Trump says he's going to sign a measure to keep migrant families together


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2018
'President Donald Trump said Wednesday he plans to sign an executive action designed to keep families together during detention on the U.S.-Mexico border.

"I'll be signing something in a little while that's going to do that," he told reporters during a White House event after saying he wanted families to be kept together. "I'll be doing something that's somewhat pre-emptive and ultimately will be matched by legislation I'm sure."

The action is expected to allow families to be housed together even while adults in the family are being detained or prosecuted for crossing the U.S. border illegally or for seeking asylum at the border outside of a designated border entry point.'

Trump says he's going to sign a measure to keep migrant families together


First - great news for those poor children.
Second - it's great to see Trump cave like the big, fat, bone-spurred, thin-skinned wimp that he is. He could have done this days ago - but instead he tried to blame others.
Now he sees NO ONE who is sane (including those in his own party) is with him on his policy.
So he caved.


Trumpbots? Let the spinning begin....
Now the illegal criminals can stay with their pretend family and keep molesting the rented children.

Should make the liberals ecstatic with joy. .... :thup:
He didn't cave on anything, Rocket Mouth. People like you are too damned impatient to give the man any time to act. And it's your loss too. That's one less campaign issue to run on for Democrats in the mid terms.
'President Donald Trump said Wednesday he plans to sign an executive action designed to keep families together during detention on the U.S.-Mexico border.

"I'll be signing something in a little while that's going to do that," he told reporters during a White House event after saying he wanted families to be kept together. "I'll be doing something that's somewhat pre-emptive and ultimately will be matched by legislation I'm sure."

The action is expected to allow families to be housed together even while adults in the family are being detained or prosecuted for crossing the U.S. border illegally or for seeking asylum at the border outside of a designated border entry point.'

Trump says he's going to sign a measure to keep migrant families together


First - great news for those poor children.
Second - it's great to see Trump cave like the big, fat, bone-spurred, thin-skinned wimp that he is. He could have done this days ago - but instead he tried to blame others.
Now he sees NO ONE who is sane (including those in his own party) is with him on his policy.
So he caved.


Trumpbots? Let the spinning begin....
Musta been the Pope's statement.

This is hopeful; there has been plenty of protesting about this and that but it is the first time public opinion has actually changed the guy's mind.
It just proves that the 1%'ers and the politicians they own do not want current US immigration law enforced to the letter of the law. Both sides of the political spectrum want these cheap laborers in this country to improve their enterprises.

So what do we do with them now ? Put these families up in Government housing? Give them a court date and turn them loose in the general population like Obama did? where 85% never showed up. 30,000 more being supported by the US taxpayers, and/or competing for jobs.
It just proves that the 1%'ers and the politicians they own do not want current US immigration law enforced to the letter of the law. Both sides of the political spectrum want these cheap laborers in this country to improve their enterprises.

So what do we do with them now ? Put these families up in Government housing? Give them a court date and turn them loose in the general population like Obama did? where 85% never showed up. 30,000 more being supported by the US taxpayers, and/or competing for jobs.
You're right, catch and release is not working in the long run. I think we should increase the number of immigration judges so these people aren't detained for lengthy periods of time waiting for a decision. They should be detained though, and if they have children with them, and border patrol has determined the kids are actually theirs, they need to be detained in family detention centers.

But I heard the President yesterday speaking to a business group and he was completely opposed to hiring more judges to decrease the backlog and get these folks adjudicated more rapidly. That is really stupid on his part, imo.
It just proves that the 1%'ers and the politicians they own do not want current US immigration law enforced to the letter of the law. Both sides of the political spectrum want these cheap laborers in this country to improve their enterprises.

So what do we do with them now ? Put these families up in Government housing? Give them a court date and turn them loose in the general population like Obama did? where 85% never showed up. 30,000 more being supported by the US taxpayers, and/or competing for jobs.
Don't worry, you can still deport them all -- just deport them as an intact family unit.

If it makes you feel better -- we can have ICE agents hurl insults at them while we are deporting them

Trump to end his family separation policy amid massive backlash – live updates

On June 15, Trump told reporters: “I hate the children being taken away. The Democrats have to change their law. That’s their law.”

On June 14, White House press secretary Sara Huckabee Sanders said: “It’s the law, and that’s what the law states.”

And on Monday, one of the most strident defenses was made by the homeland security department secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who addressed reporters at a White House press conference.

Nielsen told reporters the homeland security department was merely enforcing the law in a way that past administrations had failed to do. “Here is the bottom line: DHS is no longer ignoring the law. We are enforcing the laws as they exist on the books.”
One tactic for Trump here is to say "I'm not a partisan, I listen to criticism and change my mind when appropriate".

I don't know if he's capable of coming up with this, but that would probably be a good approach.
One tactic for Trump here is to say "I'm not a partisan, I listen to criticism and change my mind when appropriate".

I don't know if he's capable of coming up with this, but that would probably be a good approach.

Question for the forum...

Was the situation with the children an unfortunate side effect of trying to enforce our border laws, or was it just his plan to separate families and hurt children?
A 1990's law and 2 court cases forced illegal kids to be separated from their parents. Trump is going to be sued over his EO overruling this law and court cases. Congress needs to fix their mess but Dem's in the senate refuse to vote for a bill to fix it, shocker. Trump is doing his job, congress isn't.
One tactic for Trump here is to say "I'm not a partisan, I listen to criticism and change my mind when appropriate".

I don't know if he's capable of coming up with this, but that would probably be a good approach.

Question for the forum...

Was the situation with the children an unfortunate side effect of trying to enforce our border laws, or was it just his plan to separate families and hurt children?

Two laws Trump must enforce. The first says that if you sneak across our border illegally breaking our laws you get arrested. But a second law and two court cases says illegal kids can only be housed with their parents in detention for no longer than 20 days. Why was that law passed? To force government to release illegal parents and their kids into our communities, trusting that they will show up for their hearing later, which of course 70% never show up shocker. Just another illegal immigration scam by Dems. Is it any surprise Dem's in the senate are refusing to vote for a bill to fix this, nope.
One tactic for Trump here is to say "I'm not a partisan, I listen to criticism and change my mind when appropriate".

I don't know if he's capable of coming up with this, but that would probably be a good approach.

Question for the forum...

Was the situation with the children an unfortunate side effect of trying to enforce our border laws, or was it just his plan to separate families and hurt children?

It was a failed attempt to deter further immigration by intimidating those lawfully seeking asylum.
those lawfully seeking asylum.

The ones lawfully seeking asylum don't get arrested. There are places where those people can go to get their paperwork started so they can enter legally. If you cross our border illegally you have broken the law whether you have a legitimate asylum case or not.

Trump to end his family separation policy amid massive backlash – live updates

On June 15, Trump told reporters: “I hate the children being taken away. The Democrats have to change their law. That’s their law.”

On June 14, White House press secretary Sara Huckabee Sanders said: “It’s the law, and that’s what the law states.”

And on Monday, one of the most strident defenses was made by the homeland security department secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who addressed reporters at a White House press conference.

Nielsen told reporters the homeland security department was merely enforcing the law in a way that past administrations had failed to do. “Here is the bottom line: DHS is no longer ignoring the law. We are enforcing the laws as they exist on the books.”
I was on the Fox news chat thread and everyone is blaming Trump for Family separation at the border. Just when you thought the left couldnt get any more retarded.
One tactic for Trump here is to say "I'm not a partisan, I listen to criticism and change my mind when appropriate".

I don't know if he's capable of coming up with this, but that would probably be a good approach.

Question for the forum...

Was the situation with the children an unfortunate side effect of trying to enforce our border laws, or was it just his plan to separate families and hurt children?
John Kelly was telling us as early as March 2017 that they were considering it AS A DETERRENT. Sessions admits it was used as a deterrent. I don't think it's really possible to argue it was an unfortunate "accident."

Trump to end his family separation policy amid massive backlash – live updates

On June 15, Trump told reporters: “I hate the children being taken away. The Democrats have to change their law. That’s their law.”

On June 14, White House press secretary Sara Huckabee Sanders said: “It’s the law, and that’s what the law states.”

And on Monday, one of the most strident defenses was made by the homeland security department secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who addressed reporters at a White House press conference.

Nielsen told reporters the homeland security department was merely enforcing the law in a way that past administrations had failed to do. “Here is the bottom line: DHS is no longer ignoring the law. We are enforcing the laws as they exist on the books.”
I was on the Fox news chat thread and everyone is blaming Trump for Family separation at the border. Just when you thought the left couldnt get any more retarded.

Surely you jest, lefties watching or chatting on Fox news? Must have been the conservatives from Session's own church chatting, 500 members called in out in Mobile. Deep Red.

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