Political Cartoon

That's 20 years in a federal prison on that scale.... per his stuttering fuck of a daddy....

Biden could give a shite less about Hunter being sacrificed for him right now, and Jill can't stand Hunter anyways, so Hunter better know that Joe Biden won't take the fall for him and the corruption he supposedly has been entrenched in, because it'll be the other way around where Hunter is going to be the fall guy.

If Hunter was smart, he'd throw Joe under the bus quick fast and in a hurry, because when Trump is president, old Joe won't be able to help Hunter get out of the mess he let his dear old dad get him into.

Hmmm, but then again Joe will tell Hunter in a whisper, hey "don't worry son, I'll pardon you right before I leave office", so that will be that, now don't worry boy.

On the contrary, the investigation did yield a treasure trove of information that probably should have put them both behind bars, but the Clinton's had become the darlings of the left, so in no way was any Clinton ever going to pay in a significant way for anything they were proven to had done.

All anyone like them had to do in order to be popular, is to break open the peoples bank or treasury, and start bribing the electorate on day one. That is the Democrat strategy and way of doing thing's, but they can only go so far until the people affected the most cry foul on them, and then the republicans take over in order to clean up the mess after the damned party.

This is why she has been a disaster for the republican party for most of the votes she has given, and her weak in the knees stance that she takes on the most important issue's of our times is yet another major problem she has.
Meanwhile crickets and feigned ignorance on the Democrat crimes that forever weren't being prosecuted until now, and because of the Democrat's in their desperation to try and hold onto their agendas at all cost, they have now opened the door for the Republicans to go after their crimes with prejudice and super heated intent.

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