Trump Supporters Lose Their Minds When Church Shows Nativity Scene In Immigrant Cages

MAGA supporters are losing their minds after a photo of the Nativity scene at Claremont United Methodist Church was posted to Facebook.

The scene depicts Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus separated and put in their own cages, a reference to the families separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. Inside the church, the family is shown as reunited.

Trump supporters lose their minds when church shows Nativity scene in immigrant cages


This ones in my pictures file for a nativity scene I will be putting up every Christmas from now on. You magats are good for something after all.

I can't wait to see the board after this Methodist church. But this is usmb, so there's no bar to low here.

Joseph was from the House of David. He had to go to the city where his family was from to be registered in the census.
Joseph and Mary weren't where exactly does the immigrant part come into the equation?

They were when they fled to Egypt.

Egypt and Israel were part of the same country at the time, the Roman Empire.

Egypt was outside the jurisdiction of Herod.

Both states were under the jurisdiction of Augustus Caesar, they were only crossing state lines.
Most Christians and people who respect the Christian traditions
would be offended at "blaspheming" the innocent and pure meaning
of the Nativity and Virgin Birth by politicizing or prostituting this icon.

So what? You don't have a right to not be offended. Saying you're offended is definitely your right. My complete apathy to your offense is mine.

Remember when "Piss Christ" caused an uproar?

I did. I found it in poor taste, but not likely for the same reasons as a Xtian would.

Or the South Park episode with a menstruating Virgin Mary
statue caused the Catholic Authorities to protest and get that cartoon CENSORED.

Why do you feel the Catholic Church deserves to wield such power over criticism? If this were between countries, censorship could be classified as an act of war. Entities that use this practice should be either be outright blocked, questioned or at least undermined for their audacity to even attempt to stifle speech from people they don't approve of. This level of power needs to be put in check from time to time. The church attains this power of silencing through litigation. Does this give you pride in your religion?

Both incidents were because that offended CHRISTIANS
who consider this not only a insult to their beliefs but to GOD.

Again, so what?

So that's three reasons or layers of negative reaction
1. One is blaspheming the Divine Christ and Nativity scene considered holy and sacred worldwide
as meaning the Salvation of Humanity
2. One is abusing the Christian and Christmas icon to POLITICIZE it for propaganda
3. And last, as you use it for, to try to BAIT, TROLL and TRIGGER certain people
(in your case "Trump" and "MAGA" supporters)

1. I'm sure you'll eventually get over it.
2. I'm sure you'll eventually get over it.
3. Straw man argument. You don't read minds. Sounds more like an argument from someone already triggered.

Shame on you for wanting so badly to insult people in group #3
that you don't acknowledge or have any regard or respect for
the people insulted because of reasons #1 and #2.

Not everyone is going to agree with you or your ideology. That's life.
MAGA supporters are losing their minds after a photo of the Nativity scene at Claremont United Methodist Church was posted to Facebook.

The scene depicts Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus separated and put in their own cages, a reference to the families separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. Inside the church, the family is shown as reunited.

Trump supporters lose their minds when church shows Nativity scene in immigrant cages


This ones in my pictures file for a nativity scene I will be putting up every Christmas from now on. You magats are good for something after all.

I can't wait to see the board after this Methodist church. But this is usmb, so there's no bar to low here.

Actually I think it's pretty funny ...

Especially since they are obama cages
...and Mary and Joseph were on their way to pay government mandated taxes and be counted in the census. They were not citizens of a foreign country, not immigrants crossing illegally.

It's sad that lib'tards have to try and work their lies and false political conspiracy theories into a religious holiday
MAGA supporters are losing their minds after a photo of the Nativity scene at Claremont United Methodist Church was posted to Facebook.

The scene depicts Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus separated and put in their own cages, a reference to the families separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. Inside the church, the family is shown as reunited.

Trump supporters lose their minds when church shows Nativity scene in immigrant cages


This ones in my pictures file for a nativity scene I will be putting up every Christmas from now on. You magats are good for something after all.

I can't wait to see the board after this Methodist church. But this is usmb, so there's no bar to low here.
This is a liberal politics first, Jesus second WAY out there church


But I bet they got a lot of attention with this stunt
"Lose their minds"? What the hell does that mean? Hillary supporters smashed windows and torched cars on inauguration day. Crazy lefties assaulted old guys wearing MAGA hats, H'wood celebs posed with facsimilies of the President's bloody head and a democrat activist shot a republican congressman at a freaking baseball practice. That's an example of "losing their minds". Christians merely take the abuse and hope for a better day.
That was pretty much the same response most everyone would have made. you just beat us to it.

Expressing displeasure is characterized by trump-haters as people losing their minds.

Losing their minds, as you pointed out, was the looting, burning, physical assaults, property damage that Hilary's supporters were engaging in month after month, after her losing the election.

Here is a little perspective for the amnesiac left;

Been looking for links to show where Obama separated children from parents like trump did. Haven't found one yet. Here's a politifact link explaining when and why Obama had to separate families. It was when it was necessary, unlike trump, who did it mostly because he's uncaring and cruel. Quite like many of his supporters here on usmb who got great pleasure hearing about the throwing of children in cages.

Trump again falsely says Obama started family separation policy
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Been looking for links to show where Obama separated children from parents like trump did. Haven't found one yet. Here's a politifact link explaining when and why Obama had to separate families. It was when it was necessary, unlike trump, who did it mostly because he's uncaring and cruel. Quite like many of his supporters here on usmb who got great pleasure hearing about the throwing of children in cages.

Trump again falsely says Obama started family separation policy

Anything you excuse from one will only grow worse with the next. Quit excusing Obama.
Whoever did this, they do realize that the birth took place in a stable, right? The Lord was not born at a place like the Las Vegas Hilton. Why couldn't they just leave the setting as is?

God bless you always!!!

In those days. How the women gave birth. They just get into a squatting position, and then pushed the baby out. And so she could have gave birth to Jesus out in the open. They worn long dresses in those days. Which that could act as a curtain to cover the baby while being born. But afterwards, they has laid Him into a manger, because there was no rooms available. But Baptism means to cleanse. And the Egyptians practiced immersion. And in the scriptures, that it csays we are born through water. And the Baptism is replicating the act of being born. And so I believe that the women in those days gave birth in ponds lakes or river, like the river Jordan, which means descend. And it makes a lot of sense that babies were being born through water in those days. It is because of the afterbirth or whatever you want to call it. Sticks all over the babies' body like glue. The doctors put on a vitamin E cream on the babies' eyes to prevent them from being glued together. But if the babies were born in water, that the stuff washes away as they came out of the water. And then they wraps them up in cloth so that they can dry off and be warm. And Moses was the one who introduced to them the Baptism.

Luke 2:7
and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.

How long has water birth been around?
We tend to think of labouring in water as relatively new. However, a writer on water births, Janet Balaskas, says that's not so. She describes legends of South Pacific islanders giving birth in shallow sea water and of Egyptian pharaohs born in water. In some parts of the world today, such as Guyana in South America, women still go to a special place at the local river to give birth. The history of water birth

Acts 7:22
Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in speech and action.

Exodus 19:14
After Moses had gone down the mountain to the people, he consecrated them, and they washed their clothes.

2 Kings 5:10
Elisha sent a messenger to say to him, “Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed.”

Thank you. :) :) :)

Whoever did this, they do realize that the birth took place in a stable, right? The Lord was not born at a place like the Las Vegas Hilton. Why couldn't they just leave the setting as is?

God bless you always!!!

In those days the architecture of dwellings was that people lived above the animals. There was either a second floor or sometimes a hut built upon the roof of the animal enclosure accessible by ladders. This was to keep warm in the winter and protect against predators. The city was crowded because so many came to be counted in the census that the upstairs was full. Mary and Joseph like many others had to stay down stairs with the animals. It's not like they were in a separate building.
Thank you, but what I was meaning here is why did those who changed the setting feel the need to change it at all when the Lord's birth already took place where the animals resided instead of the other people? If they feel that placing him in a cage is a step up or a step down, they might only be fooling themselves. What if there really is no difference one way or another? A stable just happens to be where it all happened instead of a caged area.

God bless you two always!!!

MAGA supporters are losing their minds after a photo of the Nativity scene at Claremont United Methodist Church was posted to Facebook.

The scene depicts Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus separated and put in their own cages, a reference to the families separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. Inside the church, the family is shown as reunited.

Trump supporters lose their minds when church shows Nativity scene in immigrant cages


This ones in my pictures file for a nativity scene I will be putting up every Christmas from now on. You magats are good for something after all.

I can't wait to see the board after this Methodist church. But this is usmb, so there's no bar to low here.
This is a liberal politics first, Jesus second WAY out there church


But I bet they got a lot of attention with this stunt

This is obviously a highly political church. There is only so much they can say about the Glories of Abortion and their doctrine that Almighty God put Adam and Steve into the Garden.

Glad to see they are talking about other issues
Yea I always wondered why Obama hated immigrants so much that he locked the children in cages. And then democrats stood behind him.

Trump wants to put up a wall and you'd swear Trump was locking them in cages. (no pun intended)
Whoever did this, they do realize that the birth took place in a stable, right? The Lord was not born at a place like the Las Vegas Hilton. Why couldn't they just leave the setting as is?

God bless you always!!!

In those days. How the women gave birth. They just get into a squatting position, and then pushed the baby out. And so she could have gave birth to Jesus out in the open. They worn long dresses in those days. Which that could act as a curtain to cover the baby while being born. But afterwards, they has laid Him into a manger, because there was no rooms available. But Baptism means to cleanse. And the Egyptians practiced immersion. And in the scriptures, that it csays we are born through water. And the Baptism is replicating the act of being born. And so I believe that the women in those days gave birth in ponds lakes or river, like the river Jordan, which means descend. And it makes a lot of sense that babies were being born through water in those days. It is because of the afterbirth or whatever you want to call it. Sticks all over the babies' body like glue. The doctors put on a vitamin E cream on the babies' eyes to prevent them from being glued together. But if the babies were born in water, that the stuff washes away as they came out of the water. And then they wraps them up in cloth so that they can dry off and be warm. And Moses was the one who introduced to them the Baptism.

Luke 2:7
and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.

How long has water birth been around?
We tend to think of labouring in water as relatively new. However, a writer on water births, Janet Balaskas, says that's not so. She describes legends of South Pacific islanders giving birth in shallow sea water and of Egyptian pharaohs born in water. In some parts of the world today, such as Guyana in South America, women still go to a special place at the local river to give birth. The history of water birth

Acts 7:22
Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in speech and action.

Exodus 19:14
After Moses had gone down the mountain to the people, he consecrated them, and they washed their clothes.

2 Kings 5:10
Elisha sent a messenger to say to him, “Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed.”

Thank you. :) :) :)

Whoever did this, they do realize that the birth took place in a stable, right? The Lord was not born at a place like the Las Vegas Hilton. Why couldn't they just leave the setting as is?

God bless you always!!!

In those days the architecture of dwellings was that people lived above the animals. There was either a second floor or sometimes a hut built upon the roof of the animal enclosure accessible by ladders. This was to keep warm in the winter and protect against predators. The city was crowded because so many came to be counted in the census that the upstairs was full. Mary and Joseph like many others had to stay down stairs with the animals. It's not like they were in a separate building.
Thank you, but what I was meaning here is why did those who changed the setting feel the need to change it at all when the Lord's birth already took place where the animals resided instead of the other people? If they feel that placing him in a cage is a step up or a step down, they might only be fooling themselves. What if there really is no difference one way or another? A stable just happens to be where it all happened instead of a caged area.

God bless you two always!!!


Ohhhh because it wasn't depicting the actual story. This display was an accusation that this is what people would do if Jesus came today.
I have to disagree. Trump supporters lost their minds long before this Nativity scene was put up.
I have to disagree. Trump supporters lost their minds long before this Nativity scene was put up.

Actually, this political display has nothing really to do with our President.

This church is part of the Religious Left and run by liberal theocrats. If it wasn't for this issue, they might have displayed Mary and Joseph as Trannies, or Zoophiles with the sheep, or who knows what else.

Its just that the open border issue is huge with Religious Left's Mullahs.
I have to disagree. Trump supporters lost their minds long before this Nativity scene was put up.

Actually, this political display has nothing really to do with our President.

This church is part of the Religious Left and run by liberal theocrats. If it wasn't for this issue, they might have displayed Mary and Joseph as Trannies, or Zoophiles with the sheep, or who knows what else.

Its just that the open border issue is huge with Religious Left's Mullahs.

WOW! That is a spin that I should share with Father O'Brian, at the local Catholic dioses!
MAGA supporters are losing their minds after a photo of the Nativity scene at Claremont United Methodist Church was posted to Facebook.

The scene depicts Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus separated and put in their own cages, a reference to the families separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. Inside the church, the family is shown as reunited.

Trump supporters lose their minds when church shows Nativity scene in immigrant cages


This ones in my pictures file for a nativity scene I will be putting up every Christmas from now on. You magats are good for something after all.

I can't wait to see the board after this Methodist church. But this is usmb, so there's no bar to low here.
This is a liberal politics first, Jesus second WAY out there church


But I bet they got a lot of attention with this stunt

This is obviously a highly political church. There is only so much they can say about the Glories of Abortion and their doctrine that Almighty God put Adam and Steve into the Garden.

Glad to see they are talking about other issues
Dont forget gay marriage and the rights of cross dressers to pee in the ladies bathroom

I suspect there folks support any goofy idea on the left thst the cat drags in
MAGA supporters are losing their minds after a photo of the Nativity scene at Claremont United Methodist Church was posted to Facebook.

The scene depicts Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus separated and put in their own cages, a reference to the families separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. Inside the church, the family is shown as reunited.

Trump supporters lose their minds when church shows Nativity scene in immigrant cages


This ones in my pictures file for a nativity scene I will be putting up every Christmas from now on. You magats are good for something after all.

I can't wait to see the board after this Methodist church. But this is usmb, so there's no bar to low here.
Thanks, Obama!
I have to disagree. Trump supporters lost their minds long before this Nativity scene was put up.

Actually, this political display has nothing really to do with our President.

This church is part of the Religious Left and run by liberal theocrats. If it wasn't for this issue, they might have displayed Mary and Joseph as Trannies, or Zoophiles with the sheep, or who knows what else.

Its just that the open border issue is huge with Religious Left's Mullahs.

I take it that you contend that the Religious right does nothing political and is not run by right-wing theocrats. People like graham, falwell, hagee, and the rest of the monkeys have churches. I don't know why you have to borrow the religious titles of other faiths just as an ignorant affectation, but doesn't the religious right have "pastors" and "reverends" who obviously have issues?

BTW: Your worthless president be damned.
Proving once again, Christianity is the only religion that can be mocked.

No one has mocked Christianity in its entirety. No one can speak for the Christian faith in its entirety. The issue of this nativity scene is merely a dispute between groups of Christians.

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