Trump talks endorsing Stacy Abrams for Georgia Governor.

Yup, there’s the dodge, I called it. Can’t give a direct answer?! Exactly what I thought. #pathetic
Not playing your age-old childish, immature game, snowflake. Play with yourself or your snowflake buddies.

Biden looked stupid nominating a woman to the USSC because she is a 'woman' only for her to testify she had no idea what a 'woman' is, self-identifying, at face value, as being unqualified and / or too uneducated to be a USSC Justice.

Try to spin the f*-up any wY you want to it, but it was a huge black eye for Biden and the newly-nominated candidate.

'Nuff said.
Not playing your age-old childish, immature game, snowflake. Play with yourself or your snowflake buddies.

Biden looked stupid nominating a woman to the USSC because she is a 'woman' only for her to testify she had no idea what a 'woman' is, self-identifying, at face value, as being unqualified and / or too uneducated to be a USSC Justice.

Try to spin the f*-up any wY you want to it, but it was a huge black eye for Biden and the newly-nominated candidate.

'Nuff said.
Giving straight forward and direct answers is not a childish game, it’s how adults have a conversation. You make wild claims and then when asked to back up your claims you respond with nonsense dodges. You’re playing the game here kid. And you’re not playing a very good one. Next time be able to back up the shit your talking. You wouldn’t sound like as much of a fool
It is a really stupid question.
After stating that she did not know what a woman was, the follow-up question should have been, are you a woman? Missed an opportunity there. Would have loved to hear her trip and fumble over that answer.
Thank you for confirming Biden's nominee self-identified as being other than an 'adult'.
Nothing of what I said had anything to do with Biden or confirming anything you said. You’re just showing off your troll tactics now. pivot away from your pregnant male comment and try to make it about Biden and scotus. Nice try but completely transparent and elementary. Do better
After stating that she did not know what a woman was, the follow-up question should have been, are you a woman? Missed an opportunity there. Would have loved to hear her trip and fumble over that answer.
Why do you think anybody would trip over that question?
Nothing of what I said had anything to do with Biden or confirming anything you said. You’re just showing off your troll tactics now. pivot away from your pregnant male comment and try to make it about Biden and scotus. Nice try but completely transparent and elementary. Do better
So you assume you were having a 1-person / 1-sided discussion?! Libs prefer those because it makes it easier for them to define/ dictate everything.

That's not how discussion boards usually work. There is usually discussions between mote than 1 person and 1 person does not get to define everything in that discussion.

If you prefer to converse with yourself I will certainly let you. Good luck with that.

The event of Trump endorsing Abrams and the outcome of Abrams winning the election has some appeal. It would put to bed Liberals’ bullshit about Trump being the face of the Republican Party. Democrats and Abrams would need to reject Trump’s endorsement. If Abrams wins, Georgia will be stuck with hard Left Democrats running the place which will put more pressure on the Georgia Congressional and Senate Democrat Representatives to come back to the center.
Trump will never endorse Abrams....

Then again, if he does I could care less. You'd have to be brain-dead to vote for Abrams, even if Trump told you to do so...especially if Trump td you to do so. :p

Don't be sheep - think for yourselves.
No. They told the truth. Their decisions are not based on their own personal / political feelings or beliefs but on Constitutionality.

You keep trying to squirm away from that fact while being unable to point to the verbiage in the US Constitution specifically giving the federal government the power / authority to regulate abortions....

....that's because you CAN'T. The Constitutiondoes not give the federal govt that authority, and all power not specifically given to the federal govt by the Constitution is STATES' authority/ responsibility.

It does not get any simpler, any clearer than that.

To the contrary. I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. That the Justices decide things based upon their interpretation of the Constitution. I don’t always agree with their reasons or conclusions. But I believe they are acting as they believe the Constitution requires.

As for intent. Perhaps you can help me. Where in the Second Amendment does it allow the restriction of firearm ownership by people who have served their sentences and are free of any further supervision such as parole or probation?

And before you argue that the Fifth allows people to be deprived. It says Life, Liberty, or Property. A liberty is something you get with permission. You take liberties with a woman if she doesn’t say no. A right is something that no one can prevent you from doing. You have the right to free speech.

So where in the Second does it say that people can have their rights stripped for life?
So you assume you were having a 1-person / 1-sided discussion?! Libs prefer those because it makes it easier for them to define/ dictate everything.

That's not how discussion boards usually work. There is usually discussions between mote than 1 person and 1 person does not get to define everything in that discussion.

If you prefer to converse with yourself I will certainly let you. Good luck with that.

I made no assumptions. You made a clear statement in which I clearly responded to and questioned you about. You then completely dodged my question and tried to change the subject. It’s there in black and white. So don’t accuse me of playing games and being one sided when you’re the one all twisted up like a pretzel. Back up the shit you talk or stop talking shit. Running away from it and then making false distortion about things I say is a tactic for weak people and it is exactly what you’re doing.
I made no assumptions. You made a clear statement in which I clearly responded to and questioned you about. You then completely dodged my question and tried to change the subject. It’s there in black and white. So don’t accuse me of playing games and being one sided when you’re the one all twisted up like a pretzel. Back up the shit you talk or stop talking shit. Running away from it and then making false distortion about things I say is a tactic for weak people and it is exactly what you’re doing.
You done easyt65 ? Gonna keep that tail tucked or do you want another swing at backing up your own retarded statement? Example of a dem leader saying that a biological male can get pregnant and give birth.
Every now and then, Trump picks a dog. Perdue is one and so is Dr. Oz. His overall record is excellent but, like everyone else, he makes mistakes.

No party benefits from "purity" tests or still attempting to clone a past icon like JFK or Reagan. I see the right attacking candidates that could GET THE MESSAGE out with their public/people skills - and you TRUMP to tattoo a seal of approval on someone's butt while PERFECTLY good choices are rejected without his endorsements.

It's almost as stupid as the reliance that the left has on self-appointed fact-checkers. Just because a candidate doesn't want to exclude rape, incest from LEGAL abortions or OUTLAW the "morning after" pills -- SHOULD NEVER be the reason to REJECT a problem-solving, clear thinking, hard working CONSTITUTION - loving -- Civils Liberties person on a ballot.
You done easyt65 ? Gonna keep that tail tucked or do you want another swing at backing up your own retarded statement? Example of a dem leader saying that a biological male can get pregnant and give birth.

Hate to step into a fine fiery argument here :>) BUT -- the whole dust-up teeters on WHO and WHAT can CALL themselves "a man". Goin with the gender hysterical is not a good look for any sane person.

As for politicians saying it. They SAY IT all the time.. THIS is from the past couple days.

2017 - 2021
Trump: The networks need me because I'm great for ratings.
Liberals: Fuck you, no you're not!

2021 - present
Liberals: Tell me more about what Trump is saying and doing!
You just can't hind that derangement can you. He's living rent-free in your mind and other leftists right now.
Yes. That's sex .

There many leftists out there saying there are more than two sexes out there which is why there are now people who can't tell us what a woman is...... :cuckoo:

That is the problem in creating irrational themes for people to follow no matter how stupid it is.

There is only TWO sexes and gender identities/traits are few and way overblown.
There many leftists out there saying there are more than two sexes out there which is why there are now people who can't tell us what a woman is...... :cuckoo:

That is the problem in creating irrational themes for people to follow no matter how stupid it is.

There is only TWO sexes and gender identities/traits are few and way overblown.
There's only two sexes..
Hate to step into a fine fiery argument here :>) BUT -- the whole dust-up teeters on WHO and WHAT can CALL themselves "a man". Goin with the gender hysterical is not a good look for any sane person.

As for politicians saying it. They SAY IT all the time.. THIS is from the past couple days.

You make a fair and valid point. The reason why I’m pressing easyt65 so hard is because he is taking your valid point to the next level by saying that dem leaders are claiming that biological males can get pregnant. So now the true elements of the debate are lost and it’s just “crazy” people on the left. But when pressed on it he dodges.

How are we to have civilized debates if the two sides can’t be honest about the facts?

The people you and he are talking about are obviously referring to trans individuals who were born as biological females but transition and or identify as male. Not biological males getting pregnant.

There’s a reason why he is now silent. He was being dishonest and has no more excuses

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