.

The Question: What is ‘kompromat’?

So every time President Hillary confronted Russia on ANY issue -- you'd pass a covert copy of one of the emails to REMIND her that you could literally DESTROY her Administration at any time. MORE leverage. MORE juice than trying to affect vote totals..

Same for the gem about the Golden Showers. See the link above. Their GOAL is Kompromat.. To blackmail and control ELECTED leadership. Not decide which clown wins. But to be PREPARED to control EITHER of the jackasses once in office..

Dumping those emails on PRESIDENT Hillary would get Putin FAR MORE than his "favorite choice" in a stupid election contest..

Why do think this "chess game" has been going on since the end of WW2??? Putin DESIGNED Kompromat. Made it the primary mission of KGB/GRU/FSB operations.. I read the same exact shit that was in that phony "Crapper Intel Report" (the PR statement that WAS NOT an Intel Report) ----- when I was in this area in the late 80s.. About how the Soviet Union fished and baited and trolled various electoral processes..
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I just do not understand what exactly does this Trump/Putin bromance have to do with Trump making America great again? WHY is he so dead set on giving them a pass on their interference? HOW does that make America great again? What is in this bromance for us citizens? For the USA?
Maybe you don't understand it because it's a fabrication. It's a conspiracy hatched in the minds of Democrats to keep Trump from hauling all of their asses to jail.
I just do not understand what exactly does this Trump/Putin bromance have to do with Trump making America great again? WHY is he so dead set on giving them a pass on their interference? HOW does that make America great again? What is in this bromance for us citizens? For the USA?
Maybe you don't understand it because it's a fabrication. It's a conspiracy hatched in the minds of Democrats to keep Trump from hauling all of their asses to jail.
I don't believe it is all a fabrication, though parts could be hype... I have been screaming look out for the Russians since Trump walked out on the stage as a candidate and started praising the likes of Putin...long before he got the nomination Trump was sending out signals that set off alarms in my head.... and that was BEFORE any stolen emails of the DNC were for me, no politician lead my opinion... Trump himself did...I was screaming bloody murder before we heard a peep from any politicians or news media or about a Dossier......and have been posting such for over a year....somethings not right with Trump's admiration of Russia/Putin...
I just do not understand what exactly does this Trump/Putin bromance have to do with Trump making America great again? WHY is he so dead set on giving them a pass on their interference? HOW does that make America great again? What is in this bromance for us citizens? For the USA?
Maybe you don't understand it because it's a fabrication. It's a conspiracy hatched in the minds of Democrats to keep Trump from hauling all of their asses to jail.
I don't believe it is all a fabrication, though parts could be hype... I have been screaming look out for the Russians since Trump walked out on the stage as a candidate and started praising the likes of Putin...long before he got the nomination Trump was sending out signals that set off alarms in my head.... and that was BEFORE any stolen emails of the DNC were for me, no politician lead my opinion... Trump himself did...I was screaming bloody murder before we heard a peep from any politicians or news media or about a Dossier......and have been posting such for over a year....somethings not right with Trump's admiration of Russia/Putin...
Probably because you feel Trump is dishonest, not because of any solid facts.

The facts are that Hillary and the Democrats have been taking cash from Russia for a long time. They have been meeting with Russian officials for decades. Ted Kennedy went to them years ago in an obvious act of treason. Hillary was promising them access to her White House and got paid big money for it. Right now there are at a minimum 85 Democrat members who are card carrying communists. All of this stuff should be screaming at you, but instead you're worried about a fantasy that was dreamed up by the very people who are most guilty of collusion with Russian officials. Did it ever occur to you that the reason you're finding all of this stuff out from the media is because it was all a setup by the people who control the media?

Russians have been spying on us since before WWII. They have been trying to influence our government since before I was born. This is no different. It is the primary reason damn near half of our Army was stationed in Germany and why I was there before the wall came down. They will always be a threat. Unfortunately the Democrats are using them as a scapegoat and damaging our national security in the process. They are making a mockery out of the US.
I just do not understand what exactly does this Trump/Putin bromance have to do with Trump making America great again? WHY is he so dead set on giving them a pass on their interference? HOW does that make America great again? What is in this bromance for us citizens? For the USA?
Maybe you don't understand it because it's a fabrication. It's a conspiracy hatched in the minds of Democrats to keep Trump from hauling all of their asses to jail.
I don't believe it is all a fabrication, though parts could be hype... I have been screaming look out for the Russians since Trump walked out on the stage as a candidate and started praising the likes of Putin...long before he got the nomination Trump was sending out signals that set off alarms in my head.... and that was BEFORE any stolen emails of the DNC were for me, no politician lead my opinion... Trump himself did...I was screaming bloody murder before we heard a peep from any politicians or news media or about a Dossier......and have been posting such for over a year....somethings not right with Trump's admiration of Russia/Putin...
Probably because you feel Trump is dishonest, not because of any solid facts.

The facts are that Hillary and the Democrats have been taking cash from Russia for a long time. They have been meeting with Russian officials for decades. Ted Kennedy went to them years ago in an obvious act of treason. Hillary was promising them access to her White House and got paid big money for it. Right now there are at a minimum 85 Democrat members who are card carrying communists. All of this stuff should be screaming at you, but instead you're worried about a fantasy that was dreamed up by the very people who are most guilty of collusion with Russian officials. Did it ever occur to you that the reason you're finding all of this stuff out from the media is because it was all a setup by the people who control the media?

Russians have been spying on us since before WWII. They have been trying to influence our government since before I was born. This is no different. It is the primary reason damn near half of our Army was stationed in Germany and why I was there before the wall came down. They will always be a threat. Unfortunately the Democrats are using them as a scapegoat and damaging our national security in the process. They are making a mockery out of the US.
This isn't about the Clintons Mudwhistle....but if it were, what they did had nothing to do with colluding with a foreign power during an election...

Trump's love fest behavior regarding Russia has been suspicious and totally BIZARRE from the get go for anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear...imo. I hope we find out what is REALLY GOING on here....something is amiss...
Notice the same RWNJs admit Agent Orange is worthless bu, as usual, they hide behind people who are not president.

I dare you RWNJs to stay on topic.

You won't because you can't.

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Poor righties. Now they have to defend Trump saying he talked tough to Putin while also saying there is nothing to confront Putin over.

They have to defend Putin and Trump who says they didn't hack but also they did hack..while also saying the Intel agencies don't know Russia hacked.

Basically they have to say water is wet and so what if it's dry!

Well -- since not ONE FEDERAL Counter Cyber person EVER saw or touched the DNC server --- there is NO PROOF. Which is what I've been telling y'all all along. If it was a fucking international incidence -- that server and Podesta's phone should have been BAGGED AND TAGGED and taken "into evidence"...

But it didn't happen. Did it??

If that was true then what did Trump confront Putin about? Rofl!

Maybe he couldn't. BECAUSE all that stuff was never taken into evidence and THOROUGHLY analyzed. And Putin KNOWS that. It's not a fucking game. And we just got pawned because NO ONE treated this as a SERIOUS threat until the night of the last election.....

Except that "they" did.

It's NOW that the so-called president isn't taking it seriously.

Needless to say, trump et al DO take Putin's help very seriously.

This is the most corrupt bunch of liars in our history. No matter how many times we see that, you RWs start in with excuses and lies.

Face facts - they are caught and the investigation will continue.

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I just do not understand what exactly does this Trump/Putin bromance have to do with Trump making America great again? WHY is he so dead set on giving them a pass on their interference? HOW does that make America great again? What is in this bromance for us citizens? For the USA?

Money for power.

Trump loves nothing as much as money and Putin had the same love of power.

According to the trump's, Putin/Russia has been giving them truckloads of money. Remembering when dumb trump said Russia is not in the Ukraine when, in fact they were.

Putin wants a lot more. Like arctic oil. And trump is now owned by Putin.

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