Trump slammed by Parkland Hero students at Rally

Republicans should wake up and show some common sense on gun control issues, because the younger generation is going to be waaaaay to the left of them on gun control,

unless the GOP thinks they'll be just fine without their votes in the future.

Again with the "common sense gun control". Just what is "common sense gun control"? We already have enough laws on the books that were intended to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals or deranged people.

Yet cities like Chicago or Baltimore have gone steps beyond what the federal laws require, enacting their own gun laws. And how are they doing? Not very well.

During the 8 years Obama was President, he didn't pass one single piece of firearms legislation. Nor did he sign any executive orders regarding firearms. And during his stay in office, record numbers of firearms were imported, manufactured, and purchased.

So are you trying to say that it was because of his inaction in regard to firearms legislation, that caused the Democrats to lose votes? You're not making any sense at all.
Republicans should wake up and show some common sense on gun control issues, because the younger generation is going to be waaaaay to the left of them on gun control,

unless the GOP thinks they'll be just fine without their votes in the future.
LOL, ya
You guys run on gun control. Go for it.
Republicans should wake up and show some common sense on gun control issues, because the younger generation is going to be waaaaay to the left of them on gun control,

unless the GOP thinks they'll be just fine without their votes in the future.
No one seems to ever be able to define "common sense", do they? But we can define criminals. They are people who don't obey "common sense" laws.
They're just parroting what their liberal teachers are telling them.

Or perhaps almost dying at the hands of a crazy dude changes a person's' point of view. Did you ever think about that? No, of course you you just want to bash the girl because she does not think like you do
Or perhaps almost dying at the hands of a crazy dude changes a person's' point of view.

To the point she's blaming the gun, the NRA, Trump, etc, instead of the person pulling the trigger?

A person she likely knew, someone she knew had issues?

Sorry, doesn't float.
Republicans should wake up and show some common sense on gun control issues, because the younger generation is going to be waaaaay to the left of them on gun control,

unless the GOP thinks they'll be just fine without their votes in the future.
No one seems to ever be able to define "common sense", do they? But we can define criminals. They are people who don't obey "common sense" laws.

Exactly. They can pass all the "common sense gun laws" they want to but if a person has no common sense, they're going to do something stupid.
Ok, then shame on Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, ..............

Clinton did something about it. The guns he outlawed were used in this school shooting, used at Orlando, Vegas...
I went back and watched the video again. It was not a grass-roots "student" rally, it was packed full of left-wing activists and cheerleaders with pre-printed signs. The same kind of contrived rallies or protests we see every time someone has an issue.

I'd love to see the money trail for that one.

Just listen.




You don't have the right to say anything except "we're sorry, we're going to fix it..."
She sounds like somebody who feels very guilty and is trying to shift blame away from herself and onto Trump.

It's probably her way to deal with her feelings of extreme guilt for bullying that kid "since middle school".
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Regardless of anything something is very amiss in this so called great nation. Taking away guns is not going to fix it...neither is blaming teachers for the false narrative of indoctrination used by wackos.
Ok, then shame on Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, ..............

Clinton did something about it. The guns he outlawed were used in this school shooting, used at Orlando, Vegas...
he didn't outlaw shit.

If his laws had stayed in place we wouldn't have mass killing guns used regularly. Republicans decided they wanted killers well armed however.
Poor Joto, Trump had nothing to do with this.
Trump ended a program blocking mental patients from getting guns because Obama passed it

That is debatable but it has no bearing on this case. None.

You are incorrect.

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

Both the House and Senate last week passed the new bill, H.J. Res 40, revoking the Obama-era regulation.

Trump signed the bill into law without a photo op or fanfare. The president welcomed cameras into the oval office Tuesday for the signing of other executive orders and bills. News that the president signed the bill was tucked at the bottom of a White House email alerting press to other legislation signed by the president.

The National Rifle Association “applauded” Trump’s action. Chris Cox, NRA-ILA executive director, said the move “marks a new era for law-abiding gun owners, as we now have a president who respects and supports our arms.”
You know...there seems to be a pattern here. Trump gets slammed for just about everything he does and even things he doesn't.

Are you new to politics in this country? It has been that way for 40 years at least.
No way. Certainly not with Obama.

Are you serious? Hell my own mother truly thought he was the Anti-Christ. There was nothing he could do that the people on the right would give him credit for.

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