Trump says Pelosi is responsible for January 6 debacle, J6 committee wouldn't question her

Go after him... don't care.... so long as Teflon Don goes down over this in the criminal law courts.
Anything to get Trump? Right, Kondor? No matter who else you need to sacrifice to make it happen? Sad...really...just SAD!
Indeed. He is an existential threat to American representative democracy. Other personalities are superfluous in this context.
No disrespect, Kondor? That's freaking nuts! Donald Trump is an existential threat to American democracy? You'd be willing to sacrifice any person or any Constitutional right if it meant he would go to jail? You'd be willing to put us through another four years of Joe Mr. Potato Head Biden and his band of idiots? Quite frankly...I don't see it. We were far better off under Trump than we are under this current Administration. It's not even close. The world was safer under Trump than Joe Biden. Weakness like Biden's encourages bad people to act out.
No disrespect, Kondor? That's freaking nuts! Donald Trump is an existential threat to American democracy?
Indeed. I stand by that observation.
You'd be willing to sacrifice any person or any Constitutional right if it meant he would go to jail
Incorrect. I would be willing to let The Right gobble anyone in-trade for Rump. I would not be willing to set aside the Constitution, however, as the Orange Baboon-God did on January 6, 2021. Nothing about the present indictments comes anywhere NEAR that.
? You'd be willing to put us through another four years of Joe Mr. Potato Head Biden and his band of idiots?
Nope. Only if you run Rump again. Serve-up a better candidate and I will vote alongside you. If the Dems get another four years it will be your (collective) fault for stupidly running that orange-tinted comb-over traitorous dog against all common sense.

The ms media don't seem to report this kind of information. What a shock?! Whoda thunk they could be such political hacks? It's just unbelievable! We always thought they were objective reporters

ha ha

Don't be serious about US politics! lol. 😄😄😄

In the land of stars and stripes so bold,
Where politics unfold, oh behold!
A circus of characters, both young and old,
In American politics, stories are told.

First there's Donny, with his golden locks,
Building walls and tweeting 'round the clock.
He sure can stir up a mighty shock,
In every single voting block.

Then there's Nancy, with her fancy flair,
With her botox smiles and perfectly coifed hair.
She knows how to play the political game,
But sometimes it's hard to remember her name.

Next we have Mitch, the turtle in disguise,
Slow and steady, he's got wit and wise.
But when it comes to passing laws,
He can move as fast as a snail with flaws.

And don't forget Bernie, with his wild white hair,
Fighting for social justice, he's always there.
He's got big ideas and plans galore,
But convincing others is quite the chore.

Lastly, we have Joe, with his aviator shades,
Trying to bring back the good ol' days.
But sometimes he stumbles on his words,
Leaving us all wondering where he heard.

In this political circus, it's quite a sight,
Full of drama, laughter, and endless fights.
But one thing's for sure, it's never a bore,
In American politics, comedy galore!
Here's an item that was published tonight in the Beltway Report. Pelosi was definitely the person responsible for planning and staging the Jan 6 fiasco. I hope the bitch is called to testify.

BUSTED! Pelosi Staged The WHOLE THING!! She Even Brought The Camera Crews!​

If you ever wondered what it must have been like to live in the USSR under Lenin or Stalin … you are getting a good idea surviving the Biden regime.

Sure, the Biden regime is yet to kill tens of millions of people, so the comparison is not quite fair, not just yet … but I have a sad feeling that if/when they thought/think they could get away with genocide, they would jump at the chance to exterminate their political adversaries.

Just look at the lengths they are going through to create the news cycle …

The Gateway Pundit’s hero of a founder, Jim Hoft, reports yet ANOTHER bombshell:

It was all a setup.


Indeed. I stand by that observation.

Incorrect. I would be willing to let The Right gobble anyone in-trade for Rump. I would not be willing to set aside the Constitution, however, as the Orange Baboon-God did on January 6, 2021. Nothing about the present indictments comes anywhere NEAR that.

Nope. Only if you run Rump again. Serve-up a better candidate and I will vote alongside you. If the Dems get another four years it will be your (collective) fault for stupidly running that orange-tinted comb-over traitorous dog against all common sense.
You make these over blown claims about Trump setting aside the Constitution and back them up with nothing, Kondor. Trump questioned the election. Something that many other politicians have done in the past. His challenges to what took place were decided in the courts just like the challenges of Al Gore were decided in court. The system worked just as it's worked before. That one day riot that didn't even close down Congress for two days has your panties in a bunch...I get it...but bottom line? That was less of a danger to our country than a year of BLM and Antifa riots that caused billions in damages across the country. It's far less dangerous that a sitting President's Party using partisan DA's to hamstring the opposition's leading candidate with dozens of sketchy indictments. THAT is a real danger to our democracy but you're so blinded by your hate of Trump that you can't see it!
You make these over blown claims about Trump setting aside the Constitution and back them up with nothing, Kondor.
The events of January 6, 2021 and his abandonment of a Peaceful Transfer of Power, are evidence enough.
Trump questioned the election.
Word-play. Rump spawned and nourishes his Big Lie, to the detriment of the Republic and national unity.
Something that many other politicians have done in the past.
Did Al gore eventually concede and attend Dubya's 1st Inauguration? Yes.

Did John Kerry eventually concede and attend attend Dubya's 2nd inauguration? Yes.

Did John McCain eventually concede and attend attend Obama's 1st inauguration? Yes.

Did Mitt Romney eventually concede and attend attend Obama's 2nd inauguration? Yes.

Did Hillary Clinton eventually concede and attend attend Trump's Inauguration? Yes.

Did Trump eventually concede and attend attend Biden's Inauguration? No.

Why? Because he is a whiny man-baby Loser... an overgrown child who cannot face Reality when he loses. Unfit for office.

...His challenges to what took place were decided in the courts just like the challenges of Al Gore were decided in court. The system worked just as it's worked before.
Yes. The system worked. As it should.
That one day riot that didn't even close down Congress for two days has your panties in a bunch...I get it...
The objection does not arise from the practical impact of Congressional operations that day.

The objection stems from the arrogant selfish traitorous intent behind the summoning, inciting and aiming of that mob.

but bottom line? That was less of a danger to our country than a year of BLM and Antifa riots that caused billions in damages across the country.
As far as I'm concerned the Trump Administration should have moved-in with Regular Troops and thrashed them.

But that is irrelevant to whether or not an assault was facilitated against the Congress of the United States by the President.

It's far less dangerous that a sitting President's Party using partisan DA's to hamstring the opposition's leading candidate with dozens of sketchy indictments. THAT is a real danger to our democracy but you're so blinded by your hate of Trump that you can't see it!
Two Wrongs do not make a Right.

Want to go after BLM and Antifa and Leftist DAs and corrupt Leftist officials and their minions? Go for it, by all means.

But that is NOT going to take the focus off of a President who summoned, incited and aimed and Insurrectionist Mob against the Congress of the United States whilst performing its Constitutional duty, in an attempt to forestall the formal certification of the outcome of the Electoral College in an election that the President very clearly and convincingly lost.

"The other guy does bad stuff too" is not an adequate defense, and you know it as well as I do.

For the long-term good and health of the Republic... a severe and lasting example must now be made of Teflon Don as a warning down the generations... clearly demonstrating what happens to would-be autocrats and tyrants who try to abandon the Peaceful Transfer of Power in order to continue to hold onto power and to remain in office beyond their time.

The making of that Severe Example is now underway, and it couldn't happen to a nicer modern-day Benedict Arnold.

A President is not a King.

It's going to be quite a show, so... bring your popcorn... sit back... and enjoy the ride.
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She actually WAS one of the people in charge, Berg...despite your fervent belief that she wasn't! The House Sgt. at Arms told the Capitol Police Chief that he couldn't sign off on sending National Guard troops until Nancy Pelosi told him it was OK. Who does that sound like is in charge? Duh?
The sergeant at arms has no ability to "sign off" on whether the DC NG is deployed.
The sergeant at arms has no ability to "sign off" on whether the DC NG is deployed.
It's quite obvious that if the Chief of the Capitol Police is calling frantically for the National Guard to be deployed and he is told repeatedly by the House Sgt. at Arms that he needs to get Nancy Pelosi's OK...that it's Pelosi that's making the call on that, Zinc! Why do you think Pelosi declared herself off limits to the Jan. 6th Committee? She doesn't want to answer questions about that under oath.
It's quite obvious that if the Chief of the Capitol Police is calling frantically for the National Guard to be deployed and he is told repeatedly by the House Sgt. at Arms that he needs to get Nancy Pelosi's OK...that it's Pelosi that's making the call on that, Zinc! Why do you think Pelosi declared herself off limits to the Jan. 6th Committee? She doesn't want to answer questions about that under oath.
Trump could have told the Sec Def at any time to send in the NG. He did not.
Trump could have told the Sec Def at any time to send in the NG. He did not.
Trump had already done his part. The offer of the National Guard was made days before the protest. That offer was rejected by the Mayor of DC and those in charge of security at the Capitol. The former Capitol Police Chief is livid that he was never told by the FBI that they were getting intelligence that groups were planning violence. He wants to know why that happened. Do you?
No, that was all P01135809. Under Mr. Biden the National Debt is down, inflation is on the way down. Don't blame Mr. Biden what P01135809 did.
The national debt is down?

Gotta link, Dumbass?
Trump had already done his part. The offer of the National Guard was made days before the protest. That offer was rejected by the Mayor of DC and those in charge of security at the Capitol. The former Capitol Police Chief is livid that he was never told by the FBI that they were getting intelligence that groups were planning violence. He wants to know why that happened. Do you?

No it was not. The Secretary of the Army was ordered by P01135809 NOT to activate the D.C. National Guard. The Governor of Maryland offered to send the Maryland Guard and that offered was refused.

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