Trump says no collusion/no obstruction. Of course, these connecting dots say otherwise.

Quid Pro Quo
Is illegal.

Working with a foreign government to help you or hurt your opponent in an election
is illegal. When you promise something in return, like removal of sanctions it's a felony.
Quid Pro do you have any idea how hard that would be to prove? especially for a president with global responsibilities...dreamer...
Not so hard actually. Especially when Trump himself reveals so many of the underlying crimes.

Now that Trump disclosed the payments, before he hadn't, which is a crime, and before he said he knew nothing about them, but instead lied about not knowing anything about the payments, which is a crime, shouldn't be too hard to compile quite a few charges, that directly link him and his Quid Pro Quo schemes?

And by the way, Trump has no "global responsibilities". All Trump has is a long rap sheet of global mafia partners who either owe him for favors or he owes them for dirty money transactions and conspiracy favors to get him elected and the lifting of sanctions to continue on with this oil deal that my OP presented.
Not so hard actually. Especially when Trump himself reveals so many of the underlying crimes.

Now that Trump disclosed the payments, before he hadn't, which is a crime, and before he said he knew nothing about them, but instead lied about not knowing anything about the payments, which is a crime, shouldn't be too hard to compile quite a few charges, that directly link him and his Quid Pro Quo schemes?

And by the way, Trump has no "global responsibilities". All Trump has is a long rap sheet of global mafia partners who either owe him for favors or he owes them for dirty money transactions and conspiracy favors to get him elected and the lifting of sanctions to continue on with this oil deal that my OP presented.
He spoke against the sanctions before the election...he has been against the sanctions a long charge some kind of payoff for his opinion over sanctions is silly...he is the president of the United States not some encyclopedia salesman....
He beat the Hildabeast fair and square and Mueller has been looking for collusion with Russia over a year with nothing to show....but here you come along with this? Buuuuuuaaaaahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! I can't wait until Mueller shuts his witch hunt down....just can hardly wait....
Qatari admission on Trump outreach presents new dots to connect

If you've been paying close attention for the last two years as I have, these new revelations come as no surprise.

Compliments of the Steele Dossier, and some intensive investigating from folks we sometimes have never heard of, just happen to show up with jaw dropping investigative information regarding Qatar, Trump, Russia, and how this oil deal between Rosneft/Exxon eventually took center stage to fill in a lot of holes/ loose ends on making a concrete case for conspiracy to collude. Which will end up causing multiple obstruction prongs to be revealed as a result of the initial conspiracy crime.

So, exactly what am I saying here people? I'm saying that about fifteen months ago Rachel Maddow revealed to the world that there existed a relationship between Russian Oligarch's, Trump, Trump team, and several middle east counterparts like Qatar, who concocted a plan to lift sanctions from Russia in exchange for a commission on this half a trillion dollar oil deal once Trump won the election. That is what Trump/Russia is all about. It's why Russia helped Trump in 2016, and explains all the rest of the moving parts that are indirectly and directly tied to this gigantic scam on the American people. Which, by the way, will probably go down as the largest international crime attempted against this country since its founding.
maddow -

oh my fucking god.
She's got you iced down now doesn't she?
i can't get past 2 seconds of seeing her even on tv before i run away screaming. she's an idiot who trolls up hate much the same manner tucker and most political talk shows do. i don't watch any of then nor use their references to illustrate what is normal or real. all sides of this bullshit take the worst possible extreme of the side they don't like and try to pass it off as "normal" for that side.

it's bullshit. no truth, just trolling and getting people riled up over something that represents a lot smaller of a segment than they choose to believe for their own insecurities.

you need a talk show blankie, great. go have one. but it's not real and it's certainly not normal.
If it wasn't the truth, you would have already posted a link in the attempt to prove this latest news was false. But, as always, Trump's good little cultist Sheep never present any counter arguments to any of the facts presented.
Mind you, they have proven their hate. I'll give them that. But they are entirely void of any intelligent, debate worthy rebuttals. And we see this pattern not only daily, but daily by the minute.
Not so hard actually. Especially when Trump himself reveals so many of the underlying crimes.

Now that Trump disclosed the payments, before he hadn't, which is a crime, and before he said he knew nothing about them, but instead lied about not knowing anything about the payments, which is a crime, shouldn't be too hard to compile quite a few charges, that directly link him and his Quid Pro Quo schemes?

And by the way, Trump has no "global responsibilities". All Trump has is a long rap sheet of global mafia partners who either owe him for favors or he owes them for dirty money transactions and conspiracy favors to get him elected and the lifting of sanctions to continue on with this oil deal that my OP presented.
He spoke against the sanctions before the election...he has been against the sanctions a long charge some kind of payoff for his opinion over sanctions is silly...he is the president of the United States not some encyclopedia salesman....
He beat the Hildabeast fair and square and Mueller has been looking for collusion with Russia over a year with nothing to show....but here you come along with this? Buuuuuuaaaaahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! I can't wait until Mueller shuts his witch hunt down....just can hardly wait....
Lol! Trump was so against the sanctions that his number one agenda was to have them lifted. He even recruited his butt boys to go behind the back of the sitting president before his inauguration to talk about secret back channels of communications with the Kremlin. And even Flynn and Trump himself were coaching Russia by hinting to them to not take actions against Obama's recent counter punch against their involvement in disrupting our election.

You can't wait for them to shut this investigation down because the truth about what Trump did before the election and after is now being exposed. And none of it is good, or legal.
Not so hard actually. Especially when Trump himself reveals so many of the underlying crimes.

Now that Trump disclosed the payments, before he hadn't, which is a crime, and before he said he knew nothing about them, but instead lied about not knowing anything about the payments, which is a crime, shouldn't be too hard to compile quite a few charges, that directly link him and his Quid Pro Quo schemes?

And by the way, Trump has no "global responsibilities". All Trump has is a long rap sheet of global mafia partners who either owe him for favors or he owes them for dirty money transactions and conspiracy favors to get him elected and the lifting of sanctions to continue on with this oil deal that my OP presented.
He spoke against the sanctions before the election...he has been against the sanctions a long charge some kind of payoff for his opinion over sanctions is silly...he is the president of the United States not some encyclopedia salesman....
He beat the Hildabeast fair and square and Mueller has been looking for collusion with Russia over a year with nothing to show....but here you come along with this? Buuuuuuaaaaahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! I can't wait until Mueller shuts his witch hunt down....just can hardly wait....
Lol! Trump was so against the sanctions that his number one agenda was to have them lifted. He even recruited his butt boys to go behind the back of the sitting president before his inauguration to talk about secret back channels of communications with the Kremlin. And even Flynn and Trump himself were coaching Russia by hinting to them to not take actions against Obama's recent counter punch against their involvement in disrupting our election.

You can't wait for them to shut this investigation down because the truth about what Trump did before the election and after is now being exposed. And none of it is good, or legal.
It so happens that Russia's enemy is closely related to our enemy and in most cases they are the same...working with them is not a bad idea...why is that so difficult to understand?
Not so hard actually. Especially when Trump himself reveals so many of the underlying crimes.

Now that Trump disclosed the payments, before he hadn't, which is a crime, and before he said he knew nothing about them, but instead lied about not knowing anything about the payments, which is a crime, shouldn't be too hard to compile quite a few charges, that directly link him and his Quid Pro Quo schemes?

And by the way, Trump has no "global responsibilities". All Trump has is a long rap sheet of global mafia partners who either owe him for favors or he owes them for dirty money transactions and conspiracy favors to get him elected and the lifting of sanctions to continue on with this oil deal that my OP presented.
He spoke against the sanctions before the election...he has been against the sanctions a long charge some kind of payoff for his opinion over sanctions is silly...he is the president of the United States not some encyclopedia salesman....
He beat the Hildabeast fair and square and Mueller has been looking for collusion with Russia over a year with nothing to show....but here you come along with this? Buuuuuuaaaaahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! I can't wait until Mueller shuts his witch hunt down....just can hardly wait....
Lol! Trump was so against the sanctions that his number one agenda was to have them lifted. He even recruited his butt boys to go behind the back of the sitting president before his inauguration to talk about secret back channels of communications with the Kremlin. And even Flynn and Trump himself were coaching Russia by hinting to them to not take actions against Obama's recent counter punch against their involvement in disrupting our election.

You can't wait for them to shut this investigation down because the truth about what Trump did before the election and after is now being exposed. And none of it is good, or legal.

So you think talking Russia out of retaliating against the US is a crime?
Well if Trump says there's no collusion, then I guess I have to take his word for it.
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Not so hard actually. Especially when Trump himself reveals so many of the underlying crimes.

Now that Trump disclosed the payments, before he hadn't, which is a crime, and before he said he knew nothing about them, but instead lied about not knowing anything about the payments, which is a crime, shouldn't be too hard to compile quite a few charges, that directly link him and his Quid Pro Quo schemes?

And by the way, Trump has no "global responsibilities". All Trump has is a long rap sheet of global mafia partners who either owe him for favors or he owes them for dirty money transactions and conspiracy favors to get him elected and the lifting of sanctions to continue on with this oil deal that my OP presented.
He spoke against the sanctions before the election...he has been against the sanctions a long charge some kind of payoff for his opinion over sanctions is silly...he is the president of the United States not some encyclopedia salesman....
He beat the Hildabeast fair and square and Mueller has been looking for collusion with Russia over a year with nothing to show....but here you come along with this? Buuuuuuaaaaahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! I can't wait until Mueller shuts his witch hunt down....just can hardly wait....
Lol! Trump was so against the sanctions that his number one agenda was to have them lifted. He even recruited his butt boys to go behind the back of the sitting president before his inauguration to talk about secret back channels of communications with the Kremlin. And even Flynn and Trump himself were coaching Russia by hinting to them to not take actions against Obama's recent counter punch against their involvement in disrupting our election.

You can't wait for them to shut this investigation down because the truth about what Trump did before the election and after is now being exposed. And none of it is good, or legal.

So you think talking Russia out of retaliating against the US is a crime?
Boss, you are not capable of having an intelligent debate.

By the way, you are asking about something for which I never made a claim to.

Come back when you can produce something worthy of debate, instead of asking me about make believe scenarios.
Not so hard actually. Especially when Trump himself reveals so many of the underlying crimes.

Now that Trump disclosed the payments, before he hadn't, which is a crime, and before he said he knew nothing about them, but instead lied about not knowing anything about the payments, which is a crime, shouldn't be too hard to compile quite a few charges, that directly link him and his Quid Pro Quo schemes?

And by the way, Trump has no "global responsibilities". All Trump has is a long rap sheet of global mafia partners who either owe him for favors or he owes them for dirty money transactions and conspiracy favors to get him elected and the lifting of sanctions to continue on with this oil deal that my OP presented.
He spoke against the sanctions before the election...he has been against the sanctions a long charge some kind of payoff for his opinion over sanctions is silly...he is the president of the United States not some encyclopedia salesman....
He beat the Hildabeast fair and square and Mueller has been looking for collusion with Russia over a year with nothing to show....but here you come along with this? Buuuuuuaaaaahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! I can't wait until Mueller shuts his witch hunt down....just can hardly wait....
Lol! Trump was so against the sanctions that his number one agenda was to have them lifted. He even recruited his butt boys to go behind the back of the sitting president before his inauguration to talk about secret back channels of communications with the Kremlin. And even Flynn and Trump himself were coaching Russia by hinting to them to not take actions against Obama's recent counter punch against their involvement in disrupting our election.

You can't wait for them to shut this investigation down because the truth about what Trump did before the election and after is now being exposed. And none of it is good, or legal.

So you think talking Russia out of retaliating against the US is a crime?
Boss, you are not capable of having an intelligent debate.

By the way, you are asking about something for which I never made a claim to.

Come back when you can produce something worthy of debate, instead of asking me about make believe scenarios.

"And even Flynn and Trump himself were coaching Russia by hinting to them to not take actions against Obama's recent counter punch against their involvement in disrupting our election."
Not so hard actually. Especially when Trump himself reveals so many of the underlying crimes.

Now that Trump disclosed the payments, before he hadn't, which is a crime, and before he said he knew nothing about them, but instead lied about not knowing anything about the payments, which is a crime, shouldn't be too hard to compile quite a few charges, that directly link him and his Quid Pro Quo schemes?

And by the way, Trump has no "global responsibilities". All Trump has is a long rap sheet of global mafia partners who either owe him for favors or he owes them for dirty money transactions and conspiracy favors to get him elected and the lifting of sanctions to continue on with this oil deal that my OP presented.
He spoke against the sanctions before the election...he has been against the sanctions a long charge some kind of payoff for his opinion over sanctions is silly...he is the president of the United States not some encyclopedia salesman....
He beat the Hildabeast fair and square and Mueller has been looking for collusion with Russia over a year with nothing to show....but here you come along with this? Buuuuuuaaaaahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! I can't wait until Mueller shuts his witch hunt down....just can hardly wait....
Lol! Trump was so against the sanctions that his number one agenda was to have them lifted. He even recruited his butt boys to go behind the back of the sitting president before his inauguration to talk about secret back channels of communications with the Kremlin. And even Flynn and Trump himself were coaching Russia by hinting to them to not take actions against Obama's recent counter punch against their involvement in disrupting our election.

You can't wait for them to shut this investigation down because the truth about what Trump did before the election and after is now being exposed. And none of it is good, or legal.
It so happens that Russia's enemy is closely related to our enemy and in most cases they are the same...working with them is not a bad idea...why is that so difficult to understand?
Russia is our enemy. We were attacked by them. Our entire intelligence community has confirmed that with evidence. They compromised our election with multiple prongs of influence and deception. The double whammy happens to be the fact that Trump and his goons helped them. Putin would have us believe we voted for him. And he is right. Trump supports this murdering dictator who is our enemy, who is trying to control us. And so far, with Trump and his authoritarian/Dictator behavior, Putin is winning that game. And Trump's Sheep fall right in with Trump and Putin.

You do remember that we still have a Constitutional form of government in place with laws that reflect that Constitution right? You people on the Right need to wake up and get your asses off that field of poisonous Sheep grass you keep eating.
"And even Flynn and Trump himself were coaching Russia by hinting to them to not take actions against Obama's recent counter punch against their involvement in disrupting our election."
I don't think that's a crime...
"And even Flynn and Trump himself were coaching Russia by hinting to them to not take actions against Obama's recent counter punch against their involvement in disrupting our election."
So what? I don't think that's a I know its not a crime....
They were conducting foreign policy behind the back of a sitting president, against that sitting president and his policies, when they had not gotten into office yet. That constitutes treason.

They had absolutely zero authority to do what they did.
They were conducting foreign policy behind the back of a sitting president, against that sitting president and his policies, when they had not gotten into office yet. That constitutes treason.
The president elect has every right to do just that in fact its expected....look up how Obama acted after he was elected while Bush was still finishing his term...
This is the weakest accusation yet....
They were conducting foreign policy behind the back of a sitting president, against that sitting president and his policies, when they had not gotten into office yet. That constitutes treason.

They had absolutely zero authority to do what they did.
They had full authority to do what they did...its not treason...if you want to know what treason is how about planting a spy in the campaign of another party during an election or planting evidence to harm, a sitting president...
Why shouldn’t we take the word of our President?
Because he did not send or receive classified emails, nor did he pay for a fake Russian dossier on his opponent, nor did his classified emails get found on a pedophile Democratic congressperson pervert's laptop?
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Why shouldn’t we take the word of our President?
Because he did not send or receive classified emails, nor did he pay for a fake Russian dossier on his opponent, nor did his classified emails get found on a pedophile Democratic congressperson pervert's laptop?
What is the evidence it is fake, when the parts that have been investigated have checked out? You weren't lying about that were you?
Why shouldn’t we take the word of our President?
Because he did not send or receive classified emails, nor did he pay for a fake Russian dossier on his opponent, nor did his classified emails get found on a pedophile Democratic congressperson pervert's laptop?
What is the evidence it is fake, when the parts that have been investigated have checked out? You weren't lying about that were you?
All of which I listed is true about what Hillary and the Dems did. And that's the short list. Unless you're a delusional Libtard.

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