Trump supporters can't handle the truth!


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
President Donald Trump and his allies say their lawsuits aimed at subverting the 2020 election and reversing his loss to Joe Biden would be substantiated, if only judges were allowed to hear the cases --There is a central flaw in the argument-- Judges have heard the cases and have been among the harshest critics of the legal arguments put forth by Trump’s legal team, often dismissing them with scathing language of repudiation. Even Trump's own hand picked judges have said there is no legal merit to Trump's (so called) evidence. Yet Trump supporters continue to bang the drum about voter fraud.

Trump supporters can't handle the truth! :drills:

Biden becomes president?

Biden will probably become president. How will deranged right wingers respond when their illusion is shattered and they are forced to face reality?

I'm not all that concerned. Probably just the same way Democrats acted when Trump won. Investigation after investigations that accomplish nothing.
President Donald Trump and his allies say their lawsuits aimed at subverting the 2020 election and reversing his loss to Joe Biden would be substantiated, if only judges were allowed to hear the cases --There is a central flaw in the argument-- Judges have heard the cases and have been among the harshest critics of the legal arguments put forth by Trump’s legal team, often dismissing them with scathing language of repudiation. Even Trump's own hand picked judges have said there is no legal merit to Trump's (so called) evidence. Yet Trump supporters continue to bang the drum about voter fraud.

Trump supporters can't handle the truth! :drills:

Trumpers do not know the truth even when it bite them in the butt, as they have spent so much time trying to destroy the truth with their little fake new cries for 5 years, they are no longer in touch with reality and unable to tell the difference any longer between reality and what is going on just inside their heads.
I'm not all that concerned. Probably just the same way Democrats acted when Trump won. Investigation after investigations that accomplish nothing.

They think they're at war and that the left is cheating. They see it as some kind of fight for survival. Hopefully nothing will happen.
Gonna be interesting to see what happens on Jan 06th, and what happens on Jan 20th. Dogbiscuit (another poster on here) has bet me 1,000 dollars that Trump is going to get a second term. Guess on Jan 21st, I'm gonna have some nice pocket change.
What’s going to happen is Congressional Republicans are going to embarrass themselves while appeasing Trump cult members.
Gonna be interesting to see what happens on Jan 06th, and what happens on Jan 20th. Dogbiscuit (another poster on here) has bet me 1,000 dollars that Trump is going to get a second term. Guess on Jan 21st, I'm gonna have some nice pocket change.
no one is going to pay you shit sheeple.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Trump is going to get thousands of his followers to march on the US Capitol declaring Trump won. They will clash with thousands who oppose this intrusion, and many lives will be lost during the mayhem.

While Trump smiles at the lose of lives
Biden becomes president?

Biden will probably become president. How will deranged right wingers respond when their illusion is shattered and they are forced to face reality?
Every lefty knows good and well that there is no way that Beijing Biden could ever have "won" an election. They are living a wet dream, where they're finally getting a chance to taste the victory that they could never actually win. The best hope they have is that they do not wake up from this wet dream, and that this scam does not fall apart like every other lefty scam does. They are still in a bit of disbelief that this scam has lasted this long, but they know that it will eventually fall apart like lefty scams always do.
President Donald Trump and his allies say their lawsuits aimed at subverting the 2020 election and reversing his loss to Joe Biden would be substantiated, if only judges were allowed to hear the cases --There is a central flaw in the argument-- Judges have heard the cases and have been among the harshest critics of the legal arguments put forth by Trump’s legal team, often dismissing them with scathing language of repudiation. Even Trump's own hand picked judges have said there is no legal merit to Trump's (so called) evidence. Yet Trump supporters continue to bang the drum about voter fraud.

Trump supporters can't handle the truth! :drills:

Sorry, but you're full of crap.
Every case that has been rejected is because of technicalities and lack of standing.
  • What should have been done is these states should have been prevented in court before the election. keeping these criminals from making last minute changes to election rules and regulations leading up to the election, which of course designed to make it easier for them to cheat.
  • Ask yourself why Democrats and RINO Republicans are against signature verification on mail-in ballots in Georgia in particular.
  • Why are they against voters that have proper I.D?
  • Ask yourself why they were allowed to get away with counting votes without poll-watchers being present, which is state law in states like PA.
  • Why didn't they want anyone watching what they were doing?
  • Also, why is Fulton County destroying ballots within 4 hours of an official audit?

Last question: Are you really this stupid....or are you just trying to act stupid?
Trump is going to get thousands of his followers to march on the US Capitol declaring Trump won. They will clash with thousands who oppose this intrusion, and many lives will be lost during the mayhem.

While Trump smiles at the lose of lives
It will NEVER be proven that Beijing Biden won in a free and fair election. This is because winning and stealing are not the same thing. Trump will forever be the only candidate who actually "won" the most votes from actual voters, while Beijing will remain the one who "received" the most votes from virtual voters, algorithms, and fake ballots. Beijing will NEVER be known as a winner.
It will NEVER be proven that Beijing Biden won in a free and fair election.
lEvMetro, I truly feel sorry for you and those who are gullible enough to follow you.

Honestly, I feel sorry for you

Every lefty knows good and well that there is no way that Beijing Biden could ever have "won" an election. They are living a wet dream, where they're finally getting a chance to taste the victory that they could never actually win. The best hope they have is that they do not wake up from this wet dream, and that this scam does not fall apart like every other lefty scam does. They are still in a bit of disbelief that this scam has lasted this long, but they know that it will eventually fall apart like lefty scams always do

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