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Stick A Fork In Cruz. He's Done!

Cruz can't seem to control his lying. He's a pathological liar.

Let's challenge this assumption intellectually, shall we?

Now... I don't want you to post some link to a laundry list of supposed mis-statements or whatever... I've seen the little "politi-fact" page where they construe all kinds of things incorrectly and attribute "lies" to Cruz that he never said... I want us to focus on one specific lie at a time... a <LIE> being something that is deliberately told with the knowledge it is not the truth. It's also not valid to include things that his campaign team have said or some PAC that he has no control over... I want direct <LIES> that have come from his mouth.


National manager had to apologize today for spreading a lie. I am beyond disappointed.

Had you done your homework on Cruz and seen that he's a pathological liar a sociopath you would have supported a decent person like Sanders. Even the sanest Republican candidate John Kasich has baggage and scandals. The only truly clean candidate is Sanders.

Sanders is a crackpot. He's been in Congress over 25 years and has practically nothing to show for it. No meaningful legislation, nothing noteworthy. We could have sent a potted plant to Congress and got the same results.

During his quarter-century in Congress, Mr. Sanders has been the chief sponsor of just three bills that were signed into law: two renaming U.S. Postal Service offices in his home state of Vermont and one that increased the annual cost-of-living raise for veterans’ benefits, which he secured as chairman of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee in 2013.

Repeating Fox News talking points I see.

It's debunking time.

Sanders, an Independent, has been a senator from Vermont since Jan 4, 2007

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Bernie's Veterans Bills - Vets For Bernie
How Bernie Sanders Fought for Our Veterans - Politico
Sanders Files Bill to Break Up Big Banks - Senator Bernie ...

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Sorry bub, but sponsoring a bill is not the same thing as passing a bill. He has passed 3 bills in 25 years- 2 were for renaming Post Offices in Vermont. Every Congressman serves on committees, so that is nothing special either. He's a loser.
When Trump is not discrediting Fox New and whores like Jeb Bush he's kicking the snot out of pathological liar Ted Cruz. We all know about his dirty tricks in Iowa and the fact that he's the most hated senator ever even by his own party. No the Canadian lie machine is spreading like about Rubio. While it is fun watching weasels attack each other, Cruz is so bad that even more than a few Republican voters are seeing him for the scumbag that he is.

The Donald has taken to Twitter once again to expose natural born Canadian liar Ted Cruz and his dirty tricks that would make even Richard Nixon cringe.

The last time I posted about Cruz I mentioned Nixon and his gang of dirty tricksters - including Car Rove. I think I mentioned maybe Cruz has a couple of Rove's proteges in his campaign. One of the Campaign's dirtiest tricks was the photoshopped picture of Rubio shaking hands with Obama, I know that would be toxic with Republicans if it wasn't so obviously phony - e.g. they've got right handed Rubio shaking Obama's hand with his left.


But, and this is a big but, the establishment hates Trump more than they hate Cruz, yes? If the rubber hits the road and they have to make a choice between T and C I think they'll launch the nastiest smear campaign you've ever seen against Trump. They'll dig deep into the crony capitalist's pockets and flood every market they have to with darkside anti-Trump ads. I've been saying for months there's no way they'll let Trump be the Party's candidate. STOP TRUMP AT ANY COST will be the message flying around the inner circles of GOP puppets and puppet masters.

I think this will backfire big time on Cruz. I think that is the next debate it will be open season of Cruz. He's pulled dirty tricks on Rubio and Carson and run dishonest ads against Trump. Trump will lead the attack and Carson and Rubio will join in. Trump will come off looking like a protector and a strong man which in a way he is. Rubio and Carson will play the victim as Trump the alpha male defends them. The media will pick up on Trump's bitch slapping of Cruz while Carson and Rubio suck up to Trump like the true betas that they are.
If Cruz is connected in any way with the deceit coming out of his campaign, which as the candidate benefiting and not vetoing it he obviously is, then it's the same thing as felony murder, if you're involved in any way you're as guilty as the actual perpetrator.

That is just not true. A political candidate has thousands and thousands of people working on his behalf... he can't possibly control what each of them say or do. The charge is "Cruz is a Liar!" and the intellectual challenge is to show evidence of something Cruz has intentionally lied about himself... not his supporters... not his campaign team or PACs... CRUZ himself! If you can't substantiate the allegation it doesn't stand... in this case, it doesn't stand. He may have lying supporters who want to get him elected. He may have lying PACs who want to get him elected... that is NOT Ted Cruz lying.

Again... I can give you plenty of examples of direct LIES coming straight from the mouth of Hillary Rodham Clinton but I might need some extra bandwidth from USMB to list them all. Seems the least you could do, if you're intellectually honest, is to come up with at least ONE example of something Ted Cruz has lied about. But nope... NADDA!
Cruz is never going to get the nomination, he's pissed off too many people already and exposed the fact that he will do anything, even lying, to get the nomination.

They all lie but usually the lies are more calculated. Cruz can't seem to control his lying. He's a pathological liar.
The liberals spewing Trump talking points..Imagine that:eusa_eh:

Stop lying. Nobody on the left or right is repeating Trump talking points. Do you even know what a talking point is? This is a news event about Cruz's latest dirty trick and how Trump will make Cruz his bitch just like I made you my bitch... BITCH!

Punch yourself in the face.
Cruz can't seem to control his lying. He's a pathological liar.

Let's challenge this assumption intellectually, shall we?

Now... I don't want you to post some link to a laundry list of supposed mis-statements or whatever... I've seen the little "politi-fact" page where they construe all kinds of things incorrectly and attribute "lies" to Cruz that he never said... I want us to focus on one specific lie at a time... a <LIE> being something that is deliberately told with the knowledge it is not the truth. It's also not valid to include things that his campaign team have said or some PAC that he has no control over... I want direct <LIES> that have come from his mouth.


National manager had to apologize today for spreading a lie. I am beyond disappointed.

Okay... So Cruz FIRED him! That's NOT CRUZ TELLING A LIE!
Rubio lied continues to lie about his amnesty bill. He pushed it, he wanted it. All these idiots have to use against Cruz is some photo shop pic or some some tweet. Does Rubio have any principles? what are they? We know he wants to send American troops all over the world...Lindsey graham and John McCain no doubt love Rubio's foreign policy positions:eusa_doh:
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Cruz can't seem to control his lying. He's a pathological liar.

Let's challenge this assumption intellectually, shall we?

Now... I don't want you to post some link to a laundry list of supposed mis-statements or whatever... I've seen the little "politi-fact" page where they construe all kinds of things incorrectly and attribute "lies" to Cruz that he never said... I want us to focus on one specific lie at a time... a <LIE> being something that is deliberately told with the knowledge it is not the truth. It's also not valid to include things that his campaign team have said or some PAC that he has no control over... I want direct <LIES> that have come from his mouth.


National manager had to apologize today for spreading a lie. I am beyond disappointed.

Okay... So Cruz FIRED him! That's NOT CRUZ TELLING A LIE!
Rubio lied continues to lie about his amnesty bill. He pushed it, he wanted it. All these idiots can say to use against Cruz is some photo shop pic or some some tweet. Does Rubio have any principles? what are they? We know he wants to send American troops all over the world...Lindsey graham and John McCain no doubt love Rubio's foreign policy positions:eusa_doh:

La Raza Rubio is a neocon puppet without a pot to piss in. He is easily controlled (by his doners) and easily misled (Gang of Eight - he was the dupe).
Cruz is never going to get the nomination, he's pissed off too many people already and exposed the fact that he will do anything, even lying, to get the nomination.

They all lie but usually the lies are more calculated. Cruz can't seem to control his lying. He's a pathological liar.
The liberals spewing Trump talking points..Imagine that:eusa_eh:

Stop lying. Nobody on the left or right is repeating Trump talking points. Do you even know what a talking point is? This is a news event about Cruz's latest dirty trick and how Trump will make Cruz his bitch just like I made you my bitch... BITCH!

Punch yourself in the face.
Why you parroting Trump talking points? You pencil neck liberal...Cant you think for yourself?:slap:

Rubio lied continues to lie about his amnesty bill. He pushed it, he wanted it. All these idiots can say to use against Cruz is some photo shop pic or some some tweet. Does Rubio have any principles? what are they? We know he wants to send American troops all over the world...Lindsey graham and John McCain no doubt love Rubio's foreign policy positions

My two biggest issues with Rubio is he caved on illegal immigration and he supports TPP. He began his political rise as a promising Tea Party conservative but he has been a total disappointment with his participation in the Gang of 8 and capitulating to the establishment. He now has the audacity to claim that his amnesty bill was never intended to be law! ...at the same time, claiming Ted Cruz supported amnesty by introducing "poison pill" amendments to that same bill in order to prevent it from becoming law. And it WOULD have become law if not for Eric Cantor's defeat.

Now I would also vote for Rubio over the Socialists... BUT ... I don't see how Rubio can even think he has a chance to win the presidency. Conservative Review just had a convention where they invited prominent conservatives to speak... Cruz and Carson were there. Rubio was scheduled to be there... he waited until the day OF the convention to back out! Now, Marco... If you cannot face Conservative voters, how in the fuck are you going to win a national election? NO Republican is going to win this election without support from the Conservative base. Not even Trump!
Rubio lied continues to lie about his amnesty bill. He pushed it, he wanted it. All these idiots can say to use against Cruz is some photo shop pic or some some tweet. Does Rubio have any principles? what are they? We know he wants to send American troops all over the world...Lindsey graham and John McCain no doubt love Rubio's foreign policy positions

My two biggest issues with Rubio is he caved on illegal immigration and he supports TPP. He began his political rise as a promising Tea Party conservative but he has been a total disappointment with his participation in the Gang of 8 and capitulating to the establishment. He now has the audacity to claim that his amnesty bill was never intended to be law! ...at the same time, claiming Ted Cruz supported amnesty by introducing "poison pill" amendments to that same bill in order to prevent it from becoming law. And it WOULD have become law if not for Eric Cantor's defeat.

Now I would also vote for Rubio over the Socialists... BUT ... I don't see how Rubio can even think he has a chance to win the presidency. Conservative Review just had a convention where they invited prominent conservatives to speak... Cruz and Carson were there. Rubio was scheduled to be there... he waited until the day OF the convention to back out! Now, Marco... If you cannot face Conservative voters, how in the fuck are you going to win a national election? NO Republican is going to win this election without support from the Conservative base. Not even Trump!

So Rubio is the liar. Like i said:thup:
Rubio lied continues to lie about his amnesty bill. He pushed it, he wanted it. All these idiots can say to use against Cruz is some photo shop pic or some some tweet. Does Rubio have any principles? what are they? We know he wants to send American troops all over the world...Lindsey graham and John McCain no doubt love Rubio's foreign policy positions

My two biggest issues with Rubio is he caved on illegal immigration and he supports TPP. He began his political rise as a promising Tea Party conservative but he has been a total disappointment with his participation in the Gang of 8 and capitulating to the establishment. He now has the audacity to claim that his amnesty bill was never intended to be law! ...at the same time, claiming Ted Cruz supported amnesty by introducing "poison pill" amendments to that same bill in order to prevent it from becoming law. And it WOULD have become law if not for Eric Cantor's defeat.

Now I would also vote for Rubio over the Socialists... BUT ... I don't see how Rubio can even think he has a chance to win the presidency. Conservative Review just had a convention where they invited prominent conservatives to speak... Cruz and Carson were there. Rubio was scheduled to be there... he waited until the day OF the convention to back out! Now, Marco... If you cannot face Conservative voters, how in the fuck are you going to win a national election? NO Republican is going to win this election without support from the Conservative base. Not even Trump!

Rubio is the Repubs Obama.
Cruz is never going to get the nomination, he's pissed off too many people already and exposed the fact that he will do anything, even lying, to get the nomination.

They all lie but usually the lies are more calculated. Cruz can't seem to control his lying. He's a pathological liar.
The liberals spewing Trump talking points..Imagine that:eusa_eh:

Stop lying. Nobody on the left or right is repeating Trump talking points. Do you even know what a talking point is? This is a news event about Cruz's latest dirty trick and how Trump will make Cruz his bitch just like I made you my bitch... BITCH!

Punch yourself in the face.
Why you parroting Trump talking points? You pencil neck liberal...Cant you think for yourself?:slap:

Like I told your sock puppet this is not a talking point. Trump was not the first person to call Cruz a the single business liar. It's common knowledge that Cruz like you is a lying sack of shit. Carson exposed him, Rubio exposed him and now Trump is bitch slapping that Canadian bitch pillar to post.

This is not about repeating what Trump is saying and you know it bitch. This is about how Ted Cruz's pathological lying is burying him even with his evangelical base.

He Cruz supporters, Turn Out the Lights The Party's Over.
I don't know which is more sad, your belief in Trump or your hatred of Christianity.
This must be the Christianity that sanctions lying.

The biggest Bible banger is Cruz and now even the evangelicals are finally getting fed up with liars like him. Carson maybe coo coo for Cocoa Puffs but he actually believes that 7th Day Adventist BS.

Trump is saying what the senate Republicans have been saying about Cruz for since he became a US Senator. The only difference is because Trump is saying the media is reporting.
Rubio is the Repubs Obama.

I disagree. Obama was a rock star in the Democrat party. Rubio became popular as a strong advocate of Conservative principles and had a strong base of support from conservatives until the Gang of 8. Obama never did anything to diminish his support with Democrats, he served his term as senator while proudly waving his political liberal banner and the crowds cheered in excitement as he became the leader of the party who supported him in unison. Not even the Clinton Machine could stop his momentum.

Rubio is not even the Establishment GOP's Obama... that was supposed to be Jeb Bush! Rubio is the Last Great Hope for the Establishment GOP. But "Republicans" are comprised of an array of different views, not just the Establishment. There are social conservative evangelicals and tea party conservatives, libertarian conservatives, constitutional conservatives, etc. All of them are supporting people other than Rubio. The GOP cannot win without the base of Conservative voters who make up the majority of their party and they need to get this through their stupid heads before it's too late. Attacking conservatives has been a very stupid tactic from the get-go and the clock is ticking.

Rubio is more like the Republican's Zell Miller... once respected and revered as a great in the party... "I feel your pain!" But quickly became out of touch with the base of his party and cast aside in the wake of the radical liberal agenda.
Rubio is the Repubs Obama.

I disagree. Obama was a rock star in the Democrat party. Rubio became popular as a strong advocate of Conservative principles and had a strong base of support from conservatives until the Gang of 8. Obama never did anything to diminish his support with Democrats, he served his term as senator while proudly waving his political liberal banner and the crowds cheered in excitement as he became the leader of the party who supported him in unison. Not even the Clinton Machine could stop his momentum.

Rubio is not even the Establishment GOP's Obama... that was supposed to be Jeb Bush! Rubio is the Last Great Hope for the Establishment GOP. But "Republicans" are comprised of an array of different views, not just the Establishment. There are social conservative evangelicals and tea party conservatives, libertarian conservatives, constitutional conservatives, etc. All of them are supporting people other than Rubio. The GOP cannot win without the base of Conservative voters who make up the majority of their party and they need to get this through their stupid heads before it's too late. Attacking conservatives has been a very stupid tactic from the get-go and the clock is ticking.

Rubio is more like the Republican's Zell Miller... once respected and revered as a great in the party... "I feel your pain!" But quickly became out of touch with the base of his party and cast aside in the wake of the radical liberal agenda.

Neither Obama nor Cruz had ANY accomplishment before being elected to office.....the ONLY thing either has or had going for them is their ethnicity.
I don't know which is more sad, your belief in Trump or your hatred of Christianity.
This must be the Christianity that sanctions lying.

The biggest Bible banger is Cruz and now even the evangelicals are finally getting fed up with liars like him. Carson maybe coo coo for Cocoa Puffs but he actually believes that 7th Day Adventist BS.

Trump is saying what the senate Republicans have been saying about Cruz for since he became a US Senator. The only difference is because Trump is saying the media is reporting.

What Trump is saying you are parroting...doesn't really say much for you or Trump does it lefty?:slap:
Rubio is the Repubs Obama.

I disagree. Obama was a rock star in the Democrat party. Rubio became popular as a strong advocate of Conservative principles and had a strong base of support from conservatives until the Gang of 8. Obama never did anything to diminish his support with Democrats, he served his term as senator while proudly waving his political liberal banner and the crowds cheered in excitement as he became the leader of the party who supported him in unison. Not even the Clinton Machine could stop his momentum.

Rubio is not even the Establishment GOP's Obama... that was supposed to be Jeb Bush! Rubio is the Last Great Hope for the Establishment GOP. But "Republicans" are comprised of an array of different views, not just the Establishment. There are social conservative evangelicals and tea party conservatives, libertarian conservatives, constitutional conservatives, etc. All of them are supporting people other than Rubio. The GOP cannot win without the base of Conservative voters who make up the majority of their party and they need to get this through their stupid heads before it's too late. Attacking conservatives has been a very stupid tactic from the get-go and the clock is ticking.

Rubio is more like the Republican's Zell Miller... once respected and revered as a great in the party... "I feel your pain!" But quickly became out of touch with the base of his party and cast aside in the wake of the radical liberal agenda.

Neither Obama nor Cruz had ANY accomplishment before being elected to office.....the ONLY thing either has or had going for them is their ethnicity.

Your comment was about Rubio being the Republican's Obama. Why are you now talking about Cruz?

BTW... Cruz has the support of all the 'constitutional originalist' conservatives. Has not a damn thing to do with his ethnicity... republicans generally don't care about skin color. We believe men are all the same in the eyes of God. Cruz is someone we can trust to stand up for Conservative principles, even when it may not be popular to do so.

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