Trump Spanks Schiff Again

and the fact that Democrats have admitted there is no evidence a crime was committed warranting an investigation.[/QUOTE]

....REALLY......".Democrats have admitted there is no evidence a crime was committed warranting an investigation"???

Did you find that nugget somewhere circling in your toilet bowl?
now you shall REAP THE WHIRLWIND.


Once Trump quickly released Nunes' memo......he dug his own grave in the political repercussions of REFUSING to release the Schiff, counter memo.

"What is Trump trying to hide???"
That BS does't work anymore. No one is buying it because of all the evidence against the left traitors coming out and the fact that Democrats have admitted there is no evidence a crime was committed warranting an investigation.

This is the problem when people like you are listening too much of Hannity. Or sold your soul to Hannity.
trump is CORNERED....he can stall releasing the Dems. memo, BUT he will have to face the music that Nunes fucked up royally and that if trump feels "vindicated" he is even more of an idiot than previously shown.

Can everyone hear the chant, "What is Trump hiding"???..............LOL

Leaks have confirmed Schiff's malarkey doesn't dispute the Nunes goes to motive for it being released. And he threw in enough tactical information to get it stopped in it's tracks. Amateurs playing against the's not even worthy of a denial.

I understand you were there when they wrote the memo.
Can you please tell me more about the leaks. Like where it came from?

I bet you can’t. I’ll wait.
trump is CORNERED....he can stall releasing the Dems. memo, BUT he will have to face the music that Nunes fucked up royally and that if trump feels "vindicated" he is even more of an idiot than previously shown.

Can everyone hear the chant, "What is Trump hiding"???..............LOL

Scared Scared Scared. A total hypocrite.

Just like how he hide his fraudulently income. Crooked.
I understand you were there when they wrote the memo.
Can you please tell me more about the leaks. Like where it came from?

I bet you can’t. I’ll wait.

Who the fuck are you? Oh, and you already lost that bet....try another suck at this.
I understand you were there when they wrote the memo.
Can you please tell me more about the leaks. Like where it came from?

I bet you can’t. I’ll wait.

Who the fuck are you? Oh, and you already lost that bet....try another suck at this.

What bet? So you have NOTHING. This is the problem when people like you or most of you snowflakes post nonsense and LIES. When challenged you start pulling your pubic hair.

Why in the world plugged in these kinds of lies? Why?

Who am I? Charwin95
You'd think the little prick would give up on trying to spoof a real estate and casino magnate but no......Trump's denial was accompanied by letters from Rodstein and Wray. Naturally Pelosi and Feinstein have been on the rag about it since last night.


When asked for a comment Schiff just wiggled and giggled:

Thanks to daddy leaving trump hundreds of millions of dollars, he does own real estate but everything else he has done failure miserably, including his casino debacle.

However, to give credit where its due, trump bragged that he made money off of screwing over people on the casino bankruptcies. He also bragged about making money off the people he screwed with that idiotic, fake university scheme.

Very telling that RWNJs love that he's a criminal, rapist, pedo with a bald head and very tiny button.

As for this latest lying stunt of trying to gut the constitution, Schiff was hardly "spanked". What a stukpid thing to say.

The real question here is, why is the fat cheeto so afraid of transparency? Yeah, he lied about that too so there's your answer. Face it, trump is pure chicken shit coward and liar.
You'd think the little prick would give up on trying to spoof a real estate and casino magnate but no......Trump's denial was accompanied by letters from Rodstein and Wray. Naturally Pelosi and Feinstein have been on the rag about it since last night.


When asked for a comment Schiff just wiggled and giggled:


But you are 100% correct. Trump is Real State magnate. But a LOUSY INCOMPETENT ......... LEADER and TOTAL DISGRACE. Look what is going on right now. The economy is the only one holding him. Aside from that nothing but chaos, never ending self infliction and discombobulation.

Trump calling Adam Schiff ......Little.
Trump calling Bob Corker......Liddle
Trump belittle McCain......... What that tells you? Trump is a COWARD.

He is NOT a casino magnate. Because his Taj Mahal and other casinos are gone and bankrupt. He doesn’t even have a casino in Las Vegas

Please tell me where I’m wrong.
There’s no way in the world that you can tell me that Trump is a good person or a good POTUS.

Like how he defended Rob Porter and Roy Moore.

Trump defends top official accused of domestic abuse: 'He did a very good job'

But two days after Porter’s departure, the US president was effusive in his support for Porter and failed to express any sympathy or concern for the two women who have given accounts of being assaulted.

The president added: “He also, as you probably know, says he’s innocent and I think you have to remember that. He said very strongly yesterday that he’s innocent so you have to talk to him about that, but we absolutely wish him well, he did a very good job when he was at the White House.

Trump Defends Roy Moore, Citing Candidate’s Denial of Sexual Misconduct
Once Trump quickly released Nunes' memo......he dug his own grave in the political repercussions of REFUSING to release the Schiff, counter memo.

"What is Trump trying to hide???"
That BS does't work anymore. No one is buying it because of all the evidence against the left traitors coming out and the fact that Democrats have admitted there is no evidence a crime was committed warranting an investigation.

This is the problem when people like you are listening too much of Hannity. Or sold your soul to Hannity.
You're an idiot.

I am paying attention to the factual evidence being reported, snowflake.

No one needs spin from either side - the evidence is proving everything.
Once Trump quickly released Nunes' memo......he dug his own grave in the political repercussions of REFUSING to release the Schiff, counter memo.

"What is Trump trying to hide???"
That BS does't work anymore. No one is buying it because of all the evidence against the left traitors coming out and the fact that Democrats have admitted there is no evidence a crime was committed warranting an investigation.

This is the problem when people like you are listening too much of Hannity. Or sold your soul to Hannity.
You're an idiot.

I am paying attention to the factual evidence being reported, snowflake.

No one needs spin from either side - the evidence is proving everything.

What factual evidence? You post a lot of lies. So please tell me.
In reality I do not spin. I go direct.
If you think I’m spinning then right away you should give me an factual evidence. Not your usual bull shit.
Once Trump quickly released Nunes' memo......he dug his own grave in the political repercussions of REFUSING to release the Schiff, counter memo.

"What is Trump trying to hide???"
That BS does't work anymore. No one is buying it because of all the evidence against the left traitors coming out and the fact that Democrats have admitted there is no evidence a crime was committed warranting an investigation.

This is the problem when people like you are listening too much of Hannity. Or sold your soul to Hannity.
You're an idiot.

I am paying attention to the factual evidence being reported, snowflake.

No one needs spin from either side - the evidence is proving everything.

What factual evidence? You post a lot of lies. So please tell me.
In reality I do not spin. I go direct.
If you think I’m spinning then right away you should give me an factual evidence. Not your usual bull shit.
'Pearls before swine', douche.

I have repeatedly posted evidence, setting you reality-denying traitor sympathisers up to do what you do best. Carry on...

Give credit though where credit is due.

At least Schiff didn't give the Russians 100,000 taxpayer dollars
like our spies did in purchasing info on the Donald.

What's unique and probably that the Dems and these crooked
Federal employees are playing right into the Russians' hands of disrupting
the country.

They are colluding...with the bring down an American
President that they know did not collude with the Russians.

Tht makes a lot of sense...doesn't it?

Build the fucking Wall and repeal the 13th Amendment. Everything
will be better from that point forward.

Sadly enough, that's what democrats do, blame others for things democrats are actually doing.

Yeah...It's their game plan.

They blame others for what they are doing.

The fake media covers for them

And the Lib naughty little sissy boys that post here go on rants.

It's a script

I agree, although I do feel it's not really the Clinton game plan. I feel the game plan is from a much higher level (not godly) and the Clintons are going along with the program. Once the Clintons are gone, another couple will fill in the empty spot to keep the agenda going.

Agree 100%. The game plan is Obama. He's behind their entire demise.
The Dems just can't admit it though. They'll keep right on losing white voters
until they disappear as a party.
Give credit though where credit is due.

At least Schiff didn't give the Russians 100,000 taxpayer dollars
like our spies did in purchasing info on the Donald.

What's unique and probably that the Dems and these crooked
Federal employees are playing right into the Russians' hands of disrupting
the country.

They are colluding...with the bring down an American
President that they know did not collude with the Russians.

Tht makes a lot of sense...doesn't it?

Build the fucking Wall and repeal the 13th Amendment. Everything
will be better from that point forward.

Sadly enough, that's what democrats do, blame others for things democrats are actually doing.

Yeah...It's their game plan.

They blame others for what they are doing.

The fake media covers for them

And the Lib naughty little sissy boys that post here go on rants.

It's a script

I agree, although I do feel it's not really the Clinton game plan. I feel the game plan is from a much higher level (not godly) and the Clintons are going along with the program. Once the Clintons are gone, another couple will fill in the empty spot to keep the agenda going.

Agree 100%. The game plan is Obama. He's behind their entire demise.
The Dems just can't admit it though. They'll keep right on losing white voters
until they disappear as a party.

Not even Obama, he was just a pawn.
Once Trump quickly released Nunes' memo......he dug his own grave in the political repercussions of REFUSING to release the Schiff, counter memo.

"What is Trump trying to hide???"
That BS does't work anymore. No one is buying it because of all the evidence against the left traitors coming out and the fact that Democrats have admitted there is no evidence a crime was committed warranting an investigation.

This is the problem when people like you are listening too much of Hannity. Or sold your soul to Hannity.
You're an idiot.

I am paying attention to the factual evidence being reported, snowflake.

No one needs spin from either side - the evidence is proving everything.

What factual evidence? You post a lot of lies. So please tell me.
In reality I do not spin. I go direct.
If you think I’m spinning then right away you should give me an factual evidence. Not your usual bull shit.
'Pearls before swine', douche.

I have repeatedly posted evidence, setting you reality-denying traitor sympathisers up to do what you do best. Carry on...


Nah! Denying traitor? Really coming from a LIAR?

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