That's easy for a white man to say.
Did it ever occur to you that he was? Damn man, can you not see the forest for the trees?
That's easy for a white man to say.
Who ever told you I was white?
It doesn’t matter what someone’s skin color is, this racial component is largely politically divided. You really don’t even hear people on the right talking about race, until it becomes a headline. It’s the left who are driving this racial tension. The radio shows I listen to on the progressive channel are notorious for over using the word “racist”. They throw it around like it’s water. They call anyone and everyone on the right a racist..all day, every day.
Did it ever occur to you that he was? Damn man, can you not see the forest for the trees?
Sure, i always consider that possibility, but then I realize..oh wait…I have no basis to think that, as we don’t know what he was thinking when he said it, all we have are his words, which didn’t mention anything about his ethnicity.
I mean, much worse has been said about white people by the black community here on usmb. Am I to assume you are all racist?
Why didn’t you guy get this upset when Biden talked about Obama being a clean and articulate black man? Or when Biden said if you were having trouble figuring out whether you were for him or Trump, then you weren’t black? Or Biden talking about racial jungles. Or Biden talking about having to have an Indian accent to go into a 7-11. There are some statements with some more direct racial overtones, and you all just let it slide, but trump says “that one” with no context behind it, and you all are making a fuss about it.
Had there been an obvious racial component to what Trump said, I’d agree with you, but it’s just not there…he could have been talking about congressmen in general. I mean, in the same sentence, Trump praised Donald’s for being a superstar, if he hates black people? Also, you all didn’t even pick up on his praise for Donald’s, which he’s done several times, but you picked up on a remark that you perceive to be racism.