Trump Supporter and QAnon Woman Turns into Democrat in this new Interview


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2021
Fort Worth, TX
Enjoy the story; full thing is down below.

Ashley Vanderbilt, 27, started believing in the QAnon conspiracy theory last fall. After Inauguration Day, the South Carolina mom started to question the fringe group's beliefs. In an interview with Insider, she described her transformation from a QAnon fanatic to a potential Democrat voter.
On the day of President Joe Biden's inauguration, 27-year-old Ashley Vanderbilt was glued to her television screen. The stay-at-home mom from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina - a devoted follower of the QAnon conspiracy theory - was awaiting an explosive event. "I was convinced that we were going to have a blackout and the emergency broadcasting system would go off," she told Insider. "Joe Biden, the politicians there, the Hollywood elites, they would all be arrested."

Vanderbilt stocked up on groceries, filled her car up with gas, and prepared herself for the advent of 'The Storm.' The Storm is the day on which many QAnon followers expected former President Donald Trump to miraculously hold onto power, arrest liberal elites, and execute those considered to be traitors. QAnon forums had predicted that following the deadly US Capitol insurrection, the prophesized reckoning would occur on Inauguration Day.

"When Kamala Harris was sworn in, I started to get a little nervous," Vanderbilt told Insider. She then watched horrified as Biden, to her disbelief, was sworn into office. "I started crying, the tears were flowing, I couldn't stop," Vanderbilt said. 'I was wrong'
Vanderbilt is now hoping to "create a bridge of understanding" with current QAnon followers. The former QAnon believer wants people to know that there are other options.

"I'd tell current QAnon followers that whenever they're ready to explore other options and seek out alternative answers that there's a huge support system and a lot of encouragement to be given," she added. "They need to know that it's OK and it's actually safe out here," Vanderbilt said. She hopes that people who have fallen down the rabbit hole will be treated with "empathy." "I've been where they are and as much as everything seems true," she told Insider. "It's not."

The Q stuff is no different then the democrats Russia conspiracies...well except the FBI/CIA/DOJ were involved in promoting the propaganda of the Russia conspiracy.
The Q stuff is no different then the democrats Russia conspiracies...well except the FBI/CIA/DOJ were involved in promoting the propaganda of the Russia conspiracy.
Don't forget about Bush blowing up the Twin towers.

Democrats and QAnon folk love that stuff.
Another day, another moonbat starts a Q thread.

You freaks are more obsessed with this non-entity than are the Qtards.
Ignore him.

Putin made him say those things, but only because the Ukrainians paid Trump to have Putin make him say those things.
White stay at home mom...aka a person who is not working/bringing in income, and according to our USMB rightwingers, is worthless.

She's the type that falls for the qAnon nonsense.

Why am I not surprised?
White stay at home mom...aka a person not working, and according to our USMB rightwingers, is worthless.

She's the type that falls for the qAnon nonsense.

Why am I not surprised?
I thought all stupid people were already democrats

This is news to me.

Oh well, looks like they soon will be.

I'll continue to speak for myself, and let the crazies say whatever they like. Right or left.

It's when people who I believe are rational when I would like to have a conversation with them. You can have the crazy if you like.
Perhaps I'm too cynical, but that is a pretty big change in such a short time. Somebody who saw the scam falling apart around her might make claims like that to distance herself from any illegal stuff she might have done. I would want to know how involved she had been with the Q scam before I took her word at face value.
Perhaps I'm too cynical, but that is a pretty big change in such a short time. Somebody who saw the scam falling apart around her might make claims like that to distance herself from any illegal stuff she might have done. I would want to know how involved she had been with the Q scam before I took her word at face value.
Good point.
White stay at home mom...aka a person who is not working/bringing in income, and according to our USMB rightwingers, is worthless.

Where does it say she's a stay at home mom?

It doesn't.

I doubt USMB 'rightwingers' consider her worthless.

She is now a democrat.

BTW - what difference does it make what color she is?
Where does it say she's a stay at home mom?

It doesn't.

I doubt USMB 'rightwingers' consider her worthless.

She is now a democrat.

BTW - what difference does it make what color she is?
The stay at home part is found in the OP's link MOD.

Just yesterday/Monday, one of your fellow USMB rightwingers responded in a thread that people who aren't working are worthless. Zero pushback from any of your other fellow USMB rightwinger. As I see it, that sets a standard for the right. Hence my statement.

As for the white part. Let's be honest here, how many black qAnon crazies do you see of any gender or occupation? Muchless stay-at-home moms.

Black people don't have the privilege to indulge in such nonsense, we have our lives to live and bills to pay.
The Q stuff is no different then the democrats Russia conspiracies...well except the FBI/CIA/DOJ were involved in promoting the propaganda of the Russia conspiracy.
Don't forget about Bush blowing up the Twin towers.

Democrats and QAnon folk love that stuff.
Nope. That is all RWNJ stuff.
Sure about that...

White stay at home mom...aka a person who is not working/bringing in income, and according to our USMB rightwingers, is worthless.

Where does it say she's a stay at home mom?

It doesn't.

I doubt USMB 'rightwingers' consider her worthless.

She is now a democrat.

BTW - what difference does it make what color she is?
It does say that...chill out mod.

On the day of President Joe Biden's inauguration, 27-year-old Ashley Vanderbilt was glued to her television screen. The stay-at-home mom from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina - a devoted follower of the QAnon conspiracy theory - was awaiting an explosive event.

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