Black Americans demand to know what ‘Black jobs’ are after Trump debate comment

You are not owed a damn thing and no I habve not benefited from what my ancestors did.

It is not up to others to closse any wage gap. It is on the people behind in the gap. Much like women the wage gap is misleading and not because of any discrimination.

White racism is not some universal thing. It is onjly practiced by a few.

I and othjers like me are doing nothing. You are the one spewing racist bile
This is true. The wage gap is non-existent in college-educated men and women in their 20s. It shows up later, after women have dropped out of the workforce for years at a time to care for children.
Agree. How stupid is he that he doesn’t realize that importing unskilled foreigners who are willing to work for less than Americans hurts the lower-income, of whom blacks are disproptionately represented?
He doesn’t actually care about black folks
You dimwit. Jobs that blacks and Hispanics would have but taken by illegal aliens. Are you Black? Because if you are, you are a disgrace to Blacks for being so stupid.
I think that’s why posters think he’s white. No black would be going out of his way to demonstrate that blacks are so hateful, stupid, and arrogant.
Not really. No more than others here. But you don't harrass them because they are racists just like you. And if you continue trying to harass me, I am going to the moderators. So discuss the topic.
You're here far more than everyone else.
Actually, I'm a retired black man who provides evidence of what white racism has cauused. You nor anyone else here can debunk the evidence I present so all you have left are childish personal attacks. The ass whippings I have dished out have gotten so bad, that you racists can't conceive that someone black can beat your asses like I do each and every time I step in here. You are a rookie, so I suggest you stay in your lane.
Oh now you are retired??!? Haha
Well, I feel pretty good since 92% of the black folks in this country feel the same way I do on election day. Being a Trump Humper, you definitely know about being a useful idiot.
It’s not 92% this time. Blacks know that they had it better under Trump, and that with Biden, they can’t even afford groceries. That’s why this election will have a record percentage of blacks voting for Trump.

The same can be said for Jews, although they won’t switch to Trump in large numbers. That’s because they are better-educated and much higher earning than blacks (as a group), and inflation hasn’t hit them as hard.

But working class Americans, who used to be the backbone of the Democrat party, are voting Trump.
60 years ago we were Repubicans who could not vote, could not use many public accomodations, could not live wherever we wanted, and we were at 55 percent poverty. We were Republicans for 100 years with no civil rights. So you take that silly shit that you guys repeat over and over to dumb asses like Byron Donalds or struth.

Do not make me post that stuff from flash up here again. You have been shown how whites like you deny us jobs, so just stop lying about immigrants taking jobs from blacks.

Whites commit the most crime and do the most drugs. That includes alcohol. Fact, white boy.
Wow. Full of lies. Blacks couldn’t vote 60 years ago? Blacks got the vote before women did!

And MORE than 60 years ago, blacks sat alongside both my mother and my father in their colleges, and then worked with them in their jobs.

Stop acting like all blacks were so oppressed.
I’m a gorgeous white woman in her 20s, and I weigh only 120 pounds.
Here’s my proof:
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And years, he’s a middle aged whites guy that lives in his mom’s basement and plays make believe on the internet
You might do that but once again, you're wrong. You would be wise not to believe JGat or any of the other idiots. And so I'm goingto the moderators abouotthis becauseI have not harassed any of yu to show orprove yur identity. You have chosen to believe a fool.
We will see in November.

I just speak with 92% of the black folks in this country. You just keep boot licking for Trump.
We will, in the meantime why don’t you stop lying?

You speak for nobody, you don’t even speak for yourself, you parrot demklan talking points

You are pathetic

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