Trump sex scandal

Lolita Island?

Yes, Billy boy made many trips on that plane to a sex slave island that was full of underage girls. Of course, the left quickly forgave Kennedy for driving into the lake and killing the young intern and then heading back to party some more. So, when Dems force themselves on little girls or even kill women through negligence, they shrug and say 'boys will be boys.'

And the claims against Trump turned out to be false, not that it matters to the militant left who refuse to accept the November loss.

We had media, Soros-backed investigators and others digging into Trump's past and going through everything with a fine-toothed comb. And we are supposed to believe that either they sat on this info before the election or just magically discovered it after the election. It's a good bet that all the crap they started throwing around after Hillary lost was total bullshit. It was done out of desperation over losing everything and an effort to delegitimize Trump's presidency. To say they are sore losers doesn't begin to cover it. They have an agenda and will say and do anything to keep it moving. It's like a war on capitalism and they will not surrender.

Nothing they've done has worked and yet they foolishly keep at it without caring or realizing that these tactics were a big part of why they lost. One pathetic move after another have not gained them any ground. The recounts only helped Trump and exposed cheating for Hillary. The bullying of electoral voters backfired. The protests of Dems in congress was against the rules and common sense. Now we have rabid libs, like O'Donnell, calling for martial law to stop Trump from being inaugurated. A bunch a radical groups plan on showing complete disrespect for our system by trying to disrupt the events on Jan. 20. They are giving us more of what we couldn't stand before November

And when they fail yet again, they'll increase the stupidity.
I just don't get it. Why is the party of sexual diversity so outraged over the Trump sex scandal?

I would think him getting golden showers would be celebrated by the left, assuming it ever happened at all.

Are all of you golden shower bigots? Why pretend to care about sexually moral behavior now?

Then again, Dims don't want Polygamists to marry cuz it's yucky, so maybe they are not as liberal as the claim to be. Maybe they are all a bunch of self righteous hypocrites.


You mistake snickering eye-rolls for outrage.
I just don't get it. Why is the party of sexual diversity so outraged over the Trump sex scandal?

I would think him getting golden showers would be celebrated by the left, assuming it ever happened at all.

They know that conservatives do not like such things, and they hope that Trump will lose his supporters if they believe the BS the lying media is spreading.

But it always backfires, it seems that the libtards are really retarded, because they do not learn from their own mistakes.
The problem for republicans is that they are stuck with a political double standard courtesy of the criminal enterprise known as the "mainstream media".. It must be easy to run as a democrat when the party has no standards for behavior or family values.
I just don't get it. Why is the party of sexual diversity so outraged over the Trump sex scandal?

I would think him getting golden showers would be celebrated by the left, assuming it ever happened at all.

Are all of you golden shower bigots? Why pretend to care about sexually moral behavior now?

Then again, Dims don't want Polygamists to marry cuz it's yucky, so maybe they are not as liberal as the claim to be. Maybe they are all a bunch of self righteous hypocrites.
Stage 3!!!


STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)

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