Trump should have cleaned out the FBI


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

soon as he was sworn in Jan 2017, but he listened to the wrong people.

soon as he was sworn in Jan 2017, but he listened to the wrong people.

He'd better know who to listen to this time.


soon as he was sworn in Jan 2017, but he listened to the wrong people.
Yes, the world's terrorists are fervently hoping Traitor Trump is elected and dismantles the FBI.
The reality is that the Swamp may be too big to drain and our republic is history.

We are now a corrupt modern day banana republic. It will take more than just one man, even if he is Trump, to change that.



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soon as he was sworn in Jan 2017, but he listened to the wrong people.

It doesn't sound like he exercises good judgment. He should definitely be reelected despite the other viable options.
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The reality is that the Swamp may be too big to drain and our republic is history.
Our democracy was almost history on January 6. And the Swamp was vastly drained when Trump's crooked Administration slinked out of Washington.

Now you want to let the mobster and his horde of criminals back in!

Trump should have cleaned out the FBI.......​

There were others things he promised and didn't do.
The man-child is full of broken promises.

This time I really, really will repeal and replace Obamacare, pay off the debt, reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico, build the Wall and make Mexico pay for it, bring back coal jobs, remove all illegal aliens, and grow the economy by 4 to 6 percent every year! Bleev me, folks. Bleev me. Bleev me. That I can tell you.


It only feels like a political weapon because your political party is full of crooks.

Yet you can't name one person with one REAL crime. Only Manufactured BS or paperwork crimes without any victim.

The DEMS are chock full of crimes and corruption. So much that they can never let an "outsider" in as they may begin to look into it all. Obidens' Hunter funneling tens of millions to each of them from foreign payoffs granted after the Corpse came thru on promised favors. Like that?

note: Last post wasted on the likes of you. You know all of this and you know its' true but you spin, deflect, lie, stall and deny. Hope the worst for your sorts. Karma will get you at least.

soon as he was sworn in Jan 2017, but he listened to the wrong people.
Russia supports this message.

Stay tuned for disbanding public education, the IRS, and why you should hate all Democrats.

Good grief, could this propaganda get any more transparent?
Trump was never the populist he pretended to be. Trump's record as President was total Establishment. The only reason the Establishment is against him now is because he fanned the flames of populism. If reelected he continue to do what the Establishment wants.
He should have turned that hoover building into a dog shelter. Everybody out, no pensions, unless you want to stay and clean up dog shit.... $12/hour and still no pension.

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