Trump sheds bitter tears that Cruz beat him in Iowa

What the Cruz campaign did was underhanded. That being said, this is hardly beyond the pale in presidential politics. Trump's mangina is getting pretty itchy.
I guess Trump didn't get the memo that CNN put out a story that Carson was leaving Iowa and going back to FL. Of course CNN didn't say he was just going to refresh the wardrobe in his suit case before he went to NH. It took a while for CNN to correct their story, by then, Steve King had already put it out to the precinct captains. Of course Trump was never one to double check the facts before flapping his gums or retweeting bogus crap. Then he has the audacity to accuse others of being dishonest.

It was just a tweet that one person from CNN put out. Moody changed it as soon as heard from the Carson camp. Not Cruz's campaign though. They kept running with it.

You see it's not just that they ran with the tweet. After Dr. Carson informed them he was alive and kicking and staying in the race Cruz's campaign did not call this off.

That's where the dirty trick is. They were informed. They took no corrective action whatsoever. None, zip, nada.

Hell's bells Candy Carson walked into a precinct where this shit was going down and she had to give a speech to say it was a lie that the Doctor had quit.

I can fault Trump for a lot of things but not this one. Trump's not just flapping his gums here. It's a big freaking deal what went down.

"Carson's Iowa State Director Ryan Rhodes as saying: 'It was happening all over. One of the precincts Candy (Carson, the candidate’s wife) walked into, she had to correct the record. She actually walked in, in Ankeny, and gave a speech about no, he’s still in the race and that’s a lie."

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Why is it there is no time line associated with this story? My point was, Ted himself had nothing to do with this and his camp didn't originate the rumor. Also your link only mentions two sites where the rumor actually reached the voters which would have had no effect on the outcome.

Steve King sent out emails to all the Cruz caucus speakers that Dr. Carson was not in the race and that everyone should vote for Cruz.

Even that could be understandable, but when Dr. Carson and his campaign issued a direct correction to the CNN story to Cruz's people,Cruz's campaign didn't correct their story.

That's the dirty. And I'm disappointed as all get out. There's no wiggle room here.

From King:

The Cruz campaign's message that Carson supporters should jump aboard the Ted express got significant oxygen from Iowa Rep. Steve King, a tea party right-winger who endorsed the Texas senator last month.

'Skipping NH & SC is the equivalent of suspending,' King tweeted more than two hours before caucusing started. 'Too bad this information won't get to all caucus goers.

'Carson looks like he is out,' he wrote in a second tweet. 'Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook



But here's the kicker...

But the Cruz camp never called off the dogs.

'Last night, shameless tactics and dirty political plays defined the Iowa caucuses,' Carson said Tuesday afternoon in an email to supporters. 'There is no place for this kind of unethical behavior in our American political culture, and it only intensifies my desire to work extremely hard to break down the ugliness in this system.'

Carson spokeswoman Deana Bass told that 'the fact that the Cruz campaign received Dr. Carson's statement and chose not correct their false statements says it all.'

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

I might buy that if more than 2 precincts complained, so far that's all I've seen reported. Rubio, Cruz and Carson did better than their polls, Trump is the one who under performed. Now he's bitching like a little girl.

Are you saying Carson and his people are full of shit?

"Members of Carson’s team furnished evidence Monday of various precinct captains alleging misconduct by the Cruz campaign.

Ryan Rhodes, Carson’s Iowa state director, showed reporters a text on his phone from Barbara Heki, a Mike Huckabee supporter.

“The Cruz speakers at our caucus announced Carson was suspending his campaign for a while after caucus. They did this before the vote. Same thing happened at another caucus. Sounds like slimy Cruzing to me,” the text read.

Jason Osborne, Carson’s deputy senior strategist, read aloud another missive, this one an email from their precinct chair in Muscatine: “The guy speaking for Ted Cruz right before the vote, he was supposed to be done, he announced that there was a story on CNN that Ben Carson was taking a break after Iowa, and then stated, ‘So you might want to rethink wasting your vote on him."

Ted Cruz Apologizes After Ben Carson Accuses Campaign of Dirty Tricks

How does cting the CNN story saying that equal sleezy tactics? Is there a single person who went from Carson to Cruz? If they saw sleezy tactics why would they gonto Cruz and not others?
It was just a tweet that one person from CNN put out. Moody changed it as soon as heard from the Carson camp. Not Cruz's campaign though. They kept running with it.

You see it's not just that they ran with the tweet. After Dr. Carson informed them he was alive and kicking and staying in the race Cruz's campaign did not call this off.

That's where the dirty trick is. They were informed. They took no corrective action whatsoever. None, zip, nada.

Hell's bells Candy Carson walked into a precinct where this shit was going down and she had to give a speech to say it was a lie that the Doctor had quit.

I can fault Trump for a lot of things but not this one. Trump's not just flapping his gums here. It's a big freaking deal what went down.

"Carson's Iowa State Director Ryan Rhodes as saying: 'It was happening all over. One of the precincts Candy (Carson, the candidate’s wife) walked into, she had to correct the record. She actually walked in, in Ankeny, and gave a speech about no, he’s still in the race and that’s a lie."

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Why is it there is no time line associated with this story? My point was, Ted himself had nothing to do with this and his camp didn't originate the rumor. Also your link only mentions two sites where the rumor actually reached the voters which would have had no effect on the outcome.

Steve King sent out emails to all the Cruz caucus speakers that Dr. Carson was not in the race and that everyone should vote for Cruz.

Even that could be understandable, but when Dr. Carson and his campaign issued a direct correction to the CNN story to Cruz's people,Cruz's campaign didn't correct their story.

That's the dirty. And I'm disappointed as all get out. There's no wiggle room here.

From King:

The Cruz campaign's message that Carson supporters should jump aboard the Ted express got significant oxygen from Iowa Rep. Steve King, a tea party right-winger who endorsed the Texas senator last month.

'Skipping NH & SC is the equivalent of suspending,' King tweeted more than two hours before caucusing started. 'Too bad this information won't get to all caucus goers.

'Carson looks like he is out,' he wrote in a second tweet. 'Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook



But here's the kicker...

But the Cruz camp never called off the dogs.

'Last night, shameless tactics and dirty political plays defined the Iowa caucuses,' Carson said Tuesday afternoon in an email to supporters. 'There is no place for this kind of unethical behavior in our American political culture, and it only intensifies my desire to work extremely hard to break down the ugliness in this system.'

Carson spokeswoman Deana Bass told that 'the fact that the Cruz campaign received Dr. Carson's statement and chose not correct their false statements says it all.'

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

I might buy that if more than 2 precincts complained, so far that's all I've seen reported. Rubio, Cruz and Carson did better than their polls, Trump is the one who under performed. Now he's bitching like a little girl.

Are you saying Carson and his people are full of shit?

"Members of Carson’s team furnished evidence Monday of various precinct captains alleging misconduct by the Cruz campaign.

Ryan Rhodes, Carson’s Iowa state director, showed reporters a text on his phone from Barbara Heki, a Mike Huckabee supporter.

“The Cruz speakers at our caucus announced Carson was suspending his campaign for a while after caucus. They did this before the vote. Same thing happened at another caucus. Sounds like slimy Cruzing to me,” the text read.

Jason Osborne, Carson’s deputy senior strategist, read aloud another missive, this one an email from their precinct chair in Muscatine: “The guy speaking for Ted Cruz right before the vote, he was supposed to be done, he announced that there was a story on CNN that Ben Carson was taking a break after Iowa, and then stated, ‘So you might want to rethink wasting your vote on him."

Ted Cruz Apologizes After Ben Carson Accuses Campaign of Dirty Tricks

How does cting the CNN story saying that equal sleezy tactics? Is there a single person who went from Carson to Cruz? If they saw sleezy tactics why would they gonto Cruz and not others?

At the time of the caucus they wouldn't have known and since Cruz and Carson voters tend to vote with their religion there is a good chance Carson supporters would switch to Cruz.

That being said, it's politics as usual and Trump and his supporters need to man up and get over it.
I guess Trump didn't get the memo that CNN put out a story that Carson was leaving Iowa and going back to FL. Of course CNN didn't say he was just going to refresh the wardrobe in his suit case before he went to NH. It took a while for CNN to correct their story, by then, Steve King had already put it out to the precinct captains. Of course Trump was never one to double check the facts before flapping his gums or retweeting bogus crap. Then he has the audacity to accuse others of being dishonest.

It was just a tweet that one person from CNN put out. Moody changed it as soon as heard from the Carson camp. Not Cruz's campaign though. They kept running with it.

You see it's not just that they ran with the tweet. After Dr. Carson informed them he was alive and kicking and staying in the race Cruz's campaign did not call this off.

That's where the dirty trick is. They were informed. They took no corrective action whatsoever. None, zip, nada.

Hell's bells Candy Carson walked into a precinct where this shit was going down and she had to give a speech to say it was a lie that the Doctor had quit.

I can fault Trump for a lot of things but not this one. Trump's not just flapping his gums here. It's a big freaking deal what went down.

"Carson's Iowa State Director Ryan Rhodes as saying: 'It was happening all over. One of the precincts Candy (Carson, the candidate’s wife) walked into, she had to correct the record. She actually walked in, in Ankeny, and gave a speech about no, he’s still in the race and that’s a lie."

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Why is it there is no time line associated with this story? My point was, Ted himself had nothing to do with this and his camp didn't originate the rumor. Also your link only mentions two sites where the rumor actually reached the voters which would have had no effect on the outcome.

Steve King sent out emails to all the Cruz caucus speakers that Dr. Carson was not in the race and that everyone should vote for Cruz.

Even that could be understandable, but when Dr. Carson and his campaign issued a direct correction to the CNN story to Cruz's people,Cruz's campaign didn't correct their story.

That's the dirty. And I'm disappointed as all get out. There's no wiggle room here.

From King:

The Cruz campaign's message that Carson supporters should jump aboard the Ted express got significant oxygen from Iowa Rep. Steve King, a tea party right-winger who endorsed the Texas senator last month.

'Skipping NH & SC is the equivalent of suspending,' King tweeted more than two hours before caucusing started. 'Too bad this information won't get to all caucus goers.

'Carson looks like he is out,' he wrote in a second tweet. 'Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook



But here's the kicker...

But the Cruz camp never called off the dogs.

'Last night, shameless tactics and dirty political plays defined the Iowa caucuses,' Carson said Tuesday afternoon in an email to supporters. 'There is no place for this kind of unethical behavior in our American political culture, and it only intensifies my desire to work extremely hard to break down the ugliness in this system.'

Carson spokeswoman Deana Bass told that 'the fact that the Cruz campaign received Dr. Carson's statement and chose not correct their false statements says it all.'

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

I might buy that if more than 2 precincts complained, so far that's all I've seen reported. Rubio, Cruz and Carson did better than their polls, Trump is the one who under performed. Now he's bitching like a little girl.

Are you saying Carson and his people are full of shit?

"Members of Carson’s team furnished evidence Monday of various precinct captains alleging misconduct by the Cruz campaign.

Ryan Rhodes, Carson’s Iowa state director, showed reporters a text on his phone from Barbara Heki, a Mike Huckabee supporter.

“The Cruz speakers at our caucus announced Carson was suspending his campaign for a while after caucus. They did this before the vote. Same thing happened at another caucus. Sounds like slimy Cruzing to me,” the text read.

Jason Osborne, Carson’s deputy senior strategist, read aloud another missive, this one an email from their precinct chair in Muscatine: “The guy speaking for Ted Cruz right before the vote, he was supposed to be done, he announced that there was a story on CNN that Ben Carson was taking a break after Iowa, and then stated, ‘So you might want to rethink wasting your vote on him."

Ted Cruz Apologizes After Ben Carson Accuses Campaign of Dirty Tricks
What the Cruz campaign did was underhanded. That being said, this is hardly beyond the pale in presidential politics. Trump's mangina is getting pretty itchy.

Ah but here's the kicker, Cruz has based his campaign on "an evangelical holier that Washington above the political fray you can trust me I'm a good guy" platform.

This blows that all to pieces doesn't it now?
It was just a tweet that one person from CNN put out. Moody changed it as soon as heard from the Carson camp. Not Cruz's campaign though. They kept running with it.

You see it's not just that they ran with the tweet. After Dr. Carson informed them he was alive and kicking and staying in the race Cruz's campaign did not call this off.

That's where the dirty trick is. They were informed. They took no corrective action whatsoever. None, zip, nada.

Hell's bells Candy Carson walked into a precinct where this shit was going down and she had to give a speech to say it was a lie that the Doctor had quit.

I can fault Trump for a lot of things but not this one. Trump's not just flapping his gums here. It's a big freaking deal what went down.

"Carson's Iowa State Director Ryan Rhodes as saying: 'It was happening all over. One of the precincts Candy (Carson, the candidate’s wife) walked into, she had to correct the record. She actually walked in, in Ankeny, and gave a speech about no, he’s still in the race and that’s a lie."

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Why is it there is no time line associated with this story? My point was, Ted himself had nothing to do with this and his camp didn't originate the rumor. Also your link only mentions two sites where the rumor actually reached the voters which would have had no effect on the outcome.

Steve King sent out emails to all the Cruz caucus speakers that Dr. Carson was not in the race and that everyone should vote for Cruz.

Even that could be understandable, but when Dr. Carson and his campaign issued a direct correction to the CNN story to Cruz's people,Cruz's campaign didn't correct their story.

That's the dirty. And I'm disappointed as all get out. There's no wiggle room here.

From King:

The Cruz campaign's message that Carson supporters should jump aboard the Ted express got significant oxygen from Iowa Rep. Steve King, a tea party right-winger who endorsed the Texas senator last month.

'Skipping NH & SC is the equivalent of suspending,' King tweeted more than two hours before caucusing started. 'Too bad this information won't get to all caucus goers.

'Carson looks like he is out,' he wrote in a second tweet. 'Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook



But here's the kicker...

But the Cruz camp never called off the dogs.

'Last night, shameless tactics and dirty political plays defined the Iowa caucuses,' Carson said Tuesday afternoon in an email to supporters. 'There is no place for this kind of unethical behavior in our American political culture, and it only intensifies my desire to work extremely hard to break down the ugliness in this system.'

Carson spokeswoman Deana Bass told that 'the fact that the Cruz campaign received Dr. Carson's statement and chose not correct their false statements says it all.'

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

I might buy that if more than 2 precincts complained, so far that's all I've seen reported. Rubio, Cruz and Carson did better than their polls, Trump is the one who under performed. Now he's bitching like a little girl.

Are you saying Carson and his people are full of shit?

"Members of Carson’s team furnished evidence Monday of various precinct captains alleging misconduct by the Cruz campaign.

Ryan Rhodes, Carson’s Iowa state director, showed reporters a text on his phone from Barbara Heki, a Mike Huckabee supporter.

“The Cruz speakers at our caucus announced Carson was suspending his campaign for a while after caucus. They did this before the vote. Same thing happened at another caucus. Sounds like slimy Cruzing to me,” the text read.

Jason Osborne, Carson’s deputy senior strategist, read aloud another missive, this one an email from their precinct chair in Muscatine: “The guy speaking for Ted Cruz right before the vote, he was supposed to be done, he announced that there was a story on CNN that Ben Carson was taking a break after Iowa, and then stated, ‘So you might want to rethink wasting your vote on him."

Ted Cruz Apologizes After Ben Carson Accuses Campaign of Dirty Tricks
What the Cruz campaign did was underhanded. That being said, this is hardly beyond the pale in presidential politics. Trump's mangina is getting pretty itchy.

Ah but here's the kicker, Cruz has based his campaign on "an evangelical holier that Washington above the political fray you can trust me I'm a good guy" platform.

This blows that all to pieces doesn't it now?

Cruz is a piece of shit just like Trump. But politics is politics.
It was just a tweet that one person from CNN put out. Moody changed it as soon as heard from the Carson camp. Not Cruz's campaign though. They kept running with it.

You see it's not just that they ran with the tweet. After Dr. Carson informed them he was alive and kicking and staying in the race Cruz's campaign did not call this off.

That's where the dirty trick is. They were informed. They took no corrective action whatsoever. None, zip, nada.

Hell's bells Candy Carson walked into a precinct where this shit was going down and she had to give a speech to say it was a lie that the Doctor had quit.

I can fault Trump for a lot of things but not this one. Trump's not just flapping his gums here. It's a big freaking deal what went down.

"Carson's Iowa State Director Ryan Rhodes as saying: 'It was happening all over. One of the precincts Candy (Carson, the candidate’s wife) walked into, she had to correct the record. She actually walked in, in Ankeny, and gave a speech about no, he’s still in the race and that’s a lie."

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Why is it there is no time line associated with this story? My point was, Ted himself had nothing to do with this and his camp didn't originate the rumor. Also your link only mentions two sites where the rumor actually reached the voters which would have had no effect on the outcome.

Steve King sent out emails to all the Cruz caucus speakers that Dr. Carson was not in the race and that everyone should vote for Cruz.

Even that could be understandable, but when Dr. Carson and his campaign issued a direct correction to the CNN story to Cruz's people,Cruz's campaign didn't correct their story.

That's the dirty. And I'm disappointed as all get out. There's no wiggle room here.

From King:

The Cruz campaign's message that Carson supporters should jump aboard the Ted express got significant oxygen from Iowa Rep. Steve King, a tea party right-winger who endorsed the Texas senator last month.

'Skipping NH & SC is the equivalent of suspending,' King tweeted more than two hours before caucusing started. 'Too bad this information won't get to all caucus goers.

'Carson looks like he is out,' he wrote in a second tweet. 'Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook



But here's the kicker...

But the Cruz camp never called off the dogs.

'Last night, shameless tactics and dirty political plays defined the Iowa caucuses,' Carson said Tuesday afternoon in an email to supporters. 'There is no place for this kind of unethical behavior in our American political culture, and it only intensifies my desire to work extremely hard to break down the ugliness in this system.'

Carson spokeswoman Deana Bass told that 'the fact that the Cruz campaign received Dr. Carson's statement and chose not correct their false statements says it all.'

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

I might buy that if more than 2 precincts complained, so far that's all I've seen reported. Rubio, Cruz and Carson did better than their polls, Trump is the one who under performed. Now he's bitching like a little girl.

Are you saying Carson and his people are full of shit?

"Members of Carson’s team furnished evidence Monday of various precinct captains alleging misconduct by the Cruz campaign.

Ryan Rhodes, Carson’s Iowa state director, showed reporters a text on his phone from Barbara Heki, a Mike Huckabee supporter.

“The Cruz speakers at our caucus announced Carson was suspending his campaign for a while after caucus. They did this before the vote. Same thing happened at another caucus. Sounds like slimy Cruzing to me,” the text read.

Jason Osborne, Carson’s deputy senior strategist, read aloud another missive, this one an email from their precinct chair in Muscatine: “The guy speaking for Ted Cruz right before the vote, he was supposed to be done, he announced that there was a story on CNN that Ben Carson was taking a break after Iowa, and then stated, ‘So you might want to rethink wasting your vote on him."

Ted Cruz Apologizes After Ben Carson Accuses Campaign of Dirty Tricks

How does cting the CNN story saying that equal sleezy tactics? Is there a single person who went from Carson to Cruz? If they saw sleezy tactics why would they gonto Cruz and not others?

The Carson campaign immediately got hold of the Cruz campaign and told them Dr. Carson was still in the race. They were told and they never took back the false statements. Cruz calls it just a mistake. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifht.

They wouldn't call their dogs off. Check what they were doing right before the vote.

"Members of Carson’s team furnished evidence Monday of various precinct captains alleging misconduct by the Cruz campaign.

Ryan Rhodes, Carson’s Iowa state director, showed reporters a text on his phone from Barbara Heki, a Mike Huckabee supporter. “The Cruz speakers at our caucus announced Carson was suspending his campaign for a while after caucus.

They did this before the vote. Same thing happened at another caucus. Sounds like slimy Cruzing to me,” the text read.

Jason Osborne, Carson’s deputy senior strategist, read aloud another missive, this one an email from their precinct chair in Muscatine

: “The guy speaking for Ted Cruz right before the vote, he was supposed to be done, he announced that there was a story on CNN that Ben Carson was taking a break after Iowa, and then stated, ‘So you might want to rethink wasting your vote on him.’

Ted Cruz Apologizes After Ben Carson Accuses Campaign of Dirty Tricks
Why is it there is no time line associated with this story? My point was, Ted himself had nothing to do with this and his camp didn't originate the rumor. Also your link only mentions two sites where the rumor actually reached the voters which would have had no effect on the outcome.

Steve King sent out emails to all the Cruz caucus speakers that Dr. Carson was not in the race and that everyone should vote for Cruz.

Even that could be understandable, but when Dr. Carson and his campaign issued a direct correction to the CNN story to Cruz's people,Cruz's campaign didn't correct their story.

That's the dirty. And I'm disappointed as all get out. There's no wiggle room here.

From King:

The Cruz campaign's message that Carson supporters should jump aboard the Ted express got significant oxygen from Iowa Rep. Steve King, a tea party right-winger who endorsed the Texas senator last month.

'Skipping NH & SC is the equivalent of suspending,' King tweeted more than two hours before caucusing started. 'Too bad this information won't get to all caucus goers.

'Carson looks like he is out,' he wrote in a second tweet. 'Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook



But here's the kicker...

But the Cruz camp never called off the dogs.

'Last night, shameless tactics and dirty political plays defined the Iowa caucuses,' Carson said Tuesday afternoon in an email to supporters. 'There is no place for this kind of unethical behavior in our American political culture, and it only intensifies my desire to work extremely hard to break down the ugliness in this system.'

Carson spokeswoman Deana Bass told that 'the fact that the Cruz campaign received Dr. Carson's statement and chose not correct their false statements says it all.'

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

I might buy that if more than 2 precincts complained, so far that's all I've seen reported. Rubio, Cruz and Carson did better than their polls, Trump is the one who under performed. Now he's bitching like a little girl.

Are you saying Carson and his people are full of shit?

"Members of Carson’s team furnished evidence Monday of various precinct captains alleging misconduct by the Cruz campaign.

Ryan Rhodes, Carson’s Iowa state director, showed reporters a text on his phone from Barbara Heki, a Mike Huckabee supporter.

“The Cruz speakers at our caucus announced Carson was suspending his campaign for a while after caucus. They did this before the vote. Same thing happened at another caucus. Sounds like slimy Cruzing to me,” the text read.

Jason Osborne, Carson’s deputy senior strategist, read aloud another missive, this one an email from their precinct chair in Muscatine: “The guy speaking for Ted Cruz right before the vote, he was supposed to be done, he announced that there was a story on CNN that Ben Carson was taking a break after Iowa, and then stated, ‘So you might want to rethink wasting your vote on him."

Ted Cruz Apologizes After Ben Carson Accuses Campaign of Dirty Tricks
What the Cruz campaign did was underhanded. That being said, this is hardly beyond the pale in presidential politics. Trump's mangina is getting pretty itchy.

Ah but here's the kicker, Cruz has based his campaign on "an evangelical holier that Washington above the political fray you can trust me I'm a good guy" platform.

This blows that all to pieces doesn't it now?

Cruz is a piece of shit just like Trump. But politics is politics.

And that's fine and dandy. But don't be thanking the Lord almighty when your campaign lied their asses off to get the win.
Steve King sent out emails to all the Cruz caucus speakers that Dr. Carson was not in the race and that everyone should vote for Cruz.

Even that could be understandable, but when Dr. Carson and his campaign issued a direct correction to the CNN story to Cruz's people,Cruz's campaign didn't correct their story.

That's the dirty. And I'm disappointed as all get out. There's no wiggle room here.

From King:

The Cruz campaign's message that Carson supporters should jump aboard the Ted express got significant oxygen from Iowa Rep. Steve King, a tea party right-winger who endorsed the Texas senator last month.

'Skipping NH & SC is the equivalent of suspending,' King tweeted more than two hours before caucusing started. 'Too bad this information won't get to all caucus goers.

'Carson looks like he is out,' he wrote in a second tweet. 'Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook



But here's the kicker...

But the Cruz camp never called off the dogs.

'Last night, shameless tactics and dirty political plays defined the Iowa caucuses,' Carson said Tuesday afternoon in an email to supporters. 'There is no place for this kind of unethical behavior in our American political culture, and it only intensifies my desire to work extremely hard to break down the ugliness in this system.'

Carson spokeswoman Deana Bass told that 'the fact that the Cruz campaign received Dr. Carson's statement and chose not correct their false statements says it all.'

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

I might buy that if more than 2 precincts complained, so far that's all I've seen reported. Rubio, Cruz and Carson did better than their polls, Trump is the one who under performed. Now he's bitching like a little girl.

Are you saying Carson and his people are full of shit?

"Members of Carson’s team furnished evidence Monday of various precinct captains alleging misconduct by the Cruz campaign.

Ryan Rhodes, Carson’s Iowa state director, showed reporters a text on his phone from Barbara Heki, a Mike Huckabee supporter.

“The Cruz speakers at our caucus announced Carson was suspending his campaign for a while after caucus. They did this before the vote. Same thing happened at another caucus. Sounds like slimy Cruzing to me,” the text read.

Jason Osborne, Carson’s deputy senior strategist, read aloud another missive, this one an email from their precinct chair in Muscatine: “The guy speaking for Ted Cruz right before the vote, he was supposed to be done, he announced that there was a story on CNN that Ben Carson was taking a break after Iowa, and then stated, ‘So you might want to rethink wasting your vote on him."

Ted Cruz Apologizes After Ben Carson Accuses Campaign of Dirty Tricks
What the Cruz campaign did was underhanded. That being said, this is hardly beyond the pale in presidential politics. Trump's mangina is getting pretty itchy.

Ah but here's the kicker, Cruz has based his campaign on "an evangelical holier that Washington above the political fray you can trust me I'm a good guy" platform.

This blows that all to pieces doesn't it now?

Cruz is a piece of shit just like Trump. But politics is politics.

And that's fine and dandy. But don't be thanking the Lord almighty when your campaign lied their asses off to get the win.

Trump claimed he's religious and he's lied. What's the difference in your mind?
It was just a tweet that one person from CNN put out. Moody changed it as soon as heard from the Carson camp. Not Cruz's campaign though. They kept running with it.

You see it's not just that they ran with the tweet. After Dr. Carson informed them he was alive and kicking and staying in the race Cruz's campaign did not call this off.

That's where the dirty trick is. They were informed. They took no corrective action whatsoever. None, zip, nada.

Hell's bells Candy Carson walked into a precinct where this shit was going down and she had to give a speech to say it was a lie that the Doctor had quit.

I can fault Trump for a lot of things but not this one. Trump's not just flapping his gums here. It's a big freaking deal what went down.

"Carson's Iowa State Director Ryan Rhodes as saying: 'It was happening all over. One of the precincts Candy (Carson, the candidate’s wife) walked into, she had to correct the record. She actually walked in, in Ankeny, and gave a speech about no, he’s still in the race and that’s a lie."

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
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Why is it there is no time line associated with this story? My point was, Ted himself had nothing to do with this and his camp didn't originate the rumor. Also your link only mentions two sites where the rumor actually reached the voters which would have had no effect on the outcome.

Steve King sent out emails to all the Cruz caucus speakers that Dr. Carson was not in the race and that everyone should vote for Cruz.

Even that could be understandable, but when Dr. Carson and his campaign issued a direct correction to the CNN story to Cruz's people,Cruz's campaign didn't correct their story.

That's the dirty. And I'm disappointed as all get out. There's no wiggle room here.

From King:

The Cruz campaign's message that Carson supporters should jump aboard the Ted express got significant oxygen from Iowa Rep. Steve King, a tea party right-winger who endorsed the Texas senator last month.

'Skipping NH & SC is the equivalent of suspending,' King tweeted more than two hours before caucusing started. 'Too bad this information won't get to all caucus goers.

'Carson looks like he is out,' he wrote in a second tweet. 'Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
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But here's the kicker...

But the Cruz camp never called off the dogs.

'Last night, shameless tactics and dirty political plays defined the Iowa caucuses,' Carson said Tuesday afternoon in an email to supporters. 'There is no place for this kind of unethical behavior in our American political culture, and it only intensifies my desire to work extremely hard to break down the ugliness in this system.'

Carson spokeswoman Deana Bass told that 'the fact that the Cruz campaign received Dr. Carson's statement and chose not correct their false statements says it all.'

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
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I might buy that if more than 2 precincts complained, so far that's all I've seen reported. Rubio, Cruz and Carson did better than their polls, Trump is the one who under performed. Now he's bitching like a little girl.

Are you saying Carson and his people are full of shit?

"Members of Carson’s team furnished evidence Monday of various precinct captains alleging misconduct by the Cruz campaign.

Ryan Rhodes, Carson’s Iowa state director, showed reporters a text on his phone from Barbara Heki, a Mike Huckabee supporter.

“The Cruz speakers at our caucus announced Carson was suspending his campaign for a while after caucus. They did this before the vote. Same thing happened at another caucus. Sounds like slimy Cruzing to me,” the text read.

Jason Osborne, Carson’s deputy senior strategist, read aloud another missive, this one an email from their precinct chair in Muscatine: “The guy speaking for Ted Cruz right before the vote, he was supposed to be done, he announced that there was a story on CNN that Ben Carson was taking a break after Iowa, and then stated, ‘So you might want to rethink wasting your vote on him."

Ted Cruz Apologizes After Ben Carson Accuses Campaign of Dirty Tricks

How does cting the CNN story saying that equal sleezy tactics? Is there a single person who went from Carson to Cruz? If they saw sleezy tactics why would they gonto Cruz and not others?
I asked that awhile ago and got no answer.

Can anyone prove people dropped Carson to vote for Cruz? If so ... how many?
I might buy that if more than 2 precincts complained, so far that's all I've seen reported. Rubio, Cruz and Carson did better than their polls, Trump is the one who under performed. Now he's bitching like a little girl.

Are you saying Carson and his people are full of shit?

"Members of Carson’s team furnished evidence Monday of various precinct captains alleging misconduct by the Cruz campaign.

Ryan Rhodes, Carson’s Iowa state director, showed reporters a text on his phone from Barbara Heki, a Mike Huckabee supporter.

“The Cruz speakers at our caucus announced Carson was suspending his campaign for a while after caucus. They did this before the vote. Same thing happened at another caucus. Sounds like slimy Cruzing to me,” the text read.

Jason Osborne, Carson’s deputy senior strategist, read aloud another missive, this one an email from their precinct chair in Muscatine: “The guy speaking for Ted Cruz right before the vote, he was supposed to be done, he announced that there was a story on CNN that Ben Carson was taking a break after Iowa, and then stated, ‘So you might want to rethink wasting your vote on him."

Ted Cruz Apologizes After Ben Carson Accuses Campaign of Dirty Tricks
What the Cruz campaign did was underhanded. That being said, this is hardly beyond the pale in presidential politics. Trump's mangina is getting pretty itchy.

Ah but here's the kicker, Cruz has based his campaign on "an evangelical holier that Washington above the political fray you can trust me I'm a good guy" platform.

This blows that all to pieces doesn't it now?

Cruz is a piece of shit just like Trump. But politics is politics.

And that's fine and dandy. But don't be thanking the Lord almighty when your campaign lied their asses off to get the win.

Trump claimed he's religious and he's lied. What's the difference in your mind?

Many people believe in their own mind that they are "religious" . Hell's bells Pelosi still believes the Pope is misinterpreting the Bible and Catholic law over abortion. And she believes she's a good Catholic.

Are you saying Carson and his people are full of shit?

"Members of Carson’s team furnished evidence Monday of various precinct captains alleging misconduct by the Cruz campaign.

Ryan Rhodes, Carson’s Iowa state director, showed reporters a text on his phone from Barbara Heki, a Mike Huckabee supporter.

“The Cruz speakers at our caucus announced Carson was suspending his campaign for a while after caucus. They did this before the vote. Same thing happened at another caucus. Sounds like slimy Cruzing to me,” the text read.

Jason Osborne, Carson’s deputy senior strategist, read aloud another missive, this one an email from their precinct chair in Muscatine: “The guy speaking for Ted Cruz right before the vote, he was supposed to be done, he announced that there was a story on CNN that Ben Carson was taking a break after Iowa, and then stated, ‘So you might want to rethink wasting your vote on him."

Ted Cruz Apologizes After Ben Carson Accuses Campaign of Dirty Tricks
What the Cruz campaign did was underhanded. That being said, this is hardly beyond the pale in presidential politics. Trump's mangina is getting pretty itchy.

Ah but here's the kicker, Cruz has based his campaign on "an evangelical holier that Washington above the political fray you can trust me I'm a good guy" platform.

This blows that all to pieces doesn't it now?

Cruz is a piece of shit just like Trump. But politics is politics.

And that's fine and dandy. But don't be thanking the Lord almighty when your campaign lied their asses off to get the win.

Trump claimed he's religious and he's lied. What's the difference in your mind?

Many people believe in their own mind that they are "religious" . Hell's bells Pelosi still believes the Pope is misinterpreting the Bible and Catholic law over abortion. And she believes she's a good Catholic.


Maybe next time you can focus like a laser on the question you are attempting to answer.

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