Political Cartoon

The use of corporation's through extraordinary pressure exerted by the government is going to lead the people towards the mark of the beast. That's right, the more power is concentrated, the more of our freedom's and liberties will be lost. We see it now, and it will only increase.

Such are the day's of Sodom, so shall America go the way of the sodomite, especially if it doesn't repent and turn from it's newly found wicked ways that it is fast adopting.
And yet Menendez is still taking the slow walk trial and no charges against Swallwell, None against Talib who literally financed terrorism, no charges on Omar who comitted fraud and campaign finance violations, some which match the charges on Trump, no charges on Biden and his 51 idiots who signed their names to that laptop "election fraud" gimmick.
Remember you set a precedent and the idiot in charge own words are "nobody's above the law"
therefore your post proves there are people above the law, the fascists who have the power that control their own rules of laws.-oops you proved Trumps points, we have an obvious double tiered system the swamp hides it's criminal enterprise (drug and human trafficking and foreign bribes) from.

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