Trump swipes at Winsome Sears.

total horseshit.

Before the election...when Liz Cheney and a few others were daring to go against your God...where were you? Did you rush to their defense? Nope.

Now that the voters have informed you that you're holding a losing do what republican voters always do...toss your savior under the bus as quickly as you can.

Its pretty sad. In a few years, you'll be doing the same to Ms. Sears more than likely when she says something you don't like to hear.
They have a fierce loyalty............ until they don't, which can happen in an instant.
Heh, own Trump. He will be a boat anchor around the neck of the Republican party.
He's announcing a run tomorrow. And there is nothing Republicans can do to stop him. He's out for blood now and will take no prisoners. :)
If that were only his announcement. Out for blood. Take no prisoners.
If you think TRUMP holds that much power getting rid of him going to solve what exactly? Or do you think his former supporters will go back to electing RINO's?

Well, you didn't answer my question... but as long as I'm here anyway...

Trump is the biggest RINO of them all. He didn't run as a Republican because he holds any of their platform near and dear to his heart, he chose them because he knew he couldn't beat Hillary in the DNC primary. The only thing Trump believes in is Trump, and by that I don't mean the family, I mean he only believes in himself. He'd throw the rest of them under a bus to save his own hide in a heartbeat. As for his supporters, until he declared his candidacy and started spewing all the claptrap they wanted to hear from a candidate, he was nothing more than a punchline to them. The host of a ridiculous reality television show with a bad comb-over. A narcissistic man-child completely devoid of character and self-awareness.

Trump is toxic. Under his "leadership" the GOP lost 2018, 2020, and 2022. He consistently only backs candidates he thinks will be loyal to Trump. Not the Constitution, not the country, not the citizenry. Trump.

So, while getting rid of Trump may not solve all the problems he's created, it's a good start.

As for his supporters, not much can be done about them except hope they come to recognize the foolishness that was Trump.
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Seems this is in response to comments made by Sears. This is where republicans don't seem to learn. Sears is doing nothing but getting on the blame TRUMP bandwagon which only purpose is to deflect accountability from the do nothing republicans.
I'm amazed at how quickly we went from Biden blaming MAGA to republicans blaming MAGA...I'm just surprised at by many who are falling in line.

You're in a cult
If you think TRUMP holds that much power getting rid of him going to solve what exactly? Or do you think his former supporters will go back to electing RINO's?

I seem to recall the Republicans winning plenty of elections before Trump. Since Trump they've won very few.

This one is just pathetic.

Sears seems most impressive. Serious role model potential.

I hope Trump's announcement is retirement.

It's incredible what a child this man is. What's even more incredible are his supporters who insist on going down with the ship.
You're in a cult
Warts and all I'd still vote for him over anything the dems would put up if on the off chance that he won the primary.

If that makes me part of a "cult" then so be it.....I don't believe I'll worry any about what some low-life dem slag has to say about it all....I mean they are hardly even people anyway and that fact hasn't changed a lick. ;)
LOL, going to be fun watching the new never-TRUMPer's explain their way out of being supported by liberals...
This I will agree with.

The overblown rhetoric will come back to haunt them as they now throw Trump under the bus.

The problem you have is that it is necessary. What are you going to do once the blob splits the party? Ride the split all the way until it breaks the party in two? Absolutists (see Bernie for the left) will kill the party. No party in this environment usually means you don't get the office. There are outliers in small states with niche electoral groups.
This I will agree with.

The overblown rhetoric will come back to haunt them as they now throw Trump under the bus.

The problem you have is that it is necessary. What are you going to do once the blob splits the party? Ride the split all the way until it breaks the party in two? Absolutists (see Bernie for the left) will kill the party. No party in this environment usually means you don't get the office. There are outliers in small states with niche electoral groups.

Remind me when Bernie was POTUS?
I am not familiar with Sears, but I like your Governor Youngkin. You guys did alright on that deal. He won, because he had good ideas for your state, and would not have Trump in the state on the same stage, to poison his chances. He was the first to recognize the negative polarizing effects of Trump.
The media created Trump as all things bad. Progs are so blind to things because they are so one sided. Bidne makes Trump look like a piker. They turned half the nation because they do not vote Prog into the worst humans on the planet from propaganda. Never mind that most of the programming on TV show Prog dominated themes and breaking all of the deadly sins is not a wrong thing but natural.

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