Trump says he will negotiate third term?

Yanno..................never hear about Obama seeking a third term, even though the GOP tried to stop him at every turn.

Why the fuck does Trump deserve a 3rd term?
Sarcasm and Mocking escapes the Op

It is said inside of the first 2 minutes............IN CONTEXT.......

Donald Trump: (02:14)
Well, I thank you very much. So I want to start by saying, ā€œHello, Nevada. How are you doing? How are you?ā€ And Iā€™m thrilled to be in Douglas County, but people are coming from all over the place. Thereā€™s a lot of people for Douglas County, isnā€™t it? We have thousands and thousands of loyal, hardworking American patriots, thatā€™s what we have. And 52 days from now, weā€™re going to win Nevada, and weā€™re going to win four more years in the White House. And then after that weā€™ll negotiate, right? ā€˜Cause weā€™re probably, based on the way we were treated, weā€™re probably entitled to another four after that.

Donald Trump: (03:15)
And it should never happen to another President. Thatā€™s just a dishonest group of people. But here we are, and weā€™re going to be here for another four years. The governor of your state-

Typical Trump troll and mockery............OP got will just quote the one line......not the next where he says 4 more years.........and the tone if they used the video........he's MOCKING YOUR ASS.

BS news from Never Trumpers and nothing more.

Not mocking me. But how many people on these forums are calling for Trump to be made permanent president, or to have 2 more terms because he was picked on for his first term?

You know Winter, if a president was to be given another term because they were picked on during one of them, then Obama would still be president, especially since the GOP said from day 1 that they wanted to make him a "one term president", and fought continually for that goal.

Guess Trump and his GOP cult are nothing but hypocrites.
Sarcasm and Mocking escapes the Op

It is said inside of the first 2 minutes............IN CONTEXT.......

Donald Trump: (02:14)
Well, I thank you very much. So I want to start by saying, ā€œHello, Nevada. How are you doing? How are you?ā€ And Iā€™m thrilled to be in Douglas County, but people are coming from all over the place. Thereā€™s a lot of people for Douglas County, isnā€™t it? We have thousands and thousands of loyal, hardworking American patriots, thatā€™s what we have. And 52 days from now, weā€™re going to win Nevada, and weā€™re going to win four more years in the White House. And then after that weā€™ll negotiate, right? ā€˜Cause weā€™re probably, based on the way we were treated, weā€™re probably entitled to another four after that.

Donald Trump: (03:15)
And it should never happen to another President. Thatā€™s just a dishonest group of people. But here we are, and weā€™re going to be here for another four years. The governor of your state-

Typical Trump troll and mockery............OP got will just quote the one line......not the next where he says 4 more years.........and the tone if they used the video........he's MOCKING YOUR ASS.

BS news from Never Trumpers and nothing more.

Not mocking me. But how many people on these forums are calling for Trump to be made permanent president, or to have 2 more terms because he was picked on for his first term?

Yawn...............I haven't........and maybe a few trolls have...........he was mocking the BS and you fell for it.......

Now you are crawfishing like a coon ass in New Orleans about to be boiled in Louisiana hot sauce.

I'm guessing you don't know what a coon ass is, because you are using it wrong. Here, let me translate your idiot sentence for you................

You are "crawfishing" (meaning to move backwards) like a "coon ass" (term meaning most Cajun people) in New Orleans about to be boiled in Louisiana hot sauce. Instead of using "coon ass", your sentence would make more sense if you used the term "mudbug", which is a slang term for crawfish. Yes, you boil crawfish in hot sauce (depending on the recipie), but you DON'T boil Cajun people alive in hot sauce, as that would be tantamount to murder.

You may have thought you were being clever, but all you really did was show your ignorance of those terms.

With whom, exactly, will he negotiate? Unless he has enough support for a constitutional amendment, I can't see it happening. Can someone explain the US Constitution to our President?

Sounds like fake news from this former MSNBC intern hack....

With whom, exactly, will he negotiate? Unless he has enough support for a constitutional amendment, I can't see it happening. Can someone explain the US Constitution to our President?

Most constitutional amendments that passed, did so in pretty quick order. The 26th Amendment passed the Congress on 3/23/71 and was ratified by the 38th state on 1 July.

The shortest time for a constitutional amendment to be ratified was 100 days (26th amendment). The 22nd amendment, which limits the number of terms a person can be elected president, took 3 years 343 days.

There were 12 constitutional amendments ratified in the 20th century. I'll throw out the 27th, since it took 202 years and 223 days. The other 11 amendments took an average of 544 days to be ratified. The 26th amendment was faster than any other amendments to be ratified.

So the next one could take 2 weeks. It doesn't have a time limit.

You're right, there is no specified time limit. However, just look at the hoops that have to be jumped through in order to make it happen. First, it has to be voted on by Congress (and with the current gridlock, a vote ain't gonna be quick), then it has to be sent to the States to be ratified, meaning each State congress has to pass and approve it. Once that is accomplished, THEN it becomes an amendment. Do you really think that we can get the current Congress to pass ANYTHING in 2 weeks? I don't. Then, you still have to go through the States, and that can take a while.
It's all about delaying as long as possible becoming a private citizen because once he loses the protection of the office ..oh boy..Trump may end up at Rikers Island by the end of 2023 if he loses re-election: legal experts
Fake headline. The only "expert" claiming that is not a legal expert.

But you fell for it, didn't you?
Is Bennett Gershman the one you are talking about?..Trump ā€˜could STAND TRIAL just THREE YEARS after leaving office, experts predict

With whom, exactly, will he negotiate? Unless he has enough support for a constitutional amendment, I can't see it happening. Can someone explain the US Constitution to our President?

We tried but Obie refused to listen. So we put Trump in instead.


With whom, exactly, will he negotiate? Unless he has enough support for a constitutional amendment, I can't see it happening. Can someone explain the US Constitution to our President?

We tried but Obie refused to listen. So we put Trump in instead.

So Trump knows the Consttution huh..LOL!! He says he knows the 2nd Amendment real good. He says it gives him the power to do anything he wants
It's all about delaying as long as possible becoming a private citizen because once he loses the protection of the office ..oh boy..Trump may end up at Rikers Island by the end of 2023 if he loses re-election: legal experts
Fake headline. The only "expert" claiming that is not a legal expert.

But you fell for it, didn't you?
Is Bennett Gershman the one you are talking about?..Trump ā€˜could STAND TRIAL just THREE YEARS after leaving office, experts predict
All Gershman said was this:
ā€œItā€™s going to head toward prosecution, and the litigation is going to be fierce,ā€ says Bennett Gershman, a professor of constitutional law at Pace Law School who served for a decade as a New York State prosecutor.​

He didn't say anything else quoted.

But you fell for it, didn't you?

With whom, exactly, will he negotiate? Unless he has enough support for a constitutional amendment, I can't see it happening. Can someone explain the US Constitution to our President?

Looks like he may have forgotten something...LOL

The fact that leftists have no sense of humor and really poor comprehension of sarcasm?

With whom, exactly, will he negotiate? Unless he has enough support for a constitutional amendment, I can't see it happening. Can someone explain the US Constitution to our President?

Looks like he may have forgotten something...LOL

The fact that leftists have no sense of humor and really poor comprehension of sarcasm?
We all know youā€™re a joke.

With whom, exactly, will he negotiate? Unless he has enough support for a constitutional amendment, I can't see it happening. Can someone explain the US Constitution to our President?

Looks like he may have forgotten something...LOL

The fact that leftists have no sense of humor and really poor comprehension of sarcasm?
They watch late night tv so why would they?

With whom, exactly, will he negotiate? Unless he has enough support for a constitutional amendment, I can't see it happening. Can someone explain the US Constitution to our President?

Looks like he may have forgotten something...LOL

The fact that leftists have no sense of humor and really poor comprehension of sarcasm?
We all know youā€™re a joke.
Feminazi's are renown for their sense of humor.

With whom, exactly, will he negotiate? Unless he has enough support for a constitutional amendment, I can't see it happening. Can someone explain the US Constitution to our President?

Yeah, I can't see this one working. There's an amendment and no plausible legal path forward on a third term.

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