Adam Schiff: 50,000 Americans Dead Because Trump Wasn’t Removed

Since the democrats control the House of Reps he will get his wish.

There should be an investigation into the total blunder that is trump's response to the virus.

I expect the republicans and trump do do the same obstruction of justice they did with the muller investigation and impeachment.
He’s getting desperate.. how far is he willing to go?

are people in his district really this stupid to vote for him? Do they want a civil war? Well a war they will get
I'm not sure how this should be played politically, but I'm guessing Trumps team is on it.

What I would do is a video montage of Dems telling Americans to "go out and have fun", calling Trump "racist" along with Biden saying "come on man, China isn't our competition" and naming Trump xenophobic for shutting the borders, Pelosi ripping up the SOTU speech, followed by Schiff sitting for the impeachment, stating something about not allowing witnesses for him (which might have avoided the senate vote). After all of such clips, I would ultimately end the ad with Schiffs assertion that Trump is responsible for the 50,000 dead...

Anyone with any working neurons would see who was doing and saying what while Trump shut the border and called our China.
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Adam Schiff: 50,000 Americans Dead Because Trump Wasn’t Removed

26 Apr 2020 ~~ By Joel Pollack
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) claimed Friday evening that 50,000 Americans died because the Senate failed to remove President Donald Trump from office during the impeachment trial in February.
Schiff’s argument runs counter to those who have argued that the impeachment trial was a pointless distraction that prevented Congress from acting to help stop the pandemic. A timeline of events reveals that President Trump took the first actions against the pandemic despite the trial, including forming the coronavirus task force, and banning travel with China.
Schiff told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes:
There is one thing that, really, I have to say haunts me from the trial and it was before that snippet you showed where we knew we had to answer the question to the senators, okay, essentially, house managers, you’ve proved him guilty [sic] (emphasis mine), does he really need to be removed after all? we have an election in nine months. how much damage could he really do? and we posed that question to the Senate and we answered it by saying that he could do an awful lot of damage but frankly, chris, I don’t think we had any idea how much damage he would go on to do in the months ahead. There are 50,000 Americans now who are dead, in significant part because of his incompetence, because of his inability to think beyond himself and put the country first. I don’t think we would have ever anticipated that his brand of narcissism and his brand of incompetence would be so fatal to the American people.
Schiff, who said nothing about coronavirus in its early days, is now pushing for legislation to create a “9/11 commission” for evaluating the president’s response to the pandemic. Opponents counter that he is trying to exploit the issue for the election.

President Trump's actions in the midst of the faux impeachment by Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists led by Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler saved America thousands of deaths. Had the Democrats had their way the deaths in America at this point in time would have been triple if not quadruple the numbers we have seen today. Remember just after DJT closed air traffic to and from China he was called a Xenophobe and racist by the same people that now are claiming the above.
On the other hand, PMS/DSA Governors and Mayors of Blue Cities and States that forced Nursing homes containing the most vulnerable citizens to accept active Covid-19 virus patients walk away unscathed.
One has to question Schiff's motives for not alerting America to the seriousness of the the Wuhan Covid-19 virus when the in December the intelligence report was sitting on his desk while he was hiding in the basement working on impeachment.
What comes around goes around, and this time it will come back and bite him.
Rather than putting politics aside in a time of crisis, PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists have shown themselves to be devious enemies of the American citizen. Despite their actions to destroy Trump and foul up the coming 2020 election. Americans will undoubtedly vote in the majority for Trump.

Not likely and majority didn't vote for him last time, but it isn't about a majority of the voters, only a majority or plurality of the voting districts for the electoral college. Would you feel better if Moscow Mitch had come on FOX News to attack the Democrats for downplaying the epidemic, saying it was under control would disappear, some drug for a completely unrelated illness would save the day, even though any physicians desk reference showed the dangers of that drug, even to treat the illness it was designed to treat, much less this one with no clue as to dosage required for this totally unrelated condition with body system already compromised in a totally different way and much of the country's not being good candidates for the drug due to contraindications even for the illness it was meant to treat? I am sure FOX or OAN would have given Mitch the time, as they were highly supportive of Dr. Don's cure alls. I did not even hear them discount the UV light cur-all or taking antiseptics internally. I think the Center for Poison control is caught up on the calls now and no more trump supporters are any longer in danger from his recommendations or suggestions at this time.
Since the democrats control the House of Reps he will get his wish.

There should be an investigation into the total blunder that is trump's response to the virus.

I expect the republicans and trump do do the same obstruction of justice they did with the muller investigation and impeachment.
I guess for hard core partisan zealots you can never get enough investigations and government rule by constant and never ending partisan witch hunts which seems peachy keen to you and your fellow extremists.

You just invite reprisals for the next democrat president assuming there ever is one and the republicans
care so little for their image that they would turn around and imitate the very worst in democrat rule.
Since the democrats control the House of Reps he will get his wish.

There should be an investigation into the total blunder that is trump's response to the virus.

I expect the republicans and trump do do the same obstruction of justice they did with the muller investigation and impeachment.
Schiff and the Progs paid no attention to much of anything until after February 5, 2020. The day the Senate voted on Trump's innocence. We keep voting people who live lives that are a bit extreme into office at a higher percentage then the general population. Schiff is one of them.
Adam Schiff: 50,000 Americans Dead Because Trump Wasn’t Removed
So really, what Adam is really saying is that the deaths of 50,000+ people are on his hands because Trump committed this heinous act that threatened the very foundations of our republic and he couldn't make no more than a flimsy bullshit case against him!
Adam Schiff is every kind of stupid known to the human race wrapped up in one person.
Since the democrats control the House of Reps he will get his wish.

There should be an investigation into the total blunder that is trump's response to the virus.

I expect the republicans and trump do do the same obstruction of justice they did with the muller investigation and impeachment.

There was no violation of anything you moron.

Anyone can Monday Morning quarterback.

You fuckers are very good at it.

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