Revisionist history focusing on 1/6 is getting louder.

Posters above cite permits for a 'demonstration' at the Capitol supposedly authorized by head of Capitol Police.

But the issue is the "march" from the Ellipse to the Capitol down a very busy vehicle thoroughfare.



Look, you need to step and be a man, instead of hiding behind your avatar. Quit being anonymous, you need to private message us, or post your name and phone number.

Why are you being a hypocrite. Who are.

The New York times is about as low and corrupt of a source you could use.

The issue is the march?

The march was handled by the Metropolitan Police, who prior to Jan. 6th anticipated the march. How did they anticipate the march? It was discussed in meetings prior.

The Metropolitan Police thus requested assistance from the National Guard and got it.

National Guard, offered and given to the Metro Police, but refused by Nancy Pelosi.
Look, you need to step and be a man, instead of hiding behind your avatar. Quit being anonymous, you need to private message us, or post your name and phone number.

Why are you being a hypocrite. Who are.

The New York times is about as low and corrupt of a source you could use.

The issue is the march?

The march was handled by the Metropolitan Police, who prior to Jan. 6th anticipated the march. How did they anticipate the march? It was discussed in meetings prior.

The Metropolitan Police thus requested assistance from the National Guard and got it.

National Guard, offered and given to the Metro Police, but refused by Nancy Pelosi.
The marched bolstered the OathKeepers/Proudboys initial attack on the Capitol as intended

The cops would likely have been able to deal with that but not the thousands that arrived from the March
The marched bolstered the OathKeepers/Proudboys initial attack on the Capitol as intended

The cops would likely have been able to deal with that but not the thousands that arrived from the March
The Metropolitan Police dealt with the thousands perfectly. But that was because the Metropolitan Police requested and received the National Guard to assist.

Why did Nancy Pelosi refuse the National Guard until it was too late and the protest was largely over?
Why did Nancy Pelosi refuse the National Guard until it was too late and the protest was largely over?
She never refused the National Guard. You continue to claim this despite all evidence that it never happened.
The Metropolitan Police dealt with the thousands perfectly. But that was because the Metropolitan Police requested and received the National Guard to assist.

Why did Nancy Pelosi refuse the National Guard until it was too late and the protest was largely over?
The metro police got two hundred unarmed NG to act as traffic control.

The March itself was non-violent so there wasn’t much to handle.

It wasn’t until they got to the Capitol and joined on with the OathKeepers/Proudboys that they got violent
The metro police got two hundred unarmed NG to act as traffic control.
The March itself was non-violent so there wasn’t much to handle.
It wasn’t until they got to the Capitol and joined on with the OathKeepers/Proudboys that they got violent
well, techically the Metro police received 340 national guard, which freed up 340 metro police to protect the public and keep the crowd under control.

Yes, it was not until the Capitol Police fired stun grenades and chemical weapons into the crowd did it turn nasty, with the FBI infiltrators instigating the riot.
well, techically the Metro police received 340 national guard, which freed up 340 metro police to protect the public and keep the crowd under control.

Yes, it was not until the Capitol Police fired stun grenades and chemical weapons into the crowd did it turn nasty, with the FBI infiltrators instigating the riot.
Still lying troll?

The cops started it? Really
Yes, it was not until the Capitol Police fired stun grenades and chemical weapons into the crowd did it turn nasty, with the FBI infiltrators instigating the riot.
The crowd was nasty before the pepper balls and flash bangs.

There were no FBI agents instigating anything.
The crowd was nasty before the pepper balls and flash bangs.

There were no FBI agents instigating anything.
Nasty, sure. A shame that Nancy Pelosi did not allow the National Guard until too late
Nasty, sure. A shame that Nancy Pelosi did not allow the National Guard until too late
Nasty, for sure. Like Trump supporters fighting with and seriously injuring police before any flash bangs.

Shame Trump supporters couldn’t act like civilized people and instead behaved like wild animals.
Nasty, for sure. Like Trump supporters fighting with and seriously injuring police before any flash bangs.

Shame Trump supporters couldn’t act like civilized people and instead behaved like wild animals.
It is a shame, that democrats are actually much worst, provoking the worst out of people

We see the tyranny of the democrats, some, a few, a small minority of Trump supporters certainly are guilty. But it is far from what you describe. We admit that a minority of people are bad, but you can not admit the democrats hand in all of this.

So, at the least I am honest and you are on the dark side of tyranny, advocating for the government to control everything in our lives.

MAGA is freedom, democrats are tyrants dictating our lives, destroying our lives.
It is a shame, that democrats are actually much worst, provoking the worst out of people

We see the tyranny of the democrats, some, a few, a small minority of Trump supporters certainly are guilty. But it is far from what you describe. We admit that a minority of people are bad, but you can not admit the democrats hand in all of this.

So, at the least I am honest and you are on the dark side of tyranny, advocating for the government to control everything in our lives.

MAGA is freedom, democrats are tyrants dictating our lives, destroying our lives.
Trump did more to provoke them than anyone else. He called them to DC, instilled them with the greatest fear and anger he could and sent them walking towards the Capitol.

He even knew they’d be violent.

Freedom means having the power to vote people out of office, which Trump tried to take away from us. Although I agree that a minority are bad people, the problem is that the good people do nothing about them.
Trump did more to provoke them than anyone else. He called them to DC, instilled them with the greatest fear and anger he could and sent them walking towards the Capitol.

He even knew they’d be violent.

Freedom means having the power to vote people out of office, which Trump tried to take away from us. Although I agree that a minority are bad people, the problem is that the good people do nothing about them.
He even knew they were armed… with guns

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