Trump says "I know Nothing"

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You know, if it was just once or twice, this would be a nothing story. However, it was more than several times, it was enough times that we paid the airport over 11 million dollars in fuel costs alone. And, while the airport and the Trump hotel said that there was no partnership, there has been a document uncovered that shows cooperation between the hotel and the airport.

The thing I want to know though, is who authorized the flights? I know that when there are long range flights that pass through different countries, it requires authorization higher than just the squadron level, it requires authorization from the wing level, meaning a flag officer with a star or higher.

And, exactly what was the justification to fly them through Scotland on their way to the Middle East? It is a longer trip if they have to fly north to Scotland, and then fly south to the Middle East. I know from experience that most flights go through Sigonella Sicily (main hub for the Med) and if they need a stop for fuel, they do it either at Rota Spain, or in the Canary Islands. As part of my job as a Personnelman, one of the things I had to do was to send people back and forth to the States while we were overseas, which means that I had to know the flight schedules or be able to request them if someone was transferring or had to go home on emergency leave. Why did they authorize all those flights to go through a commercial airport (where the fuel is more expensive than at a base), that would actually result in a longer flight?
Is that the best the left can do? Barry Hussein Obama may have had to pay off supporters with a free trip to Norway but Trump had to take a cut in pay to be President.
Still better than "Depends on what the meaning of is, is"

Know-Nothing party, U.S. political party that flourished in the 1850s and was an outgrowth of the strong anti-immigrant sentiment of the era.
Trump probably could have explained the "odd stop" if somebody hadn't hidden his Sharpie.
Is that the best the left can do? Barry Hussein Obama may have had to pay off supporters with a free trip to Norway but Trump had to take a cut in pay to be President.
Cut in pay?? Trump?? Come on Whitey don't pull my leg You're too smart not to know trump is a crook that won't do anything if it doesn't line his pockets
What’s the big deal??
Of course it's no big deal to welfare cheats like you, but to us hardworking tax payers Tramp's pissing away our tax dollars to keep his falling FOREIGN golf course open is filthy dirty, like you.
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