This looks more and more like enemy action

Where are the personal attacks?

I realize you are quite disappointed at the happenstance of birth that resulted in your lack of external genitalia, but I certainly had nothing to do with that.
That, my ignorant friend, is a personal attack.

A pretty weak one, but still one.

You losers have tried time and time again to insult me, but you really aren't any good at it. It takes at least a modicum of intelligence to craft a decent insult, something you and your ilk seem to be sadly lacking.

But you go ahead and keep trying, and I'll keep laughing at you.
Yeah? Name a few.
All of them.

Inject bleach. Fake news

Didn't lose a single military life. False.

Inherited 15% unemployment. Fact Checked 6.5%

"Very fine people" hoax. Debunked

"Suckers and Losers" lie.

Slept with pornstar. Unsubstantiated.

Illegal border crossing less than under Trump. Fact checked false.

Endorsed by border patrol. Proven false.

"Beat medicare" whatever tf that means.

Your turn.

Other than the shamvictions that he his handlers successfully orchestrated...tell me one thing Biden said that was verifiably true.
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All of them.

Inject bleach.
Didn't lose a single life.
Inherited 15% unemployment.
"Very fine people" hoax.
"Suckers and Losers" lie.
Slept with pornstar. Proof?
Illegal border crossing less than under Trump.
Endorsed by border patrol.
"Best medicare" whatever tf that means.

Your turn.

Other than the shamvictions that he his handlers orchestrated...tell me one thing Biden said that was verifiably true.
and don't forget the magical "I created thousands of millions of Jobs"

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