This looks more and more like enemy action

I didn't read the story but only the description.

If accurate, Graham is untrustworthy. Sounds like she let him go off so that the Dems can now say "Trumps own party look forward to going after us after he win! He is going to weaponize the government!"

I wouldn't trust Graham as far as I can throw him. Once people have been in government too long they lose their fastball. The used car salesman approach they used 10 or more years ago doesn't work anymore. They say it more naturally but it isn't believable, the truth meter kicks in.
Graham is a traitor, he started out good. But became a rhino.
He only plays a role when it's convenient.....Lady Lindsey is one of the biggest backstabbers in the GOP.

Because he is able to count votes ahead of time, doesn't make him a traitor.

When did Graham's vote change an outcome?
McCain on the other hand -
He does support President Trump.
That's worth a lot.
Not to me it's not.

IMO Lindsay needs to go with Lisa Murkowski and Jerry Moran under each arm...since Mitch the Bitch and Mitten are headed into the sunset already.

But...not my states. So it is what it is.
Not to me it's not.

IMO Lindsay needs to go with Lisa Murkowski and Jerry Moran under each arm...since Mitch the Bitch and Mitten are headed into the sunset already.

But...not my states. So it is what it is.

Personally not a fan of purists who kill good in the pursuit of perfection.

But -
I very, very rarely agree with much of anything that Lindsey says, but with regard to his thoughts on the consequences of, as he said, the Tater administration ''opening pandora's box,'' the people who have lied will likely get a dose of their own medicine.

Specifically this part of the segment...

Bash tried to swipe the old arbitrary victim status card to gain control of the terms of controversy by invoking that ''retribution'' language but Lindsey, to his credit, maintained the facts of the matter.
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I very, very rarely agree with much of anything that Lindsey says, but with regard to his thoughts on the consequences of, as he said, the Tater administration ''opening pandora's box,'' the people who have lied wil likely get a dose of their own medicine.

I'm not saying he's wrong either..but...<Insert hackneyed comparison to a broken clock here>.
It's not the job of the moderators to fact check debaters. It's the job of other debaters to do that. If Trump lied then why didn't Pedo Joe point out those lies? Is he demented or something?
Exactly it's the candidates responsibility to call out their opponents lies not the moderators.
Awesome. The personal attacks are how we can tell it's working.
Where are the personal attacks?

I realize you are quite disappointed at the happenstance of birth that resulted in your lack of external genitalia, but I certainly had nothing to do with that.
Apparently a CNN host let lindsey graham walk all over her this morning.

She failed so hard people are caller for her removal.

This is basically the same thing during the debate. The moderators failed to call out tRump's lies and just let him rant.

I still can't get 1 WEF/democrat shillbot to tell me 1 lie trump told.

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